
There is Always Something to Be Thankful For

There is always something to be grateful for... #freedom #blog #blogging #entrepreneur #startablog #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #inspiration #gratitude #motivation

How to make Gratitude work for YOU to live more happily and freely.

When I’m not at my best or I’m feeling a little anxious, sad, lonely or worried There is one thing I do that works every time.

That my friend is practice gratitude. So I would like to share with you how you can use gratitude in your life.

To find more calm, peaceful happiness and pleasure in your life.

What I do is think of 3 things that I am grateful for. To demonstrate I will share 3 things I am grateful for right now.

Three things I am grateful for...

  1. I am grateful that my kids are healthy.

2. I am grateful that today was a beautiful warm sunny day where I live.

3. I am grateful, that I have the freedom to work where I want when I want and how I want.

Because no matter how bad things may seem at times, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. 

It all starts with a positive attitude. 

So when times get tough, I stop and think  to myself “What are 3 things I am grateful for right now?”

Then I either write them down, say them out loud, think them to myself or I text them to a friend.

Why 3 you ask? 

Well, it works for me. I’ve tried journaling gratitude in the morning. Then in the evening. I’ve tried listing everything I am thankful for, which can eat up a LOT of your time. 

That’s why 3 is my magic number.

Because it’s something I can do to easily. To shift my mindset from a distressed state to a state of gratitude. You can’t be in a state of anxiety, fear, sadness or depression when you are feeling grateful.

How to Make Gratitude Work For You

So figure how you can work gratitude into your day. To make it work for you. So you can find more peace, love, and joy in your life.

I sure hope this helps you when you’re feeling a little off.

Especially, when you are feeling anything but calm, happy, or grateful that you might remember this.

Hopefully, it will help brighten your day.

If you want to learn how you can live the freedom lifestyle, so you can work how you want when you want, and from anywhere in the world (using only a laptop and an internet connection) download your FREE guide to start your own blog or online business below.

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There is always something to be thankful for... #freedom #blog #blogging #entrepreneur #startablog #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #inspiration #gratitude #motivation
Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.