
Insanity Makes the Ferocious Beastly Lion ROAR

I flew home from LA yesterday on the much dreaded red-eye. I planned it intentionally hoping I would have a little time for sunshine and some much needed R & R.

It wasn’t in the cards, since the only free day I had was chilly and cloudy. Such is life. Besides, what I learned and all the amazing people I connected with while there, is invaluable.

Our flight out of LA was delayed for hours which was going to cause me to miss my connecting flight. They booked me on a much later connecting flight, which I was not happy about.

But then, as we were about to descend, they announced that the Detroit airport was closed due to weather. We would now be landing in Buffalo. My home and final destination. Woo hoo!

As bad as I felt for the others poor souls on the plane, I was excited. I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to see my girls and my snuggly kitties.

When we landed, they informed us that we would not be departing the plane and that we would have to fly back to Detroit. I explained to the airline staff that this was my final destination. Do you know what they told me?


You may not leave the plane. You have to fly back to Detroit and catch another flight back. Meanwhile, the later flight they had me booked on, was already cancelled. Since all flights going in and out of Detroit were cancelled.


I, my friend am not one to scurry back to my seat and sit quietly in frustration. If you push the wrong buttons, like a ferocious, beastly lion, I will ROAR.

Then they said, that even if they let me off the plane, I could not have my luggage and that I would be “voluntarily abandoning my luggage.”


The first thing I thought of were my favorite cute, high heel brown boots that were in my luggage. I brought them to change into after landing, before heading out into the Buffalo snow. I love those boots. Plus, they were expensive! For me anyway.

I wasn’t even thinking about all the other valuable things I had in my luggage, like my flat iron and my absolute favorite book that I paid a whopping $97 for. And I don’t think it can be replaced. So angry and frustrated and went back on the plane, to wait in line for the restroom with all the other passengers needing to relieve themselves.

I loudly told several people what was happening and people were just shocked!

One man even suggested that I suddenly become “sick.”

Shortly thereafter, they announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so and that we would have to pick up our luggage at the airport, at a later time.


Several people followed me off the airplane. And I still cannot wrap my head around why they sat quietly, allowing the airline to bully them.

My feet were freezing and soaking wet as I walked around the car, through a foot of snow to brush off the car before heading home.

But I was elated! I could go home, sleep and see my family.

Speaking of being elated, I have some exciting things coming up! Next week I will be going live on 3 radio shows. All with pretty big audiences, two with well over 2 millions listeners. The Queen Silvy Show, The Senior Zone and AME radio. I will post them on my media page and follow up with dates and times in case you want to listen in.

Another super exciting thing I have planned is my new product launch (details to follow) and my brand new Facebook Group, collaborated with the lovely Linh Chao.

It’s called “HELP Me Break the Silence.” We have created this group to support Mental Health Awareness and give support to anyone who feels like they are alone. This is a group to give positive support by sharing your story and ask questions. We feel together we can all help each other to break the silence.

Linh and I both have suffered the difficulties of having a bipolar mother. Now we want to share our stories and how we cope to help others heal through positive interaction.

It is in the beginning stages. But this one isn’t going anywhere. I have found my calling and my mission. It is on!

If you want to join or know anyone who needs to break the silence, here is the link to join:


Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.