
How to Use the Right Keywords and Hashtags to Make Money on Pinterest

Make money using Pinterest to buy more shoes! Read it now... #lifestyle #blog #blogging #business #entrepreneur #shoes #pinterest #socialmedia #marketing #bloggingtips #money

“Help! He stole my strappy sandals!”
~Carrie Bradshaw “Sex and the City”

Read this cute story to discover how you can find and use the right keywords and hashtags on Pinterest. To make your Pinterest pins go viral so you can make money using Pinterest.

Plus a *secret* marketing tip that can make you lots of money…

One of my all-time favorite TV shows is “Sex and the City.” I especially love it since she too is a writer. And although I am not into shoes the way Carrie is, I do love a cute pair of strappy sandals.

I do not however, spend ridiculous amounts of money on Manolo Blahnik shoes. 

Not yet…

There is a scene where Carrie gets robbed in a deserted alleyway in broad daylight. She begs the thief not to take her favorite pair of Manolo Blahniks but he doesn’t give. She’s left with no purse, no money and worst of all – with no shoes.

On a dirty disgusting New York City sidewalk.

So you see?

Things could always be worse.

I have this miraculous gift for being able to spin every negative situation into a positive one. 

When Carrie’s friend Miranda shows up to save her (with a giant pair of sneakers that don’t fit) she hits it off with the cute cop who is taking the police report. So something good came of it.

At least her friend got a date.

Why do I bring up this sad story of Carrie losing her favorite pair of strappy sandals? Well, this morning I pulled out a pair of my favorite strappy sandals.

And I thought – I could use a new pair of shoes.

I went to Pinterest to see what’s on sale. Who doesn’t love a sale? I did a quick search and lots and lots of cute shoes popped up.

How to find the best hashtags that people are searching for on Pinterest.

Did you know that fashion is one of the top searches on Pinterest? So if you are thinking about starting a blog, fashion might be the way to go.

When I create new Pinterest boards I do a search to see what the top searches are on that subject. Then I write a keyword rich description and add relevant hashtags. Mine usually include: entrepreneurs, bloggers, blogging tips, traffic, Pinterest, lifestyle, etc.

My point is, when creating new Pinterest boards do a little research. To see what people are searching for in your niche. Create boards your Pinterest followers will find helpful.

How to Add Keyword Hashtags to Your Pins and Pinterest Boards

Then add relevant hashtags to your Pinterest boards and pins. This way your ideal customer can easily find them. Not just anyone but the perfect followers. Who want to buy your products and services.

So you can make more money. To buy new shoes.

There is a lot more to Pinterest than simply creating a business account and throwing up some pins. 

There is also a lot more to marketing and selling your products online. One thing, in particular, that is the *secret* to successful selling. Something I do consistently with my Pinterest account, my Pinterest pins...

And all of my marketing strategies.

It’s something you can easily apply to all of your marketing and selling online too. It just so happens that I share this secret marketing strategy in the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy Bundle.

This is a Marketing Strategy Used by All Million Dollar Marketers.

This same marketing strategy is used by ALL the top copywriters and marketers (in every industry) in the world. 

It’s a strategy that made a now well known product fly off store shelves. Creating a billion dollar industry that now has boxes lining shelves in just about every grocery store in the US. 

That is now bought by and used in most households.

You can find out how you can use this same marketing strategy to sell all of your products. I share this marketing tip in the PDF included with the “Traffic Driving Bundle.” It’s a special edition sold ONLY with the Viral Pinterest Pin Bundle. Sold exclusively here on my website.

You can’t get this anywhere else.

Here’s another marketing tip: Never give your best stuff for free.

This exact same marketing strategy also played a huge part in JK Rowling’s success. That helped make the Harry Potter series the #1 selling books in the world.

It is a true story I learned just the other day. From a Publishing Agent with one of the top Publishing companies. A publishing company that has been in business for over 25 years. Who I am considering using for some of my upcoming books.

It’s amazing the things you can learn by having the right connections. Or by buying the right products from people who learn from the right connections.

Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Website and Make More Money.

Start using Pinterest now. To drive traffic to your website. To drive loads of happy customers to your landing pages, blog posts and email opt-ins. So you can make more money using Pinterest too.

To buy more shoes

Oh, and by the way, I know you’re not a shoe thief (and you would never steal my strappy sandals). But you can steal this! The crazy traffic driving Viral Pinterest Strategy is a steal at this low, low price! Kick the link below to start now: I want to make money on Pinterest!

Read this cute story on why you should use Pinterest to make money! Read in now... #Pinterest #traffic #business #shoes #entrepreneur #money #blog #bloggers #blogging #online #workfromanywhere
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Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.