
How to Relieve PMS Symptoms Fast

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a common condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms are bloating, hunger cravings and rapidly changing mood swings which may lead to crying or lashing out in bursts of anger.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PMS. However, there are many ways to prevent and relieve PMS symptoms. Here are just a few ways to relieve symptoms fast.

Eat Chocolate to Relieve PMS

Eat chocolate. Chocolate contains natural ingredients that release endorphins which instantly make you feel better. The caffeine in chocolate also provides a quick boost of energy. The combination of caffeine with the “feel good” endorphins makes for a calming effect along with the deliciousness of the taste. Don’t overindulge, as chocolate is high in sugar and calories which can cause excess weight gain. Enjoy treats in moderation.

Exercise. Sweating it out with any exercise, running, yoga, Pilates or walking in the fresh air will make you feel better. If you don’t have much time, try doing at least 10 minutes of any exercise that gets you moving and your heart pumping faster.

Call a friend. Hearing the voice of someone you love can instantly make you feel better. Feel free to share the story that made you cry or have them share a funny story with you. Listening to joyful stories or stories filled with success should make you happy. Especially if it involves a personal friend or family member.

Make healthy food choices. Select foods high in fiber, protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You will feel better knowing you won’t put on excess weight. There is nothing worse than devouring a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream, then regretting it afterwards. Or the next day when you step on the scale.

Drink lots of water. A common symptom of PMS is bloating. Staying hydrated will reduce the bloating, make you feel better, and look better improving your morale. Adding citrus to your water and other natural detoxifiers will help reduce the bloating more quickly. Try this Delicious Detox Water Recipe for faster relief.

To sum up, eat chocolate for instant relief. Exercise regularly and for a quick fix to reduce PMS symptoms immediately. Make healthy eating choices and use the “everything in moderation” rule. Don’t overindulge. It will negate what you are trying to accomplish. If you do indulge, don’t beat yourself up over it. Your mental well being is as important to combating stress and PMS systems as your physical health. Get support from friends and family when needed. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and use natural detoxifiers to beat the bloat for faster relief.  Download your FREE Detox Water Recipe here.

Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.