
How to Pivot Your Business Without Breaking the Couch

Work from home... #workfromhome #blogging #howtostartablog #money #jobs #business #professionals #lifestyle #workfromanywhere #bloggingtips #money

“Pivot. Pivot. PIVOT!”
Ross from Friends

Hey. I hope you and your family are safe and well. 

As I watch the world pivot to stay safe, I have been trying to figure out what I should be doing that will best serve you and anyone else who needs what I can teach.

I thought about focusing on health and wellness. Certainly if I was still the health & fitness expert on The Queen Silvy Show that would be my focus. But honestly, I left the show for a reason. Plus, there are so many health experts speaking out right now that it doesn’t seem like where I’m needed most.

Not yet anyway…

What I can say though, is to take the advice of the experts.

Take all precautionary measures to reduce the risk of spreading the China virus. And take zinc to help build a stronger immune system.

C’mon, you can’t tell me it wasn’t just a little bit amusing when our beloved President stood before our great Nation on national television and called the Coronavirus the China virus.

Can you imagine how ticked off his PR people were with him?

During these trying times, laughter is still the best medicine.

Speaking of laughter, I love the show Friends and enjoy watching the old episodes with my kids from time to time. 

Which leads me to the topic at hand. 

How to pivot without breaking the couch. You gotta love that episode.
So I decided to lay low on health advice while I focus on what I already have ready to offer. The courses and programs that are available to you at this very moment.

Stuff that can calm your anxiety over your finances.

According to the Washington Post a record 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits as the coronaviris slams the economy.

I think it’s safe to say there are a lot of folks nervous about their financial future. Now not everyone is willing to take on the challenge of starting an online business. But you unquestionably have a better chance of securing your financial future by taking control over your situation, then wondering what lies ahead.

The truth is that you can take just about any profession or knowledge and shift it into something you can teach online. 

This way you can make some cash and serve your people at the same time. All from the comfort and safety of your own home.

It just takes a little pivot.

The thing about making this shift in your business, by pivoting to serve your tribe in the online space, is that if you do it just right, you can successfully furnish your future with nice things. Like security, a constant stream of revenue and peace of mind.

But careful now, you don’t want to end up like Ross from Friends. Screaming, “Pivot!” As he tries to push a couch through a tight staircase in the hallway. When it doesn’t fit.

Ending up with a broken couch. Instead of a comfy place to sit.

So to show you how to pivot your unique offer, to meet the needs of your perfect client or customer, I’ve created a brand new membership site.

This way, if you need something, I can find a solution for you without having to *guess* what you need. Whether it’s by bringing in an expert or sharing a valuable resource.

Now it’s a simple business model. Find a starving crowd, get them to join your email list with a solution to a problem they have, email them often and offer a better (stronger) solution to a problem they are facing. 
A product or service that offers such value that your perfect customer must have it.

Then, of course, you have to know how to sell it to them. Not because you’re greedy and want to make money. But because you sincerely want to help them find a solution. Because it ain’t doing anybody any good if no one buys your amazing products!

Inside the membership, you will gain access to immediately follow the easy path to setting up your own “work from home plan” without having to break the couch.

This way you too, can quickly and easily create your perfect offer for your perfect customer. 

I show you exactly how to do all this inside the 24 page downloadable eBook that you can access within the membership site.

And in Video 6 where I teach you 5 ways to make money while working from home. Including how you can take advantage of affiliate marketing.

Even if you don’t have anything of your own to sell yet.

Why a membership site, you ask?

Because I don’t want you to ever feel “stuck.” Like I have so many times over the years. Figuring stuff out by myself. 

If you have a question, there’s a pretty good chance I have the answer. Or I can send you directly to someone who I know does. 

Growing a thriving 6 figure online business (that can replace your full-time income) takes time, patience, learning and always pivoting to keep up with ever-changing times.

You will learn what is working (and what isn’t) with marketing, Facebook and YouTube ads, many ways to drive traffic to your offer (so your ideal customer can buy your product) writing emails and sending them to your list, list building, how to build a membership site, the easiest (and fastest) way to set up a merchant account and much, much, more…

I have a very large list of upcoming training and videos that will show you everything you need to know. 

Including all the things I am currently doing to grow my business.
Tell me what you need and I will shoot a quick video to teach you how to do it. It’s that simple. I can easily upload it to the membership site and there you go. 

Plus, once inside you can model what I am doing within the membership site. 

Since monthly recurring revenue is where it’s at when it comes to financial security. Which is something everyone needs or should have. Especially right now. 

You can dive in to access your crash course to working from home today. You can try it for 30 days for only $7. 

That’s right you have 30 days to test drive it with no risk or obligation. You may cancel anytime before your 30 days is up and won’t be charged again.

And because I want to help as many people as possible with absolutely no risk, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, I will return your $7 with no questions asked. 

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to love it.

But this offer isn’t for just anyone.

Only the sexy people…

Just kidding. It’s only for serious entrepreneurs who are in this for the long hall. This is NOT a get rich quick overnight plan. It takes work, perseverance, a lot of testing (like all marketing does) and there is a lot for you to earn.

But that’s okay because building your own six-figure business should be fun too.

So if you are serious about creating a lifestyle filled with flexibility, freedom, financial security and comfort. Then pivot your fingers straight to the link below:

Work from the Comfort & Safety of Home

Stay safe my friend,

Make sure you eat healthy, get your sleep, paint your nails, get fresh air, wash your hair, breathe (not too close), don’t let fear overcome you, wash your hands, take vitamins, tell your favorite people you love them and remember that “This too shall pass.”  

And secure your finances and financial future. You can take care of that part here: Join the work from home Tribe.

Work from the safety and comfort of home. #workfromhome #money #work #jobs #finances #startablog
Work from the Safety and Comfort of Home
Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.