
How to Feel Happier

Something I read a while back , struck a chord in me…

“Happiness is a feeling.”

This is something I tell myself often. You see, the past year has been one of the worst years of my life.

Starting my own business and trying to start a blog has kept me trying to keep a smile on. Publicly, I mean. No one cares when things are bad. They don’t want to hear it.

And when things are good?

Greed, jealousy and envy can rear their ugly heads in ways I never thought possible. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to feel happier. It doesn’t change the ugliness in this world.

With that said, despite what challenges you are dealing with now. The good, the bad or the ugly. Happy times, stressful times or scary difficult times.

There are actionable things you can do right now to feel happier.

If I can still manage to feel happy enduring what I have been through this past year, there is no question you can too. Today I want to share some of the things I think can make anyone feel happier.

On good days or bad.

Things that you might need to force yourself to do. But that you *should* do if you need a pick me up. Happiness really does only exist within yourself.

Pink, red, orange and yellow are happy colors.

You can’t change the past. You can’t make bad people good. You can’t turn black into white. But there are shades of gray that you can add color to.

Add some color to your life by surrounding yourself with cheerful colors and friendly kind people. Stop and take time to do something you enjoy.

Play a silly game on your phone for a few minutes. Go for a walk or watch a funny YouTube video. Anything that will make you laugh.

Call a friend. Be careful with this one. Not everyone who pretends to be your friend is your friend. I hope you don’t learn this the hard way the way I have.

When you do, you don’t need to mention that you’re feeling bad. You don’t have to vent or share even. Simply say to your friend, “Tell me something good.”

You’ll be surprised how a happy or uplifting story can lift your spirits. Even if it’s just for a moment.

Exercise. Exercising Makes You Feel Happier.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Walk, run, jump rope. Do a set of angry pushups. You would be surprised how you can instantly feel happier just be getting your heart pumping.

Eating Makes You Feel Good

Sometimes when you’re feeling sad you forget to eat. Or nothing tastes good…

At least for me anyway.

Eat something and drink a glass of water. Opt for something healthy like fruit or a large healthy meal. Depending on when you ate last.

Also, do treat yourself. This is time for self care. Do anything that will make you feel better!

Eating chocolate is good!

Just don’t go to town on a whole pint of Death by Chocolate (my personal favorite). Eat a small amount of chocolate while you are preparing a healthy snack or meal.

Whatever bad sh*t is bringing you down, put a positive spin on it.

I have this bizarre gift of being able to find a positive in every single situation. I’m not kidding when I say this.

Even the most horrible things that have happened to me.

How to turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Here’s an example. When I was a kid about 9 years old, I was drowning in a pool of water.

(I’ll share the story of how it happened another time.)

This is about your happiness. Let’s get back on topic…

I was taking in water, drowning. On a beautiful sunny day. Surrounded by happy kids who were swimming, laughing and having fun.

Meanwhile, I was suffocating. I was taking in water and drowning in a chlorine filled (and who knows what else) public pool. After my short bout of panic (trying to grab peoples feet to get help) I suddenly gave in. I realized that this was the end. Oddly, I felt a moment of blissful peace.

Kind of like in the movies. You know, like when the white light suddenly appears out of the clouds.

Then suddenly, someone grabbed me. It was the girl who almost killed me. She lifted me up and carried me to the edge of the pool. Where I gagged and coughed trying to breathe again.

Which felt even worse than the drowning itself.

Not to mention the humiliation I felt in front of everyone. Especially, in front of the cute lifeguards.

Because the lifeguards are always cute, right?

The three positive and most important things that have come of this are: I started taking my daughters to swim class at a very young age. I will never regret the chilly mommy and me swim classes we went to.

They continued to take swim classes until I knew both my girls could swim well.

I too finally learned how to swim. I took adult swim classes as soon as I could afford them. I was in my twenties when I finally learned how to swim.

It just goes to show you, it’s never too late to learn something new.

The most important thing I learned which is also the most valuable positive thing. That I can spin out of this dire situation is that I am not afraid of dying.

Maybe it’s because I know the things I have accomplished in my life are enough. The people I have helped and the lives I have touched. Or maybe it was that moment of bliss I felt.

There was no fear.

So what lots of people consider the worst case scenario being death, I do not.

The worst case scenario for me is that I die unhappy. Nothing will stop me from trying to make as many people feel happier before that happens.

Making other people happy can make you feel happier.

That’s what makes me feel happy. When I help other people.

Whether it’s to help you lose weight or to try to find a happier career path… Or to write that book you’ve been thinking about. The one that’s eating you up inside.

It makes no difference to me. As long as I can help at least one person.

Some business experts would say that my website is “confusing” to visitors. The message isn’t always clear.

So here is what it is all about: How you can feel happier.

If you want to feel happier check out my list of products. It’s a mixed bag of stuff. I guess I’m still trying to figure out what makes me feel happier.

So kill me – I’m not afraid.

Contact me now if you need help growing your business through the Power of Writing. Or starting your own business…

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“I really love your way with words. You’re friggin talented Irene. I love how you write. It gave me chills.” 

~Jennelle Gordon
Founder of Beyond Freedom

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Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.