
How to Beat the Holiday Blues

There are many causes for holiday depression. Loneliness, missing loved ones who have passed on or are no longer in your life are common reasons for catching the holiday blues. Holiday shopping stress, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, overindulging at holiday parties, grey dismal weather or financial stress can make things worse.

If you or someone you know is feeling a little sad this holiday season, there are many ways you can perk up your mood and get through the difficult moments. Persevere and enjoy the holiday season with the ones you love. Read on to see how you can beat the holiday blues and make this holiday season a celebration of happiness.

5 Ways to Make Your Holiday Season Brighter

Christmas should be a joyous occasion. Below are a few suggestions to help you or someone you love get through the holidays.

1. Let yourself cry. It is perfectly okay to cry. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Watch a good tear jerker movie. One of my all time favorite movies is “A Walk to Remember.” A story about two young kids who fall in love starring Mandy Moore. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry. Making it a perfect remedy for feeling sad.

2. Spend time with the people you love. Gather up the family and do something fun together. Watch a good comedy, play a game or just hang out. Surrounding yourself with love and laughter will help you conquer those sneaky holiday blues.

3. Exercise. I can’t even begin to touch upon the health benefits of exercise. This isn’t anything you don’t already know. Exercise makes you feel happier. Just do it. Call a friend and go for a walk. The combination of fresh air, exercise and good conversation will instantly lift your mood.

4. Eat healthy. It’s easy to put on a few extra pounds around the holidays. Nothing feels worse than waking up, feeling bloated and putting on your favorite jeans only to have your gut hanging over. Yuck. Treat yourself, but don’t overindulge. If you do overindulge and want to debloat fast, you can download my Delicious Detox Water recipe here.

5. Smile. Smiles are contagious. Making other people feel good has a boomerang effect that will elevate your mood as well as theirs. Remember to spread joy to people around you. Smiling or offering a few kind words to anyone you encounter will make you feel better.

Appreciate what you have. It could be gone tomorrow. Don’t risk losing time with the people you love. Create new traditions and happy memories that you can cherish. Again, it’s okay to be sad. But recognize it, embrace it and move forward.

Post-Holiday Blues

For some the sadness begins after Christmas. Taking down the Christmas Tree and decorations isn’t nearly as fun as putting them up. The beautiful bright lights are gone. The Christmas songs stop playing. The Salvation Army Santa’s are no more.

And we’re often left having gained a few pounds and credit card bills to pay.

You can use the same coping for the Holiday Blues. But also try adding a few strategies to end the year on a high note. And begin the New Year more relaxed and less stressed.

5 Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

1. End the year being careful with your money. Holiday sales are tough to resist. You’ve been in what I refer to as spending mode. And it’s time to stop. If you save $2 on a $10 item, you’ve still spent $8. Resist going out too much and spending lavishly on nights out filled with entertainment. It’s tempting when old friends are home for the holidays. Instead suggest going for a walk or hitting the gym for a much needed post-holiday workout.

2. Look at your budget. Begin to strategize how you will begin the year off debt free. Cut back on expensive drive thru treats. Enjoy gourmet coffee at home. It’s amazing how much money you save by skipping the coffee shop brews and making it at home. Use your favorite travel mug. Using your Keurig is less expensive and you can still enjoy delicious brews to go.

3. Earn extra cash. Consider taking on a side hustle to earn a little extra cash. Use skills you have to teach someone something you know. Start a dog walking service, cleaning service or photography business on the weekends. Sell things in your home that you don’t use or need. If you want to make some extra cash fast read my article How to Make $200 Fast.

4. Begin a new exercise routine now. Why wait until the New Year. Wear your fancy New Year’s Eve dress in style. If you’re looking for fun ways to burn more calories, read chapters 6 and 7 in Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

5. Start eating healthy now. There is no reason to wait until the new year to begin feeling happier. You can feel great in all your clothes. Especially the ones you have buried in the back of the closet. For when you finally lose the weight. If dropping a couple dress sizes would make you feel happier check out Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

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Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.