
How to Get Your Pins & Blog Posts Saved on Pinterest

Discover a cool little trick that can get your articles more shares on Pinterest. It can even make your pins go viral.

When your website visitors share your pins and articles, you get more exposure on Pinterest. Making your Pins go viral. Keep reading to see how you can use this one thing to drive more traffic to your website.

Please take a second to share this article by pinning it to one of your boards. This way your Pinterest followers can learn this trick too!

How it works…

Pinterest recognizes that your content is helping people. They see who’s pinning your pins and from where. When they see that you are providing good content and getting more saves, they will begin to throw your Pinterest Pins even further.

Reaching more people, making your Pins go viral and driving even more traffic to your website.

What does this all mean for you?

More traffic means more people opting into your email list. More people clicking on your affiliate links and more of the ole’ green stuff in your pockets.

The ultimate goal of a successful blog right?

Helping more people and making money so you can keep doing what you love!

Once I discovered the “Pin It” plugin, my Pinterest Pins began to go viral. Along with doing some other things too, of course!

About a month ago my Pinterest pins started going further and further. Finally! My email list grew and sales went up. I became obsessed with learning everything there is to drive even more traffic to my website.

That’s when I started sharing what I’ve learned about Pinterest.

The “Pin It” plugin is so simple and easy to use. Once installed a Pinterest icon appears on all of your pictures and Pinterest Pins. Making it super easy for your visitors to share your pins. If you hover over any picture in this blog post you will see how the Pinterest icon appears.

Watch this video now to see exactly how you can drive more traffic to your website. If you prefer not to watch the video I show you exactly what to do below.

Go to your dashboard and go to Plugins. Then hit “Add new.” Install and activate the “JQuery Pin It Button for Images” plugin.

Once it is activated you can select the style of button you want and where you want it to appear on your images. You can watch the video above to see exactly how to do it.

Discover more ways to make your Pinterest Pins go viral. Click on this link now to Learn more…

Get your articles and blog posts shared from your website. Read how now... #blog #blogging #bloggers #website #traffic #money #business #lifestyle #workfromanywhere
Sharing is Caring! Pin it now…
Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.