
Cure The Chaos

Every day I drop the kids off at school in morning. Well, most mornings anyway. And the drop off is usually chaos. There really isn’t a set system.

Unlike the elementary school where they used to go, where teachers directed traffic to move parents along. Plus memos went out on a regular basis to remind us that 6 cars pull in, drop off, then pull out. Of course you have the occasional newbie who stops right in the middle, helps their kid out of the car, puts their backpack on, kisses them goodbye, all while parents are anxiously waiting, worried they’ll be late for work.


It’s not their fault. They just don’t know better.

Just like this morning. Someone was taking up two spots to drop off his kid and he was parked there for a while. So I pulled up behind him, now blocking the crosswalk for the kids, and beeped. He got the message and pulled up. It’s not his fault. He just didn’t realize.

Of course I gave him a thank you wave. But some days I’m just not so nice about it. But I woke up feeling good, ready to tackle the day. Which is why I created Fit For Sanity. To help other busy people like me, feel better.

Anyway, the best way to cure the chaos is to take care of yourself. If you eat healthy and exercise you just feel better about yourself. It changes your whole attitude and how you react to others.

Alright enough droning on. Down to business. Despite the fact that I have been squeezing in exercise here and there all week, I have not had a really good hour workout all week. So today I’m going to set aside 1 hour, just for me. No phone calls. No checking emails. Alright, I might check in between sets of pushups, but I am not responding until after that hour.

And you know why?

Because I’m worth it. And so are you. No excuses. You deserve to feel good today. So do what you can but if possible, block out some time just for you.

That’s it. I hope you have an amazing day!



Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.