
Category Archives for "Work from anywhere"

Maybe She’s Born With It or Maybe It’s Magic

“We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. We have the power to imagine better.
~J.K. Rowling

I recently started reading the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. 

Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement.  The Magic is one of the books in the trilogy of The Secret and is basically a “how-to” guide on using gratitude to manifest anything you want into your life.  It’s basically a 28-day guide to magically manifest anything you want into your life.  

Now, I’m not sure if I actually believe in Magic per se. But I do believe in consistency and the power of believing in yourself and I think J.K. Rowling says it well. 

So maybe she’s born with it or maybe it’s magic…

Either way, I’m all about gratitude and positive thinking – so why not give it a shot.  

We ALL desire something we don’t already have.  

There are two reasons I decided to go ALL IN on this. A couple of weeks ago my friend Cherie Marquez (aka The Dog Mystic) asked me to form a Facebook group with her.  And inside the group, she wants to do the 28 days of Magic together.  

This way we’ll hold each other accountable and lift as we climb.

This is why we’re inviting you to join us.  

The other reason is that I did my research as any good copywriter would do.

I read the reviews and here’s what I found: The book has a 5 out of 5-star rating on Amazon with 87% of readers giving it 5 stars and that’s with 12,490 reviews.  

One verified purchaser, a person by the name of E. Blossom said, “ABSOLUTELY LIFE CHANGING. Went from roughly $70 in my bank account to traveling and making over $78K in 3 months.” 

And we can all use a little extra cash. I also truly believe in the power of community.  

When we band together the magic happens… 

So here’s the deal: each day, one of us (either Cherie or I) will be going Live inside our Facebook group and sharing how to use gratitude to manifest anything you want in your life. 

This could be with your health, relationships, money, career. your business, abundance, love, passions, material things, or anything your heart desires.  Even finally writing that book you’ve thinking about. We’re starting this Wednesday, May 5 (which happens to be my Mom’s birthday, and what a fitting memorial tribute to the wonderful woman she was).  This way, the 28th day will be June 1st which is Cherie’s birthday. That one we planned. 🙂 

Which I thought makes a perfect birthday gift for my friend.  We named the group Find Your True Bliss 

Because to me, that’s what life is about. Finding joy and happiness in all that we do.  To join us inside our brand new Facebook group and find your true bliss use the link below. 

Make today amazing! 


If you need some one-on-one help with anything pertaining to writing your book or getting clarity on your path (or your business) hit reply to schedule a private coaching session with me.  

I’ve opened up just a few spots this week for the first 3 people who respond. I don’t do this very often but I’m offering an enormous discount so grab it now before it’s too late. 

We’ll schedule a live 60-minute Zoom call for only $97.  These spots fill up quickly… So hit reply now to save your spot before they fill up! 

Discover how to manifest anything your heart desires... #blogging #startaBlog #writing #writerslife #barefootwriter #bliss #happiness #happy #inspiration #quotes #motivation #book #writing #workfromhome #workfromanywhere

How to Drive Massive and Highly Engaged Traffic to Your Website

This article was originally published on November 5, 2020.

Get READY to drive Massive high-quality traffic to your blog (or website) that gets your audience saying YES to your offers.

**Make sure you share this article and save it for later**

One of the fastest ways to drive high-quality traffic and increase your website’s SEO is by getting media interviews. The media is significantly more effective than paid ads and social media because it’s more credible and trust-worthy.

And it makes you look like a Big Shot in your industry.

One of the enormous benefits of getting media interviews is that Google rewards you (and your website) when you have backlinks from reputable sources. Like media outlets, well-known blogs, and podcasts. The more backlinks you have to your website, the higher Google ranks you in their search engine when prospective buyers are searching for your freebies and offers.

This can drive massive organic traffic to your website, build your email list, and make you better, richer, faster with your blog and business!

Here’s what usually happens when you land an interview on a podcast or radio show.

Your interview and website links get posted on the podcast host’s website. Then they promote you on all their social media channels and to their email list. And, if you use this strategy, you can link even more traffic back to your website.

For example, when you get booked on a podcast, make sure you have a relevant article and lead magnet ready. This way their listeners WANT to go to your website.

Build Your Email List Fast with insider SECRETS #bloggingtips #workfromhome #listbuilding #business #traffic #secrets #lifestyle #blogging

Email *Secrets* to Quickly Grow Your Email List

Getting media interviews is a great way to grow your email list. Once you capture your visitors’ emails you can turn them into paying customers.

*For more email and list building *secrets* and a Beginner’s Guide to making money with emails download your FREE guide here.*

This makes you look like a hero to the show host. Because you are providing interesting and engaging content for their audience.

Which is a win/win for everyone.

Your podcast interviews then become evergreen. This means that your interviews can drive traffic to your website for years to come.

You know how when you get hooked on a series on Netflix? Or when you get hooked on a new podcast, you end up binge-listening to the entire series.

It’s the same thing for your potential customers!

That’s how you can quickly grow your business – by driving high-quality traffic to your blog or website.

Learn more about how You can get booked on radio shows and podcasts here: Podcast Power

Drive MASSIVE free traffic to your website. Read how... #traffic #blog #bloggingtips #bloggers #blog #website #entrepreneur #business #media #money

5 Ways You Can Get Paid to Write

If you’ve been thinking about starting a career in writing there has never been a better time to start then right now.

You’re going to learn 5 ways that you can get paid as a writer while working from home. Or from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Actually, you don’t even need a laptop (although it makes it easier).

You could do all of these using just a smartphone. As long as you’re connected to the world wide web.

I have made money all 5 ways that I am sharing with you below, and all of them can earn you extra income too. Or you can turn any one of them into a full-time career.

So you too can have the freedom that comes with living the writer’s life.

Here are 5 ways that you can start right away to earn a good living as a paid writer:

Freelance writing and guest blogging. The first time I got to paid to write an article I got paid $100. Although it wasn’t much, it was an amazing feeling to actually get paid as a writer.

Honestly, I’m not even sure if they ever published the article I wrote. But one of the cool things is that the editor helped me by giving me feedback about what I wrote. This helped me improve my writing skills.

There are tons of websites and publications that pay for articles and photos.

Make sure when pitching a publication that you follow their guidelines for guest posting and article submission.

Become a high paid copywriter. What exactly is a copywriter? A copywriter is someone who writes direct response *copy* for websites, emails, direct mail, social media, advertisements, or anything that leads someone to take action.

Whether it’s to read another article, sign up for an email list, register for a webinar, go to an event or make a purchase.

It’s the persuasive writing that sells or gets your ideal client or customer to take action.

Becoming a copywriter is one of the most lucrative ways of becoming a writer. Because there is always a need for good copywriters.

That’s why businesses pay so well. Your writing makes them money.

So let’s say you write an email campaign that makes your client $20,000. They will gladly pay you $3,000 to write 10 emails that make them money.

Paying a copywriter is an investment that saves business owners time (so they can focus on what they do best) and it makes them money.

It’s a skill every business owner should learn. Whether you plan to hire copywriters or write your own copy.

Learning the fundamentals of persuasive writing that sells improves all of your content.

Including social media posts, video scripts, live streams, blog posts, writing emails to your list, and especially sales pages.

Proofreading and Editing. If you have good language and English skills then you can easily get work as a proofreader.

There are tools available to help you and there is a ton of work out there.

When I first started writing, I picked up some side jobs like this to earn extra money and for my very first assignment I got paid around $700.

There are over 50,000 new books being published on Kindle every month and every book needs to be edited and proofread. So if you are looking to make some extra cash and improve your writing skills, it’s a great way to start.

Write and sell Books. Self-publishing is the fastest and easiest way to become a published author.

Books are a great way to earn extra income. You get paid for every book you sell plus you can turn your book into a lead magnet (to build your email list), a course or an easy way to promote your business.

It is also one of the fastest ways to distinguish yourself as a professional writer and the go-to expert in your industry.

After I wrote my first book it became easy to get media interviews on podcasts and on the radio. Getting interviewed on other people’s shows is one of the best ways to quickly build your brand and gain instant credibility as a writer.

Start your own “work from home” side hustle or full-time online business today.

Here’s the link to download a FREE newletter that shows you how: One of the fastest ways to make money online to work from the comfort and safety of home.

5 ways to get paid as a writer. #workfromhome #blog #blogging #writer #job #money #business

Create Passive Income with Pinterest

Updated on September 13, 2019. Don’t forget to Pin this article to share with your Pinterest followers!

Imagine one-morning waking up, you stretch, then pick up your phone to check the weather. You open your Pinterest app when suddenly you realize, one of your pins has gone viral!

You’ve had 180 saves and 180 clicks. That’s 180 new visitors to your website. From only ONE of your pins. Finally, your Pinterest strategy is working! People are finally reading all the great content you’ve created and signed up for your email list! This means more people to buy your products so you can make more money.

Later that day, you get an email notification about a sale. Then another sale and another…

Your email list is finally growing faster than you could have imagined!

Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.

Once I discovered a method to make Pinterest pins go viral, repeatedly, I knew I had a winning formula. I made this blog post short for a reason. I want you to take this information, implement it and start creating Pinterest Pins that go viral right away.

It took me months of reading, learning & testing to find a method that finally works. Even after taking a Pinterest course where I learned a lot.

That’s why I decided to start sharing my best Pinterest strategies with you. Things are constantly changing and with any marketing or social media, there is one thing you always need to do.

That is testing. The best way to test your pins and traffic is by analyzing your data. Using Pinterest analytics and installing the Yoast plugin were game-changers for me.

If you’re not using Yoast (or some type of data tacking) install it today!

Seriously. Yoast helps in so many ways. It does more than just help you track data. It shows how to make your blog posts SEO friendly (so people will find your blog posts using Google and other search engines).

It helps you analyze your blog posts and recommends including internal and external links. To increase your ranking in search engines.

It even gives you a readability analysis of your articles. Plus, it allows you to add keyword phrases and a meta description. So your perfect customer can easily find you through Pinterest and Google.

My 25 plus years in sales and marketing have taught me you can never stop testing and you always need to keep learning. To keep up with rapidly changing algorithms and marketing strategies.

To learn what is working now to increase your sales and income. So you can live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

The best way to learn is to teach what you know. I never intended to begin blogging and teaching about Pinterest. But it wouldn’t be fair to keep everything I’ve learned to myself.

Especially, since it’s working.

You can easily create Pinterest Pins that go viral, drive traffic to your website and create passive income – even while you sleep.

Your guide to Pinterest for business (a perfect starter guide especially for complete beginners) “10 Things that can make Your Pinterest pins go Viral” is a complete guide. It will show you ten basic steps to make your Pinterest pins go viral. Even if you’ve NEVER used Pinterest before. Or for your business.

Below is a screenshot of one of my very first viral pins. It made me feel so happy. 🙂

Make Pins go viral to drive traffic to your website.#website #traffic #bloggingtips #Pinterest #viral #business #lifestyle #income #money #workfromanywhere #workfromhome #blog #blogging

The best part is I keep getting more and more pins that go viral. With more clicks and more saves without needing to use group boards. Even after seeing a considerable dip in my monthly views.

Seriously, after Pinterest went public my monthly views went from 240k to 50k. Yet, my email list still keeps growing and more importantly making sales. All the things I did (which I show you in the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy) have created a steady stream of traffic and income for me and my business.

That means Pinterest is finally working on automation!

Imagine my excitement after trying different things for so long. The good news is that it shouldn’t take you nearly as long as it took me. With everything, you can learn today with this simple strategy.

Start today and you can begin creating Pins that go viral. Driving traffic to your website so you can make you money while you sleep.

Start now by downloading your FREE guide below
“10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
Sharing is caring.
Discover how you can make passive income using Pinterest. Read it now... #blog #blogging #bloggers #bloggingtips #business #traffic #socialmedia #Pinterest #lifestyle #workfromanywhere #money
Sharing is caring.

Pay it Forward on Pinterest

Discover how you can pay it forward on Pinterest. To help more entrepreneurs succeed and make the world a better place.

Imagine your website suddenly exploding with traffic! Finally, all your hard work is paying off…

People are signing up for your email list. And you are making the kind of money you always dreamed of making.

Read how we can band together as bloggers. By paying it forward to other business owners on Pinterest. To help our fellow bloggers ~business owners just like you and me~ get the traffic they need to grow their business.

Grow your business by giving back. Read it now... #blog #blogging #business #entrepreneur #traffic #pinterest #socialmedia #marketing #bloggingtips #money #fashion #lifestyle

Does this sound crazy???

Maybe. Maybe not…

I have an idea. A splendidly crazy, magnificent idea.

What if every time we saw a Pin that doesn’t have a rich keyword description (and relevant hashtags) we entered an amazing description?

With keywords and hashtags that can help make all your pins fly?!

Even if we did this only once a day…

Imagine the impact we could have!

If every single business owner (or blogger) on Pinterest, repinned someone else’s pin onto one of their boards. A pin that had no description or hashtags (or one that could be better) just to help another blogger.

By paying it forward on Pinterest.

Think about it.

This idea could go viral. Imagine how many bloggers we could help!

By taking only ONE minute of your time each day. How we could vastly improve the chances of another person’s Pinterest Pin going viral.

We all know that Pinterest is a search engine.

That a great pin description with keywords and hashtags is vital to making a Pinterest Pin go viral. Without them, it’s nearly impossible for your perfect customer to find your pins.

Think of how good it feels to help people.

In fact, I have already been doing this. When I see a pin on Pinterest that doesn’t have hashtags or a description, my first thought is they must be a new blogger.

They simply just don’t know yet how important hashtags and great descriptions are.

Which is one of the reasons I started writing about Pinterest.

Then one day I realized that a lot of my Pinterest pins are also being saved without hashtags! It took a little research and testing. But once I figured out why, I found a solution.

Actually, I thought of two ways that can help more bloggers get more traffic using Pinterest.

You see, I realized that it was because my blog readers were saving my pins directly from my website. Without adding hashtags. Once I realized it, I figured out how your readers can save your Pinterest Pins with your descriptions and hashtags. Without having to add them.

Even when they are being saved directly from your website.

This way, when your website visitors save your pins, they will be saved with your description and hashtags.

Increasing the chances of your Pinterest pins going viral and driving more traffic to your website.

Cool, huh?

In fact, I created a video where you can learn exactly how to do it. It’s a quick video tutorial that I added as a Bonus video to the Viral Pin Strategy. A mini-course I created that teaches you how to make your Pinterest pins go viral.

Over and over again…

The other idea I came up with is to “Pay it Forward” on Pinterest.

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
Pin it now.

By sharing this we can help even more bloggers.

Isn’t that why we started blogging in the first place? To help people?

Trevor, the adorable little boy from the movie Pay it Forward asks, “What are you doing to change the world?”

Every kind gesture makes the world a better place…

I’m paying it forward now by sharing my winning formula to using Pinterest for your business. The exact same steps I used to make my Pinterest pins go viral! Download your FREE guide below. “10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Enter your best email below to download it now.