

Category Archives for "Weight loss"

My Sister’s Death Helped 2 People See Again

The Importance of Early Detection in Breast Cancer

The first time I found a lump on one of my breasts, I was in my early twenties. Actually, I didn’t find the lump, my doctor did. It was during a routine annual exam. It was a little scary going for my first mammogram at such a young age.

Fortunately, everything turned out fine for me.

It turns out I have dense tissue in my breasts. This means I develop lumps fairly frequently. They’re usually nothing to be concerned about. But the only way to know for certain is to have a mammogram.

A mammogram is a breast exam used to screen you for breast cancer. They squeeze your breast between two cold, hard, flat surfaces. Then they take x-rays of your breasts at various angles. It’s sometimes painful but mostly uncomfortable.

How to Prepare for a Mammogram

There isn’t very much preparation for a mammogram. It is recommended that you avoid chocolate, coffee, or caffeine before the test. The caffeine can make your breasts more tender making it more uncomfortable during the exam. You should begin to avoid them about a week before your exam.

Hopefully, where you for your exam will be as cool as mine. They have coffee readily available and giant jars of Hershey kisses in the waiting rooms. To make up for all the chocolate you gave up

On the day of the exam, do not put on deodorant, lotion, perfume, or anything else on your breasts or under your arms. If you do, you should thoroughly wash it off before the exam. It could alter your test results or prevent the x-rays from being clear.

After checking in for your exam you will be asked to undress from the top up and put on a gown. You should wear a skirt or pants so you can at least have your bottoms on when they remove the gown during the exam.

The worst part of a mammogram is trying to hold still while they take the x-ray. If you move while they are taking the x-ray, it could come out blurry. Making it difficult for the doctor to make an accurate assessment.

Then you have to do it again. Which is a little more painful now that your breasts are already tender. After years of experience, I’ve mastered the art of holding my breath while they are taking the x-rays.

Read this true heart warming story... #earlydetection #cancer #breast #family #women #girls #prevention #health #wellness #fitness #exercise #life #organ #donor

When Should You Have a Mammogram?

Your doctor will recommend a mammogram if there is something unusual or suspicious about your breasts. Like a lump, tenderness, pain, unusual changes or discharge from your nipples; or any other unusual changes to your breasts.

If you’re old (like me) it is recommended that you have a mammogram once a year. Typically if you are over the age of 40 or if there is a history of cancer in your family. Speak to your doctor if anything seems unusual about your breasts or to find out when you should have your first mammogram.

If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately. Early detection could mean the difference between life or death.

After they take the x-rays you will be sent to a waiting room. They recommend that you keep the gown on in case the doctor recommends more testing. Then you sit in a room with other women all a little nervous while waiting for their test results.

The doctor will call you into a room where you go over the x-rays together.

If everything looks good they send you on your way. You can breathe easy now knowing you’re okay.

If something looks suspicious, then further testing is recommended. They typically start with more x-ray taken from multiple angles and more advanced technology like 3D images.

If something warrants concern, the next step is to have a biopsy. Where they extract samples from the breast tissue to run more tests.

After your mammogram, you will most likely be offered a choice whether to stay and wait for your results or to leave. If you decide to stay you will wait to see the doctor and go over the results together.  If you decide to leave they will call you with the results.

Keep in mind, if you are called back it is no longer considered prevention. Your health insurance may charge you differently for your follow up visit. I learned this the hard way by having to pay out of pocket. Apparently, had I stayed the entire appointment would have been covered under prevention saving me money.

I usually wait since I want to know the results as quickly as possible. One year when I was there for a routine visit, it was kind of busy and I didn’t feel like waiting. Since I was there for a routine visit and not because of any unusual changes I wasn’t too concerned.

As Murphy’s Law would have it, things looked suspicious.

I was surprised when I received a call to come back for more testing.

This time when I arrived at the facility, they sent me to the other side. This side is where the women go who failed the initial breast screening. I call it the scary side. It was not fun sitting in the waiting.

You can’t help but people watch while you’re there. Wondering who has cancer. It makes me happy to see women come out of the doctor’s office with expressions of relief and joy. I too felt relief on that day. It turned out to be nothing.

My sister Natalie wasn’t so lucky. She died of breast cancer. She had been struggling with her weight and was taking high blood pressure medication.

She was only 46 years old when she died. She found the lump between her regular checkups and annual mammograms. Only 7 months after having a routine mammogram. She wasn’t scheduled for another one for 5 months.

It turned out to be the most aggressive form of breast cancer. After careful consideration, she decided to have the most aggressive treatment. Her doctor scheduled a double mastectomy and both her breasts were removed only 2 weeks after she was diagnosed with cancer.

Six weeks later, she went back to have her stitches removed. Another cancerous lump had already formed on one of her scars. She went back to surgery to have the lump removed. Then she went through chemotherapy, radiation, and chemotherapy again. Despite the early detection, cancer spread rapidly into stage 4. Once in her lymph nodes, cancer spread everywhere including her lungs. She died exactly one year after having her breasts removed.

My sister Natalie didn’t win her battle with cancer but many do.

Her overall health wasn’t very good, to begin with. She was overweight, was taking high blood pressure medication (which completely killed her sex drive), and she smoked.

Your health and choices can significantly impact your treatment. Including your chance of survival and risk of contracting other deadly diseases and breast cancer.

There are many cancer survivors who are alive today because of early detection.

As well as their overall health and choices.

It’s scary to think about but extremely important. Early detection and immediate treatment is the best way to battle this deadly disease.

Check your own breasts every month. Only you know what your breasts feel like. What is normal for you and what is not. If you have any unusual symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms, it is critical that you call your doctor to have your breasts examined.

As quickly as possible.

On a side note, my sister was an organ donor. Because cancer had spread throughout her entire body, only her corneas could be donated. I learned shortly after her death that two people can now see because of her. An eighty year old woman in WNY and a 44 year old man in Tennessee.

Knowing her death at least allowed two people to use their eyes helped make the healing process and loss of her death a little bit easier.

Being overweight increases your risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Discover how you can lose weight fast and keep it off for life.

Read this true heart warming story... #earlydetection #cancer #breast #family #women #girls #prevention #health #wellness #fitness #exercise #life #organ #donor

How to Look Younger

Have you ever looked in your medicine cabinet and thought “this is where eye creams come to die?”

I have. And it isn’t pretty.

I’m not sure when my obsession with ant-aging creams began. Even though people are always surprised by how young I look – for my age.

Is that even a compliment?

Over the years I have tried at least a dozen different eye creams. Everything from the most expensive brands to drug store over the counter creams.

Spending hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars hoping the answer lies somewhere within one of the many half empty bottles.

There is no way of knowing how many bottles I have gone through.

Or how much money I have spent. If you’re counting face wash, face moisturizers, face masks, anti-wrinkle pads and crazy roller things. You know that thing you roll on your face. That feels like tiny little pin pricks. It supposedly helps the moisturizer sink deeper into your skin.

It took me a while to realize that the answer does not lie in a jar. Or a bottle. Or a tube.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many great moisturizers and face products you can use. Every person is different and different products work differently for everyone.

I honestly don’t think it makes that much of a difference which brand you use. As long as you moisturize and stay hydrated.

The answers may not come from a jar. Or lie in the most expensive skin creams.

However, there are actionable steps you can take today that can make you look up to 10 years younger.

Since people claim that I do.

Look at least 10 years younger than my age that is. I figured I would share what I’m doing to stay youthful, vibrant, full of energy and young looking.

In the following chapters you will discover how you too, can look up to 10 years younger.

Read the full story here…

Why Diets Don’t Work

I recently read an article about weighing yourself. Correction, it was about why you shouldn’t weigh yourself.

Apparently, there are people who obsess over the scale.

I get it.

And if you’re obsessing over a scale, you probably have bigger problems than being overweight. Other issues that may be causing you to overeat.

Don’t blame it on the scale.

I weigh myself every morning. Just once a day. About the same time every morning. Before I eat or drink anything. Just to keep myself in check. “They” say, it doesn’t matter. It’s just water weight. It takes days to lose actual fat. Blah, blah blah. Whatever.

It works for me.

The reason it works for me is that I look at it positively either way. Whether it’s tipping high.

Or weighing in low.

If it’s low, I feel good. But it doesn’t mean I head for the bacon, eat a burger and fries for lunch, then eat candy bars and chips all day. I look at what I did right and try to do it again.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat?

Eat healthy. Exercise. Everything in moderation.

Rules I live by. We all have times when we gain weight. Most of us average folks, anyway. My weight has fluctuated many times throughout my life. People look at me and assume that I am naturally thin. If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I would have a heck of a lot more money.

I don’t believe in “naturally thin.”

I believe in being healthy. There is a reason that I don’t have health issues. Even at my age. To prove that even I have struggled with weight over the years, I pulled out a book that a friend lent me back in my twenties. No, I never returned it.

My bad?

I’m pretty sure she told me to keep it. I must have put on a few pounds at the time and wanted to lose it. Since I am of the proactive nature and I keep myself in check. Before things get out of control, I read the book. It’s called Diets Still Don’t Work by Bob Schwartz. There are two main reasons I like the book: One I agree that diets don’t work. And two because a key element to success is “mindset.”

The mind is a powerful thing.

We cannot change the things that happen to us. Of course, we can make choices about what we do and where we go. That might increase our risk for danger. I certainly wouldn’t walk alone at night in a high crime part of town. But we cannot control everything. Death is inevitable. Challenges arise. The only thing we can control is how we react.

It’s not always easy.

We were born with emotions and we can’t change that. What we can change is how we take care of ourselves. It isn’t rocket science that when you are healthy and feel good, that everything in life is better. It helps us deal with whatever challenges get thrown our way. If you want to be proactive, take better control of your life and deal with challenges a little bit better…

Read a good book.

One that might actually help you. Like “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” It is not a diet. And the absolute first thing I teach is “mindset.”

The down side? You gotta do the work. And you gotta want it. If you don’t, don’t waste your money. Buying the book won’t do you any good.

Unless you read it, devour it and implement it.

Just like a gym membership does you no good. Unless you go to the gym and exercise. Anyway, don’t take it from me.

Here’s what Jocelyn Jones says:

“Thank You Irene, this is a very helpful tool for all the ladies out there that need to lose weight fast for a special occasion or just because. The tips are simple to follow and implement. I HIGHLY Recommend this book! :)”

And this Amazon customer:

“I lost 8 lbs that was driving me crazy.” –LS

When you are ready to be proactive just zip on over here:

Learn more…

For a little more guidance check out the Zipping It Up meal planning guide. It is *exactly* that – a guide. The meal planner for folks who want to lose weight but hate meal planning. Here is the link: Your guide to success.


How to Get Flat Abs Fast

Discover the best Ab Workouts for a toned, tighter, stronger core. 

These exercises are the best ab workouts I have found to get flat abs fast. If you want to get a leaner, meaner, stronger core then you have to work for it. Adding cardio, arm and leg exercises, and a healthy meal plan will help you succeed even faster.

If you follow this quick 6 day ab routine, you will have a stronger leaner mid section. This method has worked for me for years and now I am sharing my secret with you. So you can start feeling stronger, sexier and more confident today.

The Best Ab Workouts 

These ab workouts are FREE and easily accessible on YouTube. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor who created Blogilates. A YouTube channel that has hundreds of FREE YouTube videos to help you get your body toned and tight fast. Not only is Cassey an amazing fitness instructor but an inspiration to women entrepreneurs everywhere.

Let’s Get Started!

Go to YouTube on your Smart TV, on Roku, your computer, iPad or your phone. Look up these 3 videos and do them every day for 6 consecutive days, in sequence:

Day One:    Extreme Abs
Day Two:    Extreme Abs 2
Day Three:  Extreme Abs 3
Repeat in sequence on days 4, 5 and 6.

That’s it. Simple! If you can’t do the entire workout without resting, that’s okay. Take little rest breaks and then pick up again when you can. Or pause the video and grab a drink of water. Then pick up where you left off. Believe me, if you hang in there and keep doing these ab exercises every day (or most days) you will be able to complete the entire workout before you know it. And you will feel great!

The videos are short and extremely effective. But like Cassey Ho says in Extreme Abs, “You want that body? You want that life? Then you have to work for it.”

Fitting in an extra 10 minutes of exercise each day will also improve your health. And if do at least 2 to 3, 10-minute workouts every day you can reap the healthy rewards. It makes no difference if you exercise for 30 minutes all at once, or in three 10-minute intervals. Start today and you will feel stronger and sexier in no time.

For an even faster and more effective way to show off your flat abs and tight, toned body, lose 5 pounds fast.

If you want that body and you want that life – Get Started Today!

Learn more now…

The Ketogenic Diet

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic diet commonly known as Keto, is a low carbohydrate high-fat diet used for rapid weight loss. Success stories of weight loss are growing in numbers. With people toting all over social media about their weight loss success.  The diet is spreading rapidly as one of the hottest weight loss trends.

The diet creates a low blood sugar effect which puts your body into a state of ketosis. This causes the body to burn excess fat quickly. Although it is recognized for weigh loss success, the diet consists of mostly fat and very little protein which causes some concern.

The Ketogenic diet was developed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the mayo clinic. It was originally developed to help treat children with epilepsy. It has since been widely used by doctors and patients as a treatment for epilepsy. Although Dr. Wilder is recognized for coining the phrase Ketogenic, the diet may have been around longer. His studies were based on fasting and similar diets used to treat epilepsy since as early as 500 BC.

It’s not clear exactly when Keto became a popular weight loss trend. However, as with most diets, there are already many cases where the weight is gained back after going off the diet.

Pros and Cons of the Ketogenic Diet

The positive effects of the Ketogenic diet are rapid and significant weight loss. Making it appealing to those wishing to lose weight. However, there are drawbacks. Negative side effects have been reported as low energy, constipation and dangerously low blood sugar levels from the lack of carbohydrates. The biggest negative effect is weight gain after going off the diet.

Often times you gain even more weight back. Yet, remaining on the diet can be equally dangerous. The high fat food you consume while on the diet can put you at risk for stroke, heart disease and heart attacks.

A healthy lifestyle change with increased exercise and eating a well balanced diet is a safer way to lose weight and keep the weight off for longevity.

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices has always been and will always be the safest and healthiest way to lose weight. And keep it off for good. Eating a well balanced diet filled with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and lean protein is not only safe but effective.

One of the downfalls of any diet is not incorporating a healthy exercise routine into your weight loss plan. Exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not. It relieves stress, keeps your metabolism going giving you energy, it burns calories and releases endorphins that make you feel good. It also increases your stamina. For more productivity, better sex and happiness.

To learn more about weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices watch this video:  Vital to Your Weight Loss Success


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How to Build Your Confidence

Everyone should walk the red carpet at least once in their life.

Discover the confidence it takes to walk the red carpet.

What would you do if suddenly you were going to a fancy event, black tie dinner, or…

You are finally about to take the long anticipated walk down the red carpet?

And you need to get red carpet ready – FAST!

Don’t think it could happen to you?

Don’t be so sure.

Big dreams can turn into realities. 

Look at Channing Tatum. Stripper turned famous actor.

Cheryl Strayed, author of best-selling book and blockbuster hit movie Wild. She became famous after sharing her true story of overcoming drug addiction and walking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Jack Canfield, famous author of Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected 144 times before a publisher agreed to publish his best-selling book. Now with over 40 million copies sold.

Living proof that it could happen to you.

Even if you never walk down the red carpet. You can walk with the same confidence at any event. A wedding, a formal dinner, a hot date. Or strutting your stuff on the beach.

All you need to walk the red carpet is confidence.

The kind of confidence that only comes with feeling good about yourself. Like when you lose a few pounds. Your clothes fit better and you can even fit back into some of your favorite dresses.

But losing weight doesn’t just change your dress size…

It can change your life.

After I had my second child, I was 20 pounds heavier than I like to be. I was miserable. I hated the way I looked and I hated the way I felt.

After I lost the weight, my whole life changed. I felt happy again.

I ended a bad relationship, changed my hairstyle and started a new career. I eventually went on to start my own business and published my first book.

If I can do it, so can you.

You can accomplish anything your heart desires.

Taking care of your body and your health can give you the confidence you need to change your life. Giving you the confidence to go after your dreams, reach your goals and create a life of happiness.

Like my friend Charlotte did.

Here is what Charlotte said after going through the Zipping It Up weight loss program: “I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back to a size 6 again!”

Don’t wait! Start now.

Every small step you take will lead you in the right direction. You can start now by learning everything Charlotte did. The system that helped her drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks. Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

You will discover *exactly* how to build the confidence you need to succeed.

Get red carpet ready for any occasion.

Follow your path to success. Discover how it feels to be confident and ready.

You can begin your walk down the red carpet here:
I want to be red carpet ready!

This One Thing is Vital to Your Success

Discover the one thing that is vital to your weight loss success…

Are you ready to crush your weight loss goals?

Exercise and healthy eating are the a big part of reaching your goals. Old school methods that have worked for decades. The methods I teach in Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” 

Methods like:

*Drinking lots of water
*Squeezing in exercise to burn extra calories
*Eating your vegetables
*Reducing carbs and sugar

These things are all essential to living a healthy lifestyle. But there is one thing that is vital to your success.

This one thing can work wonders for your weight loss success.

It is so potent that it can also work wonders for everything in your life.

Including changing your career, relationships, financial freedom, finally publishing your first book, or anything else you are trying to achieve in life.

Discover the one vital thing that can help you succeed in everything you do. Watch the video now:



Discover more ways to lose weight fast here.

How to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Is it possible to eat dessert and indulge on vacation without gaining weight? Yes! Discover how to dine at the best restaurants and enjoy your vacation without getting post-vacation tummy bulge. 

A few weeks ago I traveled to Washington, DC to visit the White House at Christmas time. A good friend of mine won two tickets to see the beautiful Christmas décor. She asked me to join her on the tour and I couldn’t resist the offer. I couldn’t wait to see the beautifully decorated home of the President and First Lady of the United States at Christmas time.

After shopping around for airline tickets, I decided to drive. It’s only about a 7 hour drive from where I live and I was looking forward to spending time alone. Getting lost in my thoughts and planning my business strategy for the upcoming new year.

I packed up the car with my laptop, luggage, healthy snacks, my jump rope and hand weights. And all of my favorite boots. The perks of driving. You can bring as many pairs of shoes as you want.

The trip was amazing. I spent time with friends in Virginia and went to see a light show. I walked around downtown DC and had a delicious lunch at a place I now call DC’s best kept secret. Café Soleil located at 839 Seventeenth Street NW. I enjoyed a triple berry kale salad topped with yogurt poppy seed dressing. For dessert I had the decadent homemade crème brulee.

The restaurant was only a short walk to the White House where we met for our tour. There was no wait for a table and the service was fantastic. The waiter even escorted me to an elevator to direct me to the private restrooms inside the adjoining hotel.

After a successful weekend of traveling and eating out I was able to make it through my quick vacay without gaining a pound. Even after the crème brulee.

Read on to see exactly how I did it. Below is a list of 10 ways you can stay healthy while traveling and indulge in delicious desserts without gaining a pound.

10 ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

1. Pack healthy snacks. Whether you are flying or driving it’s always a great idea to bring healthy snacks. Cut up your favorite vegetables and put them in a disposable container. Or a reusable one. This way you can pack healthy snacks for your return. Easy to grab fruit like apples, bananas or grapes are small and easy to pack. Either in your carry on bag or a small cooler for the car. For protein bring nuts, granola bars, protein bars or trail mix.

2. Use every opportunity to walk. If you are traveling with friends or family, use their restroom breaks as an opportunity to get up and stretch or take a walk. Get out of the car every time you stop even if it’s for someone else. If you’re at the airport walk with them to the restroom or stand up and stretch every so often. Especially if it’s going to be a long flight.

3. Take the stairs. Whenever you have a choice between taking the stairs or an elevator, always opt for the stairs. After all you’re on vacation. What’s the rush? I once lost 5 pounds on a cruise ship just by taking the stairs. And still enjoyed all the delicious food served on the ship. It’s a great way to tone your legs, thighs and glutes.

4. Watch workout videos in your hotel room. You can find them on your laptop, iPad or phone. There are tons of free videos on YouTube. My favorite fitness YouTube channel is Blogilates with Cassey Ho. She has a great selection of short videos ranging from 5 to 10 minutes. Making it easy to squeeze in a quick workout. The important thing is to find something you like. So you will actually do it. Check out a few before you leave for vacation. This way you’ll have it planned out and will even look forward to doing them while on vacation.

5. Exercise in the car. Bring hand weights or a resistance band to work your arms and core while sitting. You can do bicep curls, shoulder presses and over the head tricep lifts depending on your vehicle. Get creative. Obviously, if you’re driving you should have both hands on the wheel. Squeeze in a few sets while making stops instead.

6. Bring a jump rope. Jumping rope is a great way to get the circulation going in your body. They are light and easy to carry. Even when flying. Do repetitions by your car at rest stops or find a quiet corner at the airport. Worried about what people might think? C’mon, you can’t tell me you haven’t seen stranger things at the airport. It’s also a great exercise to do inside your hotel room or on the balcony with the ocean breeze cooling you off.

7. Work your lower body while sitting. Try doing thigh squeezes and butt crunches while sitting in your car, on an airplane or at the airport. Don’t worry, no one can tell. If you’re worried about appearances, do Kegels instead. No one will ever notice and they are great for your core. Helping you get ready for your bikini and making vacation sex even better. Learn how to do Kegels here.

8. Make healthy eating choices. You can enjoy delicious dining and treats while on vacation and still eat healthy. If you are eating seafood, select something broiled instead of fried. Make sure your side of vegetables isn’t laden with butter. Fresh steamed vegetables taste better when they are plain. Order a small side salad instead of french fries. And go ahead have a little dessert. You deserve it with all the Kegels you’re doing!

9. Drink lots of water. Always bring water with you wherever you go. In the car. To the airport. You can bring an empty water bottle through the gates and fill it after you go through security. Or allow yourself time to stop and buy a bottle before getting on the plane. This way you won’t have to wait to hydrate while on the airplane.

10. Get your friends and family involved. Go for a walk in the airport while waiting for your plane. Take walks on the beach. Utilize the exercise center together or go swimming in the hotel pool. You will sleep better after getting much needed exercise. Making it easier to adjust to your hotel bed and vacation surroundings.

Throughout your vacation, make healthy choices. Burn as many calories as possible by walking whenever you can. Don’t skip your workouts. Unless you’ll be hiking, swimming or doing something that will exert a lot of energy. Enjoy treats in moderation and reward yourself for sticking to a healthy plan. Most importantly, relax and enjoy your vacation.

Ready to lose 5 pounds fast before your trip? Go here now: Learn more…



The Benefits of Yoga

Heal your body and your mind with Yoga.

Yoga is a common practice derived from a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline. It is a combination of breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. It is widely used for health, exercise and relaxation. There are many types of yoga and choosing the right one depends on your style and preference. Whichever style you choose, you can reap many benefits from adding the practice to your exercise routine.

Yoga improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina. Power yoga is my personal preference. It combines strength and meditation to build muscle, increase your heart rate and decrease stress.

Don’t let the headstands and pretzel-like twists scare you. Beginners can start slowly with easier poses that almost anyone can do. Yoga stretches help you improve balance and flexibility while working multiple muscle groups at once.

How to Take a Yoga Breath

Yoga breathing can greatly improve your mental health and overall well being. Benefits include improvements in mental clarity and concentration, stress relief, and relaxation of the mind. They are very easy to do and help improve your focus and concentrate. You become more in tune with your entire body and your mind.

You can practice yoga breathing for relaxation. Sit or lie in a relaxed position. Inhale deeply through your nose as you feel your lungs and chest fill completely with air. Tighten your core while inhaling and exhaling. Release the air by exhaling slowly through the mouth. Feeling the air leave your body, while concentrating on your inner core. The breathing helps you concentrate as you feel the breath entering and slowly leaving your body.

Using Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is a form of exercise that can be used to maintain a healthy weight or lose unwanted weight. It is often practiced in a heated environment to increase metabolism and pulse rate. Which can help you lose weight quickly. Maintaining a healthy weight gives you more energy, helps you prevent illness and builds confidence. To make better decisions in life, better career choices and enjoy healthier relationships.

To get started practicing yoga today, all you need is a yoga mat and a little guidance. You can find a class near you, buy a yoga DVD or find free yoga videos on YouTube.

For more ways to get more balance in your life and build a strong hard core read How to Get Flat Abs Fast.

This post includes affiliate links. Which means I may earn a small commission if you click on a link. This does not affect your price. Please see my disclosure for more information.

Are Angels Real?

One morning, I was walking to my car from the grocery store. I was feeling a little discouraged and sad about some challenges I am facing. As I was getting into my car, I heard a woman’s voice.

She said, “I was looking at your cute little figure and I started to feel a little bad about myself.”

I turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in the car parked next to mine. The window was open, so I could see her clearly.

My first thought was “Angels are real.”

Admittedly she looked overweight. I personally see beauty from within. As it goes far beneath the surface of our skin.

I responded by telling her that she was beautiful.

And that I truly believe sometimes Angels are put in our paths. Often when we need them the most. She asked me to share my sorrows and offered to help by listening.

But her kindness was enough.

We chatted for a bit longer and she told me a story about the tragic loss of her young daughter. It immediately made me realize how minimal my problems were. In comparison anyway.

Wanting to thank her for her kindness, I asked for her email address. I wanted to give her a free copy of one of my books. Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” Not to insult her in any way. But Because she was telling me how she wanted to lose weight. I felt it was the least I could do.

I’ll soon be giving her a copy of yet another book I am writing. She will be in this book. As a key character and as my inspiration to begin writing the new book. It’s about angels in our path. The real life Angels we meet in our day to day lives.

Angels are real.

Incidentally, my heart wasn’t the only thing hurting that morning. My whole body was sore from exercising. Not in a bad way. It was the good kind of muscle ache that makes you proud of your accomplishments. I have been working out really hard lately.

It’s hard work getting (and keeping) your body in shape. It takes time and dedication.

If you have the desire to turn heads and get noticed, all my secrets are packed into 12 little chapters. Of the same book I offered my beautiful Angel that morning.

If you want a cute little body that turns heads, gets you noticed and has perfect strangers dishing out compliments – out of the clear blue…

Discover *exactly* how I do it.

You can find my little black book (black, white and red to be exact) on Amazon in Kindle and in print. Just click the link below:

I want to get noticed!