

Category Archives for "Water"

To Detox or Not To Detox

Do you ever feel bloated?

I know I do. And it’s not fun. So I’ve found a way to prevent bloating and even cure it fast when needed.

One of the latest *health* trends is the Detox Cleanse. They claim to detoxify your body by flushing out toxins, while giving you more energy, making you feel less bloated and help regulate bowel movement.

So why the controversy?

Some of these detox cleanses suggest fasting during the cleanse. Which is basically just another way to starve yourself to lose weight.

Hmmm. Well. I eat my vegetables and I get pretty grumpy when I don’t eat, sooo I’m not really all about it. Plus there are way better ways to lose weight (even quickly) without starving yourself.

But on the other hand, quite a few of these *Detox* drinks that are not a cleansing fast, do act as a natural diuretic to prevent bloating. Well. now we’re talking.

And I have a *secret* for you…

Some of these detox drinks are just water.  With fruit.

Various fruits and vegetables when added to water act as a natural cleanse. Plus, it makes the water taste good. This promotes drinking more water and staving of the craving for sugary sweet drinks like juice or soda.

A win win in my book.

I’ve tested quite a few of these detox water recipes.and found quite a few yummy ones. But since my creativity in the kitchen prevents me from sticking to any recipe, I just had to create my own.

If you’re feeling a little bloated or simply want something healthy and refreshing to enjoy download the recipe now.