

Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

Scaredy Cat Gets Out of Her Comfort Zone

I was thinking the other night about why so many people stay in jobs they hate, for years and years and years. Waiting for retirement.

It’s because they are too afraid to leave their comfort zone.

I was wondering when I would be back in my comfort zone. The past year has been one of the most difficult years of my life. For many reasons.

Starting my own business has been one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done. Especially, without a partner or close family around to offer support.

Sometimes, I want to crawl back into a feeling of security and a “comfort zone.”

But that would be giving up.

And a scaredy cat, I am not.

I have jumped out of airplanes; flipped over the handlebars of my mountain bike, been thrown off a trail into a tree, and landed face first.

All on different occasions.

I’ve been stuck under a raft while white water rafting class 5 rapids and surfed the crazy waves in Hawaii despite my fear of deep water after drowning as a kid.

I have fallen off rocks while bouldering and braved the East and West sides of the inner city of Buffalo. In the middle of the night, while working as a Disaster Action Team volunteer for the American Red Cross.

I think I got this…

And so it goes for food and exercise.

We get into a comfort zone. Of fast food and eating out. Shopping and eating habits.

A comfort zone that can be hard to get out of.

It typically isn’t a challenge for me to eat healthy and exercise. It usually comes natural for me. For the most part anyway. But this past year has been difficult in that aspect of my life too.

Which makes me realize how difficult it is for others.

And why they need my help.

Why you might need my help too.

Isn’t it time to get out of your comfort zone?

I’m here to help you.

Let me know what you need and I will do everything I can to help you achieve your goals.

To start, check out my book “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

It will show you exactly how to lose weight, fast. Either before a tropical vacation or a big event.

But that’s not all. I show you how to keep it off and incorporate healthy lifestyle changes into your everyday life. This book is not for scaredy cats. It is only for people who are serious about their health.

You will learn:

*How to squeeze in exercise on busy days
*10 tricks to help you lose weight
*Healthy morning habits
*Eight old-school weight loss tips – that actually work

And more…

If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone click here: Zipping It Up!

A War Against Fast Food

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I came across a post about fast food. It was almost like a battle cry against fast food. And I thought, I cannot remember the last time I went thru a fast food drive-thru.

You know why?

Because when I do, all I end up with – is a stomach ache. And regret.

And I am here to tell you. It’s time to wage a war against unhealthy, greasy food.

A war against, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. You have choices!

I realize it’s not always that easy. But I am here to tell you that you have the ability to live a healthier life.

Hey. If I can do it? So can you.

And I am here for you. To help you. Every step of the way. Tell me what YOU need to succeed. And I will work with you one on one if you need me.

Let’s start with some very simple ways to help you lose weight, eat healthier and motivate yourself to exercise.

But first. You have to want it.

Do you want that body? Do you want that life?

Then you have to work for it.

Let me help you get started today.

I am giving away a FREE 17 page health & fitness newsletter. It will show you tried and true methods to lose weight, eat healthier and get fit. The war starts here.

Slimy and disgusting or delicious aphrodisiac?

When it comes to oysters, you either love them or you hate them.

They are well known for being an aphrodisiac. Apparently, because of their high zinc content.

I personally enjoy the slimy critters. But if you ask my daughter what she thinks about oysters, which I did this morning, she’ll say “they’re slimy and disgusting.” Then she went on to say that they could have bacteria in them and make you sick…

At that point, I walked away.

People have different tastes and I personally like a variety of foods. Which is one of the reasons I could never follow a “diet.”

And one of the reasons that I don’t have a strict “follow this menu” guide, in my new book, “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

You can enjoy a variety of delicious foods. And you will not go hungry.

You will also learn:

*How to motivate yourself to exercise
*10 tricks to lose weight
*Tried and true ways to lose weight that actually work
*How to keep the weight off

And more…

You can get all this available on Amazon Kindle – or in paperback. Because we all love choices!

Just click the “Zipping It Up” link in the menu bar.




What To Do When Life Gives You Lemons

She sang in the dark…

Both of my daughters are in this year’s school play. It’s actually a musical production of “James and the Giant Peach.” There are three performances. The first one was on Wednesday and the final 2 performances are today.

After their first performance on Wednesday, I asked them how it went. All they said was that there were a few glitches, but it went well.

My oldest daughter has a lead role as narrator. She sings a solo and has lines in almost every scene. I drove her to school bright and early this morning, so she could get on her costume, makeup and get ready for the morning performance.

This morning, I asked her again about Wednesday’s performance. She opened up and told me what really happened.

Apparently, there was a lot of drama. One girl missed her cue and ended up in tears. Another kid screwed up his lines. And as my daughter went on stage to sing her solo, the kid who was supposed to shine the spotlight on her – just didn’t.

So she was standing there. In the dark. Singing her solo.

The show must go on!

By the end of the song, someone finally realized what was happening and turned on the spotlight.


We were laughing, talking about it. Hopefully, today will go better.

What do you do, when life gives you lemons?

Become a sourpuss? Or make lemonade and go on with the show?

When life throws a lemon in my path and I begin to get stressed, I exercise. It still amazes me sometimes how much my mood and disposition changes after only 10 minutes of exercise. Obviously, 20 minutes, 30 minutes or ideally an hour of exercise is better for your overall health.

But 10 minutes is all I need to alter my mood.

That’s why I have found ways to squeeze in exercise, even on the busiest days.

If you want to see exactly how I do it, it’s all in my new book “Zipping It Up – How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress.”

It’s available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.


How To Improve Your Memory Through Exercise

Sometimes I forget things. I realize this may be hard for you to believe. 🙂

But I do. Only a few weeks ago, I completely forgot to pick up my daughter from school. For some reason I thought it was Monday instead of Tuesday. I thought I had another whole hour before I had to pick her.

She wasn’t happy when she called to see where I was.

In my defense, it must have been a 3 day weekend.

So now, every morning when I drop the girls off at school, I ask them what time I need to pick them up.

They used to give me a hard time about this, as if I can possibly remember everyone’s schedule. But now we clarify and all is good. Simple problem. Easy fix.

Turns out, there are lots-O-ways you can fix memory loss. One of them just happens to be exercise.

A friend recently sent me an article from Lifehacker.com titled “20 Minutes of Exercise Before an Exam Can Boost Your Scores.”

It got me thinking. There is no question, that when I exercise, I am more focused, less stressed and think more clearly.

I decided to explore this further. I found a plethora of articles about how exercise improves memory. There are like a zillion case studies to prove this.

How much exercise is needed?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, you only need 120 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, to improve your memory.

Standard recommendations recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, most days of the week. Or 150 minutes per week.

Break that down anyway you’d like. But if you only squeeze in 20 minutes of exercise each day, that’s 140 minutes.

That includes walking at a moderate pace, running, biking, swimming (any typical exercise activity) and household chores, like raking leaves, sweeping or dancing in the kitchen.

Alright, you get the point. I’m not a numbers gal. What I do know is that exercise makes you feel better, helps you think more clearly and improves your memory.

In “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress,” I show you ways to squeeze in exercise, even on the busiest days. It’s available on Amazon Kindle for a WHOPPING $2.99. Less than a fancy Latte at your fav-O-rite coffee shop. It’s available in paperback too.

Before I forget…

I had the pleasure of being a guest on Heartrepreneur Radio with the amazing Terri Levine. She is a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur, business coach and mentor. You can listen here:





She told Her She Wasn’t Good Enough – A Story About Determination and Success!

My youngest daughter has been taking private clarinet lessons. She plays in the school band and wants to improve her skills.

There are many clarinet players in her band, many of which have been playing longer. And quite a few of them play considerably better than she does.

Last week, her teacher (the one who teaches her private lessons) told her that she would be lucky to get a grade of maybe 74, at the All County tryouts.

She told her not to even bother shooting for a high score.

My older daughter told me about this the other day. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy.

What are we paying her for then?!

Despite all this, she practiced diligently and even asked for an extra private lesson before the tryouts.

Her determination amazes me sometimes.

I can honestly say this for both my daughters.

Well, my friends, today was the day of the All County tryouts. Their dad took them both to the tryouts and on their way home, my youngest called me to tell me her score.

Can you guess what her score was?

She got a 95!

This was her first All County tryout. Ever. She was really nervous. And her own teacher told her she pretty much s*cked.

And she KILLED it!

I don’t think anything in life is ever easy. In my book “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast -and look great in that little black dress” I give you a step by step, simple (not easy) way to quickly lose weight.

I also show you ways to keep it off while living a healthier and happier lifestyle.

It’s available on Amazon Kindle and paperback.


Medieval Times Reminds Me of How Much I Love Walking

This morning I was driving the girls to school when a commercial came on the radio. It was for a dinner entertainment show called Medieval Times.

If you haven’t heard of it, it’s a dinner theatre show, where you watch 2 knights on horses joust ‘til the death! They serve your dinner with no utensils, so you have to use your hands like wild animals. It’s an experience that takes you back to the days of medieval times. When they didn’t have silverware and spectators gathered to watch grown men fight.

Kind of like hockey.

I asked the kids if they had any interest in going to see a show. Thankfully, they said “no way”!

I’ve only gone to see one of these shows once. And it was only because I got free tickets. It’s kind of cheesy and overpriced. It my opinion anyway.

But it got me thinking about medieval times and how people would either walk everywhere or ride horses. Now we drive cars and sit a lot of the time, for work or on the computer. Instead of working on the farm or whatever. So we have to find other ways to exercise our bodies, which were designed for walking and hard labor.

It also reminded me of how much I like walking. Walking on the beach, walking in the park, around the neighborhood and especially hiking in the mountains and woods.

Oh, and in case you didn’t know – hiking is just a fancy way of saying walking.

With starting my own business and all the writing I’ve been doing this past year, on my blog, my newsletter and all the books I’m working on, I haven’t had much time to hike this year.

And that happens.

We all get busy. And sometimes we can’t do all the things we enjoy.

Or things we know we should do – like exercise.

Which is why it’s so important to find ways to squeeze in exercise. Even on the busiest of days.

This is one of the things I show you in my new book, “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress.”

It’s not just about losing weight fast. It shows you ways to eat healthier and exercise. So you can maintain a healthy weight and feel great every day!

If you’re not living in medieval times and need to find ways to exercise, it’s available on Amazon Kindle and paperback.




How to lose 5 pounds fast!

The other day, I made the most delicious vegetable lasagna.

I like to just create and whip up new stuff in the kitchen. Without a recipe. Sometimes I’ll use a recipe as a guideline. Maybe just to figure out about how long I should bake something.

I threw some vegetables together and layered them with lots o’ cheese between thinly sliced zucchini (in place of pasta).

It was sooo good that I ended up eating at least 3 servings of it.

So I can’t afford not to workout!

This week was crazy busy. With starting out the new year and getting the kids back to school. And publishing my new book this week, made it hard to get in a good workout every day.

It’s a good thing I can squeeze in exercise on those busy days!

Which is one of the things I show you in my brand new book “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

It also includes a few of my homemade recipes and my secret way of losing 5 pounds fast when I want to look good. Either to get decked out in a little black dress or before my next vacation.

Plus, it’s now in paperback!

As much as I love the convenience of Kindle (especially when I’m sitting at the orthodontist while the kids are getting their braces adjusted), I still love to curl up in my chair and flip through the pages of a real book.

Whichever you prefer, you can find out how you can lose 5 pounds fast today!  Kindle or paperback on Amazon.

Or download the digital printable eBook version and start now. Click this link: Zipping It Up for Life!

Have you ever been so excited about something that…

You just couldn’t contain your excitement?

This morning I woke up and checked my email. In my inbox was the finalized design for the book cover of my very first book.

My amazing graphic designer created it for me.

She also sent me the bill…

I know. I know. EVERYONE writes a book these days.

But this is something I’ve been wanting to do for a very long time.

I believe every accomplishment (big or small) should be rewarded. And so it goes for your fitness goals. One of the ways I motivate myself to exercise is to envision a reward for myself.

One time when I wanted to lose weight fast I hung a picture on my refrigerator. It was a picture of of a super fit woman running. I ripped it right out of one of the many fitness magazines I have stacked all over the house.

She was sweating and had this determined look on her face. Needless to say, it worked. For many years too until I got so used to it that I didn’t see it anymore.

These are the types of tricks I teach in my new and upcoming book “Zipping It Up – How to Lose 5 Pounds Fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s not for sale yet. But you’ll be able to get in on Amazon this weekend.

Fire truck Santa almost spoils the day

Every year on Christmas Eve the local volunteer fire department puts a decked out live Santa Clause on top of a fire truck and parades around the neighborhood.

When the kids were little they used to get excited to watch Santa go by waving to everyone. So when I heard the Christmas music blaring and the fire truck sirens, I got excited.

I called the kids to come watch with me. But they were less than enthusiastic.

And you know what?

I almost let it spoil my day.

Then I made them snowman shaped pancakes and they got all excited. Ha!

Mom will keep them little as long as possible.

Things change. Kids grow up. Parents grow old and we go through different changes in our lives.

All the more reason it’s so important to take care of health.

That’s why I created Fit For Sanity. To help you take better care of your health.