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Daunting or daring?

A couple of weeks ago, at my Freedym Mastermind, I was in a room filled with amazing, smart people. Just like you and me. 🙂

One woman in the group owns and runs a very successful online business. It’s a health and fitness business for moms. Her website is awesome along with her membership site. And her conversion rate is amazing. Yet, as we were having lunch together, she said that the idea of writing a book is “daunting.”

We talked about this further and she began to realize that she has actually already written the book. All she has to do is put it all together.

I’d been thinking about writing a book for what seems like most of my life. The number of book ideas I have is endless. Seriously. Everything from children’s book ideas to a mystery suspense thriller. Plus every self-help book in between. For many, many years the idea of publishing my first book was daunting too. Now that I’ve done it, I realize it’s not so daunting after all. And there are many, many more books where that came from.

It wasn’t exactly easy. And it was daring to go full force in December, with the holidays and my other end of year goals. But I got it done, published and sold my very first copy by my deadline.

One of the most important things to consider when writing your first book, is creating a deadline. If you have a set deadline and a definitive goal, you will get the job done.

To learn more ways to get your book, written, published and sold, just message me or send me an email at [email protected]. Tell me what you need help with.

In the meantime, to check out my very first self-published book just click on the link in the menu bar. Zipping It Up. Go ahead. I dare you!

Have a daring and amazing day!

What are Your Superpowers?

At my Freedym mastermind in LA, a couple of weeks ago, one of things we did was go around the room introducing ourselves. After saying our name and what we do, we were asked to share one superpower that we have. Something that we are good at and that we can help others with.

We all have Superpowers. Many of them actually. But typically, there is at least one thing that you can share with others to help them.

An absolutely wonderful way of sharing your superpower with a large number of people is by writing a book.

Every superpower or great idea can be turned into a book. Wouldn’t you like to help masses of people in need, by sharing yours?

One of my superpowers is the ability to stay motivated to eat healthy and exercise. I fall off course here and there. I’m human. But I have the ability to get back on track and lose weight fast. When I need or want to.

That’s why I wrote “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!” Because I want to help others do the same.

Another superpower I have is the ability to write a book, publish it and market it. It’s hard work. It’s time consuming. And it’s not easy. But it is amazingly rewarding. It has opened up doors for me I never imagined possible.

And the amazing people I am meeting along the way – PRICELESS.

That’s why I am now focusing on helping others write and publish their first book. Because we ALL have a superpower that we can share.

I have the name. I’m creating a brand and the logo is in the works. I can’t wait to share it with you. I’m taking my time and doing it right. Because I learn from my mistakes. Mistakes you won’t have to make if you follow my lead.

In the meantime, there’s a super powerful link to losing weight and looking great in that little black dress. It’s in the menu bar under Zipping It Up!

Have a super powerful day!

It’s electrifying!

I get chills, they’re so electric

If you haven’t realized by now, I love music. It’s electrifying.

Do you know what else I find electrifying?


I woke up this morning at about 5 am. I was just lying there and it came to me. My new project name. The idea has been brewing for almost a couple of weeks now. But as I am putting it all together and creating a brand, I needed the perfect name.

It’s a secret. At least until it is copyrighted. I’ve learned my lesson on that one. I will be announcing it soon.

Another electrifying thing happening today is that I will be live on The Queen Silvy show today at noon EST. Should be fun!

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to lose those extra winter pounds, check out “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress.”

They aren’t new ideas. But they are weight loss methods that actually work. Exercise more. Eat healthy.

You can these weight loss ideas on Amazon in Kindle and in paperback!

Tell transformation to go to…

I constantly hear ads on the radio and see them in magazines, Facebook, everywhere.  Ads that tell you, that YOU need to TRANSFORM your life. Start your transformation today!

Even this morning, as I was reading some silly horoscope, for fun like I sometimes do. Reading my horoscope is almost as entertaining as Facebook.


The horoscope said something to the effect of “you are ready to begin your transformation.”

It’s no wonder people are so negative and concerned with their self image. Who are they to assume that we need a transformation?

In fact, at my Freedym mastermind group last week, I could not believe how many of these absolutely amazing people were doubting themselves and what they are doing. Honestly, it made me feel better about myself. Knowing that I am not the only one beating myself up sometimes.

I am here to tell you on this Valentine’s day, that you are PERFECT. You are a perfect version of you.

So tell *transformation* to go to [fill in the blank].

I do however, believe in constantly improving myself. Always working to be a better version of me. Whether it’s providing for my family, helping others, taking better care of my health or just laughing more.

That’s why I published my first book. For many of these reasons. And why you can become a published author too.

Here’s a list of reasons:

*A great feeling of accomplish
*Teaching others what you know
*Entertainment (everyone loves to be entertained)
*Another source of income
*Passive income – people buy your book while you are sleeping!
*Providing more for your family

Admittedly, I was seriously thinking about focusing on a healing approach. But it was just so dark. And if you haven’t already noticed – I do have a dark side.

But creating more laughter and happiness in my life is way more important. And I would like to help you create more happiness too.

That is why I have some new and exciting things coming up. One of which is an affiliate with the amazing Corine La Font who has been helping authors get published for years!

One of her amazing events, with 10 international speakers is called “Less Talk, More Action.” How much do you love that?! More information on that to follow.

In the meantime, if you want an even better version of you, check out my book, “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s available on Amazon in Kindle and in paperback.


Stealing from the Tip Jar

The other morning, I had an absolutely delicious vegetable omelet at the hotel where I was staying while in LA. It was made fresh to order in the lobby and complimentary. Well, it was included with the hotel stay – nothing comes free.

There was a tip jar on the counter. And when I tipped her, I wanted her to see that the tip was from me. But she turned around. So I just left it on the counter so she would know it was from me.

I’m not sure why I wanted her to know. It’s not like I’m coming back any time soon. Maybe I just wanted her to know that I truly appreciate her.

Because kindness goes a long way.

This reminded me of a Seinfeld episode. The one where George wants the person behind the counter to see him tipping them. But the second he puts the money in the jar, the person behind the counter turns his back to him. So he takes his dollar out of the tip jar, so he can put it back in while the person is looking.

But he gets busted taking it out of the jar and gets accused of stealing from the tip jar.

Despite trying to explain, he just can’t win.

I got knocked down today. HARD. I was trying to do something good. But instead someone stole my idea which is going to make them millions, if not billions of dollars.

Despite my hurt and anger, I took the high road and wished them the best in their new endeavor.

Because when I get knocked down, I get back up. My business is based on true heart and wanting to help others. Money is only secondary to my true mission.

But sometimes we need a little help. We can’t always do things alone. That’s why I (along with my cohort Linh Chao) I’ve created a place to connect with others where we can share our experiences and break the silence. The silence of pain or grief. The name of the Facebook group is “HELP Me Break the Silence.”

A series of events recently threw me into a state of depression and PTSD. I began writing my story of growing up with a bipolar parent and am healing myself through writing. And now I want to help others do the same.

My new creation “Heal Yourself Through Writing” will be launching soon. I will keep you posted as things progress.

In the meantime you can join our Facebook group “HELP Me Break the Silence” here:


Insanity Makes the Ferocious Beastly Lion ROAR

I flew home from LA yesterday on the much dreaded red-eye. I planned it intentionally hoping I would have a little time for sunshine and some much needed R & R.

It wasn’t in the cards, since the only free day I had was chilly and cloudy. Such is life. Besides, what I learned and all the amazing people I connected with while there, is invaluable.

Our flight out of LA was delayed for hours which was going to cause me to miss my connecting flight. They booked me on a much later connecting flight, which I was not happy about.

But then, as we were about to descend, they announced that the Detroit airport was closed due to weather. We would now be landing in Buffalo. My home and final destination. Woo hoo!

As bad as I felt for the others poor souls on the plane, I was excited. I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to see my girls and my snuggly kitties.

When we landed, they informed us that we would not be departing the plane and that we would have to fly back to Detroit. I explained to the airline staff that this was my final destination. Do you know what they told me?


You may not leave the plane. You have to fly back to Detroit and catch another flight back. Meanwhile, the later flight they had me booked on, was already cancelled. Since all flights going in and out of Detroit were cancelled.


I, my friend am not one to scurry back to my seat and sit quietly in frustration. If you push the wrong buttons, like a ferocious, beastly lion, I will ROAR.

Then they said, that even if they let me off the plane, I could not have my luggage and that I would be “voluntarily abandoning my luggage.”


The first thing I thought of were my favorite cute, high heel brown boots that were in my luggage. I brought them to change into after landing, before heading out into the Buffalo snow. I love those boots. Plus, they were expensive! For me anyway.

I wasn’t even thinking about all the other valuable things I had in my luggage, like my flat iron and my absolute favorite book that I paid a whopping $97 for. And I don’t think it can be replaced. So angry and frustrated and went back on the plane, to wait in line for the restroom with all the other passengers needing to relieve themselves.

I loudly told several people what was happening and people were just shocked!

One man even suggested that I suddenly become “sick.”

Shortly thereafter, they announced that anyone who wanted to leave could do so and that we would have to pick up our luggage at the airport, at a later time.


Several people followed me off the airplane. And I still cannot wrap my head around why they sat quietly, allowing the airline to bully them.

My feet were freezing and soaking wet as I walked around the car, through a foot of snow to brush off the car before heading home.

But I was elated! I could go home, sleep and see my family.

Speaking of being elated, I have some exciting things coming up! Next week I will be going live on 3 radio shows. All with pretty big audiences, two with well over 2 millions listeners. The Queen Silvy Show, The Senior Zone and AME radio. I will post them on my media page and follow up with dates and times in case you want to listen in.

Another super exciting thing I have planned is my new product launch (details to follow) and my brand new Facebook Group, collaborated with the lovely Linh Chao.

It’s called “HELP Me Break the Silence.” We have created this group to support Mental Health Awareness and give support to anyone who feels like they are alone. This is a group to give positive support by sharing your story and ask questions. We feel together we can all help each other to break the silence.

Linh and I both have suffered the difficulties of having a bipolar mother. Now we want to share our stories and how we cope to help others heal through positive interaction.

It is in the beginning stages. But this one isn’t going anywhere. I have found my calling and my mission. It is on!

If you want to join or know anyone who needs to break the silence, here is the link to join:


Fluffy Clouds are Deceiving

This morning I was on the redeye flight back from LA. We were above the clouds as the plane was descending. I love that. When you’re above the clouds and you can see the blue sky.

The clouds appear to be soft fluffy pillows. It almost makes you want to jump into them and land into a giant pile of fluff.

But the reality is that you would plummet to your death. Unless of course you have a parachute.

Perception can be very powerful. When something bad happens to us we can look at it as a negative. We could complain and moan about it. Or we can take a positive stance and find a bright side to the situation.

I’ve been noticing lately, on social media, the notion of “Is the world good today or bad today.” Or something like that. But the idea is that you have a choice. You can decide to either have a positive attitude or a negative one.

Your attitude affects how you tackle challenges and often the outcome of a situation.

The thing I find that affects my attitude the most is how I feel about myself. When I exercise and eat healthy, I feel good about myself. And my view is that the world is good.

But when I’m not feeling well, whether it’s physically or emotionally, the world is bad.

Today, the world is good. 🙂

Despite waiting for hours on the runway this morning before taking off. The fact that my hotel room heater was broken and I was shivering, waiting for the hotel engineer to resolve it. And the fact that I still don’t have my luggage (that’s another story). The world is good.

If you want to feel good and have a more positive attitude, check out my book. “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s available on Amazon in Kindle and in paperback. Check it out if you want to have a “world is good” attitude too.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that…

I’m in LA anxiously awaiting the sun to peek out from the morning smog.

I came here to learn how to grow my business and connect with a group of amazing people.

The mastermind group was created by Ryan Lee, the founder and creator of Freedym. It’s a membership site that teaches you everything you need to know about started and growing a profitable online business by creating recurring revenue.

One of the things I realized is that I need to let go of things that aren’t working. Or that I am not wholeheartedly invested in. And focus on my special “superpowers,” as Ryan puts it.

We all have superpowers and we all have things we need to let go of. Even when it’s hard. We become emotionally attached to things that aren’t always best for us.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But there comes a time when we need to take the bull by the horns. Let go of the things that aren’t working and focus on our goals.

If your goal is to live a healthier and happier life then check out my new book, “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s not only about losing weight. I also share ways to keep it off. Including some of my secret methods to burn more calories throughout the day.

You’ll learn:
*How to squeeze in exercise on busy days
*Healthy morning habits
*Eight old-school weight loss tips
*Healthy snacks

And more

You can get it on Amazon in Kindle or in paperback.

Did you work out today? If not, it’s okay. It’s not too late.

Just do it.

Whipping winds of the Blizzard of ’77 create a challenge…

Last month, I flew to LA on business. I arrived to beautiful 77 degree weather. Most of my time was spent working but I did get in a little outdoor pool time before heading home.

As I began to write this I suddenly got a flashback. The number 77 reminded me of the whipping winds of the Blizzard of ‘77. I was 9 years old at the time and I remember being dismissed early from school. I could barely see as the raging winds whipped my face as I walked home with my sister.

The winds ranged from 46 to 69 mph blasting the city of Buffalo with the record breaking snow that had accumulated on the lake. The storm deemed “The White Death” stranded thousands of people burying them in their homes and cars.

The walk home was a challenge. Living without power for weeks was a challenge. Yet what I remember most is huddling with my family over candlelight, singing “99 bottles of beer on the wall.” And the giant mountain of snow that the National Guard dumped in the vacant lot next to my house. We played “King of the Hill” in between warming up inside with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Challenges come and go throughout our lives. And as we battle them, our weight can fluctuate.

After having my second child, I had a hard time losing the “baby weight.” Almost everyone I tell that story to, has a similar story. Either when their mom died or they were going through a divorce. Or even when they were starting a new career because of stress.

That’s why I wrote “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!” To help you with your weight loss challenges. Whatever your challenges are, whether it’s weight loss, eating healthier or motivation to exercise.

It’s available on Amazon in Kindle and in paperback. You can overcome your challenges today! Just go here:

Peaches from the Cellar Give Fruit from the Tree

When I was growing up we had two peach trees in the backyard. I can still remember climbing the trees. In fact, I dug up this old picture out of the attic this morning. My sister Natalie and I are in one of the trees together.

What do you think about those bangs?!

The peach trees produced bushels of peaches. My mom used to can them in glass mason jars and store them in the cellar. So when fruit was scarce (or seasonally expensive) during the winter months, we would have plenty of fruit to eat.

I can remember when my mom gave us the okay to grab the first jar of the season.

We would get excited as my parents opened thé basement door in the kitchen floor. The trap door led us to creepy steep stairs that took us into the dark basement. We would search blindly to find the old fashioned light ,which was just a string hanging from one dim light bulb.

There we would find mason jars filled with peaches, pears, beets and pickled cucumbers.

We would drool in anticipation as my mother opened the first jar of peaches and dish them out to everyone.

Making us fat and happy.

Way back before we had refrigeration, fresh fruits and vegetables were scarce in the winter time. And people actually had to hunt for their food.
There’s a theory that the reason people gain weight and beef up for the winter, is that we had to fatten up because food was scarce.

Similar to the theory which explains why we need to go out of our way to exercise. Our bodies were built to walk and work on the farm. Instead, we now spend most of our time sitting. For work, sitting at the computer, sitting in the car or taking the train.

This is exactly why it’s so important to exercise. If we don’t get enough exercise, our bodies hold the extra calories and turn them into fat.

According to Huffpost millions of Americans gain weight over the winter holidays. Women’s Health claims that 59% of women gain an average of 4.5 pounds in the winter.


If you are like so many millions of other Americans and have about 5 pounds to lose, check out my brand new book, “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress!”