

Category Archives for "Uncategorized"

My Sister’s Death Helped 2 People See Again

The Importance of Early Detection in Breast Cancer

The first time I found a lump on one of my breasts, I was in my early twenties. Actually, I didn’t find the lump, my doctor did. It was during a routine annual exam. It was a little scary going for my first mammogram at such a young age.

Fortunately, everything turned out fine for me.

It turns out I have dense tissue in my breasts. This means I develop lumps fairly frequently. They’re usually nothing to be concerned about. But the only way to know for certain is to have a mammogram.

A mammogram is a breast exam used to screen you for breast cancer. They squeeze your breast between two cold, hard, flat surfaces. Then they take x-rays of your breasts at various angles. It’s sometimes painful but mostly uncomfortable.

How to Prepare for a Mammogram

There isn’t very much preparation for a mammogram. It is recommended that you avoid chocolate, coffee, or caffeine before the test. The caffeine can make your breasts more tender making it more uncomfortable during the exam. You should begin to avoid them about a week before your exam.

Hopefully, where you for your exam will be as cool as mine. They have coffee readily available and giant jars of Hershey kisses in the waiting rooms. To make up for all the chocolate you gave up

On the day of the exam, do not put on deodorant, lotion, perfume, or anything else on your breasts or under your arms. If you do, you should thoroughly wash it off before the exam. It could alter your test results or prevent the x-rays from being clear.

After checking in for your exam you will be asked to undress from the top up and put on a gown. You should wear a skirt or pants so you can at least have your bottoms on when they remove the gown during the exam.

The worst part of a mammogram is trying to hold still while they take the x-ray. If you move while they are taking the x-ray, it could come out blurry. Making it difficult for the doctor to make an accurate assessment.

Then you have to do it again. Which is a little more painful now that your breasts are already tender. After years of experience, I’ve mastered the art of holding my breath while they are taking the x-rays.

Read this true heart warming story... #earlydetection #cancer #breast #family #women #girls #prevention #health #wellness #fitness #exercise #life #organ #donor

When Should You Have a Mammogram?

Your doctor will recommend a mammogram if there is something unusual or suspicious about your breasts. Like a lump, tenderness, pain, unusual changes or discharge from your nipples; or any other unusual changes to your breasts.

If you’re old (like me) it is recommended that you have a mammogram once a year. Typically if you are over the age of 40 or if there is a history of cancer in your family. Speak to your doctor if anything seems unusual about your breasts or to find out when you should have your first mammogram.

If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately. Early detection could mean the difference between life or death.

After they take the x-rays you will be sent to a waiting room. They recommend that you keep the gown on in case the doctor recommends more testing. Then you sit in a room with other women all a little nervous while waiting for their test results.

The doctor will call you into a room where you go over the x-rays together.

If everything looks good they send you on your way. You can breathe easy now knowing you’re okay.

If something looks suspicious, then further testing is recommended. They typically start with more x-ray taken from multiple angles and more advanced technology like 3D images.

If something warrants concern, the next step is to have a biopsy. Where they extract samples from the breast tissue to run more tests.

After your mammogram, you will most likely be offered a choice whether to stay and wait for your results or to leave. If you decide to stay you will wait to see the doctor and go over the results together.  If you decide to leave they will call you with the results.

Keep in mind, if you are called back it is no longer considered prevention. Your health insurance may charge you differently for your follow up visit. I learned this the hard way by having to pay out of pocket. Apparently, had I stayed the entire appointment would have been covered under prevention saving me money.

I usually wait since I want to know the results as quickly as possible. One year when I was there for a routine visit, it was kind of busy and I didn’t feel like waiting. Since I was there for a routine visit and not because of any unusual changes I wasn’t too concerned.

As Murphy’s Law would have it, things looked suspicious.

I was surprised when I received a call to come back for more testing.

This time when I arrived at the facility, they sent me to the other side. This side is where the women go who failed the initial breast screening. I call it the scary side. It was not fun sitting in the waiting.

You can’t help but people watch while you’re there. Wondering who has cancer. It makes me happy to see women come out of the doctor’s office with expressions of relief and joy. I too felt relief on that day. It turned out to be nothing.

My sister Natalie wasn’t so lucky. She died of breast cancer. She had been struggling with her weight and was taking high blood pressure medication.

She was only 46 years old when she died. She found the lump between her regular checkups and annual mammograms. Only 7 months after having a routine mammogram. She wasn’t scheduled for another one for 5 months.

It turned out to be the most aggressive form of breast cancer. After careful consideration, she decided to have the most aggressive treatment. Her doctor scheduled a double mastectomy and both her breasts were removed only 2 weeks after she was diagnosed with cancer.

Six weeks later, she went back to have her stitches removed. Another cancerous lump had already formed on one of her scars. She went back to surgery to have the lump removed. Then she went through chemotherapy, radiation, and chemotherapy again. Despite the early detection, cancer spread rapidly into stage 4. Once in her lymph nodes, cancer spread everywhere including her lungs. She died exactly one year after having her breasts removed.

My sister Natalie didn’t win her battle with cancer but many do.

Her overall health wasn’t very good, to begin with. She was overweight, was taking high blood pressure medication (which completely killed her sex drive), and she smoked.

Your health and choices can significantly impact your treatment. Including your chance of survival and risk of contracting other deadly diseases and breast cancer.

There are many cancer survivors who are alive today because of early detection.

As well as their overall health and choices.

It’s scary to think about but extremely important. Early detection and immediate treatment is the best way to battle this deadly disease.

Check your own breasts every month. Only you know what your breasts feel like. What is normal for you and what is not. If you have any unusual symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms, it is critical that you call your doctor to have your breasts examined.

As quickly as possible.

On a side note, my sister was an organ donor. Because cancer had spread throughout her entire body, only her corneas could be donated. I learned shortly after her death that two people can now see because of her. An eighty year old woman in WNY and a 44 year old man in Tennessee.

Knowing her death at least allowed two people to use their eyes helped make the healing process and loss of her death a little bit easier.

Being overweight increases your risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. Discover how you can lose weight fast and keep it off for life.

Read this true heart warming story... #earlydetection #cancer #breast #family #women #girls #prevention #health #wellness #fitness #exercise #life #organ #donor

Shoot for the Stars

When my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, I created a bucket list.

One of the first things on my list was to climb a mountain. I had already done some pretty adventurous things. I’ve gone skydiving, I’ve whitewater rafted Class 5 rapids, mountain biked through treacherous terrains and even surfed the crazy waves in Hawaii.

At the time, one of the things I had not done yet, is climb a mountain.

Realizing that life is short and there’s no time to waste, I planned it, booked it and trained diligently. In less than a month, I climbed to the top of Mount Washington and crossed it off my list.

Since then, I have hiked the treacherous Knife’s Edge of Mt Katahdin and conquered all 3 peaks of the Franconia Notch Ridge.

Once you start going after something you want, you can never stop. That’s exactly how it is with starting a business.

When I started my own business, I vomited.

I wish this wasn’t a true story. But it is and it took me a long time to figure out why. What I finally realized is that there were many reasons. Not just one. Fear seems like the obvious answer but why was I afraid?

It wasn’t just fear. It was having to overcome mental blocks from years of discouragement.

When I started my blog and began to write my first book, I told my friends and family what I was doing. Despite their comments of “that’s great,” I could see through their almost fake enthusiasm, before they would say, “You’re still doing real estate, right?”

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Yes, I was still a Realtor as much as I no longer wanted to be.

I have been a writer my whole life. When I was younger, I wrote poems and stories and thought about the possibility of being a journalist.

When I was a sophomore in High School, my English teacher took a leave of absence. We had a permanent substitute for the rest of the year and I can remember him perfectly. I can picture Mr. Hunt’s face clear as day. He wore a little cap on his head as he got on the same bus I took to school in the morning.

He was a short, grumpy fellow.

One of our first assignments with the new “teacher” was a book report. I looked down at my graded paper and there was a giant red C at the top of the page.

I was shocked.

I had never gotten less than a B on anything and even that was rare. I had always been an A student and was even the “valedictorian” of my eighth grade class.

Had there been such an honor at 8th grade graduation.

I was nervous as I slowly approached Mr. Hunt to find out what I did wrong. My grade was important to me and I couldn’t have this happen again.

When I asked him why I got a C, he replied “Because it was a bad paper. You are a bad writer.”

At the time, I was going through a hard time with my mom being sick. The circumstances made me very impressionable. It wasn’t until years later that I realized I had allowed this little troll of a man, who didn’t even have a permanent job or a car, affect me in such a way that it altered my life.

Another dream I had was to be a doctor. The thought of saving lives inspired me. When I told people this, they responded, “You should be a nurse.”

Shot down again.

I ended up dropping out of high school and ended up choosing a path in sales and marketing. It wasn’t until much later that I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business/Management.

Even in my late thirties, I chose a broad, general field. Since I still didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up.

After a year of battling cancer, my sister passed away. It was a horrible year, watching her go through surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation.

Four years after she died, I remembered my bucket list and dug it up. It had been so long, I had to search for it on the hard drive of an old desktop computer.

Once I found it, I happily crossed off a few things but there was one thing on the list that was nagging me. It was to become a published author.

Five years had gone by since I wrote the list. Yet, I hadn’t even begun writing my book.

It was time to take action. I built a website, started a blog and began publishing articles. It felt great to write the word Author next to my name.

But I still needed to write my first book.

I was determined to accomplish this goal in 2017. I spent hours doing research and learning the ins and outs of the publishing process. I decided the only way I was going to achieve my goal, was to self publish my first book.

I can proudly say that on December 31, 2017, I had written, published and sold the first copy of my book.

Writing my first book changed my life in ways I never imagined.

I have since connected with amazing people who have built successful businesses. I get interviewed as the guest expert on radio shows and podcasts. I have even been invited to come back every month as the health & fitness expert on an award-winning radio show.

Now I get to help millions of listeners live happier and healthier lives.

I was 49 when I started my own business and published my first book. I am here to tell you if I can do it, so can you. It doesn’t matter how old you are.

Or what is going on in your life.

You will always have challenges. There will always be unexpected, and sometimes tragic events. And there will always be naysayers and people trying to keep you down.

The only person you need to listen to – is you.

What do you want?

It is never too late to change your life. Don’t let anything stand in your way from achieving your dreams. Shoot for the stars.

Read how you can start your own money making blog. Click the link below.
Learn more…

When Should You Buy Your Child A Cellphone?

I am re-posting this in honor of the “Not Me” Movement and my guest appearance on “Safety Talk” with Personal Safety Expert Pete Canavan.

One of the decisions we face as parents is when to buy your child a cell phone. Their level of independence can be more important than their age.

I gave my daughter her first phone on her tenth birthday.

She kept asking me when she could have one. Since I wanted it to be a surprise I told her she couldn’t have one until she turned eleven.

She cried when she opened the box. Yes. I lied. But it was so worth it to see her happy face on her birthday.

Moments like these, you’ll always cherish and remember.

A few months later, my daughters and I went out for ice cream after a school concert. We met up with some of their friends and their moms. I was really surprised when one of the moms said to me “I couldn’t believe you got your daughter a phone. I didn’t buy my oldest daughter a phone until she was thirteen.”

Then another mom chimed in,”I know. I couldn’t believe it. Now my daughter keeps asking me for one too.”

Yep. I was “that” mom. I had no idea.

And quite frankly, I didn’t really care. What the other kids had and what other parents thought, wasn’t a factor in my decision.

It was fear.

Hannah was at the age where she wanted freedom. She would ask me if she could go for a ride on her bike. At first, I would only let her go around the block. Then a few blocks. Then the playground.

All I could think about while she was gone was the dreaded white van pulling up to her. Asking for directions or anything that would bring her to the car. Then zapping her with a Taser gun and throwing her into the van.


Maybe. But it’s how I felt. I would have let her take my cell phone but it was my business line. At the time I was a single working mother and couldn’t afford to miss a call.

I didn’t buy her a cell phone to spoil her.

It wasn’t even for her, although she loves it. It was for me. As a concerned parent I can now have peace of mind. Now I can stay connected at all times. She calls me or texts me to let me know where she is and when she will be home.

Now I can breathe a little bit easier.

Here are 5 questions to help you determine if you and your child are ready:

  1. Is your child ever alone without parental guidance?
  2. Does your child walk home from school or anywhere without an adult?
  3. How responsible is your child?
  4. Can you communicate openly with your child about internet safety?
  5. Does the cost of another cell phone fit into your budget?

There is no “right” age or time to buy your child a cell phone. Do what you think is best for you and your family. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or what the other moms say. It all depends on your child’s level of independence, your comfort level and what you can afford.

Happy phone shopping!


It’s Never too Late to Change Your Life

Why I love McDonald’s…

I can’t remember the last time I ate food from a McDonald’s restaurant. I did however run into one a couple weeks ago, to use the restroom.

Back in my medical sales days, when I was deemed a “road warrior,” it wasn’t always easy finding a clean public restroom.

Most McDonald’s locations are usually pretty “safe” when it comes to cleanliness.

The franchise locations must abide by the corporation’s strict guidelines or risk being shut down.


But that’s not why I love McDonald’s.

I love the *story* behind McDonald’s. A real life American Dream come true.

Ray Kroc, the founder of the billion-dollar industry was 52 when he approached the McDonald’s brothers.

And changed his life.

If you haven’t heard of McDonald’s (that is if you’ve been living under a rock.

Or you are a hideaway hermit that’s been living in the woods since 1950) it is the world’s largest hamburger chain fast food restaurant, serving about 68 million people per day.

Talk about impact!

This real life story has been an inspiration to me for years. Long before the movie “The Founder” came out. I actually haven’t seen it yet. I was thinking about watching it now that it’s on Redbox.

This powerful story, is undoubtedly one of things that motivated me to start my own business (at age 49) and publish my first book.

Because it is never too late to follow your dream.

Or change your life.

Writing and self-publishing my first book has opened doors and possibilities, I never could have imagined.

I now get to go on radio shows, podcasts (as the guest expert) and hear from amazing successful people that I am awesome.

Little ole me?
You know what?

You are awesome too.

If you’ve been thinking about changing your life, I am here to tell you, that it is never too late.

Seriously. If I can do it. You can do it.

Which is why I want you to know about an amazing event.

“Less Talk, More Action”

One of the people I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting is Corine LaFont.

Corine is an award winning author, speaker, consultant and online radio host. She has gathered together an amazing group of authors, writers and self-publishers. All in one place. For one day only. To show you how to self-publish your book and get your voice heard.

Here are just a few things you will learn at the event:

* How to discover your purpose through your story
*Unleashing your voice to millions
*How to promote your self-published book on the cheap
*How to double your income, following and credibility by writing your bestselling book

I have become an affiliate with Corine because this event is something you don’t want to miss. Yes, I will receive a commission when you purchase your ticket through the affiliate link below. Because you can never have too many streams of income. But I would only promote something I think is worth your hard earned dollars.

To learn how to change your life *at any age* and begin living your version of the American Dream, just click the clean link below:


Let’s live the American Dream together!

A Better Way to Make Money

The other day I spent some time in Niagara Falls. It is a magical, mystical place that draws visitors from all over the world. It has been deemed “the Honeymoon Capital of the World.”

One of the 3 waterfalls is even named Bridal Veil Falls.

The reason should be obvious.

I’ve been there a countless number of times, since it’s so close to where I live. This time I went there on a mission. To take some pictures and write a travel article about the amazing destination.
You can never have enough streams of income.

Among the many attractions in Niagara Falls is the Daredevil Exhibit. Barrels that were used by real life daredevils to go over the waterfalls, are there on display.

Some of the barrels are from successful adventures. Some, not so much. Well, they all made it over the falls…

But not everyone survived.

The “Death Barrel” used by George Stathakis is one of the barrels on display. He actually survived the fall, but the barrel got stuck. By the time rescuers were able to reach him, he had suffocated to death.

On a happier note, his companion on the adventure, a turtle named Sonny Boy, survived.

The first person to survive going over the Falls in a barrel, was a woman.

Not so hard to believe.

On her 63rd birthday, Annie Edson Taylor went over Niagara Falls in a barrel.

And survived.

Crazy right?

And you thought I was adventurous.

I can say for certain that going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, is something I would never do.

Apparently, Annie’s motives were financial. Unfortunately, she never made much money from her adventure, but she did make history!

I can sure think of way better ways to make money.

One of them is to write and sell books.

But you have to sell them to make money. And knowing how to market your book is vital to your success.

Which is why I want to tell you about a spectacular event.

My friend Corine LaFont, a self-publishing expert is hosting an awesome one day online event. She is the owner and Founder of the Self Publishing University.

The conference, “Less Talk, More Action” features 10 international speakers to help you market your book and increase sales.

How much do you love that?!

Less Talk, More Action.”

Corine is an action taker. She is an award winning author, speaker, consultant and online radio host.

She has gathered together an amazing group of authors, writers and self publishers. All in one place. For one day only. To show you how to self-publish your book and get your voice heard.

To show you how to:

*Unleash your voice to millions to gain credibility
*Promote your self-published book on the cheap, so you can save money
*Double your income by writing your best selling book

Learn more about “Less Talk, More Action.”

The link in this post is an affiliate link. Rest assured, I would only promote something I absolutely believe is worth your time and investment.

Do you want to go where everyone knows your name?

Waay back in my twenties, when I was a radio marketing rep for the #1 hit music station, I lived in an apartment in the hip Elmwood Avenue district.

When I rented the apartment, the landlord told me he owned the lot a couple doors down and that I could park there for free. Every time I got a notice on my car, I called him. He told me it was fine. Since I never got towed or fined, I didn’t worry about it much. My neighbors residing in the same building, told me the same thing. That they were also told they could park there but thought he might be lying.

And you wonder why I have trust issues.

Shortly after moving into the apartment, the property where “my” parking lot was, was purchased. The old deserted building residing on the property, was turned into a very cool restaurant, slash bar.

This was a win/win for me.

I became fast friends with the new owners of the restaurant and signed them up as new clients to advertise on my radio station.

Plus, the two cute owners loved me. So they let me continue to park in their parking lot. Even though the bar was always packed with customers who had to park down the street. Thanks to their advertising with me. I’m sure. 😉

The bar then became like my own personal “Cheers.”

I would park my car and walk in to grab a quick nightcap after a long day of work. And everyone knew my name.

It was comforting.

Even back then, though, I would step outside of my comfort zone. I’ve always felt an immense need to help others.

Rather than hanging out at the bar every Thursday night with my friends, instead I put myself on the schedule for the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team.

I did this every other Thursday night for 4 years.

I would go home after work, have dinner, take a bath and maybe make a cup of hot tea. I would either watch the “must see TV” lineup with Friends and Seinfeld or curl up with a good book, waiting for the phone to ring.

Or for my pager to go off. Yes. We had pagers back then.

Then I would await the call that a poor family who had just lost their home and all of their possessions, needed my assistance.The victims I helped, didn’t have money for a hotel room or family to take them in.
If and when the phone did ring, I would drag myself out of bed at 2 am. Or 4 am. Or whenever I got the call. Then I would put on my Red Cross jacket, my boots, my little red hat and my identification. I used to walk through soaking wet, uninhabitable homes to assess the value of the loss and damage. Then I provided shelter, food, clothing and transportation to hotel rooms for the victims.

It was exhausting. Once after completing a call, I went to breakfast with another DAT team member around 7 am. With barely any sleep that night, I had to rush home to shower and get to work on time.

At the same time, it was exhilarating.

Regardless of how tired I was, I was always on an adrenaline high the next day. Helping people just feels good.

That’s small apples compared to how I can help others now. As an author, I can impact way more lives. In way less time.

I also have the knowledge and the ability to help you start writing your first book.

I want everyone to know your name.

Do you have a message to share?

Like me, do you also have the desire to help others and impact millions?

Writing a book is a great way to use your voice and reach a vast number of people who need help with something. Something that YOU can help them with.

How can I be of help to you?

Reply to this email if you need a little guidance getting your message out there.

In the meantime, if it’s a few extra pounds you’re struggling with, check out my book, “Zipping it Up: How to lose five pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

You can snuggle up on the couch with a paperback. Or the kindle version, which you can read on your computer, your tablet or even on your phone. You don’t need a fancy Kindle. Just a FREE Kindle app will allow you to read it anywhere.

To get your copy now click the “Zipping it Up” link in the menu bar.

Creating Positive Change

Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of inspirational quotes flying around social media.

Things like:

“The best thing that ever happened to me is losing my job.”


“Sometimes things that seem like the worst thing in the world turn out to be the best thing that could have happened.”

All these rich (or seemingly rich) gurus spouting on about how broke they were and then they started their own business and created a life of wealth. Claiming all you have to do is buy their $2000 product and your life will change too!

When you’re in the midst of a bad situation, there is no sugar coating it. Bad is bad.

However, like all the rich gurus claim, how you deal with a situation is entirely up to you. You can’t control the things that happen to you. But you can control how you react to them.

It’s not always easy. You can make all the excuses in the world.

Creating positive change is always POSSIBLE.

If it’s a little extra weight that your carrying on your mid-section or your backside, there is something you can do about that too.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to starve yourself. But like anything in life, you do have to do the work.

To learn a simple and effective way to lose 5 pounds fast check out my book. “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black” will show you exactly how to do it.

And unlike all the gurus charging thousands for their products, it’s affordable. The Kindle book is only $2.99. Less than a fancy cup of coffee. The paperback is only $9.99 on Amazon. Worth every penny if zipping up that little black dress puts a smile on your face.

If you’re ready to stop making excuses, start today by going here:

Have an amazing day!

Irene Gabelnick

Don’t Talk Politics!

I’m not usually one to talk religion or politics. Especially on social media. It can be considered “taboo.”

Easter is coming and it is the season of lent, so it’s on my mind. So be it. I won’t discuss my views but I have a cute story I want to share.

When I was in my early twenties, I was dating a guy who was religious. He was an Irish catholic which made celebrating St. Patrick’s Day fun.

I’m pretty sure I still have the sweatshirt I bought when we wore matching sweatshirts to the St. Patty’s Day parade one year.

Cute right?

The silly things we do when we’re young and in love.

We also went to church together every Sunday and always gave up something for lent. My favorite thing to give up was fried food. At the time, I was working as a waitress at the Anchor Bar, the home of the original chicken wing. Hot Buffalo style chicken wings were my weakness so this was not an easy task.

At the end of six weeks of giving up all fried food, including chicken wings, potato chips and french fries (my other weakness) I always lost at least 5 pounds. If not 10.

Perfect since summer and bikini season was quickly approaching.

This morning I realized that I’ve been using similar methods to lose weight fast for over 30 years! Even in my teens.

I’m dating myself now. Whatever.

These are the same methods I share with you in my book “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

You will learn:

*Old school weight loss methods that actually work
*An easy to follow guide to healthy eating
*How to squeeze in exercise and burn extra calories

And most importantly!

How to KEEP the weight off.

Or quickly lose it again if those pounds start to creep back up again…

Like they always seem to do.

To get your copy either in Kindle or paperback click the ole link:

Writing My First Book Changed My Life

Writing my first book changed my life.

I just got a new radio gig.

The amazing Silvy Starks of the award winning radio show “The Queen Silvy Show” has invited me to be a featured guest on her show – EVERY month.

I get to share health and fitness tips with millions of listeners and help change lives. One of my many missions in life is to help people live happier and healthier lives.

But that’s not all. I want to help you avoid having to take medication, for illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and even the big C. Cancer.

Every week I get invited on radio shows and podcasts to share my story and to promote my new book.

It’s a win/win!

I get to help others.

Make money.

And I have FUN doing it!

Are you ready to change your life?

I developed a simple 10 step checklist so you can get started writing your first book today.

You can spread your voice and impact millions.

To download your FREE checklist  – “10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today” click on “The Power of Writing” link in the menu bar or enter your email address below on mobile or to the right on full screen.

Is Writing a Book on Your Bucket List?

Many years ago, a tragic family loss prompted me to create a bucket list. At the time, one of the things I hadn’t done yet is climb a mountain. Realizing that life is short and there’s no time to waste, I planned it, booked it and trained diligently. In less than a month I climbed to the top of Mount Washington and crossed it off my list.

And before you ask, no, I didn’t drive up the mountain. I actually put my hiking boots on and walked up the mountain. I also climbed back down the next day, after spending the night in an Appalachian Mountain Club Hut.

I trained hard for the 6,288 ft climb. Reaching the top was exhausting yet exhilarating. The last leg of the ascent was filled with giant rocks that I had to scramble up. I can still remember how I felt every time I looked up hoping to be almost to the top. It seemed so far away and was incredibly daunting. But in that final stretch, adrenaline kicked in and I powered through. The winds were whipping against my face as a storm rolled in, making it even more challenging. Perseverance and the need to reach the top kept me going. And finally I conquered my goal.

Another thing on my bucket list was to become a published author. For some reason, this was even more daunting than climbing a mountain. It took me less than a month to climb to the top of that mountain. The book? Almost 5 years. It took me 5 years to finally publish my first book.

For years I’d forgotten that I even wrote the bucket list. Then sometime last summer, something triggered my memory. It was hidden somewhere on my old desktop computer and I had to search to find it. When I did, I happily crossed off quite a few things.

But not the book. I still hadn’t conquered that goal yet.

It was haunting me.

I decided that I had to write and publish my first book in 2017. When I set a realistic goal and make the decision to accomplish something, there is pretty much no stopping me.

And I did it.

I set a deadline and a very definitive and realistic goal.

It took me a little longer than I expected. Something always came up and I made excuse after excuse. But I did it. On December 31, 2017, I self-published my first book and sold my first copy.

I had no intention of waiting until the very last day of the year. The process and the formatting took me longer than I expected. And it was another week before I had it revised, polished and available in paperback. I had to learn how to format it for both the Kindle and paperback versions. Then learn how to number the chapters, upload the book cover, decide whether to go glossy or matte, and what color paper I wanted. Lots of things that would have been easier if I only had someone to guide me. Explaining how to do everything along the way with the pros and cons of my decisions.

Which is why I am here to help you. So you don’t have to do it alone.

Like I did.

Is writing a book on your bucket list?

If you are ready to start writing your first book and cross it off your bucket list, check out my free guide. I put together 10 simple steps to help you start writing your book today.

To download your FREE guide “10 Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today” and begin to conquer your mountain, just enter your email address on the right or down below if on mobile. Or go to the Power of Writing link in the menu bar.

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