

Category Archives for "Success"

How to Drive Massive and Highly Engaged Traffic to Your Website

This article was originally published on November 5, 2020.

Get READY to drive Massive high-quality traffic to your blog (or website) that gets your audience saying YES to your offers.

**Make sure you share this article and save it for later**

One of the fastest ways to drive high-quality traffic and increase your website’s SEO is by getting media interviews. The media is significantly more effective than paid ads and social media because it’s more credible and trust-worthy.

And it makes you look like a Big Shot in your industry.

One of the enormous benefits of getting media interviews is that Google rewards you (and your website) when you have backlinks from reputable sources. Like media outlets, well-known blogs, and podcasts. The more backlinks you have to your website, the higher Google ranks you in their search engine when prospective buyers are searching for your freebies and offers.

This can drive massive organic traffic to your website, build your email list, and make you better, richer, faster with your blog and business!

Here’s what usually happens when you land an interview on a podcast or radio show.

Your interview and website links get posted on the podcast host’s website. Then they promote you on all their social media channels and to their email list. And, if you use this strategy, you can link even more traffic back to your website.

For example, when you get booked on a podcast, make sure you have a relevant article and lead magnet ready. This way their listeners WANT to go to your website.

Build Your Email List Fast with insider SECRETS #bloggingtips #workfromhome #listbuilding #business #traffic #secrets #lifestyle #blogging

Email *Secrets* to Quickly Grow Your Email List

Getting media interviews is a great way to grow your email list. Once you capture your visitors’ emails you can turn them into paying customers.

*For more email and list building *secrets* and a Beginner’s Guide to making money with emails download your FREE guide here.*

This makes you look like a hero to the show host. Because you are providing interesting and engaging content for their audience.

Which is a win/win for everyone.

Your podcast interviews then become evergreen. This means that your interviews can drive traffic to your website for years to come.

You know how when you get hooked on a series on Netflix? Or when you get hooked on a new podcast, you end up binge-listening to the entire series.

It’s the same thing for your potential customers!

That’s how you can quickly grow your business – by driving high-quality traffic to your blog or website.

Learn more about how You can get booked on radio shows and podcasts here: Podcast Power

Drive MASSIVE free traffic to your website. Read how... #traffic #blog #bloggingtips #bloggers #blog #website #entrepreneur #business #media #money

Could This Lead to the Best Year of Your Life?

This past week has been a whirlwind for me…

In the past couple of weeks, I have had some amazing opportunities come my way. And I realized that I haven’t shared with you the real *secret* to success in the online world.

You see, after struggling (when I first started my online bizness) I realized that the most important thing to succeeding, in a sea filled with online marketers, is making connections.  

It’s ALL about making connections. 

With people you can collaborate with, people who will tell all their friends about you, and people who want to work with you. 

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to write a chapter in a book collaborating with 22 other successful entrepreneurs. One of which is an 8 time TEDx Talk speaker and an international best selling author. 

This book that I am featured in, is Book 2 in an already best-selling book series. 

Then, last week, I was asked to be featured in a brand new digital publication that has an expected reach of 125,000 people. 

So how could I say no?

Which has left me a bit busy, to say the least. 

But that’s not all…

Jennelle, who you might already know I am co-writing The 8 Faces of Freedom with, asked me to confirm that I will be there in December for her first TEDx Talk where I might actually meet Tony Robbins!

So yeah, this might just be one of the best years of my life. 

Plus, this morning I reconnected with Shreya Banjeree. If you don’t know who Shreya is, she is a marketing specialist who works with big names like State Farm and Les Brown. 

She has over 12 years of experience in the aerospace and power industry as a process engineer and lean leader for multi-billion dollar corporations. 
She is Six Sigma certified as well as Google Ads certified and has many other qualifications. 

But the best part about my introducing You to Shreya is that she is also the creator of the Affiliate Blogging Ninja course that I happen to own the PLR rights to. 

This is the program that I went through that finally got me actually making money from my blog. 

I learned so much from the 39 videos that show you *exactly* how to build your own website from scratch, create stunning videos, market yourself and drive traffic to your offers, and much, much, more…

Today I decided to bundle all 39 videos with my Build Your Own Money Making Website course and package it up for $297. 

But today you can have it ALL for the low, low price of only $47. 

Because I want YOU to make this your *best* year ever. 

But there’s just one other thing you need to make your dreams a reality. You have to *believe* that you can do it. It’s not easy starting your own business.

But it is worth it.

And I believe that if you are reading this right now that you have what it takes.

So what do you think?

Could this lead to being your *best* year ever?

You’ll never know if you don’t try. And to MAKE SURE that you get started on the right track if you sign up today, not only will you get a HUGE savings on this special limited-time offer…

I am going to throw in a FREE strategy call with me personally. 
We will meet for an hour (via a live Zoom meeting or call – your choice) and we will clarify your message, your brand, your target market, and your mission.

People pay me $300 an hour for these strategy sessions. So you will be saving $550 when you sign up today.

Once you sign up inside The Power of Writing Academy, you will gain FULL ACCESS to all the courses. 

Then shoot me an email by replying to any of my emails or sending it to [email protected] and in the subject line put “Bonus Strategy Call.”

To get the $250 discount off of the course, use the coupon code “freedom.” The deadline for this offer is midnight on Tuesday, October 20th.

After that, it disappears just like Cinderella’s carriage turns back into a pumpkin at midnight.  

Make sure the discount is applied before you enter your credit card information.

Let’s make this the BEST year ever together!

You can grab all the details here:

Learn more…


When you do good work and you care about your clients they leave surprise testimonials for you. This one was a complete surprise from a Top 40 hit musician I worked with. Take it away Uncle Win…
“Irene is loyal to her clients. She strives to meet their needs, a true professional.”
~Win Thompkins, Uncle Wins Music

Here’s the link that will help you meet and work with amazing people too:

I’m making this a GREAT year!

The deadline for this offer is midnight on Tuesday, October 20th. Then the coupon code is set to automatically expire. So I wouldn’t wait on this lest you forget.

Here’s the link to save today:
I LOVE saving money!

Start your own freedom blog... #blog #blogging #startablog #workfromhome #business #entrepreneur #bloggingtips #workfromanywhere

Once You Put Your Big Girl Pants On There is NO Going Back

When my youngest daughter was two, she refused to wear pull-ups.

You know, those diapers that are designed so you can pull them up and down. Like panties. So every time your little one goes potty you don’t have to throw away an expensive unused diaper.


Not my little Miss Independent. Who I sometimes call “Mini Me.”

Now keep in mind, she hadn’t needed a diaper in months. I knew she was ready to go to big girl panties and had even bought her an assortment of really cute ones. To try to convince her to give up diapers.

I guess she wanted to stay little.

So here we had a box of pretty pink pull-ups that she refused to wear. As well as a drawer full of cute little underwear. Yet we were still throwing away expensive diapers. Every single day.

One day, she was going through one of the many toy catalogs that arrive by the boatload just before Christmas. She had circled a doll stroller along with many other toys.

There was this one particular stroller that she really wanted.

This one stroller, she had circled many times and kept showing me. Making sure I KNEW this was absolutely the one she wanted. We were sitting on the couch one day, when suddenly the wheels in my mind started churning.

This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

It was bribery, yes. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Christmas was coming and we couldn’t afford to keep throwing money away. Especially on unused diapers.

Then I asked her one question.

And it went something like this, “Sara.” I said to grab her attention. “If I buy you this stroller right now, and you have it in a couple of days, would you start wearing the pullups?”

Suddenly, she flew off the couch and took off running!

She ran up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out a pair of panties. Completely bypassing the transitional pullups. She put them on, came right back downstairs and said, “Done.”

I actually don’t remember what she said. It was probably more like, “Alright Mom. Order the stroller.”

What I do remember was the determination in her eyes.

And the way she stood there looking at me. So confident with her hands on her hips. I knew at that moment that our diaper days were over. I confirmed with her that she would never go back to diapers. Once she agreed, I ordered the stroller.

That was unquestionably one of the best investments I have ever made. If you’re a mom (or a dad) you understand the joys of the end of diaper days.


She never ever had an accident. And she never went back. Because once you put your big girl pants on, there is NO going back.

For the past several months or so, I have been learning everything possible about course creation, testing, marketing and selling online courses. Despite the fact that I already know quite a bit. I’ve been selling them for a while now.

I needed to learn how to scale my business and fast. Because it’s something I really want. To live a life filled with abundance, joy, freedom and wealth.

The training sessions I have been taking (and the people I am surrounding myself with) are experienced experts who are making millions of dollars selling online programs and are teaching course creators (like me) how to do it right. However, despite everything they are teaching me I still haven’t been doing it.

I guess maybe we all need a little incentive. Or bribery.

One of the things about starting a business is that we have a tendency to devalue our time. Most of us normal folks anyway. Which only hurts us in the long run. You see, if you don’t charge what your program is worth then people often don’t see the value in it.

When you charge a premium price, people have more of an “investment” mindset. They are serious about completing your program. Making it a “no brainer” to pull out their credit card and enroll.

Also making it a huge win/win for everyone.

Your students succeed by showing up and doing the work. Then they give you a raving testimonial. Making it easier for you to sell more high-end courses.

Then you can help even more people succeed.

I realized this morning that I’ve been kind of “staying little” too. Instead of joining the big leagues. Even though I have written over a dozen books just this past year alone.

Even though I became the Health & Fitness Expert on the award-winning radio show The Queen Silvy Show. Only two months after publishing my first book. Where I went live in front of millions of listeners each and every month.

Even though people were calling me “famous.”

And “You’re a Star!” Including my friend Chris (from my LA Mastermind group) who’s a real estate broker selling multi-million dollar listings in San Francisco.

Even though I am co-writing a book with Jennelle Gordon. A book about how Tony Robbins helped a brave young woman. Who as a young girl was sold into sex trafficking and escaped after 10 years of captivity. And how she has started her own business, created Beyond Freedom, a non-profit organization that helps young survivors get back on their feet.

To finally going live on stage delivering her very first TED talk.

A true inspirational story that can show you how you can overcome any obstacle in life. To go from surviving to thriving regardless of any circumstance.

What I realized today is that I am already in the big leagues.

It’s time to put my big girl pants on. And never look back.

So, I raised the price on my upcoming writing course. A LOT. A program where I am teaching entrepreneurs like you how to go from blank page to published in only 5 weeks.

To grow your business, get higher paying clients, land higher paid speaking engagements and easily get into the media.

Because once you put your big girl pants on there is no going back.

Not for my baby girl and not for me.

If you are ready to join the big leagues, by becoming a published author, to scale your business and take it to the next level, you can start today.

Don’t you think it’s time you put your big girl (boy) pants on?

Download your FREE guide to becoming a published author. Take off running now and head on over to The Power of Writing.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Read how one of my favorite movies can help you live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

One of my favorite movies is the movie, “When Harry Met Sally.” Especially the scene where she fakes a well “you know.”

But just like their relationship took time, patience and the right realization (as in what you really want out of life) it goes the same with building an online business.

It is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time, patience, a LOT of learning and really knowing what you want out of life. 

Time, freedom, uncapped earning potential…

That can help you get anything and everything you want in life.

Another lesson is the urgency Sally created at the end of the movie. She was fed up with Harry and stopped playing his silly games. It was pretty much now or never. 

Just as he was about to lose her – he finally takes the leap! And they live happily ever after. We assume anyway since the movie ends with them talking about their wedding and the decadent coconut cake with chocolate sauce.

On the side.

One of the ways to make sales online (or via your email list) is to create urgency. You can’t fake urgency though (like she faked the orgasm) Well you quite easily can. But in the long run, you will lose trust with your email subscribers and they won’t buy from you. 

Admittedly, I have been “nice” in the past and extended sales deadlines. I didn’t fake it. I simply changed my mind. It still isn’t really a good idea though.

Which I have learned the hard way.

In reality, you aren’t helping people at all. If they don’t buy the products that will solve their problems.

This urgency I speak of is important because sometimes it takes that push and urgency to get someone off the fence. So they begin to actually use and apply something you are selling that can benefit them.

It seems strange I know. 

But it all is quite simple. Find a starving crowd (as in a market) who has a problem. Then create something that will solve their problem. Then sell it to them.

I have only been in the “online” space for a short time and I am still learning. However, my 25 plus years of actual face to face selling applies just the same.

It’s all about selling the benefits, building excitement and getting your perfect avatar (customer) to say “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

To get you off the fence. so you can begin living the lifestyle you desire and deserve I have put the “Build Your Own Money Making Website” program on sale. 

And I have created “real life” urgency. It is only on sale until midnight tonight. ET. 

After that, the price goes from this steal of a price (only $49) to $97. So it is a $50 savings. Almost…

Plus I threw in bonuses (another selling tactic) to sweeten the deal. C’mon you know you love it when the big shampoo bottle says “20% more FREE.” 

Who doesn’t love bonuses? 

I added the Pinterest Viral Pin Strategy so you can drive massive traffic to your website. I show you how to build a following fast. Even if you’ve never used Pinterest. It is the exact method I used to go from 4,000 monthly views to over 45,000 in only ONE WEEK.

I also threw in the 28-page newsletter that shows you exactly how to build your own thriving list of email subscribers who will buy from you (once you build their trust) for years to come.

To grab your savings now say “Yes! Yes!” Yes!” to the link below:

I am ready to jump off the fence and say “Yes!”

That’s it. Have an amazing Sunday.


5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

This a re-post with changes from a different article. It is the Introduction from the book “5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog.” You can download a free copy below. 

Discover 5 things every Entrepreneur should know about starting a blog or business. Even if you already own your own business or are just starting out. Keep reading to learn 5 things I share from my 25+ years in sales and marketing and owning a business.

Including a *secret* Marketing Tip that can make any product fly off the shelves. This one thing can work for any product in any type of business.

When owning a business you are always keeping up with the latest technology. Constantly looking to keep up a steady stream of incoming business. Which is why I want to talk a little about blogging. Blogging is a business tool that can be used to grow your business, build a relationship with your customers (or clients) and increase sales. It can also be used as a business platform in itself, as an online business. This type of online business is called a Blog or a Money Making Website.

Whether you’ve thought of starting a blog or not, the information in this book can apply to just about any type of business.

If you have thought about starting a blog, either as your business or to enhance it, then here are a couple reasons you should. One, to build trust with you target market by solving a problem. In the form of relevant information. Secondly, to help you create business that will bring you wealth, happiness and freedom.

You can use it to sell products online. In the form of eBooks, courses, services, physical products or affiliate products related to your industry. If you are new to the online world, you might be thinking, why would someone want to buy information online.

When you can find just about any information for free on the internet?

It’s true that there is a lot of free information on the internet. But how much of the stuff you’re finding is accurate information? In fact, the internet is filled with so much information that you often don’t know what to believe. Or who to trust. Making it even more important to find good information. That most people are willing to pay for. Especially if it solves an immediate need.  

Why You Should Start a Blog. 

You are unique. You are the only person who can share your personal experiences. Making you irreplaceable and extremely valuable. A common fear among new bloggers and business owners is what if no one will buy my products. Especially if you are just starting out or if your industry is saturated with competition. Established business owners already throwing around social proof and income statements like confetti.

Here’s the thing. People don’t necessarily buy your products or services.

What people are buying is you.

Because they can relate to you and your past experiences. You have the knowledge and the resources to help them solve a problem. Which brings up a good point. Why you should share personal stories. It creates a level of intimacy. Your readers and followers connect with you. They begin to feel like they know you which builds trust.

If they trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Which is why blogging is so effective and how you can use it to grow your business. By sharing what you know, along with your unique life experiences. Then using them to help people solve a problem.

The famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you can just help other people get what they want.”

Which is why I wrote this book. To help you succeed. 

Helping people makes me happy.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Being happy?

One of my richest life experiences was when I volunteered for the Disaster Action Team for the American Red Cross. For four years I devoted my free time to aiding families in need of food, shelter and clothing.

There were challenges, like there are with everything in life. 

The many appreciative people who thanked me profusely for my help, made it worth it. Just like it is with owning a business. Despite the challenges your overall experience should be rewarding.

The rewards of having more money, time and flexibility.

When you are spending your time building your own business, it doesn’t feel like work. Especially if you are in the right business. When your business is about something you care about, it becomes fun.

Building a business is not easy. At least not for most of us. 

You need to constantly promote your business, create great content, products and services. Learn how to monetize your blog and most of all you cannot quit.

You Can Succeed.

I will honestly tell you that if you are going to give up when things get tough, you might want to save yourself the trouble.

If you haven’t realized it, I already shared three of the things every business owner should know.

The first One is that owning a business is tougher than you would expect. Even if things are going great with your business now. Anything can happen. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and don’t give up.

You cannot quit if you want to be successful.

Two is that you can everything you want in life, if you help as many people as possible get what they want.

Download the full story below…

“5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog” is a FREE eBook. It shares more than 5 things, every entrepreneur should know before starting a blog. Including: A *Secret* Marketing Tip that helped a brand new product fly off store shelves. The product is still being sold in almost every grocery store in America.

Plus, one thing that can make every entrepreneur more money in any type of business.  Enter your email below to download your eBook now.






Why You Should Write a Book

A few years ago, I was watching a popular morning show on one of the major networks. Tim Larkin, author of “Surviving the Unthinkable” was demonstrating self-defense techniques and promoting his book.

Watching the show ignited two things inside me. Fear and envy.

I ordered the book immediately.

Every few months, I pick it up and read it again. I don’t want to be one of the many women who’ve joined the “Me Too” movement. I prefer to create a new movement.

“Not Me”

By protecting myself. And creating the kind of power and income to protect myself from as many horrible things as possible.

Like debt, stress, limited choices, narcissists, stalkers, becoming a victim and envy.

Why was I envious?

I have always wanted to be a published author. Not sure why exactly. Maybe because I love to write. Or because I’ve always been a bookworm.

I was a little envious of the man on television promoting his book. Not because he was on television. I’ve been on TV. Not that big a deal.

Because he was a “published author.”

This might not mean much to you. But to me? At one time I wanted to be a writer and a journalist. I was shot down by an English teacher, who told me “You’re a bad writer.” He wasn’t even an English teacher. He was an unemployed substitute, taking the place of my real English teacher, while on a leave of absence.

My dreams were crushed. Yet another way, we can become victimized.

It was a big deal to me.

I finally did it. I wrote, published and sold my first book within a couple of weeks.

Once I set my mind to it and set a goal.

Like Tim Larkin, I have knowledge about something people want. And Need. To lose weight, feel great and live a happier and healthier life.

You do too.

We all have a superpower.

You have a superpower. Something that you can teach others. Writing a book is one of the best way to reach millions of people who need what you can teach.

Who can benefit from your knowledge and experience.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Too many people die without achieving their dreams.

Don’t say “Me Too.” Say Not Me.

Download your FREE checklist to start writing your book now.

Why Diets Don’t Work

I recently read an article about weighing yourself. Correction, it was about why you shouldn’t weigh yourself.

Apparently, there are people who obsess over the scale.

I get it.

And if you’re obsessing over a scale, you probably have bigger problems than being overweight. Other issues that may be causing you to overeat.

Don’t blame it on the scale.

I weigh myself every morning. Just once a day. About the same time every morning. Before I eat or drink anything. Just to keep myself in check. “They” say, it doesn’t matter. It’s just water weight. It takes days to lose actual fat. Blah, blah blah. Whatever.

It works for me.

The reason it works for me is that I look at it positively either way. Whether it’s tipping high.

Or weighing in low.

If it’s low, I feel good. But it doesn’t mean I head for the bacon, eat a burger and fries for lunch, then eat candy bars and chips all day. I look at what I did right and try to do it again.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat?

Eat healthy. Exercise. Everything in moderation.

Rules I live by. We all have times when we gain weight. Most of us average folks, anyway. My weight has fluctuated many times throughout my life. People look at me and assume that I am naturally thin. If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, I would have a heck of a lot more money.

I don’t believe in “naturally thin.”

I believe in being healthy. There is a reason that I don’t have health issues. Even at my age. To prove that even I have struggled with weight over the years, I pulled out a book that a friend lent me back in my twenties. No, I never returned it.

My bad?

I’m pretty sure she told me to keep it. I must have put on a few pounds at the time and wanted to lose it. Since I am of the proactive nature and I keep myself in check. Before things get out of control, I read the book. It’s called Diets Still Don’t Work by Bob Schwartz. There are two main reasons I like the book: One I agree that diets don’t work. And two because a key element to success is “mindset.”

The mind is a powerful thing.

We cannot change the things that happen to us. Of course, we can make choices about what we do and where we go. That might increase our risk for danger. I certainly wouldn’t walk alone at night in a high crime part of town. But we cannot control everything. Death is inevitable. Challenges arise. The only thing we can control is how we react.

It’s not always easy.

We were born with emotions and we can’t change that. What we can change is how we take care of ourselves. It isn’t rocket science that when you are healthy and feel good, that everything in life is better. It helps us deal with whatever challenges get thrown our way. If you want to be proactive, take better control of your life and deal with challenges a little bit better…

Read a good book.

One that might actually help you. Like “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” It is not a diet. And the absolute first thing I teach is “mindset.”

The down side? You gotta do the work. And you gotta want it. If you don’t, don’t waste your money. Buying the book won’t do you any good.

Unless you read it, devour it and implement it.

Just like a gym membership does you no good. Unless you go to the gym and exercise. Anyway, don’t take it from me.

Here’s what Jocelyn Jones says:

“Thank You Irene, this is a very helpful tool for all the ladies out there that need to lose weight fast for a special occasion or just because. The tips are simple to follow and implement. I HIGHLY Recommend this book! :)”

And this Amazon customer:

“I lost 8 lbs that was driving me crazy.” –LS

When you are ready to be proactive just zip on over here:

Learn more…

For a little more guidance check out the Zipping It Up meal planning guide. It is *exactly* that – a guide. The meal planner for folks who want to lose weight but hate meal planning. Here is the link: Your guide to success.


The Ketogenic Diet

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic diet commonly known as Keto, is a low carbohydrate high-fat diet used for rapid weight loss. Success stories of weight loss are growing in numbers. With people toting all over social media about their weight loss success.  The diet is spreading rapidly as one of the hottest weight loss trends.

The diet creates a low blood sugar effect which puts your body into a state of ketosis. This causes the body to burn excess fat quickly. Although it is recognized for weigh loss success, the diet consists of mostly fat and very little protein which causes some concern.

The Ketogenic diet was developed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the mayo clinic. It was originally developed to help treat children with epilepsy. It has since been widely used by doctors and patients as a treatment for epilepsy. Although Dr. Wilder is recognized for coining the phrase Ketogenic, the diet may have been around longer. His studies were based on fasting and similar diets used to treat epilepsy since as early as 500 BC.

It’s not clear exactly when Keto became a popular weight loss trend. However, as with most diets, there are already many cases where the weight is gained back after going off the diet.

Pros and Cons of the Ketogenic Diet

The positive effects of the Ketogenic diet are rapid and significant weight loss. Making it appealing to those wishing to lose weight. However, there are drawbacks. Negative side effects have been reported as low energy, constipation and dangerously low blood sugar levels from the lack of carbohydrates. The biggest negative effect is weight gain after going off the diet.

Often times you gain even more weight back. Yet, remaining on the diet can be equally dangerous. The high fat food you consume while on the diet can put you at risk for stroke, heart disease and heart attacks.

A healthy lifestyle change with increased exercise and eating a well balanced diet is a safer way to lose weight and keep the weight off for longevity.

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices has always been and will always be the safest and healthiest way to lose weight. And keep it off for good. Eating a well balanced diet filled with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and lean protein is not only safe but effective.

One of the downfalls of any diet is not incorporating a healthy exercise routine into your weight loss plan. Exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not. It relieves stress, keeps your metabolism going giving you energy, it burns calories and releases endorphins that make you feel good. It also increases your stamina. For more productivity, better sex and happiness.

To learn more about weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices watch this video:  Vital to Your Weight Loss Success


This post may include affiliate links. Which means I may earn some money if you click on one. This does not affect your price. Please see my disclosure for more information.

How to Build Your Confidence

Everyone should walk the red carpet at least once in their life.

Discover the confidence it takes to walk the red carpet.

What would you do if suddenly you were going to a fancy event, black tie dinner, or…

You are finally about to take the long anticipated walk down the red carpet?

And you need to get red carpet ready – FAST!

Don’t think it could happen to you?

Don’t be so sure.

Big dreams can turn into realities. 

Look at Channing Tatum. Stripper turned famous actor.

Cheryl Strayed, author of best-selling book and blockbuster hit movie Wild. She became famous after sharing her true story of overcoming drug addiction and walking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Jack Canfield, famous author of Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected 144 times before a publisher agreed to publish his best-selling book. Now with over 40 million copies sold.

Living proof that it could happen to you.

Even if you never walk down the red carpet. You can walk with the same confidence at any event. A wedding, a formal dinner, a hot date. Or strutting your stuff on the beach.

All you need to walk the red carpet is confidence.

The kind of confidence that only comes with feeling good about yourself. Like when you lose a few pounds. Your clothes fit better and you can even fit back into some of your favorite dresses.

But losing weight doesn’t just change your dress size…

It can change your life.

After I had my second child, I was 20 pounds heavier than I like to be. I was miserable. I hated the way I looked and I hated the way I felt.

After I lost the weight, my whole life changed. I felt happy again.

I ended a bad relationship, changed my hairstyle and started a new career. I eventually went on to start my own business and published my first book.

If I can do it, so can you.

You can accomplish anything your heart desires.

Taking care of your body and your health can give you the confidence you need to change your life. Giving you the confidence to go after your dreams, reach your goals and create a life of happiness.

Like my friend Charlotte did.

Here is what Charlotte said after going through the Zipping It Up weight loss program: “I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back to a size 6 again!”

Don’t wait! Start now.

Every small step you take will lead you in the right direction. You can start now by learning everything Charlotte did. The system that helped her drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks. Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

You will discover *exactly* how to build the confidence you need to succeed.

Get red carpet ready for any occasion.

Follow your path to success. Discover how it feels to be confident and ready.

You can begin your walk down the red carpet here:
I want to be red carpet ready!

This One Thing is Vital to Your Success

Discover the one thing that is vital to your weight loss success…

Are you ready to crush your weight loss goals?

Exercise and healthy eating are the a big part of reaching your goals. Old school methods that have worked for decades. The methods I teach in Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” 

Methods like:

*Drinking lots of water
*Squeezing in exercise to burn extra calories
*Eating your vegetables
*Reducing carbs and sugar

These things are all essential to living a healthy lifestyle. But there is one thing that is vital to your success.

This one thing can work wonders for your weight loss success.

It is so potent that it can also work wonders for everything in your life.

Including changing your career, relationships, financial freedom, finally publishing your first book, or anything else you are trying to achieve in life.

Discover the one vital thing that can help you succeed in everything you do. Watch the video now:



Discover more ways to lose weight fast here.