

Category Archives for "Selling online"

How to Make $200 Fast

This blog post was originally written on September 14, 2018. I updated it on December 27, 2020 (the year of Covid) because I thought someone might need this right now.

Today I am sharing with you how I have made literally over $10,000 over the past few years. Simply by selling stuff I already owned.

Selling used items (that you already own) is unquestionably the fastest way to get cash when you need it fast! In this article, I will teach you 4 ways to sell used items to make quick cash, how to safely sell them, while helping people.

This is also a heartwarming tale about a 13 year old girl who got her birthday wish. Read on to see how I was able to help an unemployed mom give her daughter the perfect birthday present. I helped bring joy to a single mother and her daughter while making a quick $200 cash.

How to Make Quick Cash and Help Someone in Need

It all started with a pair of silver shoes. Buying kids’ shoes can get expensive. Especially when you have no clue when the next growth spurt will be. One year my youngest daughter picked out a perfect pair of sparkly silver shoes to wear on her birthday. She only wore them once or twice (and only for a couple of hours) before they were too small. They were a women’s size 5 and I honestly didn’t know if anyone would buy them.

I listed the shoes along with other items on Letgo and OfferUp. Two apps designed specifically for buying and selling used items. I have made several thousand dollars over the last couple of years selling things I didn’t need anymore.

Four Ways to Sell Used Items

The places I have had the most success selling used items are OfferUp, Letgo, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace. If you decide to sell on Facebook you can join and list your items in multiple selling groups. You should find many groups like Virtual Garage Sale, Biggest Yard Sale, or Kids Closet. Facebook will allow you to post your items in up to 20 Marketplace groups. Make sure to add your listings to groups that are specifically for the items you are selling. Like furniture or stuff for kids.

At the time I had several items listed including a $400 Apple iPad Mini. It was like new with a fancy Zagg Bluetooth Keyboard case. It was almost like a little mini touchscreen laptop. I had gotten it as a holiday present and barely used it.

Typically, when selling a used item, you will get anywhere from 30% to 50% of the original purchase price. Depending on the condition of your item. 

The iPad was like new so I listed it for $200. It didn’t have a single scratch and worked perfectly. I included the keyboard case (retail value $130) for free. I probably could have gotten more if I listed it higher (or sold them separately)  but I wanted to sell it quickly – and it did!

I was asking $15 for the shoes since they were also like new. They even had the price sticker still on the bottom of the shoes.

A woman contacted me through OfferUp and wanted to buy the shoes. Then she inquired about the iPad. I told her about the iPad. How it was a gift and that it was like new. She said her daughter was counting her change to collect enough money to buy the iPad. She had just gotten birthday money from friends and family and really wanted it.

I patiently waited for her response. She got back to me later that day saying that she only had $200 total. Since she really needed the shoes (for her graduation) she didn’t have enough for both.

Seriously? Like I’m going to turn away a 13 year old girl on her birthday, over $15. I told her she could have both for $200. They were elated.

How to Safely Sell Used Items

At the time, I was new to selling used items and admittedly was a little overly cautious. So I met the mom in a drugstore parking lot in the middle of the day when it was still light out.

Since Banks and drugstores both have security cameras they make for a good meeting place for selling and buying used items. But even if you meet after dark, the parking lots are usually well lit. But I still recommend meeting while the store is still open. 

When we met, she told me that it was exactly what her daughter wanted for her birthday. All of her friends had iPads. But she couldn’t afford to buy her one since she had been out of work.

The day after we made the exchange, the mom sent me another message via the app. She said her daughter absolutely loved the iPad.

And the shoes? They fit perfectly!

As for me? I made a quick $200. But the best part was the great feeling I had making a mom and her daughter happy. Talk about a win/win.

Since writing this, I have made thousands of dollars by selling used items, blogging, through affiliate sales, freelance writing, side hustles, writing books, and creating and selling online courses (among other things). 

Learn how you can make money from the comfort of home… Download a FREE guide to start now by using the link below.

Here’s the link:

Make Money Online

Make a quick $200 as quickly as today. Learn how... #money #cash #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #bloggingtips #blog #business #lifestyle #home #living #entrepreneur

Grow Your Business with Pinterest

Discover how to grow your business using Pinterest to drive new buying customers to your website fast.

Updated on November 9, 2020. This post may contain affiliate links. Which means I earn a small commission if you purchase through the links. You can read the full disclosure to learn more.

Pinterest is still one of the fastest-growing social media platforms.

Even in 2020! Read how you can easily use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website, build your email list, and grow your business.

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest is a search engine. Where people go to buy things, find useful information, and where business owners go to take action!

*Just a quick side note. I don’t usually write long blog posts. But I felt it was really important to share this with you. It took me a long time to figure out how to use Pinterest successfully. Now that I have found a winning formula I wanted to share it with you. To save you time and start using Pinterest the right way – fast. So you can drive consistent traffic with Pinterest to make money blogging and grow your business.

You can Pin it now in case you get interrupted. Then come right back to learn actionable steps that you can use right now to start getting traffic to your website. Don’t forget to download your FREE guide to make your Pinterest pins go viral.

The following information below can help you quickly grow your business using Pinterest.

Keep reading to see who is on Pinterest, what Pinterest is all about, and how you can grow your business using Pinterest.

Who’s on Pinterest?

According to Pinterest Business, there are over 442 million monthly active users worldwide. Pinterest is growing and has become a valuable business platform for bloggers and business owners.

Also, business owners and bloggers are on Pinterest all the time. So if your business targets other business owners (or happy shoppers with money to spend) it’s a great place to be.

Here are some compelling statistics according to Pinterest for Business:

  • 81% of Pinterest users are women.
  • The median age of Pinterest users is 40.
  • Half of Pinterest users earn $50K or greater per year, with 10 percent of Pinteresting households making greater than $125K.
  • 90% of weekly Pinners make purchase decisions on Pinterest

How Pinterest Works

Pinterest is a form of social media that uses images to grab your attention and drive traffic to information, products, and services. The images are shared and saved to boards to keep and use for later.

As a business, you can have direct links to your website, a sales page or an email sign up form. Hosted either by your website or your email provider.

Pinterest is primarily a search engine. Not so much used for social engagement, but to find useful things to make your life easier. 

Here’s an example of exactly how it works. I’m going to use recipes as an example. If you want a specific recipe for dinner, you search for it. You find recipes you want to try, then you save them to your recipe board for later. When you want to make that recipe you go to your Pinterest account and look up the recipe you’ve saved.

You can now make it for dinner or look up the ingredients while you’re at the grocery store. Making it super helpful!

You can also delete the recipe from your board if you decide you didn’t like it. Then you can inform all your friends how awful the recipe was. Like this vegan buffalo wing cauliflower recipe, my daughter and I tried.

People love recommendations and honest feedback. Making your testimonials even stronger. Helping you close more sales!

That is basically how Pinterest works. Now let’s see how you can put Pinterest to work for you and your business.

How to Use Pinterest to Grow Your Business.

Now that we’ve established who’s on Pinterest and how it can help you grow your business, let’s talk about how you can use it to drive sales.  Pinterest is a great way to drive traffic to your website. Let’s face it, without traffic you can’t build your email list or increase sales. 

I use Pinterest primarily two ways to help my business. You can do the same to grow your business. I create business boards to share valuable content, resources, and information. I save and share pins I create, that link back to my website. Plus, I share Pins that link back to useful content created and shared by other Pinterest users, such as bloggers and other businesses.

I only share and save pins I think will help and interest my viewers. Or information I personally want to read or use. I often check to make sure the links are working and read the articles when I have time. To make sure they come from credible sources and offer value to my readers. You don’t want your Pins to have broken links or poor content.

You can use Pinterest to find valuable tips and tricks to help you build your business. Valuable resources that help you grow your Pinterest account, drive traffic to your website and tons of other business resources. Including how to use social media, website building, traffic, blogging, list building and making money online.

You can also use Pinterest for fun and shopping.

There is some controversy about having boards that aren’t related to your business. I personally think as long as your boards help or interest your followers that it’s okay to have them. Your viewers are actual people. They might share similar interests and want to know about travel, recipes and cleaning hacks too. Don’t you?

My suggestion is to test it to see what works best for you.

To see whether you want to keep your Pinterest account strictly a business platform or make it fun and interesting. Since my main Pinterest account was originally my personal account, I didn’t want to lose the pins I’d saved. Plus, my main Pinterest account right now is my name which is my main business website.

Most of what I know, I’ve learned from testing and implementing different strategies. I’m always continuing to test and learn what’s working.

This way I can teach you how to continuously use Pinterest as a driving force to grow a profitable business using Pinterest.

Once I discovered a winning formula that drives consistent traffic to my website I decided to create the Viral Pin Strategy.

The Viral Pin Strategy is an online video course. It teaches you how to drive traffic to your website quickly and consistently.

What I have found works best (for Pinterest and every social media platform) is testing and using consistency. You need to find what works best for your business. What works with your schedule and what things you can implement into your business strategy that you will follow through with.

Which is why I LOVE Pinterest so much.

Once you learn how it all works, you can automate most of it to put Pinterest to work for You!

Using consistency to grow your business is key to your success.

You need to stay consistent and not give up if you want to put Pinterest to work for you. To drive consistent traffic and grow your business.

Now let’s go over a few actionable steps you can start right now to successfully grow your business with Pinterest. The things I am about to share with you have and continue to work for me and can definitely work for you too.

The steps below are how I was able to increase my monthly views and drive traffic to my website. These are proven methods, you can start doing immediately, to grow your Pinterest views, get more Pinterest followers and drive traffic to your website.

How I Grew my Monthly Pinterest Views from 4k to 46k within only one week.

After implementing only a few of things, I quickly grew my Pinterest monthly views from 4k to 46k. This happened within about a week. As I continued to implement new strategies and *test* I grew my monthly views to over 240k within only a few months.

You can quickly grow your Pinterest views, increase followers and use Pinterest to drive traffic and sales. By implementing only a few of the strategies I am about to share with you.

Drive traffic with Pins that go VIRAL! Learn how... #Pinterest #viral #traffic #bloggingtips #blog #money #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #startablog #business #entrepreneur #email

This ONE THING alone can help you Grow Your Business.

There is *one thing* I have found that is the key to growing any business. Using any form of social media, including Pinterest, any blog, podcast or even a  YouTube Channel. To build trust with your audience and drive traffic to your website.

Here’s the thing. There are lots of ways to grow your blog and business. Whichever one you choose, you must be consistent. It is easy to panic when something isn’t working quickly. Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme and all businesses take time to build and grow.

This one thing that can increase your traffic is consistency

The thing I find that unquestionably works the best is using consistency with anything regarding to traffic, email list building and sales.

Every once in a while I get a little lax and I see a drop. Once I start pinning consistently and trying new strategies it quickly goes back up.

My blog traffic begins to increase, my email list grows and sales go up. Tailwind is a tool that can help you automate your pinning schedule to increase traffic, conversions and sales.

In addition to pinning consistently, I did a few more things that can help you grow your Pinterest views, followers and your cash flow. The first was to convert my personal Pinterest account into a Business Pinterest account.

It is very easy to switch your personal account to a business account. Simply go into the settings of your personal Pinterest account and you will see how easy it is to convert your account. I won’t go into details since Pinterest gives you super easy to follow instructions.

If you already have a business account then you are already well on your way to success! Maybe I was a little slow on the take. 🙂

Once I began using consistency I began to analyze my analytics and *test* my pins. That’s when everything changed!

Increase your monthly views and grow your followers on Pinterest by doing just a few simple and actionable things.

Another thing I discovered is that Pinterest likes fresh content, fresh pins and longer blog posts. Once they see people pinning and saving posts from your website, Pinterest will begin to push your pins out even further.

This way you reach more of your target audience and buying customers and make your pins go viral!

If you haven’t already you can save this article now, this way you can read it again later. Save it by clicking on any of the Pinterest pins. Then you can pin it to all of your relevant boards. To help your followers grow their business with Pinterest too.

Next, we will cover how and why claiming (or verifying) your website will help you grow your business on Pinterest.

How to Claim Your Website on Pinterest.

After turning your Pinterest account into a business account (or creating a business account) you can claim your website with Pinterest. This will allow you to now have access to your analytics. This is really important because it helps you track which pins are getting the most re-pins and shares. 

It also allows your Pinterest profile picture to appear next to your pins.

Claiming your website is important because it helps your audience and followers identify you. To recognize you and begin to trust you as a reputable source of information.

If you haven’t claimed your website yet I strongly suggest that you do it today. Below I share the link where you can easily claim your website. 

It shouldn’t take you too long to do. If you want to do it now and read this later, Pin this article to one of your boards and come back to it. Otherwise, keep reading and then do everything after you are done reading this. 

Another thing you can do, if you want to read a long blog post, but you don’t have time to read the whole thing in one sitting, is this:

First, save the pin to one of your boards, then go back to the article and open it in chrome on your computer or phone. Then you can bookmark the page. This way you can find it more quickly later.

Another reason this is so helpful is that it connects you to someone who is creating great content. To help you grow your business. Hopefully, you will find my articles useful and keep coming back. I’m not a fly by night blogger and won’t be going anywhere.

I am here to help you succeed which you will. As long as you don’t quit!

Before we move on, as promised, here is the direct link to the Pinterest help center where you can claim your website: Pinterest Help Center.

There are still a few important things I want to share with you, so let’s keep moving.

You should carefully assess your Pinterest profile. The about you section isn’t really “about you”. No one really cares what kind of dog you have or what you do in your spare time. They want to know how you can help them and why they should follow you and your boards.

Be clear about your “message,” what you do and how your business will help your followers. I have made this mistake and it can kill or halt your business. I would rather you learn from my mistakes than struggle through trying to figure things out by yourself.

Here’s an example of how to be clear with your message: A graphic designer might say something like “Stunning Graphic Designs to help you build brand awareness and grow your business.”  A cat sitter might say something like, “I treat your pets like they are my own. Affordable pet sitting to give you peace of mind while you’re away.”

Use descriptive words to show your audience how you can help them.

If you are not doing this already begin to pin regularly and be consistent. You don’t need to be on Pinterest all day long. In fact, you shouldn’t be. Use a scheduler like Tailwind. Especially if you know you have a busy day or week ahead. Do it ahead of time so you are constantly pinning.

I use Tailwind routinely but I also pin manually and think it’s important to do both. Pinterest likes when you are on Pinterest. Plus there is a ton of great information on Pinterest that can help you grow your business.

If you haven’t signed up for Tailwind yet, you can use my Referral link to get a $15 credit when opening a new account. Once you sign up we Both get a $15 credit.

Here’s my referral link to get started now: Get started with Tailwind.

When pinning other people’s pins, you want to make sure that the links are working and that the articles have good information. I have pinned blog posts and then began reading them to find the content wasn’t very good or I didn’t agree with the information. Whenever this happens I go back and delete the pin. Which is super easy.

How to delete pins on Pinterest.

You can either delete them on your computer by clicking the “edit” button. Then scroll to the bottom of the information and hit “delete.” You do the same thing on your mobile app. Once you are in the edit section scroll all the way down to the bottom. I can only see the “delete” button if I scroll down. Then hit delete.

I also delete all of my pins that are not converting well or going viral. Then you can create new pins that can drive more traffic. Don’t get discouraged. Remember you are not failing. It’s simply a failed “test.” Keep going until you find what’s working and then repeat.

Continue to check your boards to make sure you have helpful resources that serve your audience. Keeping your boards clean and filled with great content (relevant to your niche) will keep people coming back.

Having pins with bad links or misinformation can quickly lead to losing trust, credibility, and followers.

Clean up your boards and keep doing it at least once a week or monthly.

At one point my Pinterest boards were a complete mess. When I first started on Pinterest I didn’t know what I was doing. So I spent quite a bit of time on this. Now every few weeks I go back and delete pins and make sure the saved pins on my boards are relevant, helpful and have working links.

If you don’t have time to go through them all, you can make some of your boards secret. 

Then go back to them later, when you have more time. To make your boards secret go to edit the board then click on the secret button. A little lock will appear on your board to show you that no one else can see it.

Quick Tip to Save Time while Cleaning Up Your Pinterest Boards.

You can quickly go through larger boards (with a lot of pins) by creating a new board. Try making the title a little more descriptive. Save any pertinent pins from the old board to the new board. Then delete the old board. Doing this will save you a ton of time. It was quick and easy and felt refreshing.

Kind of like spring cleaning or cleaning out your closet.

If you haven’t done so already, add descriptions and hashtags to each board. Use descriptions on your Pinterest boards that maximize SEO keywords. Pinterest is a search engine. You want your boards and pins to show up in searches related to your boards and content

When choosing the titles for your boards, think about how the board benefits the reader. Don’t just say simple things like “cool graphics.” Instead, say something like “Graphics will inspire you to create great blog posts that will have your clients begging to work with you.”

For each board make sure that the first pin or “cover” picture is one of your own pins. 

To change the cover image of your board, click on the board then hit the edit icon. Go to where it says cover. Click next to it where it says “change.” Then you can scroll through the pictures by hitting the arrow to the right of the picture. Once you find the pin (image) you want to keep as your cover, click the save button in the lower right hand corner.

How to use Pinterest to grow your business! Learn how here... #Pinterest #business #money #sales #entrepreneur #blogging #bloggingtips #blog #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #traffic #email #listbuilding

Drive Traffic to Your Website to Grow Your Business.

As a blogger or business owner, the whole purpose of using Pinterest and creating a Pinterest Business account is to increase sales. By driving traffic to your website and directing the right people to your offers.

Pinterest is a great way to drive the right traffic to your website. Your pins link directly to your blog posts, sales pages and products. Making it a fast and effective way to make sales.

By leading them exactly where you want them to go. To the “Buy Now” button. Or even better, by getting them to join your Email List so you can gain new customers for life.

Once I discovered a winning formula that has grown my email list and helped me grow my business I decided to share it with you. That’s why I created the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy Video Series that shows you *exactly* how you can create Pinterest Pins that go Viral.

You can start now by downloading your FREE eBook. Where you will learn 10 vital steps that can help you grow your business fast.

Enter your email below to download your FREE guide.
“10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral

Follow this simple system to make passive income. From the comfort and safety of home. #pinterest #workfromhome #business #blog #bloggingtips #money #entrepreneur #lifestyle #happiness
Pin it now to Read again Later!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Read how one of my favorite movies can help you live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

One of my favorite movies is the movie, “When Harry Met Sally.” Especially the scene where she fakes a well “you know.”

But just like their relationship took time, patience and the right realization (as in what you really want out of life) it goes the same with building an online business.

It is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time, patience, a LOT of learning and really knowing what you want out of life. 

Time, freedom, uncapped earning potential…

That can help you get anything and everything you want in life.

Another lesson is the urgency Sally created at the end of the movie. She was fed up with Harry and stopped playing his silly games. It was pretty much now or never. 

Just as he was about to lose her – he finally takes the leap! And they live happily ever after. We assume anyway since the movie ends with them talking about their wedding and the decadent coconut cake with chocolate sauce.

On the side.

One of the ways to make sales online (or via your email list) is to create urgency. You can’t fake urgency though (like she faked the orgasm) Well you quite easily can. But in the long run, you will lose trust with your email subscribers and they won’t buy from you. 

Admittedly, I have been “nice” in the past and extended sales deadlines. I didn’t fake it. I simply changed my mind. It still isn’t really a good idea though.

Which I have learned the hard way.

In reality, you aren’t helping people at all. If they don’t buy the products that will solve their problems.

This urgency I speak of is important because sometimes it takes that push and urgency to get someone off the fence. So they begin to actually use and apply something you are selling that can benefit them.

It seems strange I know. 

But it all is quite simple. Find a starving crowd (as in a market) who has a problem. Then create something that will solve their problem. Then sell it to them.

I have only been in the “online” space for a short time and I am still learning. However, my 25 plus years of actual face to face selling applies just the same.

It’s all about selling the benefits, building excitement and getting your perfect avatar (customer) to say “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

To get you off the fence. so you can begin living the lifestyle you desire and deserve I have put the “Build Your Own Money Making Website” program on sale. 

And I have created “real life” urgency. It is only on sale until midnight tonight. ET. 

After that, the price goes from this steal of a price (only $49) to $97. So it is a $50 savings. Almost…

Plus I threw in bonuses (another selling tactic) to sweeten the deal. C’mon you know you love it when the big shampoo bottle says “20% more FREE.” 

Who doesn’t love bonuses? 

I added the Pinterest Viral Pin Strategy so you can drive massive traffic to your website. I show you how to build a following fast. Even if you’ve never used Pinterest. It is the exact method I used to go from 4,000 monthly views to over 45,000 in only ONE WEEK.

I also threw in the 28-page newsletter that shows you exactly how to build your own thriving list of email subscribers who will buy from you (once you build their trust) for years to come.

To grab your savings now say “Yes! Yes!” Yes!” to the link below:

I am ready to jump off the fence and say “Yes!”

That’s it. Have an amazing Sunday.


Pay it Forward on Pinterest

Discover how you can pay it forward on Pinterest. To help more entrepreneurs succeed and make the world a better place.

Imagine your website suddenly exploding with traffic! Finally, all your hard work is paying off…

People are signing up for your email list. And you are making the kind of money you always dreamed of making.

Read how we can band together as bloggers. By paying it forward to other business owners on Pinterest. To help our fellow bloggers ~business owners just like you and me~ get the traffic they need to grow their business.

Grow your business by giving back. Read it now... #blog #blogging #business #entrepreneur #traffic #pinterest #socialmedia #marketing #bloggingtips #money #fashion #lifestyle

Does this sound crazy???

Maybe. Maybe not…

I have an idea. A splendidly crazy, magnificent idea.

What if every time we saw a Pin that doesn’t have a rich keyword description (and relevant hashtags) we entered an amazing description?

With keywords and hashtags that can help make all your pins fly?!

Even if we did this only once a day…

Imagine the impact we could have!

If every single business owner (or blogger) on Pinterest, repinned someone else’s pin onto one of their boards. A pin that had no description or hashtags (or one that could be better) just to help another blogger.

By paying it forward on Pinterest.

Think about it.

This idea could go viral. Imagine how many bloggers we could help!

By taking only ONE minute of your time each day. How we could vastly improve the chances of another person’s Pinterest Pin going viral.

We all know that Pinterest is a search engine.

That a great pin description with keywords and hashtags is vital to making a Pinterest Pin go viral. Without them, it’s nearly impossible for your perfect customer to find your pins.

Think of how good it feels to help people.

In fact, I have already been doing this. When I see a pin on Pinterest that doesn’t have hashtags or a description, my first thought is they must be a new blogger.

They simply just don’t know yet how important hashtags and great descriptions are.

Which is one of the reasons I started writing about Pinterest.

Then one day I realized that a lot of my Pinterest pins are also being saved without hashtags! It took a little research and testing. But once I figured out why, I found a solution.

Actually, I thought of two ways that can help more bloggers get more traffic using Pinterest.

You see, I realized that it was because my blog readers were saving my pins directly from my website. Without adding hashtags. Once I realized it, I figured out how your readers can save your Pinterest Pins with your descriptions and hashtags. Without having to add them.

Even when they are being saved directly from your website.

This way, when your website visitors save your pins, they will be saved with your description and hashtags.

Increasing the chances of your Pinterest pins going viral and driving more traffic to your website.

Cool, huh?

In fact, I created a video where you can learn exactly how to do it. It’s a quick video tutorial that I added as a Bonus video to the Viral Pin Strategy. A mini-course I created that teaches you how to make your Pinterest pins go viral.

Over and over again…

The other idea I came up with is to “Pay it Forward” on Pinterest.

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
Pin it now.

By sharing this we can help even more bloggers.

Isn’t that why we started blogging in the first place? To help people?

Trevor, the adorable little boy from the movie Pay it Forward asks, “What are you doing to change the world?”

Every kind gesture makes the world a better place…

I’m paying it forward now by sharing my winning formula to using Pinterest for your business. The exact same steps I used to make my Pinterest pins go viral! Download your FREE guide below. “10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Enter your best email below to download it now.

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

This a re-post with changes from a different article. It is the Introduction from the book “5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog.” You can download a free copy below. 

Discover 5 things every Entrepreneur should know about starting a blog or business. Even if you already own your own business or are just starting out. Keep reading to learn 5 things I share from my 25+ years in sales and marketing and owning a business.

Including a *secret* Marketing Tip that can make any product fly off the shelves. This one thing can work for any product in any type of business.

When owning a business you are always keeping up with the latest technology. Constantly looking to keep up a steady stream of incoming business. Which is why I want to talk a little about blogging. Blogging is a business tool that can be used to grow your business, build a relationship with your customers (or clients) and increase sales. It can also be used as a business platform in itself, as an online business. This type of online business is called a Blog or a Money Making Website.

Whether you’ve thought of starting a blog or not, the information in this book can apply to just about any type of business.

If you have thought about starting a blog, either as your business or to enhance it, then here are a couple reasons you should. One, to build trust with you target market by solving a problem. In the form of relevant information. Secondly, to help you create business that will bring you wealth, happiness and freedom.

You can use it to sell products online. In the form of eBooks, courses, services, physical products or affiliate products related to your industry. If you are new to the online world, you might be thinking, why would someone want to buy information online.

When you can find just about any information for free on the internet?

It’s true that there is a lot of free information on the internet. But how much of the stuff you’re finding is accurate information? In fact, the internet is filled with so much information that you often don’t know what to believe. Or who to trust. Making it even more important to find good information. That most people are willing to pay for. Especially if it solves an immediate need.  

Why You Should Start a Blog. 

You are unique. You are the only person who can share your personal experiences. Making you irreplaceable and extremely valuable. A common fear among new bloggers and business owners is what if no one will buy my products. Especially if you are just starting out or if your industry is saturated with competition. Established business owners already throwing around social proof and income statements like confetti.

Here’s the thing. People don’t necessarily buy your products or services.

What people are buying is you.

Because they can relate to you and your past experiences. You have the knowledge and the resources to help them solve a problem. Which brings up a good point. Why you should share personal stories. It creates a level of intimacy. Your readers and followers connect with you. They begin to feel like they know you which builds trust.

If they trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Which is why blogging is so effective and how you can use it to grow your business. By sharing what you know, along with your unique life experiences. Then using them to help people solve a problem.

The famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you can just help other people get what they want.”

Which is why I wrote this book. To help you succeed. 

Helping people makes me happy.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Being happy?

One of my richest life experiences was when I volunteered for the Disaster Action Team for the American Red Cross. For four years I devoted my free time to aiding families in need of food, shelter and clothing.

There were challenges, like there are with everything in life. 

The many appreciative people who thanked me profusely for my help, made it worth it. Just like it is with owning a business. Despite the challenges your overall experience should be rewarding.

The rewards of having more money, time and flexibility.

When you are spending your time building your own business, it doesn’t feel like work. Especially if you are in the right business. When your business is about something you care about, it becomes fun.

Building a business is not easy. At least not for most of us. 

You need to constantly promote your business, create great content, products and services. Learn how to monetize your blog and most of all you cannot quit.

You Can Succeed.

I will honestly tell you that if you are going to give up when things get tough, you might want to save yourself the trouble.

If you haven’t realized it, I already shared three of the things every business owner should know.

The first One is that owning a business is tougher than you would expect. Even if things are going great with your business now. Anything can happen. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and don’t give up.

You cannot quit if you want to be successful.

Two is that you can everything you want in life, if you help as many people as possible get what they want.

Download the full story below…

“5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog” is a FREE eBook. It shares more than 5 things, every entrepreneur should know before starting a blog. Including: A *Secret* Marketing Tip that helped a brand new product fly off store shelves. The product is still being sold in almost every grocery store in America.

Plus, one thing that can make every entrepreneur more money in any type of business.  Enter your email below to download your eBook now.