

Category Archives for "Self Help"

The Benefits of Kegels

Discover the benefits of Kegels and enhance your love life. If you aren’t doing Kegels, you should be. Kegels are an exercise where you squeeze and tighten the pelvic floor muscles then release them. The benefits include more pleasurable sex, a decrease in frequent urination, preventing discomfort from having a full bladder (frequent urgency) and stress incontinence. Stress incontinence is when you leak a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing. It can happen to anyone. And let’s be honest, we’ve all been there.

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

I started doing Kegels when I was pregnant. I’d heard of them before but didn’t concern myself with them. Until the thought of childbirth stretching my vagina to where sex was less pleasurable was not acceptable. I began doing them religiously. In fact, when I went for my 6 week checkup after giving birth, my OBGYN said to me, “You’ve been doing your Kegels, I see.” She was right and I still do them daily. Whether you have children, are planning to or not, it’s never too early (or too late) to start doing them.

How To Do Kegels

There are a several ways you can do Kegels. Either sitting. lying on your back or even while standing. Once you’ve mastered the technique you’ll find you can do them just about anywhere and in any position. I suggest finding what is most comfortable for you. Like any exercise if it’s too uncomfortable or you hate doing them, you won’t do them. The benefits are tremendous. Find a comfort level or pattern that works for you and stick to it.

Emptying your bladder before you begin is recommended but not necessary. It will make it easier and more comfortable. Especially for beginners. If you’re on a long car ride, do them right after a rest stop break. Along with thigh squeezes and butt crunches. The car is a great place to do static exercises that you might not think to do while home.

Kegels For Beginners

For beginners, lie on your back with your knees bent. Hold completely still while squeezing your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the muscle for 10 seconds. Then release. Repeat 10 times. If you can’t hold them for the full 10 seconds, hold them as long as possible until you work your way up. Another technique is to quickly squeeze and release in a pulsating rhythm. Work your way up to 100 squeezes. Or do 5 sets 20.

Try to avoid moving any other muscles in the surrounding areas and concentrate on the muscles you are working. If you are having trouble locating the muscles practice holding your urine mid-stream, then releasing your urine. Don’t make this a common practice but it is a quick and efficient way to familiarize yourself with the muscles.

Kegels Strengthen Your Core

Remember to breathe continuously while doing them and tighten your abdominal muscles simultaneously. Which strengthens your core. Ideally, you should do Kegels 3 times a day. However, like any exercise every bit helps. Doing them once a day is better than not at all.

To learn more ways to strengthen your core read How To Get Flat Abs Fast.

Are Angels Real?

One morning, I was walking to my car from the grocery store. I was feeling a little discouraged and sad about some challenges I am facing. As I was getting into my car, I heard a woman’s voice.

She said, “I was looking at your cute little figure and I started to feel a little bad about myself.”

I turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in the car parked next to mine. The window was open, so I could see her clearly.

My first thought was “Angels are real.”

Admittedly she looked overweight. I personally see beauty from within. As it goes far beneath the surface of our skin.

I responded by telling her that she was beautiful.

And that I truly believe sometimes Angels are put in our paths. Often when we need them the most. She asked me to share my sorrows and offered to help by listening.

But her kindness was enough.

We chatted for a bit longer and she told me a story about the tragic loss of her young daughter. It immediately made me realize how minimal my problems were. In comparison anyway.

Wanting to thank her for her kindness, I asked for her email address. I wanted to give her a free copy of one of my books. Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” Not to insult her in any way. But Because she was telling me how she wanted to lose weight. I felt it was the least I could do.

I’ll soon be giving her a copy of yet another book I am writing. She will be in this book. As a key character and as my inspiration to begin writing the new book. It’s about angels in our path. The real life Angels we meet in our day to day lives.

Angels are real.

Incidentally, my heart wasn’t the only thing hurting that morning. My whole body was sore from exercising. Not in a bad way. It was the good kind of muscle ache that makes you proud of your accomplishments. I have been working out really hard lately.

It’s hard work getting (and keeping) your body in shape. It takes time and dedication.

If you have the desire to turn heads and get noticed, all my secrets are packed into 12 little chapters. Of the same book I offered my beautiful Angel that morning.

If you want a cute little body that turns heads, gets you noticed and has perfect strangers dishing out compliments – out of the clear blue…

Discover *exactly* how I do it.

You can find my little black book (black, white and red to be exact) on Amazon in Kindle and in print. Just click the link below:

I want to get noticed!

The Best Abs Workout

Discover the best abs workout to get strong sexy abs fast.

When you are on the beach or lounging by the pool, you want to feel good about yourself. You want to feel confident in everything you wear. Your bikini, your favorite sundress and even nothing at all.

Read on to learn the best abs workout for a lean, mean tight core. Ab exercises that will give you toned, tighter, stronger and even flatter abs. These are the best ab exercises I have found to get flat abs fast. If you follow this quick 6 day ab exercise routine, you will have a stronger leaner mid section. This is the exact method I use to get beach body ready.

Cardio for Abs

Adding more cardio and other exercises to your workout routine will help you get there faster. And following a healthy eating plan. Even if you exercise for 10 minutes each day. It will improve your health. Even better try doing at least 2 to 3 10-minute workouts every day. It makes no difference if you exercise for 30 minutes all at once, or in three 10-minute intervals. Start now. Begin today.

If you start today and use the method I am about to share with you for 6 days straight, I guarantee you will have a stronger, tighter core. And it is absolutely 100% FREE to use. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor who created Blogilates. A YouTube channel that has literally hundreds of FREE YouTube videos to help you get the toned, tight body you desire. The body you deserve.

I have been doing Blogilates for a several of years now and I absolutely love it. The best part is that she has a variety of short videos you can squeeze in. Even on busy days.

6 Days to Flatter Abs

This is by far my favorite ab workout routine. It is simple, easy to follow and best of all – it works! Find YouTube on your Smart TV, on Roku, your computer, iPad or even your phone. Look up these 3 videos and do them every day for 6 consecutive days, in sequence:

Day one:   Extreme Abs
Day two:   Extreme Abs 2
Day three: Extreme Abs 3
Repeat in sequence 3 more days.

That’s it. If you’re a beginner and you can’t do the entire workout without resting, that’s okay. Take little rest breaks and then pick up again when you can. Or pause the video and grab a drink of water. Then pick up where you left off. Believe me, if you hang in there and keep doing these ab exercises every day (or most days) you will be able to complete the entire workout before you know it. And you will feel great!

The videos are short and extremely effective. But like Cassey Ho says in Extreme Abs, “You want that body. You want that life. Then you have to work for it.”

For an even faster way to show off your flat abs and tight, toned body try shedding just a couple of pounds. It will help you accentuate your hot bod physique that you’ve been working so hard for. Check out Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s available in select stores and on Amazon in Kindle and print. But don’t buy the book if you’re not going to read it. And do the work. If you want to lose weight, get more fit and have a sexy bikini beach body, you have to do the work.

Like my friend Charlotte did after doing all the things in my book. Here’s what she told me:

“I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back in a size six again.” Charlotte S.

If you want that body and you want that life learn more here: I want that body and I want that life!

For even flatter, beach body abs, prevent bloating by drinking tons of water. Check out my yummy recipe for Delicious Detox Water to reduce bloating fast.

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

It’s funny how when you are in the midst of a happy time in your life, your life seems to purr along. Exciting times like planning a wedding, buying your first home, having a baby or starting a new career.

Other times, we deal with losses. Losing loved ones, job loss, financial hardships, or ending relationships are just a few.

When you are in the midst of difficult times, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I recently heard someone say that losing their job was the best thing that ever happened to them. Sometimes it takes what seems like a tragedy to force us into a much needed change. I don’t know all the details of that particular story. Maybe they weren’t performing to the best of their capabilities because they were unhappy in their job. Or they didn’t enjoy the work they were doing. What I do know is that they went on to start their own successful business.

We often get stuck in a comfort zone. Fear of change can keep us in situations that we are not always completely happy with. Jobs, relationships or living somewhere you don’t really want to live. The thought of losing income stability or job security can be paralyzing.

On the other hand, sometimes I can be fearless to a fault.

I started a new career, in a world completely new to me. I jumped in with both feet first not knowing exactly where it would take me. Without any financial or emotional support. It may not have been the smartest decision but I have no regrets. Read on…

Throughout my life, I have jumped out of airplanes, conquered class 5 rapids and hiked treacherous steep terrains.

On one particularly scary mountain, I witnessed a woman frozen with fear. She was so afraid that she couldn’t move. She just sat there, paralyzed in the middle of the steepest part of Mount Katahdin’s famous Knife’s Edge. The guy she was with, left her sitting there. All alone. I watched in disbelief as he shook his head at her and then walked away.

Later that day, I saw them again. They were walking along, several feet away from each other. Clearly there was some tension between them. I only hoped that she had the courage to break things off with this cold hearted man. The man who had left her alone on top of the scariest part of the cliff.

For me, nothing has been scarier than starting my own business. I hear the many, many success stories of people pursuing their dreams and their passions. Creating the lives of their dreams. Waking up happy to go to work. Doing what they love.

How could I NOT take that leap!

One such story, is the story of Ina Garten, famously known as the Barefoot Contessa. She followed her passion and love of food, to create the life of her dreams. She quit her job working as a budget analyst in the White House, to buy a small gourmet food store in the Hamptons. She then began writing cookbooks and landed a show on the Food Network.

She has now sold close to 10 MILLION copies of nine different cookbooks.

Did you do the math???

Talk about a success story!

The coolest thing about writing a book is that it can be about anything you want. Anything you are passionate about. With over 7.5 billion people in this world, chances are there are people who share the same interests that you do. Someone who can relate to you and wants to hear your story. Someone who wants or needs to buy your book.

The good news!

You don’t have to wait for a tragedy to strike! You don’t have to lose your job or have a life altering experience. You can begin following your passion today.

You don’t even have to quit your job or jump in with both feet first.

Like I foolishly did…

In fact, I strongly discourage it. You can begin slowly and just start writing. The famous author Tim Ferris, who I’ve been following for a while, said he wrote his #1 best selling book by committing to writing only two pages a day.

I haven’t finished reading Tim Ferris’s The 4-Hour Workweek yet. Since I’ve been busy writing my own books. I did however, take the time to watch his live interview with Jack Canfield. Yet another famous best selling author. Because learning from the best helps you succeed.

Do you have a story inside you? A story that is burning within your soul…

That must be released. You can succeed too.

For more information on how you can start your own blog or book today, hit the contact link in the menu bar to schedule a FREE consultation.

Work from anywhere in the world…




How to Relieve PMS Symptoms Fast

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a common condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms are bloating, hunger cravings and rapidly changing mood swings which may lead to crying or lashing out in bursts of anger.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PMS. However, there are many ways to prevent and relieve PMS symptoms. Here are just a few ways to relieve symptoms fast.

Eat Chocolate to Relieve PMS

Eat chocolate. Chocolate contains natural ingredients that release endorphins which instantly make you feel better. The caffeine in chocolate also provides a quick boost of energy. The combination of caffeine with the “feel good” endorphins makes for a calming effect along with the deliciousness of the taste. Don’t overindulge, as chocolate is high in sugar and calories which can cause excess weight gain. Enjoy treats in moderation.

Exercise. Sweating it out with any exercise, running, yoga, Pilates or walking in the fresh air will make you feel better. If you don’t have much time, try doing at least 10 minutes of any exercise that gets you moving and your heart pumping faster.

Call a friend. Hearing the voice of someone you love can instantly make you feel better. Feel free to share the story that made you cry or have them share a funny story with you. Listening to joyful stories or stories filled with success should make you happy. Especially if it involves a personal friend or family member.

Make healthy food choices. Select foods high in fiber, protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You will feel better knowing you won’t put on excess weight. There is nothing worse than devouring a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream, then regretting it afterwards. Or the next day when you step on the scale.

Drink lots of water. A common symptom of PMS is bloating. Staying hydrated will reduce the bloating, make you feel better, and look better improving your morale. Adding citrus to your water and other natural detoxifiers will help reduce the bloating more quickly. Try this Delicious Detox Water Recipe for faster relief.

To sum up, eat chocolate for instant relief. Exercise regularly and for a quick fix to reduce PMS symptoms immediately. Make healthy eating choices and use the “everything in moderation” rule. Don’t overindulge. It will negate what you are trying to accomplish. If you do indulge, don’t beat yourself up over it. Your mental well being is as important to combating stress and PMS systems as your physical health. Get support from friends and family when needed. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and use natural detoxifiers to beat the bloat for faster relief.  Download your FREE Detox Water Recipe here.

How to Feel Like Royalty

This morning, I enjoyed a cup of coffee in my fine china.

With fresh flowers picked from the garden that I just placed on the kitchen table. Why is it that we keep our nice things on display in a glass cabinet, instead of enjoying and using it every day?

Last year I started pulling out the fine china to use for my recipe pictures. Then I thought, why on earth aren’t I using it every single day. A lot of my everyday dishes were getting chipped and I was thinking about buying a new set.

Why the heck should I spend money on new dishes when I have beautiful dishes sitting in a china cabinet on display?

That’s how it all started.

Now I use my crystal glasses, my fine china, my favorite crystal vases as often as possible. And you know what?
Sometimes it makes me feel like a Queen.

Don’t you deserve to feel like royalty?

Go ahead, live a little. I dare you…

To feel even a little more special learn how Charlotte dropped 2 dress sizes. “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

He Was Tied to a Trash Can

This morning I went for a run in the park.

The park has a lovely wooded area, a giant hill where kids go sledding in the wintertime and a big field lined with benches and trash cans. It’s a perfect place to run or walk your dog. Which many folks do.

As I was approaching the wooded area I saw a beautiful golden retriever. He was lying in the shade smiling at me as I approached.

It was strange because he was all alone.

I looked around and there was no one in sight. The first thing I thought was that maybe he had run away. But as I got closer I realized his leash was tied to the trash can.

He looked happy. He certainly wasn’t malnourished, and he even had his toy tennis ball which he promptly showed me hoping to play.

I called out thinking maybe his owner stepped into the woods or something. But why would they leave their dog?

He had tags on. Now it’s really strange. I wasn’t sure what to do. I began to look at my phone thinking I should call someone but the thought of this poor animal being caged up at the animal shelter was too unpleasant.

I was just trying to read his tags when I see a man running towards us.

He looked at me like I was hurting the dog or something.


You leave your dog tied up to a trash can. Then run out of his sight and you’re looking at me like I did something wrong. I explained that I was concerned.

I mean c’mon. You hear stories about missing dogs, kittens found in plastic bags. Stories too gruesome to repeat…

He thanked me as he untied his dog explaining that the dog doesn’t like to run. Then why the f*ck did you bring your dog???

Anyway, I hope the fear of my possibly stealing his dog will make him think twice next time. I could have been long gone with his dog had I wanted to take him.

And he never would have seen his dog again.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with health & wellness. Except to remind you NEVER to leave your dog tied up alone in a park.

If you want Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that in that little black dress!” It’s filled with even more actionable advice about weight loss, exercise and healthy eating.


It helps folks lose weight…. Fast

Here’s the link:

I want to lose weight FAST!

Sometimes you have to lie…

When I was a young girl in my early twenties my dad gave me some advice. I didn’t agree with him at the time but sometimes when you get older, you realize that your parent is right. And that maybe you should have listened to them.

He said to me, “Sometimes you have to lie.”

This was before I knew that he lied after WW II. If he had told the truth that he was born in Ukraine he would have been sent back to Russia.

So he lied.

He said that he was Polish and his papers from Ellis Island prove it. They say he was born in Poland. When I asked him about he explained.

It makes perfect sense.

If he had told the truth, he wouldn’t have been able to come to the United States. He wouldn’t have met my mother and I wouldn’t be here.

One thing that is NOT a lie is that my friend Charlotte lost 8 pounds using the methods in my book. “Zipping It up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

Not only did she lose weight.

She dropped 2 dress sizes and is HAPPY being thinner!

So there you go. If you do decide to lie…

Make sure it’s for a good reason and that you won’t be hurting someone you care about while doing it.

For the raw TRUTH go here:
Sometimes you have to lose a few pounds…

It’s Complicated

This morning I was trying to think of some useful suggestions to post in my “Zipping It Up” Facebook group. I created the group to help motivate and inspire women to live healthier.

And so you can zip up EVERYTHING you wear.

Or nothing at all…

To be completely honest with you, I hate social media. But all the GooRoos out there say you should start a Facebook group. Build a following.


What can I say…

It’s complicated.

Now that I’m committed, I have to keep going. If there wasn’t a need for this type of thing, there wouldn’t be such a demand for diet and weight loss products and services.

Plus, I was born to serve. To help others live healthier and happier lives. I can’t really ignore “my calling.” Can I?

One of the things that has helped me live a healthier life is Yoga. It helps tone your body, eases stress and I enjoy doing it.

To help me try to explain how to take a yoga breath (so I can share it with you – and anyone who doesn’t already know) I googled it.

You want to talk complicated???

I found page after page of long articles talking about breathing and yoga. Jeesh.

All I wanted was a simple explanation!

As I tried skimming through the articles, I couldn’t find the answer. Even the videos I saw were at least 4 minutes long. What is that? Like 400 times longer than the breath itself?

All the more reason I need to do a video series on SIMPLE yoga techniques.

Anyway, I’ll be working on that. In the meantime, for some uncomplicated information about:

*How to tone and strengthen your body
*How to succeed in weight loss
*Healthy morning habits to make each day great!
*Old school weight loss methods – that actually work

And more…

Check out “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s not complicated. In fact, here is what Jenn Gallo says about Zipping It Up: “Easy steps to follow for that big date or event when you want to look your best.”

To make things even less complicated here’s the link:
It’s time to ZIP IT UP!


When we were kids, my brother, sister and I used to play S.W.A.T. We would run around the house and hide behind the furniture holding imaginary guns.

Taking action!

Just like in the show. Pretending to be the elite police force super heroes. My brother was most likely the bad guy. Since big brothers usually are.

I loved the action packed show.

At first, I wasn’t allowed to watch it because it was on late at night. And because of the violence in the show. I used to sneak out of bed and peek into the family room to watch. Eventually, my dad gave in and let me snuggle on the couch comfortably wrapped in a blanket to enjoy the show.

S.W.A.T. didn’t scare me. Not at all. I thought it was exciting. I even thought about becoming a police officer for a while. I actually signed up to take the Buffalo police exam when I was 18.


I never took the exam though. Something just didn’t feel right about it. Deep inside, I knew I wanted to do something more.

One of the things that holds people back from going after their dreams is fear.

Fear of failure. Even fear of success.


At least that’s what I thought the first time I heard of this.

Who would be afraid of success?

This is an actual real life phenomenon?

When I think about it though, I mean really think about it, it kind of rings true. With success comes great responsibility. If you have employees, they count on you for their paychecks.

If you have a fan base and a following, they expect you to show up. You can’t just stop blogging. Or stop posting on instagram. Or stop writing novels that your following is anxiously waiting for.

You have to show up and take action. Period.

It’s a huge responsibility. And can be a little scary.

Back when I decided to climb my first mountain, I set a date, booked a non-refundable hut on top of the mountain, trained hard and did my homework. I was completely prepared with food, gear and the right clothes needed for an overnight stay and rapidly changing temperatures.

My fitness level and hiking endurance was up to par. I was prepared and excited!

When I started my own business, I vomited.

I’m not kidding. I was physically ill.

Maybe it’s because I was completely alone in my new venture. Maybe it was fear. Or maybe it was fear of success. I may never know.

What I do know, is that you don’t have to do it alone.

Because I got your back and I am here for you. I have spent the last few years of my life learning how to start a business from the ground up.

And how to get my first book written, published and sold.

I’ve done the research so you don’t have to. I also, just this morning created a new acronym. To help myself keep pushing forward. And to help you get started. A Simple Way to Attack Terror.


The secret?

Just get started.

Or like Nike so eloquently puts it: Just do it!

Take action and tart today. The rest will all come together.

One very simple way to get started is by downloading my FREE checklist:
“10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today.”

It will show you:
*How to choose a topic for book
*Pros and cons of self-publishing vs traditional publishing
*The best way to research your topic
*The importance of a great book cover
*Setting deadlines to “get it done”

And more…

Join the S.W.A.T. team today and take action!
I’m ready to TAKE ACTION!