

Category Archives for "Gunpoint"

The Ice Pick Glistened in the Streetlight

You wouldn’t believe some of the stories I have heard since writing my first book!

Complete strangers come out of the woodwork and share incredulous stories that you may or may not believe. After my real life experiences this past year alone, nothing much shocks me anymore.

According to Publishing Perspectives, some 200 million Americans say they want to publish a book. Yet only about 1 percent of those folks ever do. 

One fine entrepreneur once told me (at a business Mastermind I attended in LA last year) “It seems so daunting.”

Writing and publishing a book that is.

Yet so many people have amazing stories to share. Stories that teach, motivate, inspire, entertain and most importantly stories that can be life changing.

Stories that can impact millions. 

I believe my personal real life story of high school drop out to successful business owner is one of them. I am not ready to share my personal tragedies with the world. Not just yet.

I can, however, share a story my brother Pete once told me. 
A story of how he was jumped by six boys (probably an exaggeration knowing my brother Peter) and how the ice pick they held at his throat glistened in the street light.

Terrifying to say the least.

He told his story so well that I envisioned an ice pick 4 feet high with a sharp glass-like tip. Pointy and in the shape of a diamond. In reality, it was probably one of those handheld things that have a pointy metal tip. Used to chip the ice off of frozen cars here in snowy Buffalo, NY where I grew up. 

The story and the way he told it was so terrifying and so incredibly important. 

Because it terrified me. Which in turn kept me from walking alone in the bad parts of town. That story has most likely prevented me from getting robbed or held at gunpoint. Or even worse. 

The thing we as women dread the most. Violence and rape.

Which is why your story is so important. I believe every single person has a story to share. Yet, most folks are afraid to use their voice.

Isn’t it time you use yours? 

What story have you been keeping a secret? What untold story is eating you up inside? 

Start now. Download your FREE guide to write and publish your first book. Click the link here to learn more…