

Category Archives for "Bloating"

How to Get Flat Abs Fast

Discover the best Ab Workouts for a toned, tighter, stronger core. 

These exercises are the best ab workouts I have found to get flat abs fast. If you want to get a leaner, meaner, stronger core then you have to work for it. Adding cardio, arm and leg exercises, and a healthy meal plan will help you succeed even faster.

If you follow this quick 6 day ab routine, you will have a stronger leaner mid section. This method has worked for me for years and now I am sharing my secret with you. So you can start feeling stronger, sexier and more confident today.

The Best Ab Workouts 

These ab workouts are FREE and easily accessible on YouTube. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor who created Blogilates. A YouTube channel that has hundreds of FREE YouTube videos to help you get your body toned and tight fast. Not only is Cassey an amazing fitness instructor but an inspiration to women entrepreneurs everywhere.

Let’s Get Started!

Go to YouTube on your Smart TV, on Roku, your computer, iPad or your phone. Look up these 3 videos and do them every day for 6 consecutive days, in sequence:

Day One:    Extreme Abs
Day Two:    Extreme Abs 2
Day Three:  Extreme Abs 3
Repeat in sequence on days 4, 5 and 6.

That’s it. Simple! If you can’t do the entire workout without resting, that’s okay. Take little rest breaks and then pick up again when you can. Or pause the video and grab a drink of water. Then pick up where you left off. Believe me, if you hang in there and keep doing these ab exercises every day (or most days) you will be able to complete the entire workout before you know it. And you will feel great!

The videos are short and extremely effective. But like Cassey Ho says in Extreme Abs, “You want that body? You want that life? Then you have to work for it.”

Fitting in an extra 10 minutes of exercise each day will also improve your health. And if do at least 2 to 3, 10-minute workouts every day you can reap the healthy rewards. It makes no difference if you exercise for 30 minutes all at once, or in three 10-minute intervals. Start today and you will feel stronger and sexier in no time.

For an even faster and more effective way to show off your flat abs and tight, toned body, lose 5 pounds fast.

If you want that body and you want that life – Get Started Today!

Learn more now…

How to Relieve PMS Symptoms Fast

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a common condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms are bloating, hunger cravings and rapidly changing mood swings which may lead to crying or lashing out in bursts of anger.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PMS. However, there are many ways to prevent and relieve PMS symptoms. Here are just a few ways to relieve symptoms fast.

Eat Chocolate to Relieve PMS

Eat chocolate. Chocolate contains natural ingredients that release endorphins which instantly make you feel better. The caffeine in chocolate also provides a quick boost of energy. The combination of caffeine with the “feel good” endorphins makes for a calming effect along with the deliciousness of the taste. Don’t overindulge, as chocolate is high in sugar and calories which can cause excess weight gain. Enjoy treats in moderation.

Exercise. Sweating it out with any exercise, running, yoga, Pilates or walking in the fresh air will make you feel better. If you don’t have much time, try doing at least 10 minutes of any exercise that gets you moving and your heart pumping faster.

Call a friend. Hearing the voice of someone you love can instantly make you feel better. Feel free to share the story that made you cry or have them share a funny story with you. Listening to joyful stories or stories filled with success should make you happy. Especially if it involves a personal friend or family member.

Make healthy food choices. Select foods high in fiber, protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You will feel better knowing you won’t put on excess weight. There is nothing worse than devouring a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream, then regretting it afterwards. Or the next day when you step on the scale.

Drink lots of water. A common symptom of PMS is bloating. Staying hydrated will reduce the bloating, make you feel better, and look better improving your morale. Adding citrus to your water and other natural detoxifiers will help reduce the bloating more quickly. Try this Delicious Detox Water Recipe for faster relief.

To sum up, eat chocolate for instant relief. Exercise regularly and for a quick fix to reduce PMS symptoms immediately. Make healthy eating choices and use the “everything in moderation” rule. Don’t overindulge. It will negate what you are trying to accomplish. If you do indulge, don’t beat yourself up over it. Your mental well being is as important to combating stress and PMS systems as your physical health. Get support from friends and family when needed. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and use natural detoxifiers to beat the bloat for faster relief.  Download your FREE Detox Water Recipe here.


To Detox or Not To Detox

Do you ever feel bloated?

I know I do. And it’s not fun. So I’ve found a way to prevent bloating and even cure it fast when needed.

One of the latest *health* trends is the Detox Cleanse. They claim to detoxify your body by flushing out toxins, while giving you more energy, making you feel less bloated and help regulate bowel movement.

So why the controversy?

Some of these detox cleanses suggest fasting during the cleanse. Which is basically just another way to starve yourself to lose weight.

Hmmm. Well. I eat my vegetables and I get pretty grumpy when I don’t eat, sooo I’m not really all about it. Plus there are way better ways to lose weight (even quickly) without starving yourself.

But on the other hand, quite a few of these *Detox* drinks that are not a cleansing fast, do act as a natural diuretic to prevent bloating. Well. now we’re talking.

And I have a *secret* for you…

Some of these detox drinks are just water.  With fruit.

Various fruits and vegetables when added to water act as a natural cleanse. Plus, it makes the water taste good. This promotes drinking more water and staving of the craving for sugary sweet drinks like juice or soda.

A win win in my book.

I’ve tested quite a few of these detox water recipes.and found quite a few yummy ones. But since my creativity in the kitchen prevents me from sticking to any recipe, I just had to create my own.

If you’re feeling a little bloated or simply want something healthy and refreshing to enjoy download the recipe now.