

Category Archives for "Mindset"

There is Always Something to Be Thankful For

How to make Gratitude work for YOU to live more happily and freely.

When I’m not at my best or I’m feeling a little anxious, sad, lonely or worried There is one thing I do that works every time.

That my friend is practice gratitude. So I would like to share with you how you can use gratitude in your life.

To find more calm, peaceful happiness and pleasure in your life.

What I do is think of 3 things that I am grateful for. To demonstrate I will share 3 things I am grateful for right now.

Three things I am grateful for...

  1. I am grateful that my kids are healthy.

2. I am grateful that today was a beautiful warm sunny day where I live.

3. I am grateful, that I have the freedom to work where I want when I want and how I want.

Because no matter how bad things may seem at times, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. 

It all starts with a positive attitude. 

So when times get tough, I stop and think  to myself “What are 3 things I am grateful for right now?”

Then I either write them down, say them out loud, think them to myself or I text them to a friend.

Why 3 you ask? 

Well, it works for me. I’ve tried journaling gratitude in the morning. Then in the evening. I’ve tried listing everything I am thankful for, which can eat up a LOT of your time. 

That’s why 3 is my magic number.

Because it’s something I can do to easily. To shift my mindset from a distressed state to a state of gratitude. You can’t be in a state of anxiety, fear, sadness or depression when you are feeling grateful.

How to Make Gratitude Work For You

So figure how you can work gratitude into your day. To make it work for you. So you can find more peace, love, and joy in your life.

I sure hope this helps you when you’re feeling a little off.

Especially, when you are feeling anything but calm, happy, or grateful that you might remember this.

Hopefully, it will help brighten your day.

If you want to learn how you can live the freedom lifestyle, so you can work how you want when you want, and from anywhere in the world (using only a laptop and an internet connection) download your FREE guide to start your own blog or online business below.

Here’s the link to learn more:



There is always something to be thankful for... #freedom #blog #blogging #entrepreneur #startablog #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #inspiration #gratitude #motivation

How to Feel Happier

Something I read a while back , struck a chord in me…

“Happiness is a feeling.”

This is something I tell myself often. You see, the past year has been one of the worst years of my life.

Starting my own business and trying to start a blog has kept me trying to keep a smile on. Publicly, I mean. No one cares when things are bad. They don’t want to hear it.

And when things are good?

Greed, jealousy and envy can rear their ugly heads in ways I never thought possible. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to feel happier. It doesn’t change the ugliness in this world.

With that said, despite what challenges you are dealing with now. The good, the bad or the ugly. Happy times, stressful times or scary difficult times.

There are actionable things you can do right now to feel happier.

If I can still manage to feel happy enduring what I have been through this past year, there is no question you can too. Today I want to share some of the things I think can make anyone feel happier.

On good days or bad.

Things that you might need to force yourself to do. But that you *should* do if you need a pick me up. Happiness really does only exist within yourself.

Pink, red, orange and yellow are happy colors.

You can’t change the past. You can’t make bad people good. You can’t turn black into white. But there are shades of gray that you can add color to.

Add some color to your life by surrounding yourself with cheerful colors and friendly kind people. Stop and take time to do something you enjoy.

Play a silly game on your phone for a few minutes. Go for a walk or watch a funny YouTube video. Anything that will make you laugh.

Call a friend. Be careful with this one. Not everyone who pretends to be your friend is your friend. I hope you don’t learn this the hard way the way I have.

When you do, you don’t need to mention that you’re feeling bad. You don’t have to vent or share even. Simply say to your friend, “Tell me something good.”

You’ll be surprised how a happy or uplifting story can lift your spirits. Even if it’s just for a moment.

Exercise. Exercising Makes You Feel Happier.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Walk, run, jump rope. Do a set of angry pushups. You would be surprised how you can instantly feel happier just be getting your heart pumping.

Eating Makes You Feel Good

Sometimes when you’re feeling sad you forget to eat. Or nothing tastes good…

At least for me anyway.

Eat something and drink a glass of water. Opt for something healthy like fruit or a large healthy meal. Depending on when you ate last.

Also, do treat yourself. This is time for self care. Do anything that will make you feel better!

Eating chocolate is good!

Just don’t go to town on a whole pint of Death by Chocolate (my personal favorite). Eat a small amount of chocolate while you are preparing a healthy snack or meal.

Whatever bad sh*t is bringing you down, put a positive spin on it.

I have this bizarre gift of being able to find a positive in every single situation. I’m not kidding when I say this.

Even the most horrible things that have happened to me.

How to turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Here’s an example. When I was a kid about 9 years old, I was drowning in a pool of water.

(I’ll share the story of how it happened another time.)

This is about your happiness. Let’s get back on topic…

I was taking in water, drowning. On a beautiful sunny day. Surrounded by happy kids who were swimming, laughing and having fun.

Meanwhile, I was suffocating. I was taking in water and drowning in a chlorine filled (and who knows what else) public pool. After my short bout of panic (trying to grab peoples feet to get help) I suddenly gave in. I realized that this was the end. Oddly, I felt a moment of blissful peace.

Kind of like in the movies. You know, like when the white light suddenly appears out of the clouds.

Then suddenly, someone grabbed me. It was the girl who almost killed me. She lifted me up and carried me to the edge of the pool. Where I gagged and coughed trying to breathe again.

Which felt even worse than the drowning itself.

Not to mention the humiliation I felt in front of everyone. Especially, in front of the cute lifeguards.

Because the lifeguards are always cute, right?

The three positive and most important things that have come of this are: I started taking my daughters to swim class at a very young age. I will never regret the chilly mommy and me swim classes we went to.

They continued to take swim classes until I knew both my girls could swim well.

I too finally learned how to swim. I took adult swim classes as soon as I could afford them. I was in my twenties when I finally learned how to swim.

It just goes to show you, it’s never too late to learn something new.

The most important thing I learned which is also the most valuable positive thing. That I can spin out of this dire situation is that I am not afraid of dying.

Maybe it’s because I know the things I have accomplished in my life are enough. The people I have helped and the lives I have touched. Or maybe it was that moment of bliss I felt.

There was no fear.

So what lots of people consider the worst case scenario being death, I do not.

The worst case scenario for me is that I die unhappy. Nothing will stop me from trying to make as many people feel happier before that happens.

Making other people happy can make you feel happier.

That’s what makes me feel happy. When I help other people.

Whether it’s to help you lose weight or to try to find a happier career path… Or to write that book you’ve been thinking about. The one that’s eating you up inside.

It makes no difference to me. As long as I can help at least one person.

Some business experts would say that my website is “confusing” to visitors. The message isn’t always clear.

So here is what it is all about: How you can feel happier.

If you want to feel happier check out my list of products. It’s a mixed bag of stuff. I guess I’m still trying to figure out what makes me feel happier.

So kill me – I’m not afraid.

Contact me now if you need help growing your business through the Power of Writing. Or starting your own business…

Here’s what one happy client told me:

“I really love your way with words. You’re friggin talented Irene. I love how you write. It gave me chills.” 

~Jennelle Gordon
Founder of Beyond Freedom

Books and online marketing are my specialties. Check out my about page to schedule a live consultation here: Learn more…

Why You Should Write a Book

A few years ago, I was watching a popular morning show on one of the major networks. Tim Larkin, author of “Surviving the Unthinkable” was demonstrating self-defense techniques and promoting his book.

Watching the show ignited two things inside me. Fear and envy.

I ordered the book immediately.

Every few months, I pick it up and read it again. I don’t want to be one of the many women who’ve joined the “Me Too” movement. I prefer to create a new movement.

“Not Me”

By protecting myself. And creating the kind of power and income to protect myself from as many horrible things as possible.

Like debt, stress, limited choices, narcissists, stalkers, becoming a victim and envy.

Why was I envious?

I have always wanted to be a published author. Not sure why exactly. Maybe because I love to write. Or because I’ve always been a bookworm.

I was a little envious of the man on television promoting his book. Not because he was on television. I’ve been on TV. Not that big a deal.

Because he was a “published author.”

This might not mean much to you. But to me? At one time I wanted to be a writer and a journalist. I was shot down by an English teacher, who told me “You’re a bad writer.” He wasn’t even an English teacher. He was an unemployed substitute, taking the place of my real English teacher, while on a leave of absence.

My dreams were crushed. Yet another way, we can become victimized.

It was a big deal to me.

I finally did it. I wrote, published and sold my first book within a couple of weeks.

Once I set my mind to it and set a goal.

Like Tim Larkin, I have knowledge about something people want. And Need. To lose weight, feel great and live a happier and healthier life.

You do too.

We all have a superpower.

You have a superpower. Something that you can teach others. Writing a book is one of the best way to reach millions of people who need what you can teach.

Who can benefit from your knowledge and experience.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Too many people die without achieving their dreams.

Don’t say “Me Too.” Say Not Me.

Download your FREE checklist to start writing your book now.

How to Build Your Confidence

Everyone should walk the red carpet at least once in their life.

Discover the confidence it takes to walk the red carpet.

What would you do if suddenly you were going to a fancy event, black tie dinner, or…

You are finally about to take the long anticipated walk down the red carpet?

And you need to get red carpet ready – FAST!

Don’t think it could happen to you?

Don’t be so sure.

Big dreams can turn into realities. 

Look at Channing Tatum. Stripper turned famous actor.

Cheryl Strayed, author of best-selling book and blockbuster hit movie Wild. She became famous after sharing her true story of overcoming drug addiction and walking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Jack Canfield, famous author of Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected 144 times before a publisher agreed to publish his best-selling book. Now with over 40 million copies sold.

Living proof that it could happen to you.

Even if you never walk down the red carpet. You can walk with the same confidence at any event. A wedding, a formal dinner, a hot date. Or strutting your stuff on the beach.

All you need to walk the red carpet is confidence.

The kind of confidence that only comes with feeling good about yourself. Like when you lose a few pounds. Your clothes fit better and you can even fit back into some of your favorite dresses.

But losing weight doesn’t just change your dress size…

It can change your life.

After I had my second child, I was 20 pounds heavier than I like to be. I was miserable. I hated the way I looked and I hated the way I felt.

After I lost the weight, my whole life changed. I felt happy again.

I ended a bad relationship, changed my hairstyle and started a new career. I eventually went on to start my own business and published my first book.

If I can do it, so can you.

You can accomplish anything your heart desires.

Taking care of your body and your health can give you the confidence you need to change your life. Giving you the confidence to go after your dreams, reach your goals and create a life of happiness.

Like my friend Charlotte did.

Here is what Charlotte said after going through the Zipping It Up weight loss program: “I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back to a size 6 again!”

Don’t wait! Start now.

Every small step you take will lead you in the right direction. You can start now by learning everything Charlotte did. The system that helped her drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks. Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

You will discover *exactly* how to build the confidence you need to succeed.

Get red carpet ready for any occasion.

Follow your path to success. Discover how it feels to be confident and ready.

You can begin your walk down the red carpet here:
I want to be red carpet ready!

The Benefits of Yoga

Heal your body and your mind with Yoga.

Yoga is a common practice derived from a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline. It is a combination of breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. It is widely used for health, exercise and relaxation. There are many types of yoga and choosing the right one depends on your style and preference. Whichever style you choose, you can reap many benefits from adding the practice to your exercise routine.

Yoga improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina. Power yoga is my personal preference. It combines strength and meditation to build muscle, increase your heart rate and decrease stress.

Don’t let the headstands and pretzel-like twists scare you. Beginners can start slowly with easier poses that almost anyone can do. Yoga stretches help you improve balance and flexibility while working multiple muscle groups at once.

How to Take a Yoga Breath

Yoga breathing can greatly improve your mental health and overall well being. Benefits include improvements in mental clarity and concentration, stress relief, and relaxation of the mind. They are very easy to do and help improve your focus and concentrate. You become more in tune with your entire body and your mind.

You can practice yoga breathing for relaxation. Sit or lie in a relaxed position. Inhale deeply through your nose as you feel your lungs and chest fill completely with air. Tighten your core while inhaling and exhaling. Release the air by exhaling slowly through the mouth. Feeling the air leave your body, while concentrating on your inner core. The breathing helps you concentrate as you feel the breath entering and slowly leaving your body.

Using Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga is a form of exercise that can be used to maintain a healthy weight or lose unwanted weight. It is often practiced in a heated environment to increase metabolism and pulse rate. Which can help you lose weight quickly. Maintaining a healthy weight gives you more energy, helps you prevent illness and builds confidence. To make better decisions in life, better career choices and enjoy healthier relationships.

To get started practicing yoga today, all you need is a yoga mat and a little guidance. You can find a class near you, buy a yoga DVD or find free yoga videos on YouTube.

For more ways to get more balance in your life and build a strong hard core read How to Get Flat Abs Fast.

This post includes affiliate links. Which means I may earn a small commission if you click on a link. This does not affect your price. Please see my disclosure for more information.

The Benefits of Kegels

Discover the benefits of Kegels and enhance your love life. If you aren’t doing Kegels, you should be. Kegels are an exercise where you squeeze and tighten the pelvic floor muscles then release them. The benefits include more pleasurable sex, a decrease in frequent urination, preventing discomfort from having a full bladder (frequent urgency) and stress incontinence. Stress incontinence is when you leak a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing. It can happen to anyone. And let’s be honest, we’ve all been there.

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

I started doing Kegels when I was pregnant. I’d heard of them before but didn’t concern myself with them. Until the thought of childbirth stretching my vagina to where sex was less pleasurable was not acceptable. I began doing them religiously. In fact, when I went for my 6 week checkup after giving birth, my OBGYN said to me, “You’ve been doing your Kegels, I see.” She was right and I still do them daily. Whether you have children, are planning to or not, it’s never too early (or too late) to start doing them.

How To Do Kegels

There are a several ways you can do Kegels. Either sitting. lying on your back or even while standing. Once you’ve mastered the technique you’ll find you can do them just about anywhere and in any position. I suggest finding what is most comfortable for you. Like any exercise if it’s too uncomfortable or you hate doing them, you won’t do them. The benefits are tremendous. Find a comfort level or pattern that works for you and stick to it.

Emptying your bladder before you begin is recommended but not necessary. It will make it easier and more comfortable. Especially for beginners. If you’re on a long car ride, do them right after a rest stop break. Along with thigh squeezes and butt crunches. The car is a great place to do static exercises that you might not think to do while home.

Kegels For Beginners

For beginners, lie on your back with your knees bent. Hold completely still while squeezing your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the muscle for 10 seconds. Then release. Repeat 10 times. If you can’t hold them for the full 10 seconds, hold them as long as possible until you work your way up. Another technique is to quickly squeeze and release in a pulsating rhythm. Work your way up to 100 squeezes. Or do 5 sets 20.

Try to avoid moving any other muscles in the surrounding areas and concentrate on the muscles you are working. If you are having trouble locating the muscles practice holding your urine mid-stream, then releasing your urine. Don’t make this a common practice but it is a quick and efficient way to familiarize yourself with the muscles.

Kegels Strengthen Your Core

Remember to breathe continuously while doing them and tighten your abdominal muscles simultaneously. Which strengthens your core. Ideally, you should do Kegels 3 times a day. However, like any exercise every bit helps. Doing them once a day is better than not at all.

To learn more ways to strengthen your core read How To Get Flat Abs Fast.

Are Angels Real?

One morning, I was walking to my car from the grocery store. I was feeling a little discouraged and sad about some challenges I am facing. As I was getting into my car, I heard a woman’s voice.

She said, “I was looking at your cute little figure and I started to feel a little bad about myself.”

I turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in the car parked next to mine. The window was open, so I could see her clearly.

My first thought was “Angels are real.”

Admittedly she looked overweight. I personally see beauty from within. As it goes far beneath the surface of our skin.

I responded by telling her that she was beautiful.

And that I truly believe sometimes Angels are put in our paths. Often when we need them the most. She asked me to share my sorrows and offered to help by listening.

But her kindness was enough.

We chatted for a bit longer and she told me a story about the tragic loss of her young daughter. It immediately made me realize how minimal my problems were. In comparison anyway.

Wanting to thank her for her kindness, I asked for her email address. I wanted to give her a free copy of one of my books. Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” Not to insult her in any way. But Because she was telling me how she wanted to lose weight. I felt it was the least I could do.

I’ll soon be giving her a copy of yet another book I am writing. She will be in this book. As a key character and as my inspiration to begin writing the new book. It’s about angels in our path. The real life Angels we meet in our day to day lives.

Angels are real.

Incidentally, my heart wasn’t the only thing hurting that morning. My whole body was sore from exercising. Not in a bad way. It was the good kind of muscle ache that makes you proud of your accomplishments. I have been working out really hard lately.

It’s hard work getting (and keeping) your body in shape. It takes time and dedication.

If you have the desire to turn heads and get noticed, all my secrets are packed into 12 little chapters. Of the same book I offered my beautiful Angel that morning.

If you want a cute little body that turns heads, gets you noticed and has perfect strangers dishing out compliments – out of the clear blue…

Discover *exactly* how I do it.

You can find my little black book (black, white and red to be exact) on Amazon in Kindle and in print. Just click the link below:

I want to get noticed!

How to Relieve PMS Symptoms Fast

Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS is a common condition that affects a woman’s emotions, physical health and behavior during certain days of the menstrual cycle. Common symptoms are bloating, hunger cravings and rapidly changing mood swings which may lead to crying or lashing out in bursts of anger.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for PMS. However, there are many ways to prevent and relieve PMS symptoms. Here are just a few ways to relieve symptoms fast.

Eat Chocolate to Relieve PMS

Eat chocolate. Chocolate contains natural ingredients that release endorphins which instantly make you feel better. The caffeine in chocolate also provides a quick boost of energy. The combination of caffeine with the “feel good” endorphins makes for a calming effect along with the deliciousness of the taste. Don’t overindulge, as chocolate is high in sugar and calories which can cause excess weight gain. Enjoy treats in moderation.

Exercise. Sweating it out with any exercise, running, yoga, Pilates or walking in the fresh air will make you feel better. If you don’t have much time, try doing at least 10 minutes of any exercise that gets you moving and your heart pumping faster.

Call a friend. Hearing the voice of someone you love can instantly make you feel better. Feel free to share the story that made you cry or have them share a funny story with you. Listening to joyful stories or stories filled with success should make you happy. Especially if it involves a personal friend or family member.

Make healthy food choices. Select foods high in fiber, protein, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You will feel better knowing you won’t put on excess weight. There is nothing worse than devouring a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream, then regretting it afterwards. Or the next day when you step on the scale.

Drink lots of water. A common symptom of PMS is bloating. Staying hydrated will reduce the bloating, make you feel better, and look better improving your morale. Adding citrus to your water and other natural detoxifiers will help reduce the bloating more quickly. Try this Delicious Detox Water Recipe for faster relief.

To sum up, eat chocolate for instant relief. Exercise regularly and for a quick fix to reduce PMS symptoms immediately. Make healthy eating choices and use the “everything in moderation” rule. Don’t overindulge. It will negate what you are trying to accomplish. If you do indulge, don’t beat yourself up over it. Your mental well being is as important to combating stress and PMS systems as your physical health. Get support from friends and family when needed. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and use natural detoxifiers to beat the bloat for faster relief.  Download your FREE Detox Water Recipe here.

He Was Tied to a Trash Can

This morning I went for a run in the park.

The park has a lovely wooded area, a giant hill where kids go sledding in the wintertime and a big field lined with benches and trash cans. It’s a perfect place to run or walk your dog. Which many folks do.

As I was approaching the wooded area I saw a beautiful golden retriever. He was lying in the shade smiling at me as I approached.

It was strange because he was all alone.

I looked around and there was no one in sight. The first thing I thought was that maybe he had run away. But as I got closer I realized his leash was tied to the trash can.

He looked happy. He certainly wasn’t malnourished, and he even had his toy tennis ball which he promptly showed me hoping to play.

I called out thinking maybe his owner stepped into the woods or something. But why would they leave their dog?

He had tags on. Now it’s really strange. I wasn’t sure what to do. I began to look at my phone thinking I should call someone but the thought of this poor animal being caged up at the animal shelter was too unpleasant.

I was just trying to read his tags when I see a man running towards us.

He looked at me like I was hurting the dog or something.


You leave your dog tied up to a trash can. Then run out of his sight and you’re looking at me like I did something wrong. I explained that I was concerned.

I mean c’mon. You hear stories about missing dogs, kittens found in plastic bags. Stories too gruesome to repeat…

He thanked me as he untied his dog explaining that the dog doesn’t like to run. Then why the f*ck did you bring your dog???

Anyway, I hope the fear of my possibly stealing his dog will make him think twice next time. I could have been long gone with his dog had I wanted to take him.

And he never would have seen his dog again.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with health & wellness. Except to remind you NEVER to leave your dog tied up alone in a park.

If you want Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that in that little black dress!” It’s filled with even more actionable advice about weight loss, exercise and healthy eating.


It helps folks lose weight…. Fast

Here’s the link:

I want to lose weight FAST!

From the depths of my soul…


I’m going to share a secret with you.

This might be a mistake. Since it’s coming from the depths of soul. I’ve decided to take that chance.

I’m not one to talk religion in most cases but lately I’ve been praying.

A lot.

Ooooh. Do tell…

I’ve been praying to be more kind. Yes. It’s true.

You see, when you go through difficult times, it changes you. It changes your mindset, affects your health, your relationships and overall well being.

Especially, when you see evil coming from people you thought to be kind.

It can be SHOCKING.

To say the least.

Greed, envy, jealousy, anger, frustration, regret and revenge are all feelings that are very real. They can manifest in even the kindest people on earth.

So I pray. Every time an evil thought enters my mind about the people who have hurt me. I pray that my good side wins and that I will always be kind. Regardless of how hurt I am.

What I have learned over the years is that when we take care of ourselves we react more positively in situations. Even the worst situations imaginable. By eating healthy, exercising, taking vacations and taking time to enjoy life.

Which is why I wrote “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

To help more people be kind.

It’s NOT just about losing weight.

It’s about a lifestyle change that creates positive change in all aspects of your life.

Do you want to be kind?

Or evil?

I don’t believe in “The Devil made me do it.”

We make our own choices. It’s time to end the excuses.

Back in February, I told someone that I want to help people live healthier lives. To avoid death and diseases like heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure and cancer. He told me “You’ll never do it. You won’t get them off the couch.”

Ha! The devil in me will not stop. I am determined to rise from the depths of disease and death to help save those who cannot save themselves!

You can fight too!

Do you want to be evil or kind?

What are you waiting for???

Here’s the evil link:
I want to be kind!