

Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

Be Successful and Feel Happier

Overcome negativity, feel happier and live a life filled with abundance and success.

Lately, I have been reading quite a bit about healing and negativity. Especially about how to overcome negative thoughts after trauma.

There is a lot of great stuff out there on the world wide web. About positivity, healing and overcoming negativity. Lots of articles filled with suggestions on forgiveness and healing.

Some of which I agree with. Many I do not. 

I read an excellent book last year written by Pauline Longdon. It’s her true story of how she overcame depression after being discharged from the Australian Army. 

Where she became depressed because of the way she was treated.  

Not too far off from something I’ve experienced…

Pauline was an Army Nurse where she experienced some dreadful things. I won’t give too much away since I strongly encourage you to read the book. After being told by the Army that she would never recover, she eventually healed herself. She has since become successful and a highly sought after speaker and copywriter. 

Her book is called, “From Depression’s Darkness to the Light of Life.” 

If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. Whether you have personally felt depressed or not. Chances are you or someone you know will experience it. Her story will give you a deeper understanding of what one goes through during and after trauma.

One suggestion she shares, which I absolutely love, is that you don’t have to forgive your abuser. You should, however, find a way to stop allowing them to harm you. 

Instead Pauline suggests that you “release them” from your thoughts.

She encourages you to repeat, either out loud or to yourself, “I release you.” 

In doing this you stop allowing them to infect your thoughts. To release them from continuing to harm you. By reliving horrific memories, negative emotions and thoughts.

Another thing she writes in her book, which really struck a chord in me, is that you begin to blame yourself for feeling depressed. You blame yourself for allowing people and memories to harm you.

You blame yourself for not being stronger. Even though it would take a superhuman to overcome most traumatic situations. Without being affected emotionally or in some way.

Yet, we can have a tendency to become our own worst enemy. 

I being the proactive type, who is very healthy and one of the most emotionally stable people I know, do my own research. And I am proud to say that I have become a master at self-healing and care.

Through my research, I have found that a majority of the articles I have read (even from reputable sources) are all bullshit.

“Think positive,” they say.

“Your thoughts become your actions!” They shout with confidence.

“Think happy thoughts and the universe will bring you prosperity and abundance.” 

Oh, and this one is my favorite: “You are bringing the negativity upon yourself.” 

I have to call BS on that one too. Now I realize, that yes there are quite a lot of folks who spew negativity. 

Like rain pouring down from the gutters during a hurricane. 

I’m not talking about them. The people I am speaking of are people like Pauline and me. Successful, good natured, kind and compassionate people. Who go through “normal” tough times in life.

Who sometimes may suffer from PTSD after suffering through (and overcoming) horrific attacks. Along with many, many other people. Who have suffered inexplicable and unnecessary trauma. Often caused by circumstances beyond their control.

The truth is bad things happen to good people.

Saying that people harmed you because you brought it upon yourself is like saying, “She was raped because she wore a skirt.”

Claiming that you deserved it because you were bragging or boasting about your success, is ludicrous. When and if you were simply sharing your success with so-called friends. 

To even suggest that all your troubles came about because you had (gasp!) negative thoughts…

It’s absurd, to say the least.

There is nothing wrong with wearing a nice skirt and showing off your legs. There is nothing wrong with pursuing your dreams. And there is certainly nothing wrong with telling friends and family about your career achievements. 

Especially if you are trying to build a following on social media to build your business.

You should be able to enjoy your success and share it with your friends and family. Without jealousy or judgment. 

Read why you shouldn't wait another day before starting your book. #book #writing #blogging #entrepreneur #blog #lifestyle #protection #happiness #success
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But here is the reality and the raw truth of it all: “The idea of you getting rich makes most people sick.” 

Not everyone of course. Other successful people like us usually “get it.” 

It’s the people who are NOT pursuing their dreams and passions. People who are stuck in unhappy marriages. People who unhappily go to their 9 to 5 jobs every day and people who work 80 hours a week – to hustle! To pay off the credit card debt they’ve accumulated.

These are the folks who will turn their backs on you, the second someone steps on you.

Then while you’re down, they will kick you. Again and again.

So then, will simply having “positive thoughts” bring you good fortune, fame, success, and abundance? Beyond your wildest dreams?

I highly doubt it. Sorry, Earl Nightingale. Good book, but…

The reality is that the more people you help, the more wealth, prosperity and happiness you will enjoy throughout your lifetime. Zig Ziglar had it right when he said, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

I concur. 

Which is why it is so important for me to share my story. I have struggled with this. Deeply struggled with whether or not I should tell the world what actually happened to me. Mostly, because I don’t want my children to be more hurt than they already have been.

With that said though, we have already been hurt. I cannot erase the past. Having a loving, caring mom, like myself who’s been terribly hurt, is still hurting them. Even if it is indirectly.

Trauma can affect you in every single aspect of your life. Your career, your health, your relationships, the decisions you make and your happiness.

Here’s a strange secret for you, “Greed, jealousy, envy, and money will make people do sick things.”

If by now you are thinking, “Oh my! She’s so negative!”

Damn right, I am. 

Because it feels good, to tell the truth.

Without the fear of judgment or abandonment. You see, I have nothing to lose. But I have everything to gain by sharing my positive outlook on life. 

Despite my telling it like it is.

The truth might “seem” negative. But in reality, knowing the truth can help you prevent bad things from happening to you. 

Being aware is being educated and prepared.

In reality, for every unkind person I have met throughout my life, there have been at least two people who have been kind.

People who I now call “Angels.”

Despite my seeming negative, I have a miraculous gift for finding a positive in every negative or unpleasant situation. Even when my beloved sister died of breast cancer. Despite how painful it was, I was able to be thankful for the time we had together.

I was thankful that instead of her dying suddenly, that she was given the opportunity to say goodbye to her friends & family during her final days.

Our entire family gathered at my nephew’s wedding only weeks before she died. 

Then on the day she died, many of her close friends came to visit her at the hospital. Making her laugh while sharing stories and happy memories. One friend even brought in 2 bottles of champagne. So we could toast and celebrate Natalie’s life. 

Instead of mourning her death.

I have always been a happy person. Just a normal, cheerful person. Who feels sad over normal things and who feels overjoyed by huge accomplishments. Like finally publishing my first book!

Like being asked to become the health & fitness expert on an award-winning radio show. A live radio show with millions of listeners.

Who wouldn’t feel happy?

Yet, people can (and will) find a way to spin positive situations into negative ones. Often for personal gain for themselves.

Lies, however, can only go so far.

I know deep down in my heart that the truth will set me free.

Just like Cheryl Strayed shared her story in her book Wild. How she fell into a state of depression after her mom passed. Then how she overcame her drug and sex addiction by seeking solace while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Similar to how Elizabeth Gilbert told her passionate true story in her book Eat Pray Love. Her story about her search for everything in life. After losing it all. Through travel, meditation and enjoying delicious food in Italy. Then finally finding love again on the romantic, tropical island of Bali.

These are another two of my favorite inspirational books. 


Because I can relate to both of their personal stories. 

I too have been searching for my mission in life. To find peace, love, success, and happiness. I too became depressed after being knocked down. By people who I once thought cared about me. 

What if I didn’t share my story?

What if someone out there needs my help right this minute? But because I’m too “fraidy cat” to share it, it doesn’t get told? With over 7 billion people on our planet, chances are pretty good someone has experienced something similar.

I have decided to share my story with the world.

A finally started writing this book. My story of how I went from surviving to thriving again. I named chapter one “The Beginning of the End.”

Because it is all up hill from here on out.

A good friend of mine recently said to me, “Re-write your story.”

That is exactly what I am doing. Regardless of how many more times I get knocked down. Or how many people kick me while I am there. This is it.

The beginning of the best part of my life. 

I will not allow anything or anyone to stop me from feeling happy again. 

Nor should you. Regardless of what you might be experiencing right now, remember this…

How to overcome negativity and depression. A true story of inspiration. Read it here now... #inspiration #business #success #motivation #business #failure #entrepreneur #lifestyle #truth #blog #blogging

“Happiness is a feeling.” 

This gift I spoke about, having been blessed with the ability to find a positive side, to even the darkest of situations…

It wouldn’t be fair not to share that gift with you. 

Money and wealth have never been my main goal in life. Helping people makes me feel happy. It has always been my first priority. But I now realize the importance of wealth and security. You need money to have power. 

To fight when you are being attacked, protect yourself and your family. And so you can hire the best lawyers (if ever needed). 

Especially, to help maintain your stability through tough times. 

Which is exactly why I created The Power of Writing. To help more women like me, go from surviving to thriving again.

If this could happen to me, there is no question in my mind, that it could happen to anyone. 

Don’t wait another second. Don’t be unprepared the way I was. You never know what could happen tomorrow.

Are you ready to share your story with the world?

Download your FREE guide to begin making passive income (even while you sleep) and rapidly grow your business. Learn more here…

Share your story. Start writing your book... #book #writing #passiveincome #wealth #abundance #happiness #success #entrepreneur #lifestyle #business #blogging #bloggers
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Radio Expert Shares Secret Tips to Drive Traffic to Your Website

Imagine driving massive traffic to your website. But not just any traffic. The kind of traffic that generates leads, email opt-ins and sales!

Generating and driving traffic to your website (or blog) is one of the biggest challenges new bloggers and online business owners face.

It has certainly been one of my biggest challenges. Which is why I want to share my successes with you. To show you how you can drive the best traffic to your website to grow your business

There are many ways to drive traffic to your website. The key to success is consistency. The most important choice you need to make when it comes to traffic is choosing a platform or method you enjoy.

You will be spending a lot of time doing it.

If you don’t enjoy it, you might find yourself getting discouraged. Then quitting before it has a chance to work for you.

One method that has been working tremendously for me is Quora. If you enjoy answering questions that help people solve problems this is a perfect place to do it.

Quora is a place where people with problems go for answers. You can ask specific questions to the general public or you can request specific people to answer your questions.

Once you sign up for Quora, I recommend committing to answering at least one question per day. A question that is in your field of expertise. Then end your answer with a link to an offer or lead magnet.

Once you build your own following, people will begin asking for your advice.

Quora sends you email notifications throughout the day with requests. Specifically from people asking for your response as well as general questions. Based on previous questions you have answered.

Now that I have a following, I get numerous requests to answer questions. Regarding business, marketing, email list building, blogging, Pinterest, traffic and writing.

Another way to drive traffic to your website and build your email list is YouTube. If you like doing videos you can create your own YouTube channel. It’s very easy to do. But again you need to stay consistent. Offer something of value by creating a short training video.

Then end the video by sending your perfect customer to your website. Tell them what your offer will do for them. How it can solve a problem or make their life better. Then direct them to your website by telling them exactly where to go. This is called soft teaching.

Use Soft Teaching to Build a Following

Soft teaching is where you teach something of value without giving away your best content. You show them that you know what you’re talking about.

By building credibility and proving to them that you are an expert. Then you entice them to want more of what you have to offer. They opt-in to your email list and then you sell them something that helps solve their problem.

You should do this with every traffic source you use. During interviews, in your blog posts, videos, podcasts, on social media and in your emails.

Drive Traffic and Make Money with Pinterest.

Another fantastic traffic source is Pinterest. In fact, many bloggers use Pinterest as their main source of traffic. You can drive thousands, or millions even, to your website using Pinterest.

It is one of the best and least expensive ways to drive traffic to your website. Plus, if you like getting a little creative it can be a lot of fun. It’s very easy to do once you learn the basics. The best part about Pinterest is once you learn how to automate it most of the work is done for you.

Once I figured out how to drive a steady stream of traffic to my website using Pinterest, I knew I had a winning formula. To make Pinterest Pins go viral again and again.

You can learn exactly how you can create Pinterest Pins that go viral and drive traffic to your website too. I created what I call the Viral Pinterest Pin Bundle. It includes a 10 step checklist on how to set up and maximize your Pinterest Business account. Plus a short 28-minute video on how to create Pinterest Pins that go viral.

You will learn how to quickly grow your followers and monthly views. Along with secret marketing tips that show you how to create pins that will get repinned, shared and clicked through.

Straight to your website. To build your email list and make money using Pinterest. Click this link to learn more now: Make Money with Pinterest.

The Best Source of Traffic to Attract Your Perfect Customers

Out of the absolute best traffic sources I have used is the media. By getting interviewed as an expert on radio shows, live Facebook shows YouTube Channels and podcasts.

It is one of the best ways to establish instant credibility as the go-to expert in your industry.

Having a radio show host or podcaster with a loyal following toot your horn is amazing. Boasting about your success and your expertise. In fact, after my last podcast interview, I had my highest traffic month ever.

Think about it…

You are being interviewed on a podcast or show that is designed specifically for your perfect audience. The host of the show is telling his loyal followers all about you. Calling you the expert. Bragging about you. Then at the end of the show, they give you the opportunity to share your website and offer.

So you can tell your perfect target audience exactly where to go. Driving traffic to your website.

Not just any traffic but your ideal customer.

After my last interview, the Podcast host sent me a quick email that said, “That was fantastic! You are back!”

After taking a brief hiatus from the media, yes… I am back! Not just back but about to go full force with as many interviews as possible.

How to Get Featured on Radio Shows and Podcasts.

One of the easiest ways to get featured on radio shows is to let people know about a new book or offer. Writing a book can help you gain instant credibility as an expert in your industry.

To land you interviews on the best shows and help you get as much exposure for your business as possible.

Writing a book (and becoming a published author) is one of the easiest ways to get featured in the media. In fact, only 2 months after I published my first book I became the Health & Fitness Expert on an award-winning radio show with over two and a half million listeners.

Talk about positioning yourself as an expert.

I have since left the health and fitness niche to follow my true passion. My love of writing. Now I help people like you share your voice with the world. I help authors get published.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level then you should strongly consider writing a book.

It’s easier than you think.

In fact, I wrote my first book in only 2 weeks. In less than two weeks I had my first book written, published and sold.

The interviews began to pour in. Show hosts started contacting me for interviews. Then I started getting invited to speak at events.

This is how writing a book can impact your business.

It can help you quickly grow your business, build your email list and drive consistent traffic to your website.

Not just any traffic but the right traffic.

To help you write and publish your first book I created a FREE 10 step checklist. To show you exactly how you can write and publish your first book.

In as quickly as 2 weeks!

To download your FREE checklist click the link now: “10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today.”

Writing a Book Can Change Your Life

Imagine what would happen if doors to new and amazing opportunities kept opening up for you… 

That’s what writing a book can do. Things you never even dreamed of.

Opportunities that come to you!

Writing a book is easier than you think. Once I decided to publish my first book, I had my first book written, published and sold in less than 2 weeks. Using a simple 10 step system I created.

Within two months of publishing my first book I was asked to become the Health & Fitness Expert on an award-winning, live syndicated Radio Show. With millions of listeners!

How could I say no???

I went live on the radio with millions of listeners each and every month!

Sharing health advice. Helping millions of people live healthier and happier lives. Making our world a better place. Imagine the impact you can have on millions of lives. 

At the time I had just founded The Power of Writing. People kept telling me how they wanted to write a book. But that it seemed daunting.

To be completely honest, there was a time when I felt exactly the same way. That’s why I decided to help amazing people like you. 

So you can share your knowledge, your story and your voice…

Imagine the people you could touch. The impact that your voice and your message could have on the world.

We all have a story. Something only you, along with your personal experiences can reflect. With over 7 billion people on our planet, the chances are pretty darn good that there is someone out there who needs to hear what you have to say.

Start sharing your voice. With the power of writing you can reach vast amounts of people in a short amount of time.

By using the same easy steps that I used to become a published author, you can write your first book and have it published – FAST

I created a 10 step checklist that guides you from blank page to published author.

In “10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today!”

Don’t wait any longer. Start today and you can have your first book, written, published and sold in less than a month.

Begin now by Downloading your FREE checklist below.  

How to Use the Right Keywords and Hashtags to Make Money on Pinterest

“Help! He stole my strappy sandals!”
~Carrie Bradshaw “Sex and the City”

Read this cute story to discover how you can find and use the right keywords and hashtags on Pinterest. To make your Pinterest pins go viral so you can make money using Pinterest.

Plus a *secret* marketing tip that can make you lots of money…

One of my all-time favorite TV shows is “Sex and the City.” I especially love it since she too is a writer. And although I am not into shoes the way Carrie is, I do love a cute pair of strappy sandals.

I do not however, spend ridiculous amounts of money on Manolo Blahnik shoes. 

Not yet…

There is a scene where Carrie gets robbed in a deserted alleyway in broad daylight. She begs the thief not to take her favorite pair of Manolo Blahniks but he doesn’t give. She’s left with no purse, no money and worst of all – with no shoes.

On a dirty disgusting New York City sidewalk.

So you see?

Things could always be worse.

I have this miraculous gift for being able to spin every negative situation into a positive one. 

When Carrie’s friend Miranda shows up to save her (with a giant pair of sneakers that don’t fit) she hits it off with the cute cop who is taking the police report. So something good came of it.

At least her friend got a date.

Why do I bring up this sad story of Carrie losing her favorite pair of strappy sandals? Well, this morning I pulled out a pair of my favorite strappy sandals.

And I thought – I could use a new pair of shoes.

I went to Pinterest to see what’s on sale. Who doesn’t love a sale? I did a quick search and lots and lots of cute shoes popped up.

How to find the best hashtags that people are searching for on Pinterest.

Did you know that fashion is one of the top searches on Pinterest? So if you are thinking about starting a blog, fashion might be the way to go.

When I create new Pinterest boards I do a search to see what the top searches are on that subject. Then I write a keyword rich description and add relevant hashtags. Mine usually include: entrepreneurs, bloggers, blogging tips, traffic, Pinterest, lifestyle, etc.

My point is, when creating new Pinterest boards do a little research. To see what people are searching for in your niche. Create boards your Pinterest followers will find helpful.

How to Add Keyword Hashtags to Your Pins and Pinterest Boards

Then add relevant hashtags to your Pinterest boards and pins. This way your ideal customer can easily find them. Not just anyone but the perfect followers. Who want to buy your products and services.

So you can make more money. To buy new shoes.

There is a lot more to Pinterest than simply creating a business account and throwing up some pins. 

There is also a lot more to marketing and selling your products online. One thing, in particular, that is the *secret* to successful selling. Something I do consistently with my Pinterest account, my Pinterest pins...

And all of my marketing strategies.

It’s something you can easily apply to all of your marketing and selling online too. It just so happens that I share this secret marketing strategy in the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy Bundle.

This is a Marketing Strategy Used by All Million Dollar Marketers.

This same marketing strategy is used by ALL the top copywriters and marketers (in every industry) in the world. 

It’s a strategy that made a now well known product fly off store shelves. Creating a billion dollar industry that now has boxes lining shelves in just about every grocery store in the US. 

That is now bought by and used in most households.

You can find out how you can use this same marketing strategy to sell all of your products. I share this marketing tip in the PDF included with the “Traffic Driving Bundle.” It’s a special edition sold ONLY with the Viral Pinterest Pin Bundle. Sold exclusively here on my website.

You can’t get this anywhere else.

Here’s another marketing tip: Never give your best stuff for free.

This exact same marketing strategy also played a huge part in JK Rowling’s success. That helped make the Harry Potter series the #1 selling books in the world.

It is a true story I learned just the other day. From a Publishing Agent with one of the top Publishing companies. A publishing company that has been in business for over 25 years. Who I am considering using for some of my upcoming books.

It’s amazing the things you can learn by having the right connections. Or by buying the right products from people who learn from the right connections.

Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Website and Make More Money.

Start using Pinterest now. To drive traffic to your website. To drive loads of happy customers to your landing pages, blog posts and email opt-ins. So you can make more money using Pinterest too.

To buy more shoes

Oh, and by the way, I know you’re not a shoe thief (and you would never steal my strappy sandals). But you can steal this! The crazy traffic driving Viral Pinterest Strategy is a steal at this low, low price! Kick the link below to start now: I want to make money on Pinterest!

Read this cute story on why you should use Pinterest to make money! Read in now... #Pinterest #traffic #business #shoes #entrepreneur #money #blog #bloggers #blogging #online #workfromanywhere
Sharing is caring. Pin it now...

Or start here… Download a FREE copy of the original checklist “10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral” here now:

7 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog and Have Fun Doing It!

Turn your business into bliss. Read how you can make blogging fun, make more money doing it and keep going.

In this article, I am going to share with you 7 ways to successfully drive traffic to your blog. Plus, how to have as much fun as possible – while doing it.

Warning – this a pretty long blog post with a lot of information. Pin it now so you can read it later. In case you get interrupted. Then come back and read it.

If you’re not having fun with your blog then what’s the point, right?

I’m not sure if every blogger goes through this or not. But having heard a lot of stories of the ups and downs makes me think most bloggers have gone through this too. Or something similar at least.

Making money is fun.

Obviously. But I would rather enjoy what I’m writing about than focus on just making money blogging. There are a lot of ways you can make money.

If I didn’t care about my passion, the freedom of flexibility and helping people in a way where I can possibly impact millions of lives – then I would have stayed in real estate.

After many years of working as as Realtor, I had reached a point where most of business came to me from repeat business and referrals.

But I wasn’t fulfilled.

I needed more. Let’s be honest though. Blogging is hard. There are so many things to learn. Building a following, learning how to monetize it and the “biggie” driving traffic to your blog. It can get frustrating.

Once I finally found a system using Pinterest that was finally driving a steady flow of traffic to my website I lost sight of my vision, my purpose and my passion.

Don’t Lose Sight of Your Passion.

I instinctively want to help people. So when I discovered what I call a winning formula to put Pinterest on automation it became my obsession. I became so obsessed with Pinterest and driving traffic that it’s all I was writing about.

I put my other top priorities like creating continuity and writing courses on a shelf. Things that I think can help my audience more than another blogger teaching Pinterest. Stuff quite frankly, I am even better at. That I can teach you.

That’s when blogging stopped being fun.

My new followers and email subscribers aren’t engaging as much. And well…

I thought about quitting blogging altogether. The problem is though, that I am NOT a quitter.

So once again I find myself shifting my focus. Hopefully, this time for the better. That’s why I wanted to write this article.

To make sure you are having fun blogging too.

Now I am going to share a few ways that you can drive traffic to your website. That hopefully makes it more fun for you. So you can make more money and not lose sight of your passion.

Oh and to the left is a silly face my youngest daughter made a few years ago. I came across the picture today. As I’m getting ready to start selling stock photos for bloggers.

Now let’s continue…

The Best Way to Drive Traffic to Your Website.

I have been doing this for long enough that I can honestly tell you that media and building a reputation is the best form of traffic.

The credibility you get from being interviewed as the “expert” by someone else is priceless. The link backs to your website heightens Google awareness for you and your website.

Plus, you can reach masses of people by doing it.

Another way to become an instant expert in any industry is to write a book.

Right after I started blogging I wrote my first book. Within two weeks I had my first book written, published and the first copy sold.

Writing my first book opened up so many amazing opportunities for me.

I was going live on the radio and being interviewed for podcasts every week. I was accepted into a Mastermind group where I flew to LA and met with a room filled with like-minded entrepreneurs.

In less than two months from writing my first book I was asked to become the Health & Fitness expert on an award winning radio show. Where I went live every month to speak to over 2 1/2 million listeners.

Talk about FUN!

Then some bad stuff happened. I’m not ready to share that part of my story yet. But let’s just say I wouldn’t wish what happened to me upon my worst enemy.

That’s how bad it was.

Okay, enough negativity. At some point, I gave up the radio show and stopped going on interviews. As you can imagine this pretty much killed my business. For a while.

Then I discovered Pinterest. Finally, a way to get traffic to my website without being in the public eye.

Which I was desperately trying to avoid.

I went all in. I was determined to start making money with my blog using Pinterest. Of course, seeing sales come in and watching my email list grow was fun.

Kind of.

But I was losing my voice. My purpose. My mission. To help people feel happier. To live a happier and healthy lifestyle.

That’s when I started getting kind of depressed again.

This time not because of circumstances beyond my control. But because I wasn’t doing what I am meant to be doing.

I don’t want to become a Pinterest expert.

Yes, I will continue to use the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy to continue to drive consistent traffic to my website. To keep making sales.

Until eventually, it massively explodes. Which takes time, consistency and patience.

However, it’s time to go back to what I really enjoy doing. It’s Time to have fun again. It’s time to come out of my shell.

No more hiding from the world.

I will be going back to promoting my books. In the past year, I have written over a dozen books while I was “hiding out.”

It’s time to publish and promote my upcoming books and have fun doing it.

Which is another thing I have been doing. Helping authors share their stories. If you have a story that needs to be heard. Or you want an easy way to get into the media and get interviews. That can skyrocket your business, I can help you with that.

Another thing that’s fun is when a client out of the blue writes you a testimonial. After going live on one of the radio shows, one of the hosts asked me to help him with his book.

He is a musician now turned author. Here’s what he wrote about me on Alignable. “Irene is loyal to her clients, she strives to meet their needs, a true professional” ~Win Thompkins.

Fun right? Hearing good stuff about yourself out of the blue.

That’s what I’m talking about Making blogging fun! Creating the life you want from blogging. There are lots of ways to drive traffic to your blog.

Here are five more ways to drive traffic to your blog.

Create a Facebook group or join other Facebook groups. You can answer questions on Quora. You wouldn’t believe how many people ask me for *expert* advice every single day.

Plus, if you follow me on Quora you can read tons of blogging advice I give to new bloggers.

Start your own YouTube channel. It’s super easy to get started but you need to be consistent with this. I am just exploring this myself. Now that I’m getting back into video and live radio. So I will be keeping you posted as to what’s working and what’s not.

You can drive traffic to your website by doing Facebook or Instagram lives.

People love videos. Especially live videos. I shied away from this after my trauma. I realize though that if you want to be successful in the online world and build trust, you need to do videos.

Facebook and Instagram prefer that you use their live video streams. They will push them further than if you put a link to any source that will take your viewers away from their platform.

Use videos on your website to build trust, build your email list and keep people coming back.

I just signed up with Vimeo. So far they rock the house so check them out. You can even get started for free. I am not an affiliate for any of these by the way.

I’ve done a lot of research and just want you to know the best stuff.

Learn everything possible about SEO. And if you haven’t already, you should download and use the Yoast plugin.

This has been blog changing for me.

I didn’t know about Yoast until recently. Like it was a bloggers secret or something. Hopefully, you already knew about this but if not, now you do.

This blog post is already super long and I could go on forever. There is so much to learn and share about blogging! Please pin this to all your relevant boards so we can help other bloggers too!

We need to help each other as much as we can. Just one more super important thing as I sum up…

The Most Important Thing About Blogging.

Whichever way (or ways) you decide to drive traffic to your blog, do what you enjoy most. If you don’t enjoy it you are more likely to quit. The key to any successful traffic strategy is using consistency. Keep going and you will succeed.

To get more traffic to your website now, check out how you can create Pinterest pins that go viral.

Drive steady, consistent traffic to your website. So you can make more money and have fun blogging. Click on the fun little picture below or click this link to get started now.

How to Get Your Pins & Blog Posts Saved on Pinterest

Discover a cool little trick that can get your articles more shares on Pinterest. It can even make your pins go viral.

When your website visitors share your pins and articles, you get more exposure on Pinterest. Making your Pins go viral. Keep reading to see how you can use this one thing to drive more traffic to your website.

Please take a second to share this article by pinning it to one of your boards. This way your Pinterest followers can learn this trick too!

How it works…

Pinterest recognizes that your content is helping people. They see who’s pinning your pins and from where. When they see that you are providing good content and getting more saves, they will begin to throw your Pinterest Pins even further.

Reaching more people, making your Pins go viral and driving even more traffic to your website.

What does this all mean for you?

More traffic means more people opting into your email list. More people clicking on your affiliate links and more of the ole’ green stuff in your pockets.

The ultimate goal of a successful blog right?

Helping more people and making money so you can keep doing what you love!

Once I discovered the “Pin It” plugin, my Pinterest Pins began to go viral. Along with doing some other things too, of course!

About a month ago my Pinterest pins started going further and further. Finally! My email list grew and sales went up. I became obsessed with learning everything there is to drive even more traffic to my website.

That’s when I started sharing what I’ve learned about Pinterest.

The “Pin It” plugin is so simple and easy to use. Once installed a Pinterest icon appears on all of your pictures and Pinterest Pins. Making it super easy for your visitors to share your pins. If you hover over any picture in this blog post you will see how the Pinterest icon appears.

Watch this video now to see exactly how you can drive more traffic to your website. If you prefer not to watch the video I show you exactly what to do below.

Go to your dashboard and go to Plugins. Then hit “Add new.” Install and activate the “JQuery Pin It Button for Images” plugin.

Once it is activated you can select the style of button you want and where you want it to appear on your images. You can watch the video above to see exactly how to do it.

Discover more ways to make your Pinterest Pins go viral. Click on this link now to Learn more…

Get your articles and blog posts shared from your website. Read how now... #blog #blogging #bloggers #website #traffic #money #business #lifestyle #workfromanywhere
Sharing is Caring! Pin it now…

The Best Way to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Drive traffic to your website and make money with affiliate marketing. Read this article below to see how you can drive traffic to your website.

Plus, the best way to sell affiliate products to make money blogging.

Ecommerce, Selling Online, Online Sales, E-Commerce

One of the ways I have been driving traffic to my website is by answering questions on Quora. Your audience can grow quickly by presenting yourself as an expert in your niche.

It’s amazing the influx of questions I get daily.

One such question was about affiliate marketing and Pinterest. Pinterest is another way I drive consistent traffic to my lifestyle blog. So much that I now offer an inexpensive program to help business owners drive traffic with Pinterest too.

The question was this, “Does Pinterest penalize affiliate marketing pins?”

Here was my response:

Although Pinterest does not penalize affiliate marketing, I have witnessed affiliate products getting shut down.

In a similar fashion as when Facebook changed their algorithms forcing businesses to advertise. I am now seeing something similar with Pinterest.

After writing about this very subject, my Pinterest views went down and my Pins stopped getting promoted as far. Coincidence?

Maybe. maybe not. They also happened to follow me on Twitter that same week. Pinterest that is. Letting me know they’re “watching” me. Whatever.

It certainly hasn’t hurt my business. But all the more reason you should start your own email list.

Having your own email list of subscribers is one of the few things you have control over. To promote affiliate offers as well as your own products and services.

To learn more about how you can build your own email list of loyal subscribers. Your *perfect* customer, eager and ready to buy from you, click on the link below:

A step by step guide to building your own email list.

How to Make Your First Affiliate Sale

Imagine making your first affiliate sale! You have heard all the bloggers talk about how much money you can make with affiliate marketing. Yet, you still haven’t been able to close that first sale.

In this article, you will learn what an affiliate sale is and how you can begin making money with them.

I’m not going to go into the details of my trials and errors. Only my first successes and how you can successfully make your first affiliate sale too.

What is an affiliate sale?

An affiliate sale is when you promote a product or service that you personally did not create. The affiliate company provides you with a link to promote their product.

The link is trackable. Meaning when someone makes a purchase through your link, they know who to pay for it. You then get paid a percentage or flat fee (depending on the terms) for making the sale.

How much you earn from each sale and when you get paid depends on the company’s policies and your agreement with them.

When selecting your first affiliate offers, make sure the products and services align with what your blog is about. If you’re not promoting the right products to the right people, chances are they won’t buy what you are selling.

It’s best to promote products you personally use or at least have tried. This way you can give an honest testimonial. If there is a product you want to promote that seems like a good fit for your customers make sure you at least do your research first.

One bad affiliate promotion can tarnish your reputation and harm future sales. It’s not worth the risk of losing a potential lifetime customer to make a few quick sales.

Building Trust to Make Your First Sale

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that Bluehost was my first affiliate sale. Even with all the other bloggers who are also promoting Bluehost.

It didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t as easy as simply throwing up a Pinterest pin. Or writing a blog post about it.

No, my friend, it was about building trust. Even with a well established, credible affiliate like Bluehost. Building trust with your buyers is still the most important part of selling online.

Make Sales with Emails

The best and fastest way to build trust with a group of followers is to build your own email list of loyal subscribers. Email them regularly and learn how to do it right.

That is how I made my first eBook sale, my first affiliate sale, and my first online course sale.

As I get ready to launch my upcoming “How to Start an Online Business” program I am building my email list. This way with ALL the competition and many “how to start a blog” courses out there, my followers might choose mine.

When you email your list consistently, they begin to feel like they know you personally. If they already bought some of your products and they know you will deliver what you’ve promised, they will buy from you again and again.

If you haven’t already started building an email list, you can download my free guide. It’s a 24-page newsletter that will show you *exactly* how to get started.

To learn more about building your own list of loyal subscribers who trust you and want to buy from you click on the link below.

Learn more…

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

This a re-post with changes from a different article. It is the Introduction from the book “5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog.” You can download a free copy below. 

Discover 5 things every Entrepreneur should know about starting a blog or business. Even if you already own your own business or are just starting out. Keep reading to learn 5 things I share from my 25+ years in sales and marketing and owning a business.

Including a *secret* Marketing Tip that can make any product fly off the shelves. This one thing can work for any product in any type of business.

When owning a business you are always keeping up with the latest technology. Constantly looking to keep up a steady stream of incoming business. Which is why I want to talk a little about blogging. Blogging is a business tool that can be used to grow your business, build a relationship with your customers (or clients) and increase sales. It can also be used as a business platform in itself, as an online business. This type of online business is called a Blog or a Money Making Website.

Whether you’ve thought of starting a blog or not, the information in this book can apply to just about any type of business.

If you have thought about starting a blog, either as your business or to enhance it, then here are a couple reasons you should. One, to build trust with you target market by solving a problem. In the form of relevant information. Secondly, to help you create business that will bring you wealth, happiness and freedom.

You can use it to sell products online. In the form of eBooks, courses, services, physical products or affiliate products related to your industry. If you are new to the online world, you might be thinking, why would someone want to buy information online.

When you can find just about any information for free on the internet?

It’s true that there is a lot of free information on the internet. But how much of the stuff you’re finding is accurate information? In fact, the internet is filled with so much information that you often don’t know what to believe. Or who to trust. Making it even more important to find good information. That most people are willing to pay for. Especially if it solves an immediate need.  

Why You Should Start a Blog. 

You are unique. You are the only person who can share your personal experiences. Making you irreplaceable and extremely valuable. A common fear among new bloggers and business owners is what if no one will buy my products. Especially if you are just starting out or if your industry is saturated with competition. Established business owners already throwing around social proof and income statements like confetti.

Here’s the thing. People don’t necessarily buy your products or services.

What people are buying is you.

Because they can relate to you and your past experiences. You have the knowledge and the resources to help them solve a problem. Which brings up a good point. Why you should share personal stories. It creates a level of intimacy. Your readers and followers connect with you. They begin to feel like they know you which builds trust.

If they trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Which is why blogging is so effective and how you can use it to grow your business. By sharing what you know, along with your unique life experiences. Then using them to help people solve a problem.

The famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you can just help other people get what they want.”

Which is why I wrote this book. To help you succeed. 

Helping people makes me happy.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Being happy?

One of my richest life experiences was when I volunteered for the Disaster Action Team for the American Red Cross. For four years I devoted my free time to aiding families in need of food, shelter and clothing.

There were challenges, like there are with everything in life. 

The many appreciative people who thanked me profusely for my help, made it worth it. Just like it is with owning a business. Despite the challenges your overall experience should be rewarding.

The rewards of having more money, time and flexibility.

When you are spending your time building your own business, it doesn’t feel like work. Especially if you are in the right business. When your business is about something you care about, it becomes fun.

Building a business is not easy. At least not for most of us. 

You need to constantly promote your business, create great content, products and services. Learn how to monetize your blog and most of all you cannot quit.

You Can Succeed.

I will honestly tell you that if you are going to give up when things get tough, you might want to save yourself the trouble.

If you haven’t realized it, I already shared three of the things every business owner should know.

The first One is that owning a business is tougher than you would expect. Even if things are going great with your business now. Anything can happen. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and don’t give up.

You cannot quit if you want to be successful.

Two is that you can everything you want in life, if you help as many people as possible get what they want.

Download the full story below…

“5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog” is a FREE eBook. It shares more than 5 things, every entrepreneur should know before starting a blog. Including: A *Secret* Marketing Tip that helped a brand new product fly off store shelves. The product is still being sold in almost every grocery store in America.

Plus, one thing that can make every entrepreneur more money in any type of business.  Enter your email below to download your eBook now.






Start Living Your Dream Life

Today I am sharing inspiring quotes my daughter and I read from candy wrappers. It reminded me of how important it is to pursue your dreams and live your best life.

Here’s the story…

Do you know those little chocolates with the inspirational quotes on the wrappers?

The decadent ones that melt in your mouth. The dark chocolate and the milk chocolate ones are both so delicious.

Someone actually gets paid to write those quotes. Sitting around writing quotes all day.

Hmmm. Kind of like my job.

Anyway, we were eating them the other day and my daughter read her quote out loud.


I had completely forgotten that the wrappers had quotes on them. I had already thrown my first wrapper in the trash. Bummer.

I ate another chocolate, fighting my desire to dig it out of the garbage can. I had to know what it said. It was my first one. Isn’t the first one the most important? Like a fortune cookie. Almost.

So I went under the kitchen sink and I dug it out of the trash.

My daughter said, “Ewwww. Mom!”

In my defense, it was my trash can. I had just changed the bag. It’s not like there was anything icky on it. And you know what? I don’t regret my decision.

Because they are worth sharing with you.

The “trash can quote” is second on the list since it was the second one I read. I wanted to share them with you in order of how we read them. I won’t tell you how many we ate. Let’s just say there were duplicates. 🙂

Here they are:

*Be with people who make you laugh
*Don’t wait for sleep to start dreaming
*Dare to cross the line
*Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end
*Today is your day

Today is your day.

Your day to:

*Stop procrastinating

*Start living the dream

*Surround yourself with like-minded people – who also make you laugh

And It’s your day to start living the lifestyle you desire. 

If you have the desire to start your own business and live the *real* American dream you can start today. Building your own money making website is a great way to create passive income and have the freedom to work from anywhere.

Starting your own blog is easier than you might think. 

There are many ways to make money doing it. Building your own email list of subscribers is the fastest and easiest way to make money blogging.

Learn more here…