

Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

Victoria’s Secret Way of Doing Business

This morning I was doing one of my favorite ab workouts. It’s called the “Victoria Secret Model Ab Workout” by Blogilates. Cassey Ho is the creator of Blogilates which last time I checked is still the #1 exercise blog on YouTube. 

What’s cool about it is that she simply started a blog. Then she recorded some workout videos in her tiny apartment with a camera (most likely from her phone) and started posting videos on YouTube.

Can you imagine the day she won the rights to call one of her videos “Victoria’s Secret”?!

But this didn’t happen overnight. Building a blog (or any business online or off) takes time. It could be years before you see a return on your investment or can replace your full time income.

But once you do, it’s well worth it. 

Cassey is now happily married (to her camera man – cute right?) making millions and living her ultimate dream life in Hawaii.

The other cool thing about her videos, is that I don’t feel alone while I’m doing them. I know many of her exercise videos by heart. So much that I can repeat her verbatim and practically do the routines in my sleep. 

But I still enjoy watching the videos. For the structure of the routine, the cool music and her company. 

Which is exactly why I started creating videos that show you how to start a business. I call it the “Victoria’s Secret” way of doing business. Since a lot of it has to do with building a brand, creating videos that guide you every step of the way and by connecting with influential people.

Like one of my upcoming books for example. I am co-writing a book with my good friend Jennelle Gordon called The Faces of Freedom. It’s her true inspirational story of going from surviving (from being sold into sex trafficking) to a thriving as a business owner, Author and Motivational TED Talk speaker.

She’s invited Tony Robbins to her first TED Talk and is asking him to write the foreword for the book.

We are also using a whole bunch of his motivational quotes throughout the book. Since the book is very much about how he saved Jennelle’s life. When they met (at the event he sent her to for free, after he took her under his wing) she said all she could feel was love, hope and inspiration.

Anyway, if you want to become well known, one of the fastest ways is to connect yourself with people who have a lot of influence and power. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to write a book.

I could not believe how doors started flying open for me after I became a published author.

I was getting interviews on all kinds of cool podcasts and radio shows, Which is how I met Jennelle. We were both guests on the same live radio show. Afterwards we connected and became good friends. Which then opened the door for this amazing opportunity.

Buy you know what else? 

She asked me to help her with her book because I spent countless hours helping her. By being her friend and helping her in any way I could. I didn’t ask for the opportunity or seek it out.

The good karma came back to me because of kindness. 

So now I have this amazing opportunity that could potentially explode my business and change my life. If you’re ready to take that chance and start going after amazing opportunities, then writing a book is a great way to start.

And since I like helping people so much, I created a course that will guide you every step of the way. 

In just a few short weeks, you will go from blank page to published Author. You will also learn how to publish and promote your book and how you can connect with top influencers in your niche. So your book and business can explode too.

The videos will all be loaded up, onto one of the best course creator platforms, Thinkific. Where you will have your own login and password. So you can watch the training videos whenever and as often as you like. 

You will also gain full access to our exclusive writer’s Facebook group. So you can connect with other writers and get your questions answered quickly. Especially, if you’re ever feeling stuck or alone. 

Right now  you can take advantage of the special Pre-sale price. If you enroll today, you get the entire course (plus Bonuses) for half off the purchase price of the course.

Plus, as a special bonus, if you enroll by midnight on Sunday, February 2nd I will give you full access to my “How to Start a Blog” course. 

The value of the bonus course alone is at least $200. Here’s what you get just inside the “How to Start Your Own Money Making Blog” course:

*How to Build Your Own Money Making Website in 60 Minutes or Less (which teaches you 5 ways to make money online).

*How to Grow Your Own Thriving List of Email Subscribers who will follow you and buy your books, courses, affiliate offers or whatever you decide to sell – for years to come.

*And the fastest and easiest way to drive traffic to your website (at least that I have found).

But the bonuses are only being offered until Sunday night at midnight. Since the weekends usually fly by pretty quickly, you better jump on this while you still can. What you need to do to get all the BONUSES is Enroll in the “Blank Page to Published” course, then send me an email with a copy of your paid receipt (a screenshot will do). Then send it to [email protected] or hit reply to any of my emails.

Then I will personally send you the “How to Start Your Own Money Making Blog” absolutely FREE. You will receive all the login information and PDF downloads as soon as I get your email. 

Oh and since you are one of my loyal email subscribers I am giving you a special discount. Enroll in the course by Sunday night (at midnight) and you will get an additional $100 off. The code is “SECRET” because I truly believe that writing a book can be the secret to your success.

To hop on to the Victoria’s Secret way of doing business and join our exclusive tribe of writer’s (before it’s too late) enroll now. 

Here’s the link:

Irene Gabelnick

Here are just a few of the things you will learn inside the “Blank Page to Published” course:

*A quick and easy method that will instantly help you overcome the daunting feeling of writing a book.

*How to publish on KDP and set up your Author’s Page.

*The pros and cons of self-publishing vs traditional publishing and how to send a query letter to a literary agent.

*How to create the best content for your book so people can’t wait to read it!

*How to quickly get reviews for your book and build a launch team.


To enroll now, before the spots all fill up (since this is a Beta course I am limiting it to only 100 students) hit the link below:

As a special bonus You will also get a full training session on how to write Kick-Butt copy that sells. I’m sharing some of my best marketing and copywriting tips. The insider secrets I’ve learned from some of the world’s top A-list copywriters.

Here’s a picture of me on stage with million-dollar copywriter Carline Anglade-Cole at the prestigious AWAI annual Bootcamp event. I’m the blonde chick on the right.

Learn from the top leaders in your industry...
On stage with Carline Anglade-Cole. Carline is an A-list copywriter who has written for Oprah and is deemed a Million Dollar Copywriter. You will learn some of the BEST writing techniques to learn persuasive writing that sells.

Learn more…

Pros of Self-Publishing and Why Indie Authors Might Disagree

One of the biggest and most profitable advantages of self-publishing your first book is how amazingly fast you can become a published author. To quickly gain influence as an authority (or expert) in your niche and to get you and your business noticed with free media exposure. 

Many Indie authors might argue with me on this but Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is unquestionably one of the best and easiest ways to self-publish your book. It’s fast, it’s free to get started and you can reach a lot of people in a short amount of time. Plus, having your book published on the world’s largest online retailer makes you look serious and professional. 

There are also a number of self-publishing companies that can guide you through the self-publishing process. But if you want to do it *right* by first launching a pre-sale, followed by the higher priced hardcover (before allowing a paperback and kindle version) than using a reputable third party can be helpful. But it will cost you. You will need to pay them for their time and services as well as all the printing costs upfront. 

Unlike KDP where they charge you for paperback printing costs only after you’ve made a sale. Depending on the price point you use to sell your book, the costs involved may vary. Amazon is serious about selling so they reward you by selling your books between $2.99 and $9.99. Paying higher royalties so you will sell more books. 

They also offer marketing resources and incentives along with a step by step guide to quickly get your Author’s page set up. The book cover creator is easy to use and uploading your manuscript only takes a few minutes. 

So people can start buying your book right away!

In fact, once I committed to writing my first book, I wrote, published and sold my very first copy in only two weeks! With the right resources and system in place that’s how easy you can publish your first book.

What I like to tell my clients is this: “Your first book doesn’t have to be your #1 bestseller or even the book you are remembered for. It just has to be your first.”

Before publishing my first book, I did a ton of research on the pros and cons of self-publishing versus traditional publishing. I spent months doing research and learning the ins and outs of the publishing world. 

Initially, I thought I wanted to get published by a reputable publisher. For the prestige and to get help. Since I knew nothing when I first started writing. But after careful research, I determined that self-publishing was my best option.  

What I found was that the biggest advantage to self-publishing is how quickly you can gain prestige and the reputation as a published and accredited author.   

The Power of a Deadline

Once I decided to become a published author set a strict deadline for myself. I was on a mission to get published by the end of 2017 and nothing was going to stop me. 

Since this completely ruled out going with a traditional publisher it became a no-brainer to self-publish my first book. You see, using a traditional publisher to publish your books can take years before your book is available to purchase. This is after your book gets picked up by a publisher. Which doesn’t even count the time it takes to send query letters to literary agents and face possible rejections.

Once I learned that it could take over a year (possibly even two years) to hit store shelves I knew self-publishing was the way to go. At least for my first book. Now let’s see if self-publishing is right for you. 

Whether you decide to self-publish or go with a traditional publishing company really depends on your goals, the reason for writing your book and your time frame. If you are desperately trying to grow your business, drive traffic to your website and make a name for yourself than timing will obviously play a big role in your decision. 

If you already have powerful connections (who can endorse your book) and have already built a following then getting a publisher to pick up your book will be a lot easier. 

It’s even better if you can find a celebrity to write the foreword for your book. Which I’m in the midst of doing for several of my upcoming books. Since getting celebrity endorsements is one of the easiest and fastest ways to actually sell your book. 

I’ve written well over a dozen books since my first one. Some of which I will self-publish while others I plan to go with a traditional publisher. Mostly because of the prestige of getting published with a well-known publisher. But also so I can learn from the experience of using a publisher. To learn from people who’ve been in the publishing industry way longer than I have. 

You can never stop learning and I pride myself in keeping up with the latest trends and learning only from the best.  

Plus, some books are more complicated than others and having written so many, there’s only so much I want to do myself. Making it worth it to me to lose the rights and ownership of some of my books. While others I prefer to keep control over. 

In addition to timing, one of the drawbacks of using a traditional publisher is they typically buy the rights to your book. Meaning they keep most of the royalties and they can stop selling your book at any time. Hence cutting into your passive income and retirement fund.

If you self-publish your books you can continue to market and sell your books as long as you want. To create passive income for years to come and even for the heir to your estate. The book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey is currently ranked #3 for best sellers in business and money on Amazon at the time of writing this. Which just goes to show you the power of writing a great book. 

The first book I wrote (and self-published) is a weight loss book which I wrote primarily to get interviews in the media. It wasn’t until friends were telling me how my book helped them that I realized the impact of a book. 

Obviously, I wanted to help people. But what I really wanted was to promote my blog and business. So I could help even more people. Since I wanted to get it done quickly, I chose a topic I know well and that I could easily teach. I wrote down a system guaranteed to work. I knew it was an effective weight-loss method since I have used it many times to quickly lose weight myself. Now that little 41 page book helps women all over the world. To lose weight and feel happier and more confident.

How to Turn Your Book Into a Business

Now that I have raving testimonials I can turn that little book into a business. By creating a complete weight loss program. If I decide that’s something I want to do.   

The coolest thing I discovered after getting published was that it is unquestionably one of the fastest and easiest ways to get into the media. It became easy to land radio and podcast interviews. I started making awesome connections, getting new clients, growing my email list and driving consistent traffic to my blog. 

Writing my very first book couldn’t have worked out better! 

Within only two months of writing that little book, I became the Health & Fitness Expert on a live radio show with millions of listeners! I was going live every month on the award-winning The Queen Silvy Show sharing health and wellness tips. 

That my friend is the power of ONE book. It’s the power of your book. Even if it’s self-published. 

In my upcoming book, “One Book Can Change Your Life: How to write and publish your first book” you will learn how to quickly write your first book. Join our tribe of published authors so you can quickly grow your business, land media interviews (to gain instant credibility) and create an impact.   

FREE Resource to Help You Start Writing Your Book Today

You can start now by downloading your FREE guide where you will learn how to Write and Publish Your Book in 10 easy steps. Here’s the link to get started now: Start writing your book in 10 easy steps

This Powerful True Story About Self-Protection Could Save Your Life

Originally published on February 26, 2019. Revised on January 3, 2019

Numerous reports show that out of every 4 women at least one of those women is raped. Another article I recently read on The Guardian quotes a global study that claims “1 in every 3 women suffers [from] violence.”

The scariest part is that most violent attacks are never reported.

Now take a moment to think about that. Imagine yourself with 3 women you care about. Or look around you, wherever you may be and pick 4 women in the room. Including yourself. If this report holds true then that means at least one of you, out of the four has been (or will be) raped or violently attacked.

Keep reading to see how you can prevent that one of four from being you or someone you love.

The Resurgence of the “Me Too” Movement

Allegations against Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault and rape triggered the resurgence of the “Me too” movement. A movement that had been quiet for too long. Victims of abuse began speaking up against sexual assault, rape, and sex trafficking. Bringing forth allegations and the arrests of men like Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein. 

Women from all walks of life began sharing their true stories of sexual manipulation and attacks. Horrid stories of sexual harassment, abuse, and rape. Teaming together with a public outcry. Demanding justice for crimes already committed and awareness to help women stay safe.

Harvey Weinstein is expected to go to trial next month in New York City where he faces criminal charges. Stemming from allegations of rape and sexual assault. We can only hope that if he did commit these crimes that he will be found guilty. 

You don’t have to be a famous actress to share your story.

Your perpetrator doesn’t need to be a Hollywood mogul or Billionaire for your personal experience to matter. Even ordinary folks like me have valuable lessons to share. This is why I am sharing some real-life experiences I have had with sexual abuse, stalking, and harassment.

What you are about to read is a true story about a “Me too” experience that has haunted me for years. It’s about a young girl who was repeatedly pinned down against her will. Fighting with all her might to defend herself against her attacker and how she finally found a way to stop him from hurting her again.

If you haven’t guessed by now, that young girl was me.

It’s a relief to finally be able to share our stories. Not just share them with the hope that justice will be served. But that action will be taken against perpetrators and rapists. Justice with serious consequences for acts of abuse and inappropriate behavior.

Instead of us sharing our stories secretively, with nothing more than a silent nod of “me too” between us. Something we as women have become accustomed to. Sharing our stories with fellow victims with nothing more than a mere consoling look that says, “Yes, that’s happened to me too.”

Which is why I’ve decided not to say “Me too.” Instead, I choose to use a more proactive and preventative approach. That is why I say “Not me.”

Because regardless of how horrible a past experience was, you still get to choose how you allow it to affect your life. You can choose to protect yourself from it ever happening again. You can protect your family and you can protect your own life. 

One of the best ways to prevent yourself and your family from harm is to be prepared. To be educated, conscious and always aware of your surroundings. Talk openly with your children about the dangers of predators. Teach them about safety and taking precautionary measures.

Speak openly with your children and encourage them to come to you if they feel threatened or are harmed in any way.

Shortly after the allegations against Harvey Weinstein took the media by storm, I read an article about a 9 year old boy who “touched a little girl inappropriately” at school. They were playing soccer when the boy apparently bumped into the girl. Touching her in a way that made her feel uncomfortable. 

The girl told her mom and she immediately called the school principal after hearing what happened. Fortunately, after investigating the incident it was determined that his touching the young girl was an accident. Which happens obviously. But had it been disregarded or downplayed the girl might be afraid to bring up future incidents. Situations that might not be accidental.

Misconduct that occurs every day. 

After years of girls reporting more serious offenses (with no consequences or justice), it’s easy to lose hope.  Fear, humiliation and the fear of being judged or disgraced has kept too many girls silent.

Young girls have been kept silenced for far too long. 

When I was growing up, we didn’t have that luxury. Kiss chase was a normal game that the kids played in the neighborhood and no one ever tried to stop it.

I was blessed to have small breasts (or cursed depending on how you look at it). I didn’t mature physically until well into my teens. Unlike some girls, I knew who developed at an early age. Luckily for me, most of the boys preferred chasing the girls with bigger boobs. 

The boys would catch the girls. Then pin them down and try to fondle them while attempting to steal kisses. Without consent. 

One sunny summer day a young girl I knew (name withheld for confidentiality) was pinned down and the boy would not let her go. We had to rally against him to get him off of her. 

Frightened and humiliated, she immediately wanted to go home. Her face was flushed with bright red cheeks as we walked her all the way home. She was fighting back tears the whole time refusing to speak about it. 

She stayed inside the rest of the day instead of being out enjoying the sunshine.

As for the boy? Nothing ever came of it. 

Even with my small breasts, I did not come out of my lower-class east side neighborhood unscathed. My skinny little stick-figure body and geeky glasses weren’t enough to deter the boys. 

There were two boys who lived across the street from me. Tommy and Rodney were stepbrothers and hung out like best friends. Just like my sister Natalie and I often did.

The brothers used to chase Natalie and me playing the same game. I would run as fast as I could to avoid getting caught.

Until one day, it happened. A boy caught me and pinned me down.

It was Tommy who caught me. I was kicking and screaming, trying to get him off of me. So he wouldn’t kiss me. I can still feel the blood rushing to my head as my cheeks became flushed with the humiliation. It was a horrible feeling being pinned down. Not being able to stop him.

I did NOT want him touching me or kissing me. 

After that, I learned how to run. Fast. Really fast. I’ve been a runner ever since and often jokingly attribute my love of running to these boys. The ones who chased me. But in reality, it’s the truth. As it turns out learning to run fast was a good thing.

Because the torture did not stop there. Not even close. 

Later when I was in 6th grade there was a boy who sat right behind me in class. My elementary school ran kindergarten through 6th grade so there was no class change. This means I sat in the same classroom (where I was stuck most of the day} with this boy sitting behind me.

I’ll call this boy, “The Stalker” so as not to reveal his identity. Not that I particularly care about revealing his identity for his privacy. It’s my privacy that concerns me.

Since stalkers have been known to reappear.

The story you are about to read is a true story. Every single word of it. So even though it may sound more like a fairy tale or a made for TV movie (with a real-life hero and a villainous creep) I kid you not.

The Stalker was a big kid. He must have failed a couple of grades because he was older than most of the other kids in my class. And much, much bigger. He had freckles all over his face and yellow crooked teeth. He had poor posture and walked kind of hunched over. Like one of the main characters from the movie “The Hunchback from Notre-Dame.”

The worst part was that I couldn’t stand this kid because of how he treated me.

One day, the Stalker kid started playing with my hair in class. My hair was really long (reaching halfway down my back) so it was easy for him to reach over his desk and touch it. I repeatedly raised my hand to tell the teacher. Pleading with her to make him stop. She basically did nothing.

Then the kid would get angry with me for telling on him. Making the situation a bit frightening. But I wanted him to stop.

Afterward, he would smile at me and hiss, “You know you like it.”

I would kind of laugh nervously. Apparently giving him unintentional mixed signals. And yes, I was a little bit flattered. Of course. Who doesn’t want to be liked?

I was the geeky smart kid. A stick figure with no shape and usually wearing glasses with tape wrapped around one of the arms. Probably from getting tackled by boys. Or getting hit in the head while playing dodge ball in gym class. 

I assure you though, that not only did I want it to stop but I began to hate this kid.

One day he started chasing me home after school. I ran so fast he never caught me. Not even once.

He would stand in the alleyway that led up to the back of my house. Gasping for air like he was out of breath. Defeated. Sometimes I even walked past my house just so he didn’t see which house I went into. Because I did NOT want him to know where I lived.

How to Stop Sexual Harassment

I was relieved when the school year ended so I didn’t have to see him anymore. Then, that summer, he started riding his bike around my neighborhood looking for me. One day, I was sitting in the schoolyard with my older brother and a couple of other kids. I saw the Stalker riding his bike towards me. I told my brother what was going on and pleaded with him to talk to the kid.

My brother was not happy about it. At first, I couldn’t understand why. Why on earth wouldn’t my big brother jump up to defend me? Soon I realized why.  

My brother stood up and boldly walked over to the kid. As I watched them talking, I suddenly realized that the kid was much bigger than my brother. Not just a little bit bigger. A LOT bigger. This kid could have easily pummeled my brother.

At that moment my respect for my big brother grew. But the best part? It worked. I didn’t see the kid again the whole rest of the summer. Not until 7th grade started. That’s when things took a turn for the worse…

Of all the classes he could have been assigned to he was in my homeroom. So I had to see him first thing every morning.

The harassment began again almost immediately and he was constantly trying to get my attention.

Now that we were in middle school we changed classes throughout the day. Which meant we would go to our lockers in between classes to grab books and stuff.

Making me an easy target. 

Some days he would physically pin me against my locker and try to kiss me. I would scream at the top of my lungs as he held my wrists so I couldn’t get away from him. Apparently, no one could hear me over all the sounds of slamming lockers and junior high kids gossiping. The noise muting my screams.  

Or maybe the other kids just didn’t want to get involved.

Then one day out of nowhere and to my complete surprise, an Angel came to my rescue. There was a new kid in school. He was tall, big and strong.

Plus he was cute so all the girls had a crush on him. I’ll call this boy, “The Hero” because that is exactly what he was.

The new kid and I began hanging out. Walking to class and sitting on the bus together. One day, we were on the bus heading home after school. I told my new friend what the Stalker kid had been doing and how that morning he stole my pen during homeroom.

My Hero would have none of this.  He got up from his seat, went right up to the kid and told him to give me my pen back. “Stalker boy,” thought about it for a minute, looked back at me, got up, walked back to where I was sitting and handed me my pen.

On his way back to his seat, he kind of pushed my Hero. Intentionally shoving him with his shoulder. 

Oh no! Before I knew it, fists were flying. It was a blur of craziness!

The bus suddenly stopped and the bus driver told them to get off the bus. Kids started yelling, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

It was horrible.

Everyone rushed off the bus to watch the fight. All I can remember were these two boys punching each other and flipping each other over cars.

I couldn’t watch.

I grabbed a friend and begged her to walk home with me. I couldn’t believe I had just started a fight. It was never my intent. I just wanted the harassment to stop. And honestly, as silly as it may sound, I wanted my pen back. 

The next day both boys came to school with bruises and black eyes. I never found out who won the fight but I felt really bad about it. Especially, for not sticking around to walk home with my Hero and make sure he was okay.  

The end result? The Stalker kid never ever bothered me again.

It wasn’t long before the Hero kid dropped out of school again. Or maybe he was expelled. I’m not really sure. What I do know is that this kid saved me. From sexual harassment, being groped and molested and possibly something much, much worse.

I am grateful I didn’t have to find out what might have happened. If no one had finally stopped him. No young girl should ever have to be subjected to this type of harassment. Ever.

So then does this make me a part of the “Me too” movement? Not even close.

Instead of “Me too” I say “Not Me.”

The Best Way to Protect Yourself from Violence

The best way to protect yourself against harassment (sexual or any kind), violence and danger is to learn how to protect yourself. Be aware, educate yourself on safety and learn self-defense. Always be aware of your surroundings and get help the second you begin to feel threatened.

You don’t have to take abuse from anyone. Ever.

How to Protect Yourself from Violence

One of the best books I’ve read on self-protection is Survive the Unthinkable: A Total Guide to Women’s Self-Protection by Tim Larkin.

Learn how to protect yourself (and your family) from violence. Check your local Martial Arts Center for a self-defense class near you. If you reside in the Greater Buffalo Area there is an excellent self-defense class I’ve taken at Spar Self Defense.

Personal safety expert, Pete Canavan agrees that “The time to prepare is before the need arises.”

I met Pete when he interviewed me for his podcast Safety Talk. We talked about yet another personal experience (more serious than this one) and how to protect yourself during a home invasion.

By listening to the interview, you will learn at least one effective method (that I use) to protect yourself from an attacker inside your home. This one safety tip alone could save your life. To listen to the interview go here.

Pete Canavan teaches college campus safety, online safety, women’s safety and much more. To learn more about safety and protection go to Pete.Canavan.com.

Be proactive. Protect yourself from violence now. Before it’s too late.

Don’t say “Me too.” Say “Not me.”

Did you know that Writing can help you heal from emotional trauma?

According to Psychology Today studies have shown that sharing your story through writing can help you heal from emotional trauma.

Although it can be difficult at first, there are long lasting effects of healing through writing. Reliving and writing about your traumatic experiences can prevent and alleviate emotional triggers that may lead to anxiety, PTSD and depression.

Plus, by sharing your story through the Power of Writing you can help other women who may be suffering from similar experiences.

Right now, at this very moment, there are women who are experiencing trauma. Imagine how your story might help them cope. By sharing how you went from surviving to thriving again. In a world that’s not always kind.

With over 7 billion people in the world, chances are pretty good that there are many women who can benefit from hearing your personal story.

Don’t allow your story to eat you up inside. Share your story and discover a whole new world of writing. It’s easier now than it’s ever been to Write and Publish your first Book.

Download your FREE guide to learn how you can easily Start Writing Your Book Today.

A Junkman Walked Away with Millions of Dollars and How You Can Too

“More gold has been mined by the brains of men than has ever been taken from the earth.”
~Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

This morning I went for an early morning run. The sky was crystal clear and the streetlights were on. There was a fresh dusting of snow that looked like a blanket of diamonds.

Glimmering diamonds.

It felt like I was running through a diamond mine. Which reminded me of a story I read in “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. It’s about a gold miner back in the gold rush days.

To make a long story short a guy by the name of R.U. Darby got “gold fever” and headed out west to find some gold. Once he found some, he invested in equipment and started digging. He squandered around digging aimlessly and basically came up with nothing. Frustrated and discouraged he sold the equipment to a *junk* man for a few hundred dollars.

He then packed up and headed back home.

This *junk* man was no dummy. 

He hired a mining engineer to assess the land and do a little calculating. They began to dig and found the gold only 3 feet where Darby had stopped digging. ONLY 3 FEET from where Darby had given up!

This *Junk* man walked away with millions of dollars. 

Don’t worry this story ends well. 

You see Darby learned a valuable lesson from his mistake and went on to make fortunes as an insurance salesman. 

So you see there are a lot of lessons to be learned from this story. And so you don’t make the same mistake good ole Darby did I’m sharing a few of them with you. 

One, don’t give up too quickly. I have done this myself by changing my niche too quickly. Then realizing afterwards how much gold I already had.  

Two, learn from your mistakes and do better next time. It does no one any good to beat yourself up over past mistakes. Simply learn from them and keep going. 

And three, invest in a professional who can lead you to the gold. Why struggle aimlessly, floundering and risk failure?

When you can pay someone who already made the mistakes.

Someone who can show you a clear path to success. Like how I followed a very clear path to getting on loads of radio shows and interviews on podcasts. By following a very simple strategy. One I also happened to learn from another very expensive book I bought. 

It’s a simple strategy but not an easy one to go alone. 

It takes time, patience, work and an entrepreneur mindset. Meaning no quitting. 

You write a book. Promote it and gain *instant* credibility as an expert in your niche. Build a following that you have control over. As in your own email list of raving followers who will buy from you for years to come. 

Learn how to hit emotional triggers that make your customers want what you are offering so badly that they can taste it! 

Then give them a clear road to success. 

Like I’m going to teach you *exactly* how to write and publish your first book and how to promote your business by getting free publicity with the media. You will get the exact email templates and system I use to land interviews. Including the exact template I used to become the Health & Fitness expert on the award winning radio show The Queen Silvy Show.

Where I went live in front of millions of listeners each and every month. Right from my kitchen table. 

Aren’t you done digging for gold in the wrong places?

If so, then start working towards the life you want to live. Join me for a live training where I share all my best secrets to working from home (or anywhere in the world) using only a laptop and an internet connection. 

Here’s the gold mine of a link:
Blank Page to Published to Media Expert


Did I mention in the past couple weeks alone I got invited on two live radio shows and an invitation to speak at a live event alongside a prestigious group of successful entrepreneurs? 

Ring in the New Year with health and happiness… 

You can Enroll in the program here.

Brighten Your Day Instantly and Feel Happier

Instantly, brighten your day (or someone you love) by doing this one simple thing. If you’re feeling a little discouraged or things aren’t going your way, use this simple strategy to brighten things up.

No matter how big or how small your troubles may seem, you can easily lift your spirits. In a flash! The only caveat is you need a friend or another person for this to work. Which in itself can brighten your day simply by connecting with someone.

This can work with absolutely anyone. Even a perfect stranger.

The really cool thing is, that it will brighten their day too. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice on the other end of the line can instantly make you feel better.

Let’s be honest, people run from negativity. It’s human nature to repel things that can bring you down. But if you’re dealing with a difficult situation it can be hard to always put on a happy face. Which can make people close to you not pick up the phone so much. Or stop making time to see you.

As sad as this may seem, it’s a reality.

It’s not their fault per se. Everyone is going through something. We all deal with difficulties at some time or another and sometimes you can’t expose yourself to people who might bring you down.

It doesn’t make you (or them) a bad person. It’s simply a defense mechanism to feel happy.

The good news is there is an answer! Which is why I am telling you something good. So you can reach out to people for help without bringing yourself down, harping on your problems, or worse, bringing your friends down too.

So if you’re feeling down and out, dealing with stress (or a difficult situation) or simply need a quick pick me up, listen carefully to something that works for me. Every… single… time.

Often when I need to hear a friendly voice I pick up the phone and call a friend. They’ll ask me, “How are you?”

Then I’ll reply, “Fine” or “I’m good. How are you?”

If they know I’m going through a rough time they can smell my BS a mile away. But still, maintain your composure, and simply say something like, “I could be better but I really don’t want to talk about it.” Then say…

“Tell me something good.”

They will usually ponder for a moment trying to think of a funny story to tell you. Instantly relieved they don’t have to hear about your troubles…

Brighten Your Day instantly! Read how... #happiness #health #bloggers #happy #entrepreneur
Sharing is caring.

Before you know it you’re both laughing over some silly story. Or some achievement, or some cool thing that happened. Then you too start sharing something good that happened. Or begin reminiscing about a similar situation.

You and your friend both instantly feel happier. They are also way more likely to pick up the phone and call you again soon.

Don’t believe me?

Try it. Pick up the phone right now. Call someone you know and simply say, “Tell me something good.”

If you want someone you care about to feel happier, share this with everyone you know. Go ahead. Then reach out to me. On social media or wherever and tell me something good. Hopefully, you’ll tell me how my sharing this with you helped you (or someone you know) feel a little bit happier.

Want more happy stories like this one? Sign up to receive Lifestyle & Happiness news. Straight to your inbox!

Brighten Your Day! Read how... #happiness #health #bloggers #happy #entrepreneur

Once You Put Your Big Girl Pants On There is NO Going Back

When my youngest daughter was two, she refused to wear pull-ups.

You know, those diapers that are designed so you can pull them up and down. Like panties. So every time your little one goes potty you don’t have to throw away an expensive unused diaper.


Not my little Miss Independent. Who I sometimes call “Mini Me.”

Now keep in mind, she hadn’t needed a diaper in months. I knew she was ready to go to big girl panties and had even bought her an assortment of really cute ones. To try to convince her to give up diapers.

I guess she wanted to stay little.

So here we had a box of pretty pink pull-ups that she refused to wear. As well as a drawer full of cute little underwear. Yet we were still throwing away expensive diapers. Every single day.

One day, she was going through one of the many toy catalogs that arrive by the boatload just before Christmas. She had circled a doll stroller along with many other toys.

There was this one particular stroller that she really wanted.

This one stroller, she had circled many times and kept showing me. Making sure I KNEW this was absolutely the one she wanted. We were sitting on the couch one day, when suddenly the wheels in my mind started churning.

This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

It was bribery, yes. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Christmas was coming and we couldn’t afford to keep throwing money away. Especially on unused diapers.

Then I asked her one question.

And it went something like this, “Sara.” I said to grab her attention. “If I buy you this stroller right now, and you have it in a couple of days, would you start wearing the pullups?”

Suddenly, she flew off the couch and took off running!

She ran up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out a pair of panties. Completely bypassing the transitional pullups. She put them on, came right back downstairs and said, “Done.”

I actually don’t remember what she said. It was probably more like, “Alright Mom. Order the stroller.”

What I do remember was the determination in her eyes.

And the way she stood there looking at me. So confident with her hands on her hips. I knew at that moment that our diaper days were over. I confirmed with her that she would never go back to diapers. Once she agreed, I ordered the stroller.

That was unquestionably one of the best investments I have ever made. If you’re a mom (or a dad) you understand the joys of the end of diaper days.


She never ever had an accident. And she never went back. Because once you put your big girl pants on, there is NO going back.

For the past several months or so, I have been learning everything possible about course creation, testing, marketing and selling online courses. Despite the fact that I already know quite a bit. I’ve been selling them for a while now.

I needed to learn how to scale my business and fast. Because it’s something I really want. To live a life filled with abundance, joy, freedom and wealth.

The training sessions I have been taking (and the people I am surrounding myself with) are experienced experts who are making millions of dollars selling online programs and are teaching course creators (like me) how to do it right. However, despite everything they are teaching me I still haven’t been doing it.

I guess maybe we all need a little incentive. Or bribery.

One of the things about starting a business is that we have a tendency to devalue our time. Most of us normal folks anyway. Which only hurts us in the long run. You see, if you don’t charge what your program is worth then people often don’t see the value in it.

When you charge a premium price, people have more of an “investment” mindset. They are serious about completing your program. Making it a “no brainer” to pull out their credit card and enroll.

Also making it a huge win/win for everyone.

Your students succeed by showing up and doing the work. Then they give you a raving testimonial. Making it easier for you to sell more high-end courses.

Then you can help even more people succeed.

I realized this morning that I’ve been kind of “staying little” too. Instead of joining the big leagues. Even though I have written over a dozen books just this past year alone.

Even though I became the Health & Fitness Expert on the award-winning radio show The Queen Silvy Show. Only two months after publishing my first book. Where I went live in front of millions of listeners each and every month.

Even though people were calling me “famous.”

And “You’re a Star!” Including my friend Chris (from my LA Mastermind group) who’s a real estate broker selling multi-million dollar listings in San Francisco.

Even though I am co-writing a book with Jennelle Gordon. A book about how Tony Robbins helped a brave young woman. Who as a young girl was sold into sex trafficking and escaped after 10 years of captivity. And how she has started her own business, created Beyond Freedom, a non-profit organization that helps young survivors get back on their feet.

To finally going live on stage delivering her very first TED talk.

A true inspirational story that can show you how you can overcome any obstacle in life. To go from surviving to thriving regardless of any circumstance.

What I realized today is that I am already in the big leagues.

It’s time to put my big girl pants on. And never look back.

So, I raised the price on my upcoming writing course. A LOT. A program where I am teaching entrepreneurs like you how to go from blank page to published in only 5 weeks.

To grow your business, get higher paying clients, land higher paid speaking engagements and easily get into the media.

Because once you put your big girl pants on there is no going back.

Not for my baby girl and not for me.

If you are ready to join the big leagues, by becoming a published author, to scale your business and take it to the next level, you can start today.

Don’t you think it’s time you put your big girl (boy) pants on?

Download your FREE guide to becoming a published author. Take off running now and head on over to The Power of Writing.

Create Passive Income with Pinterest

Updated on September 13, 2019. Don’t forget to Pin this article to share with your Pinterest followers!

Imagine one-morning waking up, you stretch, then pick up your phone to check the weather. You open your Pinterest app when suddenly you realize, one of your pins has gone viral!

You’ve had 180 saves and 180 clicks. That’s 180 new visitors to your website. From only ONE of your pins. Finally, your Pinterest strategy is working! People are finally reading all the great content you’ve created and signed up for your email list! This means more people to buy your products so you can make more money.

Later that day, you get an email notification about a sale. Then another sale and another…

Your email list is finally growing faster than you could have imagined!

Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.

Once I discovered a method to make Pinterest pins go viral, repeatedly, I knew I had a winning formula. I made this blog post short for a reason. I want you to take this information, implement it and start creating Pinterest Pins that go viral right away.

It took me months of reading, learning & testing to find a method that finally works. Even after taking a Pinterest course where I learned a lot.

That’s why I decided to start sharing my best Pinterest strategies with you. Things are constantly changing and with any marketing or social media, there is one thing you always need to do.

That is testing. The best way to test your pins and traffic is by analyzing your data. Using Pinterest analytics and installing the Yoast plugin were game-changers for me.

If you’re not using Yoast (or some type of data tacking) install it today!

Seriously. Yoast helps in so many ways. It does more than just help you track data. It shows how to make your blog posts SEO friendly (so people will find your blog posts using Google and other search engines).

It helps you analyze your blog posts and recommends including internal and external links. To increase your ranking in search engines.

It even gives you a readability analysis of your articles. Plus, it allows you to add keyword phrases and a meta description. So your perfect customer can easily find you through Pinterest and Google.

My 25 plus years in sales and marketing have taught me you can never stop testing and you always need to keep learning. To keep up with rapidly changing algorithms and marketing strategies.

To learn what is working now to increase your sales and income. So you can live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

The best way to learn is to teach what you know. I never intended to begin blogging and teaching about Pinterest. But it wouldn’t be fair to keep everything I’ve learned to myself.

Especially, since it’s working.

You can easily create Pinterest Pins that go viral, drive traffic to your website and create passive income – even while you sleep.

Your guide to Pinterest for business (a perfect starter guide especially for complete beginners) “10 Things that can make Your Pinterest pins go Viral” is a complete guide. It will show you ten basic steps to make your Pinterest pins go viral. Even if you’ve NEVER used Pinterest before. Or for your business.

Below is a screenshot of one of my very first viral pins. It made me feel so happy. 🙂

Make Pins go viral to drive traffic to your website.#website #traffic #bloggingtips #Pinterest #viral #business #lifestyle #income #money #workfromanywhere #workfromhome #blog #blogging

The best part is I keep getting more and more pins that go viral. With more clicks and more saves without needing to use group boards. Even after seeing a considerable dip in my monthly views.

Seriously, after Pinterest went public my monthly views went from 240k to 50k. Yet, my email list still keeps growing and more importantly making sales. All the things I did (which I show you in the Viral Pinterest Pin Strategy) have created a steady stream of traffic and income for me and my business.

That means Pinterest is finally working on automation!

Imagine my excitement after trying different things for so long. The good news is that it shouldn’t take you nearly as long as it took me. With everything, you can learn today with this simple strategy.

Start today and you can begin creating Pins that go viral. Driving traffic to your website so you can make you money while you sleep.

Start now by downloading your FREE guide below
“10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
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Discover how you can make passive income using Pinterest. Read it now... #blog #blogging #bloggers #bloggingtips #business #traffic #socialmedia #Pinterest #lifestyle #workfromanywhere #money
Sharing is caring.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Read how one of my favorite movies can help you live the lifestyle you desire and deserve.

One of my favorite movies is the movie, “When Harry Met Sally.” Especially the scene where she fakes a well “you know.”

But just like their relationship took time, patience and the right realization (as in what you really want out of life) it goes the same with building an online business.

It is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes time, patience, a LOT of learning and really knowing what you want out of life. 

Time, freedom, uncapped earning potential…

That can help you get anything and everything you want in life.

Another lesson is the urgency Sally created at the end of the movie. She was fed up with Harry and stopped playing his silly games. It was pretty much now or never. 

Just as he was about to lose her – he finally takes the leap! And they live happily ever after. We assume anyway since the movie ends with them talking about their wedding and the decadent coconut cake with chocolate sauce.

On the side.

One of the ways to make sales online (or via your email list) is to create urgency. You can’t fake urgency though (like she faked the orgasm) Well you quite easily can. But in the long run, you will lose trust with your email subscribers and they won’t buy from you. 

Admittedly, I have been “nice” in the past and extended sales deadlines. I didn’t fake it. I simply changed my mind. It still isn’t really a good idea though.

Which I have learned the hard way.

In reality, you aren’t helping people at all. If they don’t buy the products that will solve their problems.

This urgency I speak of is important because sometimes it takes that push and urgency to get someone off the fence. So they begin to actually use and apply something you are selling that can benefit them.

It seems strange I know. 

But it all is quite simple. Find a starving crowd (as in a market) who has a problem. Then create something that will solve their problem. Then sell it to them.

I have only been in the “online” space for a short time and I am still learning. However, my 25 plus years of actual face to face selling applies just the same.

It’s all about selling the benefits, building excitement and getting your perfect avatar (customer) to say “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

To get you off the fence. so you can begin living the lifestyle you desire and deserve I have put the “Build Your Own Money Making Website” program on sale. 

And I have created “real life” urgency. It is only on sale until midnight tonight. ET. 

After that, the price goes from this steal of a price (only $49) to $97. So it is a $50 savings. Almost…

Plus I threw in bonuses (another selling tactic) to sweeten the deal. C’mon you know you love it when the big shampoo bottle says “20% more FREE.” 

Who doesn’t love bonuses? 

I added the Pinterest Viral Pin Strategy so you can drive massive traffic to your website. I show you how to build a following fast. Even if you’ve never used Pinterest. It is the exact method I used to go from 4,000 monthly views to over 45,000 in only ONE WEEK.

I also threw in the 28-page newsletter that shows you exactly how to build your own thriving list of email subscribers who will buy from you (once you build their trust) for years to come.

To grab your savings now say “Yes! Yes!” Yes!” to the link below:

I am ready to jump off the fence and say “Yes!”

That’s it. Have an amazing Sunday.


How to Feel Happier

Something I read a while back , struck a chord in me…

“Happiness is a feeling.”

This is something I tell myself often. You see, the past year has been one of the worst years of my life.

Starting my own business and trying to start a blog has kept me trying to keep a smile on. Publicly, I mean. No one cares when things are bad. They don’t want to hear it.

And when things are good?

Greed, jealousy and envy can rear their ugly heads in ways I never thought possible. It doesn’t matter how hard you try to feel happier. It doesn’t change the ugliness in this world.

With that said, despite what challenges you are dealing with now. The good, the bad or the ugly. Happy times, stressful times or scary difficult times.

There are actionable things you can do right now to feel happier.

If I can still manage to feel happy enduring what I have been through this past year, there is no question you can too. Today I want to share some of the things I think can make anyone feel happier.

On good days or bad.

Things that you might need to force yourself to do. But that you *should* do if you need a pick me up. Happiness really does only exist within yourself.

Pink, red, orange and yellow are happy colors.

You can’t change the past. You can’t make bad people good. You can’t turn black into white. But there are shades of gray that you can add color to.

Add some color to your life by surrounding yourself with cheerful colors and friendly kind people. Stop and take time to do something you enjoy.

Play a silly game on your phone for a few minutes. Go for a walk or watch a funny YouTube video. Anything that will make you laugh.

Call a friend. Be careful with this one. Not everyone who pretends to be your friend is your friend. I hope you don’t learn this the hard way the way I have.

When you do, you don’t need to mention that you’re feeling bad. You don’t have to vent or share even. Simply say to your friend, “Tell me something good.”

You’ll be surprised how a happy or uplifting story can lift your spirits. Even if it’s just for a moment.

Exercise. Exercising Makes You Feel Happier.

It doesn’t matter what you do. Walk, run, jump rope. Do a set of angry pushups. You would be surprised how you can instantly feel happier just be getting your heart pumping.

Eating Makes You Feel Good

Sometimes when you’re feeling sad you forget to eat. Or nothing tastes good…

At least for me anyway.

Eat something and drink a glass of water. Opt for something healthy like fruit or a large healthy meal. Depending on when you ate last.

Also, do treat yourself. This is time for self care. Do anything that will make you feel better!

Eating chocolate is good!

Just don’t go to town on a whole pint of Death by Chocolate (my personal favorite). Eat a small amount of chocolate while you are preparing a healthy snack or meal.

Whatever bad sh*t is bringing you down, put a positive spin on it.

I have this bizarre gift of being able to find a positive in every single situation. I’m not kidding when I say this.

Even the most horrible things that have happened to me.

How to turn a negative situation into a positive one.

Here’s an example. When I was a kid about 9 years old, I was drowning in a pool of water.

(I’ll share the story of how it happened another time.)

This is about your happiness. Let’s get back on topic…

I was taking in water, drowning. On a beautiful sunny day. Surrounded by happy kids who were swimming, laughing and having fun.

Meanwhile, I was suffocating. I was taking in water and drowning in a chlorine filled (and who knows what else) public pool. After my short bout of panic (trying to grab peoples feet to get help) I suddenly gave in. I realized that this was the end. Oddly, I felt a moment of blissful peace.

Kind of like in the movies. You know, like when the white light suddenly appears out of the clouds.

Then suddenly, someone grabbed me. It was the girl who almost killed me. She lifted me up and carried me to the edge of the pool. Where I gagged and coughed trying to breathe again.

Which felt even worse than the drowning itself.

Not to mention the humiliation I felt in front of everyone. Especially, in front of the cute lifeguards.

Because the lifeguards are always cute, right?

The three positive and most important things that have come of this are: I started taking my daughters to swim class at a very young age. I will never regret the chilly mommy and me swim classes we went to.

They continued to take swim classes until I knew both my girls could swim well.

I too finally learned how to swim. I took adult swim classes as soon as I could afford them. I was in my twenties when I finally learned how to swim.

It just goes to show you, it’s never too late to learn something new.

The most important thing I learned which is also the most valuable positive thing. That I can spin out of this dire situation is that I am not afraid of dying.

Maybe it’s because I know the things I have accomplished in my life are enough. The people I have helped and the lives I have touched. Or maybe it was that moment of bliss I felt.

There was no fear.

So what lots of people consider the worst case scenario being death, I do not.

The worst case scenario for me is that I die unhappy. Nothing will stop me from trying to make as many people feel happier before that happens.

Making other people happy can make you feel happier.

That’s what makes me feel happy. When I help other people.

Whether it’s to help you lose weight or to try to find a happier career path… Or to write that book you’ve been thinking about. The one that’s eating you up inside.

It makes no difference to me. As long as I can help at least one person.

Some business experts would say that my website is “confusing” to visitors. The message isn’t always clear.

So here is what it is all about: How you can feel happier.

If you want to feel happier check out my list of products. It’s a mixed bag of stuff. I guess I’m still trying to figure out what makes me feel happier.

So kill me – I’m not afraid.

Contact me now if you need help growing your business through the Power of Writing. Or starting your own business…

Here’s what one happy client told me:

“I really love your way with words. You’re friggin talented Irene. I love how you write. It gave me chills.” 

~Jennelle Gordon
Founder of Beyond Freedom

Books and online marketing are my specialties. Check out my about page to schedule a live consultation here: Learn more…

Pay it Forward on Pinterest

Discover how you can pay it forward on Pinterest. To help more entrepreneurs succeed and make the world a better place.

Imagine your website suddenly exploding with traffic! Finally, all your hard work is paying off…

People are signing up for your email list. And you are making the kind of money you always dreamed of making.

Read how we can band together as bloggers. By paying it forward to other business owners on Pinterest. To help our fellow bloggers ~business owners just like you and me~ get the traffic they need to grow their business.

Grow your business by giving back. Read it now... #blog #blogging #business #entrepreneur #traffic #pinterest #socialmedia #marketing #bloggingtips #money #fashion #lifestyle

Does this sound crazy???

Maybe. Maybe not…

I have an idea. A splendidly crazy, magnificent idea.

What if every time we saw a Pin that doesn’t have a rich keyword description (and relevant hashtags) we entered an amazing description?

With keywords and hashtags that can help make all your pins fly?!

Even if we did this only once a day…

Imagine the impact we could have!

If every single business owner (or blogger) on Pinterest, repinned someone else’s pin onto one of their boards. A pin that had no description or hashtags (or one that could be better) just to help another blogger.

By paying it forward on Pinterest.

Think about it.

This idea could go viral. Imagine how many bloggers we could help!

By taking only ONE minute of your time each day. How we could vastly improve the chances of another person’s Pinterest Pin going viral.

We all know that Pinterest is a search engine.

That a great pin description with keywords and hashtags is vital to making a Pinterest Pin go viral. Without them, it’s nearly impossible for your perfect customer to find your pins.

Think of how good it feels to help people.

In fact, I have already been doing this. When I see a pin on Pinterest that doesn’t have hashtags or a description, my first thought is they must be a new blogger.

They simply just don’t know yet how important hashtags and great descriptions are.

Which is one of the reasons I started writing about Pinterest.

Then one day I realized that a lot of my Pinterest pins are also being saved without hashtags! It took a little research and testing. But once I figured out why, I found a solution.

Actually, I thought of two ways that can help more bloggers get more traffic using Pinterest.

You see, I realized that it was because my blog readers were saving my pins directly from my website. Without adding hashtags. Once I realized it, I figured out how your readers can save your Pinterest Pins with your descriptions and hashtags. Without having to add them.

Even when they are being saved directly from your website.

This way, when your website visitors save your pins, they will be saved with your description and hashtags.

Increasing the chances of your Pinterest pins going viral and driving more traffic to your website.

Cool, huh?

In fact, I created a video where you can learn exactly how to do it. It’s a quick video tutorial that I added as a Bonus video to the Viral Pin Strategy. A mini-course I created that teaches you how to make your Pinterest pins go viral.

Over and over again…

The other idea I came up with is to “Pay it Forward” on Pinterest.

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
Pin it now.

By sharing this we can help even more bloggers.

Isn’t that why we started blogging in the first place? To help people?

Trevor, the adorable little boy from the movie Pay it Forward asks, “What are you doing to change the world?”

Every kind gesture makes the world a better place…

I’m paying it forward now by sharing my winning formula to using Pinterest for your business. The exact same steps I used to make my Pinterest pins go viral! Download your FREE guide below. “10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Enter your best email below to download it now.