

Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

Could This Lead to the Best Year of Your Life?

This past week has been a whirlwind for me…

In the past couple of weeks, I have had some amazing opportunities come my way. And I realized that I haven’t shared with you the real *secret* to success in the online world.

You see, after struggling (when I first started my online bizness) I realized that the most important thing to succeeding, in a sea filled with online marketers, is making connections.  

It’s ALL about making connections. 

With people you can collaborate with, people who will tell all their friends about you, and people who want to work with you. 

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to write a chapter in a book collaborating with 22 other successful entrepreneurs. One of which is an 8 time TEDx Talk speaker and an international best selling author. 

This book that I am featured in, is Book 2 in an already best-selling book series. 

Then, last week, I was asked to be featured in a brand new digital publication that has an expected reach of 125,000 people. 

So how could I say no?

Which has left me a bit busy, to say the least. 

But that’s not all…

Jennelle, who you might already know I am co-writing The 8 Faces of Freedom with, asked me to confirm that I will be there in December for her first TEDx Talk where I might actually meet Tony Robbins!

So yeah, this might just be one of the best years of my life. 

Plus, this morning I reconnected with Shreya Banjeree. If you don’t know who Shreya is, she is a marketing specialist who works with big names like State Farm and Les Brown. 

She has over 12 years of experience in the aerospace and power industry as a process engineer and lean leader for multi-billion dollar corporations. 
She is Six Sigma certified as well as Google Ads certified and has many other qualifications. 

But the best part about my introducing You to Shreya is that she is also the creator of the Affiliate Blogging Ninja course that I happen to own the PLR rights to. 

This is the program that I went through that finally got me actually making money from my blog. 

I learned so much from the 39 videos that show you *exactly* how to build your own website from scratch, create stunning videos, market yourself and drive traffic to your offers, and much, much, more…

Today I decided to bundle all 39 videos with my Build Your Own Money Making Website course and package it up for $297. 

But today you can have it ALL for the low, low price of only $47. 

Because I want YOU to make this your *best* year ever. 

But there’s just one other thing you need to make your dreams a reality. You have to *believe* that you can do it. It’s not easy starting your own business.

But it is worth it.

And I believe that if you are reading this right now that you have what it takes.

So what do you think?

Could this lead to being your *best* year ever?

You’ll never know if you don’t try. And to MAKE SURE that you get started on the right track if you sign up today, not only will you get a HUGE savings on this special limited-time offer…

I am going to throw in a FREE strategy call with me personally. 
We will meet for an hour (via a live Zoom meeting or call – your choice) and we will clarify your message, your brand, your target market, and your mission.

People pay me $300 an hour for these strategy sessions. So you will be saving $550 when you sign up today.

Once you sign up inside The Power of Writing Academy, you will gain FULL ACCESS to all the courses. 

Then shoot me an email by replying to any of my emails or sending it to [email protected] and in the subject line put “Bonus Strategy Call.”

To get the $250 discount off of the course, use the coupon code “freedom.” The deadline for this offer is midnight on Tuesday, October 20th.

After that, it disappears just like Cinderella’s carriage turns back into a pumpkin at midnight.  

Make sure the discount is applied before you enter your credit card information.

Let’s make this the BEST year ever together!

You can grab all the details here:

Learn more…


When you do good work and you care about your clients they leave surprise testimonials for you. This one was a complete surprise from a Top 40 hit musician I worked with. Take it away Uncle Win…
“Irene is loyal to her clients. She strives to meet their needs, a true professional.”
~Win Thompkins, Uncle Wins Music

Here’s the link that will help you meet and work with amazing people too:

I’m making this a GREAT year!

The deadline for this offer is midnight on Tuesday, October 20th. Then the coupon code is set to automatically expire. So I wouldn’t wait on this lest you forget.

Here’s the link to save today:
I LOVE saving money!

Start your own freedom blog... #blog #blogging #startablog #workfromhome #business #entrepreneur #bloggingtips #workfromanywhere

Explode Your Email List so YOU can Live Life on Your terms

It’s not too late…

Did you know that Colonel Sanders was 62 when he started KFC?

Yep, he had just gotten his first social security check, he took one look at it and realized that this simply would NOT do. He then took his secret fried chicken recipe to established restaurants and starting pitching them. 

Then after over 1000 rejections he finally built his dream business. 
Now the good ole colonel may have had a delicious chicken recipe but he was no chicken. 

What does this have to do with you? 

Well, it’s never too late to start Your own dream business. Which is exactly what I am doing. And I didn’t start until I was in my late forties. 

Anyway, I’ve invested a LOT of time in researching the fastest way to grow your email list and make amazing connections in your industry that can explode your business.

Regardless of what industry you are in, this is one of easiest ways to quickly scale your business. Whether yo are just starting out or if you’ve been around for a while. 

And that my friend is Summits. 

Now if you don’t know what a Summit is, it’s an online event (usually free) that hosts a bunch of experts in a particular industry. 

This way you can learn from leading experts in your industry. 

So if YOU host the summit, you get to meet and interview ALL the experts.

Then they promote the summit to their audience (and email list). But to sign up for the FREE summit that teaches them *exactly* what they are already interested in learning…

Making them the *perfect* email subscribers for YOUR list then you have now exploded your email list. But not just any ole list.

I’m talking about real-life people who want to then maybe buy your summit. So they can keep it and watch it whenever they want and as many times as they want.

But then they also want to buy your high ticket offers.

That is how you can really make a summit work for you. 

I am already planning my first summit and this past summer I took a Summit training (that I paid for) by a leading Summit expert. His name is Dr. Mark and he has brought together 120 summit experts to teach you how to create your perfect summit.

That’s 120 EXPERTS!

And you can gain FREE access to this virtual summit TODAY.

It starts today, but it’s not too late to sign up. It’s a free 10 day summit that you can watch as much of (or as little) as you want. Even if you watch only one expert interview, I guarantee you will learn something that can help you create a lifestyle business that helps you live life on your terms. 

When I heard about this summit I signed up immediately AND I’m an affiliate for the summit. 

So if you use my affiliate link (below) to register for the summit and then decide to buy it I gain a commission. Plus, as a special BONUS, if you sign up through my affiliate link I will throw in the Affiliate Blogging Ninja program. 

This way you can learn how You can make sales even if you are brand new, have no tech skills, and have no product to sell.

If you send me *PROOF* that you signed up for the summit, as in a screenshot that you registered, I will give you access to all 39 videos that teach you how to start your own money-making website from scratch. 
So if you are like me and the Colonel and YOU ARE NOT TOO CHICKEN to create the lifestyle you desire then jump on the link below and let’s get started.

FREE Guide to Email List Building.

But you better HURRY I just got the link to access the first day of the Summit’s leading experts and like KFC’s chicken is finger lickin good, this Summit is gonna be so good!

I’ll see you on the inside!


To gain access to the Affiliate Blogging Ninja, first register for the summit, then send me a screenshot that you are registered. Email me at [email protected] with a screenshot of either the registration page or your first email, welcoming you to the summit, then I will send you a link to sign up for the Ninja course with a FREE coupon code. 

This way you can access all 39 videos and start building your dream business today. 

Make today amazing!

This offer is no longer available. Download your free guide below…

Learn how to build your own email list here…

Grow your email list and build your business. Read how here... #list #building #email #marketing #entrepreneur #business #entrepreneur #blog #bloggingtips #workfromhome

That’s a LOT of Hot Fudge Sundaes

How to Lose the Covid 5 or the Quarantine 15

A couple of days ago, I was telling my daughter that I’m giving away a free paperback copy of my first book (details below). To help you or anyone who’s gained the Covid-5. 

My daughter said, “Mom it’s the quarantine 15.”

My response? “That’s a LOT of hot fudge sundaes.” 

We both laughed. But in reality, it’s no joke. During a time when it’s more important than ever to stay healthy. Especially to protect ourselves against catching the coronavirus. 

Did you know that according to the American Heart Association reducing your body weight by only 5 to 10% lowers your risk for catching deadly diseases?

But with everything going on who can blame us? 

It’s only natural to eat when you’re bored or stressed out. I myself put on a few pounds. In fact, when I went to put on my favorite pair of jeans they ripped at the waist. I’m not even kidding. I spent weeks living in black leggings and big sweaters. Wearing only my comfy UGG boots when I did go out. 

So much for tight jeans and cute boots. 

So when it was time to pull out my favorite summer dresses I got to work. I started following my quick weight loss methods and quickly got back into my favorite clothes. 

The same weight loss methods I share inside your free book.

And what a relief. 

I’m not quite where I want to be yet but already I’m feeling happier and more motivated. 

So to help as many people as possible drop the Covid-5 (or quarantine 15) I’m giving away a FREE paperback copy of “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” 

Inside you will discover:

  • A *secret* fat melting trick that I learned from a Supermodel (page 24)
  • Healthy morning habits to boost your metabolism (chapter 9)
  • Delicious recipes that celebrities are raving about (chapter 5)
  • And a whole bunch more!

All you have to do is pay for shipping and handling. Which is a huge discount even from buying it on Amazon or your local store (if it’s even open).

And if you order it TODAY I’m offering some special bonuses so you can start immediately. You will be rockin that beach bod before you know it.

To get your hands on your perfect purse size copy of the system that helped my friend Charlotte drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks scoop up the delicious link below:

I’m ready to ZIP IT UP!


Below is a picture of Charlotte. After she did all the things inside “Zipping It Up” But the best part? Is that she did all this while eating only the foods that she enjoys and without feeling hungry

This Too Shall Pass and How We Will Beat Coronavirus

Nothing could be worse than this…

I can’t imagine any mom out there not being able to relate to the time your kids got lice. Even if you’re not a mom, you must have experienced this or heard stories at least.

I will NEVER forget that time we got lice.

The funny thing is that they love clean hair but seem to hate hair “products” and especially coconut shampoo. We still always keep a spare bottle of coconut shampoo and conditioner on hand at all times.

It’s a household staple. Ever since…

That time we got lice.

Man, I still remember thinking “nothing could be worse than this.” The nights of endless hours picking nits out of my daughters’ hair. The sickly smelling shampoo. The constant vacuuming and putting all their stuffed animals on high in the dryer.

Before packing them away for months in dark plastic trash bags. 

In hopes of killing anything still alive.

Stripping the sheets and endless wash and dryer cycles. But the worst was when we had no more lice shampoo. It was a Sunday night so there was no doctor to call for a new prescription.

We thought we were in the process of recovery. When suddenly…Thousands of nits hatched and were running rampant all over my daughter’s head.

What to do?! What any sane mom would do on a Sunday night when bugs are attacking their precious child.

I Googled it.

Thankfully, I found a blog that shared homeopathic lice remedies.

Mayonnaise was one solution. And thankfully we had a jar in the fridge. 

Now we’re not big on mayonnaise in our house. But for the occasional tuna macaroni salad or my sister’s famous broccoli salad recipe.

And on that night I was so thankful we did.

I washed her hair. Then I slathered her long beautiful golden locks with mayonnaise and covered her head with a plastic cap. The lice literally started running down her forehead.

It was maddening. 

I’m sure I shed many tears during this trying time. But the next morning we washed her hair.

And it worked!!!

The lice were dead. Apparently they hate mayonnaise. But just in case, we went back to the doctor. The nurse said it was the worst case of lice she had ever seen. She said every school in the entire region had it. She even said it was, “Like lice on steroids.” 

Yes, those were her exact words. 

Apparently, they had grown resistant to any common lice shampoo that existed. But the doctors (scientists) went to work and they formulated a new shampoo. And that worked too!

So finally, we and every family killed the lice and we went back to happier days. 

So the good news is that the doctors and scientists (or whoever is working on a cure) will find a solution for the Coronavirus.

This too shall pass my friend.

Just like we killed that child infesting lice, we will beat this.

And so goes the reason for amazing blogs and websites. That gives hope, encouragement, and solutions. To problems we all face. 

That to me is what blogging is about.

Helping people in need. Sharing your expertise and powerful success stories. If one person reads this and “feels better” or if one mom who’s baby gets lice remembers that mayonnaise works (when you don’t know what to do) then all this writing and blogging was worth it.

I’m not sure if this helps you or not. But if you want to share your valuable life lessons with the world. Especially now…

When folks need it most.

And when you might need a little extra cash flow, then maybe it’s time to start that blog.

The good news is that I teach you everything you need to get started. It’s all inside in the Work from Home Biz membership site. And you can test drive it today for only $7.

Here’s what you will learn:
*How to build your own website (or blog) in less time then it takes you to watch your favorite one hour TV show.

*How to build your own email list of loyal subscribers (who want to hear from you).

*The #1 way most successful bloggers (even those million dollar earners who’ve worked years to build their business use) to drive massive traffic to your articles

And a whole bunch more…

Since I will be adding more content every week. To help you build your dream “work from home biz.”

Here’s the link to kill those nasty fears and come up with solutions too:
Work from home Biz.

Or you can download your FREE guide to start your own “Work from Home Biz.” Here’s the link to learn more: I want to make money from home.

Start your own lifestyle or health blog. Watch the video to learn how... #health #beauty #blog #workfromhome #hair #stylist #salon #lifestyle #money #entrepreneur #business
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4 Steps to Start Your Own Work from Home Business

Try to Imagine, waking up in the morning, you reach over to the nightstand and grab your phone. After you watch a couple of funny cat videos and check the weather, you check your email.

Your face lights up as you see how many sales came in the night before.

You sent out an email the day before and people on your list are buying your products.

One of the first passive income online course sales I made was when I was having dinner with a friend. We were grilling steaks and enjoying a glass of crisp Sauvignon Blanc. I checked my email and there it was. An email telling me I just got a sale.

That is what making money with emails is like. You can make money while working from home. Or while you’re out grocery shopping or even while you are vacationing on the beach.

And even while you sleep…

In fact, you can earn passive income working from anywhere in the world.

Starting your own blog may seem like a pipe dream but I assure you it is a reality. You can earn a very lucrative living blogging from the comfort of your own home.

It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work, determination and a lot of learning. Starting an online business is not a get rich quick plan. It could take months or even years before you can replace your full time income.

If you are determined to live a life of freedom where you can work from anywhere with only a laptop and an internet connection you can succeed.

It will take a lot of learning, some writing (it is a blog) and LOVE. Yes. I used the L word. You need to fall in love with your business. Because it can become your life.

There will be challenging days, good days and great days.

But regardless of all the ups and downs, there is always something to be thankful for. Because in the end, it will be worth it.

Once you have built your own tribe of followers (email subscribers) then you can kick back and relax. And rejoice in something you are truly proud of.

The coolest part is that you will experience things, and learn things you never thought you could possibly do. And believe me…

If I can do it – so can you.

Follow this simple formula to building your own work from home business.

Now there are lots of ways you can do this but I don’t like to complicate things. That’s why I am showing you a simple formula.

  1. Build your blog or website.
  2. Decide who you want to serve (your market) then solve a problem or fulfill a desire they have.
  3. Build an email list of eager subscribers who desire what you are offering. (I show you how in the free guide you can download below).
  4. Then create more products or services (eBooks, books, courses, coaching) that can further help them fulfill their need or a desire.

It took me a while to discover my true passion. But once I did that’s when I started to really create courses that can help you work from home. I’ve learned so much about starting an online business that I wanted to start sharing everything I know with you.

I am constantly learning and keeping up with the latest work from home trends. All the ins and outs of the online marketing world. Especially list building, traffic, and email marketing. 

I cannot even read an email without studying it and instantly coming up with ways to make them better.

Because the thing is that it really isn’t all that complicated. 

Once you know what you are doing. Even the late copywriting legend, Clayton Makepeace, who was one of the world’s highest paid copywriters, said, “You just have to be a little bit better than Sucky.” [To make money as a copywriter] Or selling with emails.

All you need to start your own online business is the right product with the right list of people.

According to Entrepreneur magazine, emails convert 3x’s better than social media. So if you take the time to learn email marketing you can earn a sustainable full time income.

Working from home or anywhere in the world.

To teach you everything I know I created a membership site where I add new content weekly. To teach you how to build a sustainable online blog or business. So you can create passive income, work when you want to work and how you want to work.

So you can live a lifestyle that you desire and never need to rely on anyone but yourself.

Not too long ago, I was watching a video. It was supposed to be a free training on how to make tons of money blogging. But in reality it was just a promotion for an online course. The entire video was filled with testimonials about an expensive online course.

The only free advice they gave was to sign up for the expensive course and how this course was so great.

This one woman, who was sharing her story, was desperate for money. She was struggling to pay her mortgage while trying to feed her family. She couldn’t afford to buy medicine for her sick daughter.

It wasn’t just any medicine. Her daughter needed this medicine to live. She wanted to sign up for the course but she had to wait 2 1/2 months before she could enroll. Since the enrollment for the course only opens once a year.

I started crying, listening to this sad story. I actually turned it off. I had no interest in taking this course or listening to any more sad stories.

But I turned it back on again to see what happened. And I’m glad I did.

The good news is that the young mother did end up enrolling in the course and eventually profiting from it. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been sharing her story. Right? Once the course opened for enrollment, she had to put it on a credit card. Then after about a year, she was making more money then she had ever made in her life. So I am happy to say that at least there was a happy ending.

But at that moment I made a vow. That I will never deny someone access to my courses. That I will never make you wait months (or a whole year) to enroll. That I would make my courses evergreen and available for you to enroll when you need it most.

That’s not to say that I won’t offer discounts with deadlines.

Discounts, bonuses, and deadlines create urgency and increase your sales.

Which is one of the things you will learn inside my brand new Work from Home Biz membership site. The urgency you sometimes need to act now. Because the sooner you start the sooner you too can start living the work from home lifestyle you desire.

It’s an ongoing membership that you can test drive today for only $7. It’s backed by a 30-day money back guarantee and will teach you everything you need to start building your own work from home business.

You don’t have to wait another minute. You can start right now by downloading below, a free guide that will show you how to build your own list of email subscribers. So you can work from the comfort and safety of your own home.

And live the lifestyle you desire.

Download your Free “Work from Home” Guide below or go here to learn more…
Working from the comfort & safety from home is something you can always be grateful for... #grateful #thankful #workfromhome #blog #startaBlog #lifestyle #blogging #business #entrepreneur #happy #quotes
Sharing is Caring…

You say neesh, I say nitch, let’s call the whole thing off

On choosing your niche…

One of the most challenging things about starting an online business is choosing your niche. And how to pronounce it.

In Canada they say “neesh” and in the good ole’ USA they pronounce it “nitch.” 

Or at least some folks like me…

Since English has always been one of my favorite subjects (making me like the grammar police) I had to find out which is correct. And drum roll, please…

Both pronunciations are correct.

So you say neesh, I say nitch. Let’s call the whole thing off.

Anyway, entrepreneurs like us come up with new ideas every day. It’s our “norm.” We can’t help it and it’s a good thing.

I can only imagine how many ideas Ray Kroc had before he made his fortune with McDonald’s. Did you know he was in his early 50’s when that “Big idea” struck him?

Yep. It’s never too late to change your niche. It’s never too late to shoot for the stars and the moon.

And everything else in between. 

So if you’re struggling to choose your niche (for a new side hustle or a business idea) then you can read my article on choosing your niche here: 

How to choose a niche for your money making blog.

If you’re ready to start your new “Big idea” then you might want to check out the resources inside the quick guide to starting your own online business.

You can take the express lane for your “Big idea” (and reach for the stars and moon) by clicking the link below:

Start your “Big idea” biz.

Your “Big idea” partner in crime,
Irene (Kroc)

I’m starting a new thing. Aren’t I always? I want to hear “something good” from anyone who has good news to share. If you have some kind of inspiring true story or a piece of good news to share, post it in the comments below. Or email me directly at [email protected].

Because we all could use a little good news right now. 🙂

5 Ways You Can Get Paid to Write

If you’ve been thinking about starting a career in writing there has never been a better time to start then right now.

You’re going to learn 5 ways that you can get paid as a writer while working from home. Or from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Actually, you don’t even need a laptop (although it makes it easier).

You could do all of these using just a smartphone. As long as you’re connected to the world wide web.

I have made money all 5 ways that I am sharing with you below, and all of them can earn you extra income too. Or you can turn any one of them into a full-time career.

So you too can have the freedom that comes with living the writer’s life.

Here are 5 ways that you can start right away to earn a good living as a paid writer:

Freelance writing and guest blogging. The first time I got to paid to write an article I got paid $100. Although it wasn’t much, it was an amazing feeling to actually get paid as a writer.

Honestly, I’m not even sure if they ever published the article I wrote. But one of the cool things is that the editor helped me by giving me feedback about what I wrote. This helped me improve my writing skills.

There are tons of websites and publications that pay for articles and photos.

Make sure when pitching a publication that you follow their guidelines for guest posting and article submission.

Become a high paid copywriter. What exactly is a copywriter? A copywriter is someone who writes direct response *copy* for websites, emails, direct mail, social media, advertisements, or anything that leads someone to take action.

Whether it’s to read another article, sign up for an email list, register for a webinar, go to an event or make a purchase.

It’s the persuasive writing that sells or gets your ideal client or customer to take action.

Becoming a copywriter is one of the most lucrative ways of becoming a writer. Because there is always a need for good copywriters.

That’s why businesses pay so well. Your writing makes them money.

So let’s say you write an email campaign that makes your client $20,000. They will gladly pay you $3,000 to write 10 emails that make them money.

Paying a copywriter is an investment that saves business owners time (so they can focus on what they do best) and it makes them money.

It’s a skill every business owner should learn. Whether you plan to hire copywriters or write your own copy.

Learning the fundamentals of persuasive writing that sells improves all of your content.

Including social media posts, video scripts, live streams, blog posts, writing emails to your list, and especially sales pages.

Proofreading and Editing. If you have good language and English skills then you can easily get work as a proofreader.

There are tools available to help you and there is a ton of work out there.

When I first started writing, I picked up some side jobs like this to earn extra money and for my very first assignment I got paid around $700.

There are over 50,000 new books being published on Kindle every month and every book needs to be edited and proofread. So if you are looking to make some extra cash and improve your writing skills, it’s a great way to start.

Write and sell Books. Self-publishing is the fastest and easiest way to become a published author.

Books are a great way to earn extra income. You get paid for every book you sell plus you can turn your book into a lead magnet (to build your email list), a course or an easy way to promote your business.

It is also one of the fastest ways to distinguish yourself as a professional writer and the go-to expert in your industry.

After I wrote my first book it became easy to get media interviews on podcasts and on the radio. Getting interviewed on other people’s shows is one of the best ways to quickly build your brand and gain instant credibility as a writer.

Start your own “work from home” side hustle or full-time online business today.

Here’s the link to download a FREE newletter that shows you how: One of the fastest ways to make money online to work from the comfort and safety of home.

5 ways to get paid as a writer. #workfromhome #blog #blogging #writer #job #money #business

How to Pivot Your Business Without Breaking the Couch

“Pivot. Pivot. PIVOT!”
Ross from Friends

Hey. I hope you and your family are safe and well. 

As I watch the world pivot to stay safe, I have been trying to figure out what I should be doing that will best serve you and anyone else who needs what I can teach.

I thought about focusing on health and wellness. Certainly if I was still the health & fitness expert on The Queen Silvy Show that would be my focus. But honestly, I left the show for a reason. Plus, there are so many health experts speaking out right now that it doesn’t seem like where I’m needed most.

Not yet anyway…

What I can say though, is to take the advice of the experts.

Take all precautionary measures to reduce the risk of spreading the China virus. And take zinc to help build a stronger immune system.

C’mon, you can’t tell me it wasn’t just a little bit amusing when our beloved President stood before our great Nation on national television and called the Coronavirus the China virus.

Can you imagine how ticked off his PR people were with him?

During these trying times, laughter is still the best medicine.

Speaking of laughter, I love the show Friends and enjoy watching the old episodes with my kids from time to time. 

Which leads me to the topic at hand. 

How to pivot without breaking the couch. You gotta love that episode.
So I decided to lay low on health advice while I focus on what I already have ready to offer. The courses and programs that are available to you at this very moment.

Stuff that can calm your anxiety over your finances.

According to the Washington Post a record 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits as the coronaviris slams the economy.

I think it’s safe to say there are a lot of folks nervous about their financial future. Now not everyone is willing to take on the challenge of starting an online business. But you unquestionably have a better chance of securing your financial future by taking control over your situation, then wondering what lies ahead.

The truth is that you can take just about any profession or knowledge and shift it into something you can teach online. 

This way you can make some cash and serve your people at the same time. All from the comfort and safety of your own home.

It just takes a little pivot.

The thing about making this shift in your business, by pivoting to serve your tribe in the online space, is that if you do it just right, you can successfully furnish your future with nice things. Like security, a constant stream of revenue and peace of mind.

But careful now, you don’t want to end up like Ross from Friends. Screaming, “Pivot!” As he tries to push a couch through a tight staircase in the hallway. When it doesn’t fit.

Ending up with a broken couch. Instead of a comfy place to sit.

So to show you how to pivot your unique offer, to meet the needs of your perfect client or customer, I’ve created a brand new membership site.

This way, if you need something, I can find a solution for you without having to *guess* what you need. Whether it’s by bringing in an expert or sharing a valuable resource.

Now it’s a simple business model. Find a starving crowd, get them to join your email list with a solution to a problem they have, email them often and offer a better (stronger) solution to a problem they are facing. 
A product or service that offers such value that your perfect customer must have it.

Then, of course, you have to know how to sell it to them. Not because you’re greedy and want to make money. But because you sincerely want to help them find a solution. Because it ain’t doing anybody any good if no one buys your amazing products!

Inside the membership, you will gain access to immediately follow the easy path to setting up your own “work from home plan” without having to break the couch.

This way you too, can quickly and easily create your perfect offer for your perfect customer. 

I show you exactly how to do all this inside the 24 page downloadable eBook that you can access within the membership site.

And in Video 6 where I teach you 5 ways to make money while working from home. Including how you can take advantage of affiliate marketing.

Even if you don’t have anything of your own to sell yet.

Why a membership site, you ask?

Because I don’t want you to ever feel “stuck.” Like I have so many times over the years. Figuring stuff out by myself. 

If you have a question, there’s a pretty good chance I have the answer. Or I can send you directly to someone who I know does. 

Growing a thriving 6 figure online business (that can replace your full-time income) takes time, patience, learning and always pivoting to keep up with ever-changing times.

You will learn what is working (and what isn’t) with marketing, Facebook and YouTube ads, many ways to drive traffic to your offer (so your ideal customer can buy your product) writing emails and sending them to your list, list building, how to build a membership site, the easiest (and fastest) way to set up a merchant account and much, much, more…

I have a very large list of upcoming training and videos that will show you everything you need to know. 

Including all the things I am currently doing to grow my business.
Tell me what you need and I will shoot a quick video to teach you how to do it. It’s that simple. I can easily upload it to the membership site and there you go. 

Plus, once inside you can model what I am doing within the membership site. 

Since monthly recurring revenue is where it’s at when it comes to financial security. Which is something everyone needs or should have. Especially right now. 

You can dive in to access your crash course to working from home today. You can try it for 30 days for only $7. 

That’s right you have 30 days to test drive it with no risk or obligation. You may cancel anytime before your 30 days is up and won’t be charged again.

And because I want to help as many people as possible with absolutely no risk, if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, I will return your $7 with no questions asked. 

That’s how confident I am that you’re going to love it.

But this offer isn’t for just anyone.

Only the sexy people…

Just kidding. It’s only for serious entrepreneurs who are in this for the long hall. This is NOT a get rich quick overnight plan. It takes work, perseverance, a lot of testing (like all marketing does) and there is a lot for you to earn.

But that’s okay because building your own six-figure business should be fun too.

So if you are serious about creating a lifestyle filled with flexibility, freedom, financial security and comfort. Then pivot your fingers straight to the link below:

Work from the Comfort & Safety of Home

Stay safe my friend,

Make sure you eat healthy, get your sleep, paint your nails, get fresh air, wash your hair, breathe (not too close), don’t let fear overcome you, wash your hands, take vitamins, tell your favorite people you love them and remember that “This too shall pass.”  

And secure your finances and financial future. You can take care of that part here: Join the work from home Tribe.

Work from the safety and comfort of home. #workfromhome #money #work #jobs #finances #startablog
Work from the Safety and Comfort of Home

How to Start a Blog for Health and Beauty Professionals

There has never been a better time then right now to start your own blog or online business. Watch the video below to learn the 3 things that you need to start your own online business.

Download your FREE guide below to start your own money making Blog.

Two Things Kate Hudson and Freedym Have in Common

Two of my favorite things are getting fit and making money. There’s nothing like getting motivated by putting on a cute new exercise outfit.

But this one outfit in particular almost cost me an extra $150. 

Here’s what happened…

A few years back I discovered Fabletics. Kate Hudson’s athletic clothing line. She has some pretty cute stuff. One day I ordered an outfit (it was offered at a low first time purchase deal for around $20). 

Anyway, they had this VIP club where if you joined you could buy one new outfit a month for $49. Loving the sound of a deal and a discount I signed up.

When the cute outfit I ordered arrived, I excitedly opened the package and tried it on. I really liked the style but it didn’t really fit me all that great.

I decided to keep it anyway and wore it a few times. But I never ended up ordering from them again. 

A few months later I noticed a $49 charge on my credit card bill that I didn’t recognize. After a little investigation, it turns out that Kate Hudson’s company charged me 3 times. $49 for 3 months even though I didn’t order anything. 

Say what?

I called the company and they refunded my money since I didn’t buy anything. But they didn’t bother to ask why I wasn’t happy enough with their clothes to keep ordering. I realize it was my fault for not reading the fine print, but seriously? They are charging people every month without delivering any goods. 

Not the best continuity business model in my opinion. 

Or is it?

Of course, there’s also nothing like earning passive reoccurring income while you sleep, go out to dinner or walk on the beach.

Now, I’m guessing good ole’ Kate has a lot of customers. Imagine if she only has a thousand people signed up for her VIP club who don’t bother to order a new outfit every month. Let’s do the math…

$49 x 1000 people = $49,000 a month times 12 months = $588,000. For nothing. Now I certainly hope most of her VIP customers read the fine print and order more clothes. 

But either way. The cost of manufacturing and shipping a sports bra and a pair of leggings can’t be all that much. Besides she has to have way more than a thousand customers.

Since she’s been in business for a while now. 

Now another membership I used to belong to is the Freedym group. It’s a membership that was founded by Ryan Lee, the guy who ran my Mastermind Group in LA a couple of years back. At the time I was paying about $30 a month to have access to all sorts of business information.

When I joined they were offering a $1 trial for one day. This way you could check it out first. Then they started billing me monthly after my one day was up. Now I don’t think one day is really enough time to fully check something out but I definitely got my money’s worth.

After a while, I dropped the membership since I didn’t seem to need it anymore. Which is the cool thing about memberships since you can usually cancel anytime. Unless you’re a gym membership that tries to lock you in for life and keep your firstborn child. 

One day I noticed that Freedym had over 6000 paying members. 

I did the math on that one too. Here let’s do it together. 6000 members paying $30 a month = $180,000 x 12 months. Ryan’s company was making $2,160,000 a year. And this is only one of the companies he owns!

You can see why I jumped at the chance to join his mastermind.
Of course, both companies have employees and overhead costs, etc. But still, my point is that continuity is where it’s at. Which is why everyone is doing it. Amazon, Netflix and even little businesses like me. 

Which is why I finally created my first membership site. But I will get to that in a minute…

Anyway, the 2 things both cutie-pie Kate and Ryan’s Freedym have in common is that they both get “continuity.” Since they both have successful businesses where they have members paying month after month. Which brings in sustainable income every month.

The other thing they have in common is that they draw in new customers with a one-time low priced offer. This way people can check it out first before they pay the higher monthly membership dues. 

Now the thing they don’t have in common is that Fabletics wasn’t Crystal clear on the deal. It took me 3 months to notice they were charging me. Whereas with Freedym I knew exactly what I was getting for my money and how much I would pay. 

I don’t know about you but I think doing business the way of my Mastermind coach is the way to go. 

Selling Online Courses is the #1 Way Most Bloggers Make Money

As wonderful as continuity is building the trust you need to get people to sign up could take month and possibly years. Especially, if you been burned before. Like I was with Fabletics.

That’s why most bloggers start out by selling lower priced eBooks and courses. Then once you’ve established credibility with your students you can then sell them higher priced (more intensive) courses that can help them even more.

Which is why I created the How to Build Your Own Money Making Website course. It’s so affordable anyone can start right away. Plus, I teach you 5 ways you can start making money online right away.

Here’s what’s included in the 6 part video series Plus Bonuses:
*You will learn step by step how to build your own money making website in less time than it takes to watch your favorite 1 hour TV show.
*How to start your own email list (who will buy from you for years to come)
*How to build your list of loyal followers with the perfect lead magnet.
*What is affiliate marketing and finding something to sell if you don’t have your own product yet.
*One of the best ways to quickly drive traffic to your website.
*A beginner’s guide to using Pinterest and make your pins go viral.

And a whole bunch more…

But before you sign up download your FREE guide that teaches the fastest way to make money blogging. If you’re ready to start creating a lifestyle filled with sustainable reoccurring income, then march on over to the link below. The one that has Freedom written all over it here:

I want the Freedom of owning my own business.

Founder of Zipping It Up

P.S. We’re on Thinkific! One of the leading course distribution sites with over 30 million courses sold. According to Entrepreneur, you can make 7 figures a year by just selling online courses alone. What would your life look like if you had your own freedom lifestyle business?

You can start now… Download your FREE guide here: The fastest way to make money online.

According to Entrepreneur you can make 6 figures by creating online courses. #money #blogging #entrepreneur #business #blog #startablog #bloggingtips #workfromhome #workfromanywhere
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