

Category Archives for "Job"

You say neesh, I say nitch, let’s call the whole thing off

On choosing your niche…

One of the most challenging things about starting an online business is choosing your niche. And how to pronounce it.

In Canada they say “neesh” and in the good ole’ USA they pronounce it “nitch.” 

Or at least some folks like me…

Since English has always been one of my favorite subjects (making me like the grammar police) I had to find out which is correct. And drum roll, please…

Both pronunciations are correct.

So you say neesh, I say nitch. Let’s call the whole thing off.

Anyway, entrepreneurs like us come up with new ideas every day. It’s our “norm.” We can’t help it and it’s a good thing.

I can only imagine how many ideas Ray Kroc had before he made his fortune with McDonald’s. Did you know he was in his early 50’s when that “Big idea” struck him?

Yep. It’s never too late to change your niche. It’s never too late to shoot for the stars and the moon.

And everything else in between. 

So if you’re struggling to choose your niche (for a new side hustle or a business idea) then you can read my article on choosing your niche here: 

How to choose a niche for your money making blog.

If you’re ready to start your new “Big idea” then you might want to check out the resources inside the quick guide to starting your own online business.

You can take the express lane for your “Big idea” (and reach for the stars and moon) by clicking the link below:

Start your “Big idea” biz.

Your “Big idea” partner in crime,
Irene (Kroc)

I’m starting a new thing. Aren’t I always? I want to hear “something good” from anyone who has good news to share. If you have some kind of inspiring true story or a piece of good news to share, post it in the comments below. Or email me directly at [email protected].

Because we all could use a little good news right now. 🙂