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How to Build Your Confidence

Everyone should walk the red carpet at least once in their life.

Discover the confidence it takes to walk the red carpet.

What would you do if suddenly you were going to a fancy event, black tie dinner, or…

You are finally about to take the long anticipated walk down the red carpet?

And you need to get red carpet ready – FAST!

Don’t think it could happen to you?

Don’t be so sure.

Big dreams can turn into realities. 

Look at Channing Tatum. Stripper turned famous actor.

Cheryl Strayed, author of best-selling book and blockbuster hit movie Wild. She became famous after sharing her true story of overcoming drug addiction and walking the Pacific Crest Trail.

Jack Canfield, famous author of Chicken Soup for the Soul was rejected 144 times before a publisher agreed to publish his best-selling book. Now with over 40 million copies sold.

Living proof that it could happen to you.

Even if you never walk down the red carpet. You can walk with the same confidence at any event. A wedding, a formal dinner, a hot date. Or strutting your stuff on the beach.

All you need to walk the red carpet is confidence.

The kind of confidence that only comes with feeling good about yourself. Like when you lose a few pounds. Your clothes fit better and you can even fit back into some of your favorite dresses.

But losing weight doesn’t just change your dress size…

It can change your life.

After I had my second child, I was 20 pounds heavier than I like to be. I was miserable. I hated the way I looked and I hated the way I felt.

After I lost the weight, my whole life changed. I felt happy again.

I ended a bad relationship, changed my hairstyle and started a new career. I eventually went on to start my own business and published my first book.

If I can do it, so can you.

You can accomplish anything your heart desires.

Taking care of your body and your health can give you the confidence you need to change your life. Giving you the confidence to go after your dreams, reach your goals and create a life of happiness.

Like my friend Charlotte did.

Here is what Charlotte said after going through the Zipping It Up weight loss program: “I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back to a size 6 again!”

Don’t wait! Start now.

Every small step you take will lead you in the right direction. You can start now by learning everything Charlotte did. The system that helped her drop 2 dress sizes in 6 weeks. Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

You will discover *exactly* how to build the confidence you need to succeed.

Get red carpet ready for any occasion.

Follow your path to success. Discover how it feels to be confident and ready.

You can begin your walk down the red carpet here:
I want to be red carpet ready!

The Benefits of Kegels

Discover the benefits of Kegels and enhance your love life. If you aren’t doing Kegels, you should be. Kegels are an exercise where you squeeze and tighten the pelvic floor muscles then release them. The benefits include more pleasurable sex, a decrease in frequent urination, preventing discomfort from having a full bladder (frequent urgency) and stress incontinence. Stress incontinence is when you leak a few drops of urine while sneezing, laughing or coughing. It can happen to anyone. And let’s be honest, we’ve all been there.

Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy

I started doing Kegels when I was pregnant. I’d heard of them before but didn’t concern myself with them. Until the thought of childbirth stretching my vagina to where sex was less pleasurable was not acceptable. I began doing them religiously. In fact, when I went for my 6 week checkup after giving birth, my OBGYN said to me, “You’ve been doing your Kegels, I see.” She was right and I still do them daily. Whether you have children, are planning to or not, it’s never too early (or too late) to start doing them.

How To Do Kegels

There are a several ways you can do Kegels. Either sitting. lying on your back or even while standing. Once you’ve mastered the technique you’ll find you can do them just about anywhere and in any position. I suggest finding what is most comfortable for you. Like any exercise if it’s too uncomfortable or you hate doing them, you won’t do them. The benefits are tremendous. Find a comfort level or pattern that works for you and stick to it.

Emptying your bladder before you begin is recommended but not necessary. It will make it easier and more comfortable. Especially for beginners. If you’re on a long car ride, do them right after a rest stop break. Along with thigh squeezes and butt crunches. The car is a great place to do static exercises that you might not think to do while home.

Kegels For Beginners

For beginners, lie on your back with your knees bent. Hold completely still while squeezing your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the muscle for 10 seconds. Then release. Repeat 10 times. If you can’t hold them for the full 10 seconds, hold them as long as possible until you work your way up. Another technique is to quickly squeeze and release in a pulsating rhythm. Work your way up to 100 squeezes. Or do 5 sets 20.

Try to avoid moving any other muscles in the surrounding areas and concentrate on the muscles you are working. If you are having trouble locating the muscles practice holding your urine mid-stream, then releasing your urine. Don’t make this a common practice but it is a quick and efficient way to familiarize yourself with the muscles.

Kegels Strengthen Your Core

Remember to breathe continuously while doing them and tighten your abdominal muscles simultaneously. Which strengthens your core. Ideally, you should do Kegels 3 times a day. However, like any exercise every bit helps. Doing them once a day is better than not at all.

To learn more ways to strengthen your core read How To Get Flat Abs Fast.