

Category Archives for "Happiness"

The Ketogenic Diet

What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The Ketogenic diet commonly known as Keto, is a low carbohydrate high-fat diet used for rapid weight loss. Success stories of weight loss are growing in numbers. With people toting all over social media about their weight loss success.  The diet is spreading rapidly as one of the hottest weight loss trends.

The diet creates a low blood sugar effect which puts your body into a state of ketosis. This causes the body to burn excess fat quickly. Although it is recognized for weigh loss success, the diet consists of mostly fat and very little protein which causes some concern.

The Ketogenic diet was developed in 1924 by Dr. Russell Wilder at the mayo clinic. It was originally developed to help treat children with epilepsy. It has since been widely used by doctors and patients as a treatment for epilepsy. Although Dr. Wilder is recognized for coining the phrase Ketogenic, the diet may have been around longer. His studies were based on fasting and similar diets used to treat epilepsy since as early as 500 BC.

It’s not clear exactly when Keto became a popular weight loss trend. However, as with most diets, there are already many cases where the weight is gained back after going off the diet.

Pros and Cons of the Ketogenic Diet

The positive effects of the Ketogenic diet are rapid and significant weight loss. Making it appealing to those wishing to lose weight. However, there are drawbacks. Negative side effects have been reported as low energy, constipation and dangerously low blood sugar levels from the lack of carbohydrates. The biggest negative effect is weight gain after going off the diet.

Often times you gain even more weight back. Yet, remaining on the diet can be equally dangerous. The high fat food you consume while on the diet can put you at risk for stroke, heart disease and heart attacks.

A healthy lifestyle change with increased exercise and eating a well balanced diet is a safer way to lose weight and keep the weight off for longevity.

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Making healthy lifestyle choices has always been and will always be the safest and healthiest way to lose weight. And keep it off for good. Eating a well balanced diet filled with vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes and lean protein is not only safe but effective.

One of the downfalls of any diet is not incorporating a healthy exercise routine into your weight loss plan. Exercise is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Whether you are trying to lose weight or not. It relieves stress, keeps your metabolism going giving you energy, it burns calories and releases endorphins that make you feel good. It also increases your stamina. For more productivity, better sex and happiness.

To learn more about weight loss and healthy lifestyle choices watch this video:  Vital to Your Weight Loss Success


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This One Thing is Vital to Your Success

Discover the one thing that is vital to your weight loss success…

Are you ready to crush your weight loss goals?

Exercise and healthy eating are the a big part of reaching your goals. Old school methods that have worked for decades. The methods I teach in Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” 

Methods like:

*Drinking lots of water
*Squeezing in exercise to burn extra calories
*Eating your vegetables
*Reducing carbs and sugar

These things are all essential to living a healthy lifestyle. But there is one thing that is vital to your success.

This one thing can work wonders for your weight loss success.

It is so potent that it can also work wonders for everything in your life.

Including changing your career, relationships, financial freedom, finally publishing your first book, or anything else you are trying to achieve in life.

Discover the one vital thing that can help you succeed in everything you do. Watch the video now:



Discover more ways to lose weight fast here.

A Little Fun to Keep the Holiday Cheer

How Charlie Stole Christmas

“Charlie Brown, you’re the only person I know who can take a wonderful season
like Christmas and turn it into a problem.” – Linus in A Charlie Brown Christmas

One of my favorite parts about Christmas is watching the holiday specials. I haven’t seen good old Charlie Brown in a while but the story still sticks in my brain.

Every time I see a scrawny, scraggly little tree I think of Charlie Brown.

Funny how things stick with you.

Just like the memories of lost loved ones. Which can be horribly depressing this time of year.

In fact, it’s one of the main causes of the Holiday Blues.

Another reason is that no one likes to be around depressed or complaining people. So instead of reaching out for help, they begin to isolate themselves. Making things even worse.

Which is one the reasons why people have a hard time coming out of it.

And quite frankly, fair feathered friends should be shot.

Or thrown off a cliff.

Okay maybe that’s a little harsh. C’mon even the Grinch came around. His heart even grew 3 sizes that day!

And Charlie?

Why he didn’t steal Christmas!

Just because his tree was not very tall.

He did not steal Christmas.

He did not at all!

Thankfully, for Charlie, his friends didn’t give up on him when he was depressed.

And I would never give up on you.

That’s right Charlie, I got your back.

If you or anyone you know is feeling a little a depressed this holiday season watch a good movie or holiday show. Laugh, cry, eat a pint of ice cream if you have to.

But do NOT isolate yourself. And if you suspect someone you know is feeling depressed this holiday season. Don’t be a Grinch about. Don’t be a fair feathered friend.

For more fun ways to make this holiday season a happier time for you and your loved ones, read my recent article I wrote: How to Beat the *Post* Holiday Blues.

Happy Holidays!

Irene Gabelnick

To brighten up your day now, watch A Charlie Brown Christmas through my affiliate link.

It’s through your loving support, purchasing my products and services, and through the affiliate links that I can maintain my health & wellness blog. To help as many people as possible live happier and healthier lives.

How to Beat the Holiday Blues

There are many causes for holiday depression. Loneliness, missing loved ones who have passed on or are no longer in your life are common reasons for catching the holiday blues. Holiday shopping stress, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, overindulging at holiday parties, grey dismal weather or financial stress can make things worse.

If you or someone you know is feeling a little sad this holiday season, there are many ways you can perk up your mood and get through the difficult moments. Persevere and enjoy the holiday season with the ones you love. Read on to see how you can beat the holiday blues and make this holiday season a celebration of happiness.

5 Ways to Make Your Holiday Season Brighter

Christmas should be a joyous occasion. Below are a few suggestions to help you or someone you love get through the holidays.

1. Let yourself cry. It is perfectly okay to cry. In fact, I strongly encourage it. Watch a good tear jerker movie. One of my all time favorite movies is “A Walk to Remember.” A story about two young kids who fall in love starring Mandy Moore. It will make you laugh and it will make you cry. Making it a perfect remedy for feeling sad.

2. Spend time with the people you love. Gather up the family and do something fun together. Watch a good comedy, play a game or just hang out. Surrounding yourself with love and laughter will help you conquer those sneaky holiday blues.

3. Exercise. I can’t even begin to touch upon the health benefits of exercise. This isn’t anything you don’t already know. Exercise makes you feel happier. Just do it. Call a friend and go for a walk. The combination of fresh air, exercise and good conversation will instantly lift your mood.

4. Eat healthy. It’s easy to put on a few extra pounds around the holidays. Nothing feels worse than waking up, feeling bloated and putting on your favorite jeans only to have your gut hanging over. Yuck. Treat yourself, but don’t overindulge. If you do overindulge and want to debloat fast, you can download my Delicious Detox Water recipe here.

5. Smile. Smiles are contagious. Making other people feel good has a boomerang effect that will elevate your mood as well as theirs. Remember to spread joy to people around you. Smiling or offering a few kind words to anyone you encounter will make you feel better.

Appreciate what you have. It could be gone tomorrow. Don’t risk losing time with the people you love. Create new traditions and happy memories that you can cherish. Again, it’s okay to be sad. But recognize it, embrace it and move forward.

Post-Holiday Blues

For some the sadness begins after Christmas. Taking down the Christmas Tree and decorations isn’t nearly as fun as putting them up. The beautiful bright lights are gone. The Christmas songs stop playing. The Salvation Army Santa’s are no more.

And we’re often left having gained a few pounds and credit card bills to pay.

You can use the same coping for the Holiday Blues. But also try adding a few strategies to end the year on a high note. And begin the New Year more relaxed and less stressed.

5 Ways to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

1. End the year being careful with your money. Holiday sales are tough to resist. You’ve been in what I refer to as spending mode. And it’s time to stop. If you save $2 on a $10 item, you’ve still spent $8. Resist going out too much and spending lavishly on nights out filled with entertainment. It’s tempting when old friends are home for the holidays. Instead suggest going for a walk or hitting the gym for a much needed post-holiday workout.

2. Look at your budget. Begin to strategize how you will begin the year off debt free. Cut back on expensive drive thru treats. Enjoy gourmet coffee at home. It’s amazing how much money you save by skipping the coffee shop brews and making it at home. Use your favorite travel mug. Using your Keurig is less expensive and you can still enjoy delicious brews to go.

3. Earn extra cash. Consider taking on a side hustle to earn a little extra cash. Use skills you have to teach someone something you know. Start a dog walking service, cleaning service or photography business on the weekends. Sell things in your home that you don’t use or need. If you want to make some extra cash fast read my article How to Make $200 Fast.

4. Begin a new exercise routine now. Why wait until the New Year. Wear your fancy New Year’s Eve dress in style. If you’re looking for fun ways to burn more calories, read chapters 6 and 7 in Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

5. Start eating healthy now. There is no reason to wait until the new year to begin feeling happier. You can feel great in all your clothes. Especially the ones you have buried in the back of the closet. For when you finally lose the weight. If dropping a couple dress sizes would make you feel happier check out Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

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The Angels Are Bowling

When I was a little girl, whenever there was a thunderstorm, my mom would say, “The Angels are bowling.” She had a way of calming us during the storm.

She was born in Ukraine and grew up on a farm. Where they were taught not to waste food and use every bit of fat possible. Even going as far as to use bacon grease for cooking.

Delicious, yes. Healthy?

Not so much. As you can see in my mom’s picture, she was overweight. She suffered from Type 2 diabetes and died when I was only twenty.

Lack of exercise, unhealthy eating and being overweight increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and death.

Which is why I started this blog. To share my experiences. To encourage you to live a healthier, longer and happier life.

Now when I get stressed, the thing that keeps me calm? A good run. Making healthy food choices. And sometimes a little chocolate.

Yoga, a spin class, a run, a walk around the neighborhood or any form of exercise will help you reduce stress. Avoid debilitating diseases, taking medication and can help you live longer.

It heals the mind and the body.

Eating Healthy Can Change Your Attitude

When you eat healthy and take care of your body, your whole attitude changes.

Making healthy choices helps you deal with day to day stress. I feel happier and I am able to react to things in a more positive way. Sometimes I even feel like…

I can conquer the world!

That’s what eating healthy and incorporating daily exercise into your life, can do for you.

Wouldn’t you like to face the day feeling like you can conquer the world? Don’t let the hectic day to day stressors get you down. We all have hectic lives that are filled with deadlines, appointments, running errands, sick family members to take care of. Just to name a few.

Our To-do list never ends.

Eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercise not only reduces stress but they are the KEY to living a happier and healthier life.

Aren’t you worth it?

Discover how you can squeeze in more exercise (even on the busiest days) and eat healthier here.


5 Simple Ways To Be There For Your Kids

A couple of weeks ago, cross-country running season started at my daughter’s school. I love going to the races to cheer on her on. The team too, of course. It was the first race of the season so it was really important to her that I be on time.

The races begin at 5 pm every week at various locations. Not the best time of day because of rush hour traffic. Despite anxiously sitting in my car during stop and go traffic we have to show up for our kids, right? Even at the risk of getting there too late and missing the race.

Luckily, there was only a little traffic that day and no car accidents so I was there in plenty of time to wish her a good race and cheer her on. Most importantly, though, is that I was there for her.

There are many ways we can show up for our kids. But the absolute best way to be there for our children is to take care of ourselves first. Not only do we demonstrate the importance of living a healthy style, but we’ll live longer and healthier lives.

This can often be hard to do. We live in a world filled with work deadlines, car pooling and rushing around to sporting events, dance classes, music lessons and other extra curricular activities.

So you can be there for your kids too, here are 5 simple, no brainer, things you can do to live a longer and healthier life:

1. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet. A healthy diet consists of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein. It’s okay to indulge in a treat now and then. Depriving yourself can lead to binge eating so just think in terms of moderation. Most importantly, try to stay away from processed foods such as fast food and prepared frozen meals that are high in saturated fat and sodium.

2. Get enough sleep. I read an article recently that sleep deprivation will shorten your life. Getting a good night’s sleep helps keep you focused. You can think more clearly and accomplish more in less time. It also prevents you from overeating. Sleep fuels your body in similar ways as food. If you’re tired you’ll need to eat more to keep up your energy.

3. Exercise. Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress. It will also help you sleep.

4. Reward Yourself. Reward yourself for your accomplishments. Whether it’s a decadent treat or picking up a new page turner to lose yourself in. Rewarding yourself will help you feel good about yourself and inspire you to conquer new goals.

5. Spend quality time with those you love. It’s easy to get wrapped up in everyday life. Things are very different from when I was a kid. Going for a bike ride and hanging around the schoolyard seem to be a thing of the past. Our days are now filled with car pools and activities. Plan an evening at home with just the family. No sleepovers or friends. Dust off an old board game and make some popcorn. Or plan a family movie night. It’s a perfect time of year to turn on the fireplace and cozy up on the couch in your favorite fleece blanket.

Discover more ways to eat healthy, exercise and live happier here.