

Category Archives for "Parenting"

Once You Put Your Big Girl Pants On There is NO Going Back

When my youngest daughter was two, she refused to wear pull-ups.

You know, those diapers that are designed so you can pull them up and down. Like panties. So every time your little one goes potty you don’t have to throw away an expensive unused diaper.


Not my little Miss Independent. Who I sometimes call “Mini Me.”

Now keep in mind, she hadn’t needed a diaper in months. I knew she was ready to go to big girl panties and had even bought her an assortment of really cute ones. To try to convince her to give up diapers.

I guess she wanted to stay little.

So here we had a box of pretty pink pull-ups that she refused to wear. As well as a drawer full of cute little underwear. Yet we were still throwing away expensive diapers. Every single day.

One day, she was going through one of the many toy catalogs that arrive by the boatload just before Christmas. She had circled a doll stroller along with many other toys.

There was this one particular stroller that she really wanted.

This one stroller, she had circled many times and kept showing me. Making sure I KNEW this was absolutely the one she wanted. We were sitting on the couch one day, when suddenly the wheels in my mind started churning.

This seemed like the perfect opportunity.

It was bribery, yes. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Christmas was coming and we couldn’t afford to keep throwing money away. Especially on unused diapers.

Then I asked her one question.

And it went something like this, “Sara.” I said to grab her attention. “If I buy you this stroller right now, and you have it in a couple of days, would you start wearing the pullups?”

Suddenly, she flew off the couch and took off running!

She ran up the stairs to her bedroom and pulled out a pair of panties. Completely bypassing the transitional pullups. She put them on, came right back downstairs and said, “Done.”

I actually don’t remember what she said. It was probably more like, “Alright Mom. Order the stroller.”

What I do remember was the determination in her eyes.

And the way she stood there looking at me. So confident with her hands on her hips. I knew at that moment that our diaper days were over. I confirmed with her that she would never go back to diapers. Once she agreed, I ordered the stroller.

That was unquestionably one of the best investments I have ever made. If you’re a mom (or a dad) you understand the joys of the end of diaper days.


She never ever had an accident. And she never went back. Because once you put your big girl pants on, there is NO going back.

For the past several months or so, I have been learning everything possible about course creation, testing, marketing and selling online courses. Despite the fact that I already know quite a bit. I’ve been selling them for a while now.

I needed to learn how to scale my business and fast. Because it’s something I really want. To live a life filled with abundance, joy, freedom and wealth.

The training sessions I have been taking (and the people I am surrounding myself with) are experienced experts who are making millions of dollars selling online programs and are teaching course creators (like me) how to do it right. However, despite everything they are teaching me I still haven’t been doing it.

I guess maybe we all need a little incentive. Or bribery.

One of the things about starting a business is that we have a tendency to devalue our time. Most of us normal folks anyway. Which only hurts us in the long run. You see, if you don’t charge what your program is worth then people often don’t see the value in it.

When you charge a premium price, people have more of an “investment” mindset. They are serious about completing your program. Making it a “no brainer” to pull out their credit card and enroll.

Also making it a huge win/win for everyone.

Your students succeed by showing up and doing the work. Then they give you a raving testimonial. Making it easier for you to sell more high-end courses.

Then you can help even more people succeed.

I realized this morning that I’ve been kind of “staying little” too. Instead of joining the big leagues. Even though I have written over a dozen books just this past year alone.

Even though I became the Health & Fitness Expert on the award-winning radio show The Queen Silvy Show. Only two months after publishing my first book. Where I went live in front of millions of listeners each and every month.

Even though people were calling me “famous.”

And “You’re a Star!” Including my friend Chris (from my LA Mastermind group) who’s a real estate broker selling multi-million dollar listings in San Francisco.

Even though I am co-writing a book with Jennelle Gordon. A book about how Tony Robbins helped a brave young woman. Who as a young girl was sold into sex trafficking and escaped after 10 years of captivity. And how she has started her own business, created Beyond Freedom, a non-profit organization that helps young survivors get back on their feet.

To finally going live on stage delivering her very first TED talk.

A true inspirational story that can show you how you can overcome any obstacle in life. To go from surviving to thriving regardless of any circumstance.

What I realized today is that I am already in the big leagues.

It’s time to put my big girl pants on. And never look back.

So, I raised the price on my upcoming writing course. A LOT. A program where I am teaching entrepreneurs like you how to go from blank page to published in only 5 weeks.

To grow your business, get higher paying clients, land higher paid speaking engagements and easily get into the media.

Because once you put your big girl pants on there is no going back.

Not for my baby girl and not for me.

If you are ready to join the big leagues, by becoming a published author, to scale your business and take it to the next level, you can start today.

Don’t you think it’s time you put your big girl (boy) pants on?

Download your FREE guide to becoming a published author. Take off running now and head on over to The Power of Writing.

When Should You Buy Your Child A Cellphone?

I am re-posting this in honor of the “Not Me” Movement and my guest appearance on “Safety Talk” with Personal Safety Expert Pete Canavan.

One of the decisions we face as parents is when to buy your child a cell phone. Their level of independence can be more important than their age.

I gave my daughter her first phone on her tenth birthday.

She kept asking me when she could have one. Since I wanted it to be a surprise I told her she couldn’t have one until she turned eleven.

She cried when she opened the box. Yes. I lied. But it was so worth it to see her happy face on her birthday.

Moments like these, you’ll always cherish and remember.

A few months later, my daughters and I went out for ice cream after a school concert. We met up with some of their friends and their moms. I was really surprised when one of the moms said to me “I couldn’t believe you got your daughter a phone. I didn’t buy my oldest daughter a phone until she was thirteen.”

Then another mom chimed in,”I know. I couldn’t believe it. Now my daughter keeps asking me for one too.”

Yep. I was “that” mom. I had no idea.

And quite frankly, I didn’t really care. What the other kids had and what other parents thought, wasn’t a factor in my decision.

It was fear.

Hannah was at the age where she wanted freedom. She would ask me if she could go for a ride on her bike. At first, I would only let her go around the block. Then a few blocks. Then the playground.

All I could think about while she was gone was the dreaded white van pulling up to her. Asking for directions or anything that would bring her to the car. Then zapping her with a Taser gun and throwing her into the van.


Maybe. But it’s how I felt. I would have let her take my cell phone but it was my business line. At the time I was a single working mother and couldn’t afford to miss a call.

I didn’t buy her a cell phone to spoil her.

It wasn’t even for her, although she loves it. It was for me. As a concerned parent I can now have peace of mind. Now I can stay connected at all times. She calls me or texts me to let me know where she is and when she will be home.

Now I can breathe a little bit easier.

Here are 5 questions to help you determine if you and your child are ready:

  1. Is your child ever alone without parental guidance?
  2. Does your child walk home from school or anywhere without an adult?
  3. How responsible is your child?
  4. Can you communicate openly with your child about internet safety?
  5. Does the cost of another cell phone fit into your budget?

There is no “right” age or time to buy your child a cell phone. Do what you think is best for you and your family. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or what the other moms say. It all depends on your child’s level of independence, your comfort level and what you can afford.

Happy phone shopping!


The Angels Are Bowling

When I was a little girl, whenever there was a thunderstorm, my mom would say, “The Angels are bowling.” She had a way of calming us during the storm.

She was born in Ukraine and grew up on a farm. Where they were taught not to waste food and use every bit of fat possible. Even going as far as to use bacon grease for cooking.

Delicious, yes. Healthy?

Not so much. As you can see in my mom’s picture, she was overweight. She suffered from Type 2 diabetes and died when I was only twenty.

Lack of exercise, unhealthy eating and being overweight increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and death.

Which is why I started this blog. To share my experiences. To encourage you to live a healthier, longer and happier life.

Now when I get stressed, the thing that keeps me calm? A good run. Making healthy food choices. And sometimes a little chocolate.

Yoga, a spin class, a run, a walk around the neighborhood or any form of exercise will help you reduce stress. Avoid debilitating diseases, taking medication and can help you live longer.

It heals the mind and the body.

Eating Healthy Can Change Your Attitude

When you eat healthy and take care of your body, your whole attitude changes.

Making healthy choices helps you deal with day to day stress. I feel happier and I am able to react to things in a more positive way. Sometimes I even feel like…

I can conquer the world!

That’s what eating healthy and incorporating daily exercise into your life, can do for you.

Wouldn’t you like to face the day feeling like you can conquer the world? Don’t let the hectic day to day stressors get you down. We all have hectic lives that are filled with deadlines, appointments, running errands, sick family members to take care of. Just to name a few.

Our To-do list never ends.

Eating healthy, getting enough sleep and exercise not only reduces stress but they are the KEY to living a happier and healthier life.

Aren’t you worth it?

Discover how you can squeeze in more exercise (even on the busiest days) and eat healthier here.


5 Simple Ways To Be There For Your Kids

A couple of weeks ago, cross-country running season started at my daughter’s school. I love going to the races to cheer on her on. The team too, of course. It was the first race of the season so it was really important to her that I be on time.

The races begin at 5 pm every week at various locations. Not the best time of day because of rush hour traffic. Despite anxiously sitting in my car during stop and go traffic we have to show up for our kids, right? Even at the risk of getting there too late and missing the race.

Luckily, there was only a little traffic that day and no car accidents so I was there in plenty of time to wish her a good race and cheer her on. Most importantly, though, is that I was there for her.

There are many ways we can show up for our kids. But the absolute best way to be there for our children is to take care of ourselves first. Not only do we demonstrate the importance of living a healthy style, but we’ll live longer and healthier lives.

This can often be hard to do. We live in a world filled with work deadlines, car pooling and rushing around to sporting events, dance classes, music lessons and other extra curricular activities.

So you can be there for your kids too, here are 5 simple, no brainer, things you can do to live a longer and healthier life:

1. Eat a healthy and well balanced diet. A healthy diet consists of a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and protein. It’s okay to indulge in a treat now and then. Depriving yourself can lead to binge eating so just think in terms of moderation. Most importantly, try to stay away from processed foods such as fast food and prepared frozen meals that are high in saturated fat and sodium.

2. Get enough sleep. I read an article recently that sleep deprivation will shorten your life. Getting a good night’s sleep helps keep you focused. You can think more clearly and accomplish more in less time. It also prevents you from overeating. Sleep fuels your body in similar ways as food. If you’re tired you’ll need to eat more to keep up your energy.

3. Exercise. Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress. It will also help you sleep.

4. Reward Yourself. Reward yourself for your accomplishments. Whether it’s a decadent treat or picking up a new page turner to lose yourself in. Rewarding yourself will help you feel good about yourself and inspire you to conquer new goals.

5. Spend quality time with those you love. It’s easy to get wrapped up in everyday life. Things are very different from when I was a kid. Going for a bike ride and hanging around the schoolyard seem to be a thing of the past. Our days are now filled with car pools and activities. Plan an evening at home with just the family. No sleepovers or friends. Dust off an old board game and make some popcorn. Or plan a family movie night. It’s a perfect time of year to turn on the fireplace and cozy up on the couch in your favorite fleece blanket.

Discover more ways to eat healthy, exercise and live happier here.