

Category Archives for "Ab exercises"

How to Get Flat Abs Fast

Discover the best Ab Workouts for a toned, tighter, stronger core. 

These exercises are the best ab workouts I have found to get flat abs fast. If you want to get a leaner, meaner, stronger core then you have to work for it. Adding cardio, arm and leg exercises, and a healthy meal plan will help you succeed even faster.

If you follow this quick 6 day ab routine, you will have a stronger leaner mid section. This method has worked for me for years and now I am sharing my secret with you. So you can start feeling stronger, sexier and more confident today.

The Best Ab Workouts 

These ab workouts are FREE and easily accessible on YouTube. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor who created Blogilates. A YouTube channel that has hundreds of FREE YouTube videos to help you get your body toned and tight fast. Not only is Cassey an amazing fitness instructor but an inspiration to women entrepreneurs everywhere.

Let’s Get Started!

Go to YouTube on your Smart TV, on Roku, your computer, iPad or your phone. Look up these 3 videos and do them every day for 6 consecutive days, in sequence:

Day One:    Extreme Abs
Day Two:    Extreme Abs 2
Day Three:  Extreme Abs 3
Repeat in sequence on days 4, 5 and 6.

That’s it. Simple! If you can’t do the entire workout without resting, that’s okay. Take little rest breaks and then pick up again when you can. Or pause the video and grab a drink of water. Then pick up where you left off. Believe me, if you hang in there and keep doing these ab exercises every day (or most days) you will be able to complete the entire workout before you know it. And you will feel great!

The videos are short and extremely effective. But like Cassey Ho says in Extreme Abs, “You want that body? You want that life? Then you have to work for it.”

Fitting in an extra 10 minutes of exercise each day will also improve your health. And if do at least 2 to 3, 10-minute workouts every day you can reap the healthy rewards. It makes no difference if you exercise for 30 minutes all at once, or in three 10-minute intervals. Start today and you will feel stronger and sexier in no time.

For an even faster and more effective way to show off your flat abs and tight, toned body, lose 5 pounds fast.

If you want that body and you want that life – Get Started Today!

Learn more now…

Are Angels Real?

One morning, I was walking to my car from the grocery store. I was feeling a little discouraged and sad about some challenges I am facing. As I was getting into my car, I heard a woman’s voice.

She said, “I was looking at your cute little figure and I started to feel a little bad about myself.”

I turned to see a beautiful woman sitting in the car parked next to mine. The window was open, so I could see her clearly.

My first thought was “Angels are real.”

Admittedly she looked overweight. I personally see beauty from within. As it goes far beneath the surface of our skin.

I responded by telling her that she was beautiful.

And that I truly believe sometimes Angels are put in our paths. Often when we need them the most. She asked me to share my sorrows and offered to help by listening.

But her kindness was enough.

We chatted for a bit longer and she told me a story about the tragic loss of her young daughter. It immediately made me realize how minimal my problems were. In comparison anyway.

Wanting to thank her for her kindness, I asked for her email address. I wanted to give her a free copy of one of my books. Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.” Not to insult her in any way. But Because she was telling me how she wanted to lose weight. I felt it was the least I could do.

I’ll soon be giving her a copy of yet another book I am writing. She will be in this book. As a key character and as my inspiration to begin writing the new book. It’s about angels in our path. The real life Angels we meet in our day to day lives.

Angels are real.

Incidentally, my heart wasn’t the only thing hurting that morning. My whole body was sore from exercising. Not in a bad way. It was the good kind of muscle ache that makes you proud of your accomplishments. I have been working out really hard lately.

It’s hard work getting (and keeping) your body in shape. It takes time and dedication.

If you have the desire to turn heads and get noticed, all my secrets are packed into 12 little chapters. Of the same book I offered my beautiful Angel that morning.

If you want a cute little body that turns heads, gets you noticed and has perfect strangers dishing out compliments – out of the clear blue…

Discover *exactly* how I do it.

You can find my little black book (black, white and red to be exact) on Amazon in Kindle and in print. Just click the link below:

I want to get noticed!

The Best Abs Workout

Discover the best abs workout to get strong sexy abs fast.

When you are on the beach or lounging by the pool, you want to feel good about yourself. You want to feel confident in everything you wear. Your bikini, your favorite sundress and even nothing at all.

Read on to learn the best abs workout for a lean, mean tight core. Ab exercises that will give you toned, tighter, stronger and even flatter abs. These are the best ab exercises I have found to get flat abs fast. If you follow this quick 6 day ab exercise routine, you will have a stronger leaner mid section. This is the exact method I use to get beach body ready.

Cardio for Abs

Adding more cardio and other exercises to your workout routine will help you get there faster. And following a healthy eating plan. Even if you exercise for 10 minutes each day. It will improve your health. Even better try doing at least 2 to 3 10-minute workouts every day. It makes no difference if you exercise for 30 minutes all at once, or in three 10-minute intervals. Start now. Begin today.

If you start today and use the method I am about to share with you for 6 days straight, I guarantee you will have a stronger, tighter core. And it is absolutely 100% FREE to use. Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor who created Blogilates. A YouTube channel that has literally hundreds of FREE YouTube videos to help you get the toned, tight body you desire. The body you deserve.

I have been doing Blogilates for a several of years now and I absolutely love it. The best part is that she has a variety of short videos you can squeeze in. Even on busy days.

6 Days to Flatter Abs

This is by far my favorite ab workout routine. It is simple, easy to follow and best of all – it works! Find YouTube on your Smart TV, on Roku, your computer, iPad or even your phone. Look up these 3 videos and do them every day for 6 consecutive days, in sequence:

Day one:   Extreme Abs
Day two:   Extreme Abs 2
Day three: Extreme Abs 3
Repeat in sequence 3 more days.

That’s it. If you’re a beginner and you can’t do the entire workout without resting, that’s okay. Take little rest breaks and then pick up again when you can. Or pause the video and grab a drink of water. Then pick up where you left off. Believe me, if you hang in there and keep doing these ab exercises every day (or most days) you will be able to complete the entire workout before you know it. And you will feel great!

The videos are short and extremely effective. But like Cassey Ho says in Extreme Abs, “You want that body. You want that life. Then you have to work for it.”

For an even faster way to show off your flat abs and tight, toned body try shedding just a couple of pounds. It will help you accentuate your hot bod physique that you’ve been working so hard for. Check out Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s available in select stores and on Amazon in Kindle and print. But don’t buy the book if you’re not going to read it. And do the work. If you want to lose weight, get more fit and have a sexy bikini beach body, you have to do the work.

Like my friend Charlotte did after doing all the things in my book. Here’s what she told me:

“I did all the things in your book and I dropped 2 dress sizes. I am so happy being back in a size six again.” Charlotte S.

If you want that body and you want that life learn more here: I want that body and I want that life!

For even flatter, beach body abs, prevent bloating by drinking tons of water. Check out my yummy recipe for Delicious Detox Water to reduce bloating fast.