

Category Archives for "Email Copywriting"

How To Make Money With Emails

Try to imagine, waking up in the morning, you reach over to your nightstand and grab your phone. After you watch a couple of funny cat videos and check the weather, you check your email.

Your face lights up as you see how many sales came in the night before.

You sent out an email the day before and people on your email list are buying your products!

The first time I felt what it truly means to make passive income (through selling eBooks and online courses) was when I was having dinner with a friend. We were grilling steaks while enjoying a glass of crisp Sauvignon Blanc. 

While the steaks were sizzling I quickly checked my email. 

There it was, an email telling me that I had just made a sale. That is what making money with emails is like.

You can make money while working from home, while you’re out grocery shopping, and even while you are vacationing on the beach.

You can work from home or from anywhere.

Starting your own blog may seem like a pipe dream but I assure you it is a reality. You can earn a very lucrative living blogging from the comfort of your own home.

So if you are determined to live a life of freedom where you can work from anywhere with only a laptop and an internet connection you can succeed.

It will take some learning, some writing (it is a blog), and LOVE. Yes. I used the L-word. You need to fall in love with your business and helping people.

The coolest part is that you will experience things, and learn things you never thought you could possibly do. And believe me…

If I can do this – then so can you.

Follow this simple formula to start your own online business.

Now there are lots of ways you can do this but I don’t like to complicate things. That’s why I am showing you a simple formula.

  1. Build your blog or website.
  2. Decide who you want to serve (your market) then solve a problem or fulfill a desire they have.
  3. Build an email list of eager subscribers who desire what you are offering. (I show you how in the free guide you can download below).
  4. Then create products and services (eBooks, books, courses, coaching) that can help them fulfill their wants and needs.
  5. Master email marketing and then send emails to your list.
  6. Become a welcome guest in your email subscribers’ inbox by sending emails that are informative and entertaining.
  7. Send irresistible offers to your list.

All you need to get started is the right lead magnet to entice your ideal customers to join your email list. I teach you exactly how to do this inside my FREE guide to making money with emails.

Start now by downloading your Free guide here.

Start your own Blog to make money with emails. #listbuilding #emails #marketing #money #blogging #bloggingtips #blog #bloggers #workfromhome

Discover how you can make money blogging. Build your own list of email subscribers. #blogging #blog #lifestyle #workfromhome #business #entrepreneur #money #emails #marketing
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Explode Your Email List so YOU can Live Life on Your terms

It’s not too late…

Did you know that Colonel Sanders was 62 when he started KFC?

Yep, he had just gotten his first social security check, he took one look at it and realized that this simply would NOT do. He then took his secret fried chicken recipe to established restaurants and starting pitching them. 

Then after over 1000 rejections he finally built his dream business. 
Now the good ole colonel may have had a delicious chicken recipe but he was no chicken. 

What does this have to do with you? 

Well, it’s never too late to start Your own dream business. Which is exactly what I am doing. And I didn’t start until I was in my late forties. 

Anyway, I’ve invested a LOT of time in researching the fastest way to grow your email list and make amazing connections in your industry that can explode your business.

Regardless of what industry you are in, this is one of easiest ways to quickly scale your business. Whether yo are just starting out or if you’ve been around for a while. 

And that my friend is Summits. 

Now if you don’t know what a Summit is, it’s an online event (usually free) that hosts a bunch of experts in a particular industry. 

This way you can learn from leading experts in your industry. 

So if YOU host the summit, you get to meet and interview ALL the experts.

Then they promote the summit to their audience (and email list). But to sign up for the FREE summit that teaches them *exactly* what they are already interested in learning…

Making them the *perfect* email subscribers for YOUR list then you have now exploded your email list. But not just any ole list.

I’m talking about real-life people who want to then maybe buy your summit. So they can keep it and watch it whenever they want and as many times as they want.

But then they also want to buy your high ticket offers.

That is how you can really make a summit work for you. 

I am already planning my first summit and this past summer I took a Summit training (that I paid for) by a leading Summit expert. His name is Dr. Mark and he has brought together 120 summit experts to teach you how to create your perfect summit.

That’s 120 EXPERTS!

And you can gain FREE access to this virtual summit TODAY.

It starts today, but it’s not too late to sign up. It’s a free 10 day summit that you can watch as much of (or as little) as you want. Even if you watch only one expert interview, I guarantee you will learn something that can help you create a lifestyle business that helps you live life on your terms. 

When I heard about this summit I signed up immediately AND I’m an affiliate for the summit. 

So if you use my affiliate link (below) to register for the summit and then decide to buy it I gain a commission. Plus, as a special BONUS, if you sign up through my affiliate link I will throw in the Affiliate Blogging Ninja program. 

This way you can learn how You can make sales even if you are brand new, have no tech skills, and have no product to sell.

If you send me *PROOF* that you signed up for the summit, as in a screenshot that you registered, I will give you access to all 39 videos that teach you how to start your own money-making website from scratch. 
So if you are like me and the Colonel and YOU ARE NOT TOO CHICKEN to create the lifestyle you desire then jump on the link below and let’s get started.

FREE Guide to Email List Building.

But you better HURRY I just got the link to access the first day of the Summit’s leading experts and like KFC’s chicken is finger lickin good, this Summit is gonna be so good!

I’ll see you on the inside!


To gain access to the Affiliate Blogging Ninja, first register for the summit, then send me a screenshot that you are registered. Email me at [email protected] with a screenshot of either the registration page or your first email, welcoming you to the summit, then I will send you a link to sign up for the Ninja course with a FREE coupon code. 

This way you can access all 39 videos and start building your dream business today. 

Make today amazing!

This offer is no longer available. Download your free guide below…

Learn how to build your own email list here…

Grow your email list and build your business. Read how here... #list #building #email #marketing #entrepreneur #business #entrepreneur #blog #bloggingtips #workfromhome

5 Ways You Can Get Paid to Write

If you’ve been thinking about starting a career in writing there has never been a better time to start then right now.

You’re going to learn 5 ways that you can get paid as a writer while working from home. Or from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop and an internet connection.

Actually, you don’t even need a laptop (although it makes it easier).

You could do all of these using just a smartphone. As long as you’re connected to the world wide web.

I have made money all 5 ways that I am sharing with you below, and all of them can earn you extra income too. Or you can turn any one of them into a full-time career.

So you too can have the freedom that comes with living the writer’s life.

Here are 5 ways that you can start right away to earn a good living as a paid writer:

Freelance writing and guest blogging. The first time I got to paid to write an article I got paid $100. Although it wasn’t much, it was an amazing feeling to actually get paid as a writer.

Honestly, I’m not even sure if they ever published the article I wrote. But one of the cool things is that the editor helped me by giving me feedback about what I wrote. This helped me improve my writing skills.

There are tons of websites and publications that pay for articles and photos.

Make sure when pitching a publication that you follow their guidelines for guest posting and article submission.

Become a high paid copywriter. What exactly is a copywriter? A copywriter is someone who writes direct response *copy* for websites, emails, direct mail, social media, advertisements, or anything that leads someone to take action.

Whether it’s to read another article, sign up for an email list, register for a webinar, go to an event or make a purchase.

It’s the persuasive writing that sells or gets your ideal client or customer to take action.

Becoming a copywriter is one of the most lucrative ways of becoming a writer. Because there is always a need for good copywriters.

That’s why businesses pay so well. Your writing makes them money.

So let’s say you write an email campaign that makes your client $20,000. They will gladly pay you $3,000 to write 10 emails that make them money.

Paying a copywriter is an investment that saves business owners time (so they can focus on what they do best) and it makes them money.

It’s a skill every business owner should learn. Whether you plan to hire copywriters or write your own copy.

Learning the fundamentals of persuasive writing that sells improves all of your content.

Including social media posts, video scripts, live streams, blog posts, writing emails to your list, and especially sales pages.

Proofreading and Editing. If you have good language and English skills then you can easily get work as a proofreader.

There are tools available to help you and there is a ton of work out there.

When I first started writing, I picked up some side jobs like this to earn extra money and for my very first assignment I got paid around $700.

There are over 50,000 new books being published on Kindle every month and every book needs to be edited and proofread. So if you are looking to make some extra cash and improve your writing skills, it’s a great way to start.

Write and sell Books. Self-publishing is the fastest and easiest way to become a published author.

Books are a great way to earn extra income. You get paid for every book you sell plus you can turn your book into a lead magnet (to build your email list), a course or an easy way to promote your business.

It is also one of the fastest ways to distinguish yourself as a professional writer and the go-to expert in your industry.

After I wrote my first book it became easy to get media interviews on podcasts and on the radio. Getting interviewed on other people’s shows is one of the best ways to quickly build your brand and gain instant credibility as a writer.

Start your own “work from home” side hustle or full-time online business today.

Here’s the link to download a FREE newletter that shows you how: One of the fastest ways to make money online to work from the comfort and safety of home.

5 ways to get paid as a writer. #workfromhome #blog #blogging #writer #job #money #business