

Category Archives for "Diets"

It’s Complicated

This morning I was trying to think of some useful suggestions to post in my “Zipping It Up” Facebook group. I created the group to help motivate and inspire women to live healthier.

And so you can zip up EVERYTHING you wear.

Or nothing at all…

To be completely honest with you, I hate social media. But all the GooRoos out there say you should start a Facebook group. Build a following.


What can I say…

It’s complicated.

Now that I’m committed, I have to keep going. If there wasn’t a need for this type of thing, there wouldn’t be such a demand for diet and weight loss products and services.

Plus, I was born to serve. To help others live healthier and happier lives. I can’t really ignore “my calling.” Can I?

One of the things that has helped me live a healthier life is Yoga. It helps tone your body, eases stress and I enjoy doing it.

To help me try to explain how to take a yoga breath (so I can share it with you – and anyone who doesn’t already know) I googled it.

You want to talk complicated???

I found page after page of long articles talking about breathing and yoga. Jeesh.

All I wanted was a simple explanation!

As I tried skimming through the articles, I couldn’t find the answer. Even the videos I saw were at least 4 minutes long. What is that? Like 400 times longer than the breath itself?

All the more reason I need to do a video series on SIMPLE yoga techniques.

Anyway, I’ll be working on that. In the meantime, for some uncomplicated information about:

*How to tone and strengthen your body
*How to succeed in weight loss
*Healthy morning habits to make each day great!
*Old school weight loss methods – that actually work

And more…

Check out “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

It’s not complicated. In fact, here is what Jenn Gallo says about Zipping It Up: “Easy steps to follow for that big date or event when you want to look your best.”

To make things even less complicated here’s the link:
It’s time to ZIP IT UP!

Why You Should Exercise in the Morning

This morning I practiced what I preach…

I try to most days. But often times things come up that throw a curveball into your day. Unavoidable things that cannot be ignored.

Like when an old girlfriend calls you up at the last minute. She’s free for lunch. Yay!

Of course you were planning to workout during lunch. But friendships are important.


How could you say no?

Then later, one of your kids needs a ride somewhere. And you forgot about the school concert tonight. And so on and so forth.

So the ball hits you. Bam! And before you know it, it’s bedtime.

That much needed workout – just didn’t happen.

The best way to avoid the curveball is to exercise first thing in the morning. Which is exactly what I did today. I went for a run and did a few sets of pushups. Now all I left to do is my core.

Not my favorite thing in the world. But WOW. I feel great afterward.

Another reason I had to knock out my workout first thing is because today is the live Bald for Bucks event at my daughter’s school. Brave kids are shaving their heads, cutting off 9 or more inches of their hair (enough to make a wig for a cancer patient) and for the less daring, dying their hair a crazy color.

All for the fight against cancer.

Since this is such an amazing cause, I’m donating some of the proceeds from this month’s eBook sales. Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

I also created a special edition eBook just for the cause. The book won’t go away but the discounted price will. At midnight tonight the price goes up.

To give you a little bit of info of what the book’s about here is what one happy reader said:

“Written like a friend is giving advice to a friend, this little book is filled with clear, direct and, most important, DOABLE advice on losing 5 pounds fast. Not only that, it gives advice on keeping it off and on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There’s no gimmicky stuff and nothing unhealthy. – Mary Beth Cunningham

Go here to get your discount and learn even more ways to avoid getting hit by the ball:
It’s time to zip it up!

Is this a scam?

In most industries and especially in sales (of any kind) you have to keep learning.

To sharpen my copywriting skills, I’ve been reading through some of the “BEST copy ever written!”

As I was reading, I kept thinking that it all sounds so…


Which my mind translates to, “Is this a scam?”

I have never particularly cared for big flashy ads that are filled with huge promises and giant “BUY NOW” buttons.

However, statistics show (and $ signs) that they do actually work. Therefore, we can’t stop using them.

So what do we do???

This is one of the reasons why testimonials are so important.

And why I would lie to tell you about a testimonial I received about “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

This testimonial was written by Dr. Michael Dusa.  He has a degree in nutrition, was a bodybuilder and has owned fitness companies throughout his career. He is the founder of MTFU where he helps men over 50 enjoy life to the fullest. By helping men get healthy & fit, have better love lives, enhance their careers and live happier and healthier lives.

Which is exactly why I wrote Zipping It Up. Only it’s specifically to help women.

When you wake up in the morning, slip into loosely fitting clothes, look in the mirror and think, “Damn, I look good!” – It changes your day. Your motivation increases, your mood changes and your career flourishes.

Not to mention your sex life.

Here’s just a snippet of what Dr. Dusa’s review of the book Zipping It Up:

“By my marketing colleague, Irene Gabelnick. LADIES I recommend this book. I like Irene’s style very straightforward, no secrets, no bullshit. Everything you need is packaged as a system in this book to shuck those last few pounds and slip easily into your favorite outfit or bikini.”

That is only ONE of the many 5 star reviews written about “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”

This week I am offering a special eBook edition. You don’t need a fancy Kindle device, or have to download the Kindle app OR even have to wait for it to be shipped to your door!

You can start Zipping It Up today!

Plus… I reduced the price! You can save 30% off the print cover price if you buy it today! I am only offering this special discounted price until Sunday, June 3rd.

The best part…

In memory of my loving sister Natalie, who died of breast cancer, I am donating 20% of the proceeds for each eBook sold during this special promotion, to the fight against cancer. My daughter Hannah (that’s her in the picture) is raising money for Bald for Bucks and is donating 10 inches of her beautiful blonde hair. Which will be used to make a wig for a cancer survivor.

To help make this a world without cancer.

*This promotion has ended. You can still Purchase the book in Kindle and in print here:

I want to wake up feeling great!


Should You Weigh Yourself?

This morning I read an article about weighing yourself. Correction, it was about why you shouldn’t weigh yourself.

Apparently, there are people who obsess over the scale. I get it. And if you’re obsessing over a scale, you probably have bigger problems than being overweight. Other issues that may be causing you to overeat.

Don’t blame it on the scale.

I weigh myself every morning.

Just once a day. About the same time before I eat or drink anything. Just to keep myself in check. “They” say, it doesn’t matter. It’s just water weight. It takes days to lose actually fat. Blah, blah blah.

It works for me.

The reason it works for me is that I look at it positively either way. Whether it’s tipping high. Or weighing in low.

If it’s low, I feel good. But it doesn’t mean I head for the bacon, eat a burger and fries for lunch, then eat candy bars and chips all day. I look at what I did right and try to do it again.

Wash. Rinse. Repeat?

Eat healthy. Exercise. Everything in moderation.

Rules I live by.

We all have times when we gain weight. Most of us average folks, anyway. My weight has fluctuated many times throughout my life. People look at me and assume that I am naturally thin. I don’t believe in “naturally thin.”

I believe in being healthy.

There is a reason that I don’t have health issues. Even at my age.

To prove it, that even I have struggled with weight over the years, I pulled out a book that a friend lent me back in my twenties. No, I never returned it.

My bad?

I’m pretty sure she told me to keep it.

I must have put on a few pounds at the time and wanted to lose it. Since I am of the proactive
nature and keep myself in check, before things get out of control, I read the book.

It’s called “Diets Still Don’t Work.” by Bob Schwartz.

There are two main reasons I like the book:

  1. I agree that diets don’t work
  2. Because a key element to success is “mindset”

The mind is a powerful thing. We cannot change the things that happen to us. Of course, we can make choices about what we do and where we go. That might increase our risk for danger. I certainly wouldn’t walk alone at night in a high crime part of town.

But we cannot control everything. Death is inevitable. Challenges arise.

The only thing we can control is how we react.

It’s not easy. We were born with emotions and we can’t change that.

What we can change is how we take care of ourselves. It isn’t rocket science that when you are healthy and feel good, that everything in life is better. It helps us deal with whatever sh*t storm gets thrown our way. Maybe I should stop following the loud mouthed cursing gurus for a while. Alas, another thing I can control.

If you want to be proactive, take better control of your life and deal with challenges a little bit better…

Read a good book.

One that might actually help you.

Like “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”

It is not a diet. And the absolute first thing I teach is “mindset”

You gotta want it.

If you don’t, don’t waste your $2.99. The low cost for the Kindle version. It won’t do you any good.

Here’s what Jocelyn Jones, a happy verified purchaser, has to say about Zipping it Up:

“Thank You Irene, This is a very helpful tool for all the ladies out there that need to lose weight fast for a special occasion or just because. The tips are simple to follow and implement. I HIGHLY Recommend this book! 🙂

If you are ready to be proactive zip on over here: