

Category Archives for "Charlie Brown"

A Little Fun to Keep the Holiday Cheer

How Charlie Stole Christmas

“Charlie Brown, you’re the only person I know who can take a wonderful season
like Christmas and turn it into a problem.” – Linus in A Charlie Brown Christmas

One of my favorite parts about Christmas is watching the holiday specials. I haven’t seen good old Charlie Brown in a while but the story still sticks in my brain.

Every time I see a scrawny, scraggly little tree I think of Charlie Brown.

Funny how things stick with you.

Just like the memories of lost loved ones. Which can be horribly depressing this time of year.

In fact, it’s one of the main causes of the Holiday Blues.

Another reason is that no one likes to be around depressed or complaining people. So instead of reaching out for help, they begin to isolate themselves. Making things even worse.

Which is one the reasons why people have a hard time coming out of it.

And quite frankly, fair feathered friends should be shot.

Or thrown off a cliff.

Okay maybe that’s a little harsh. C’mon even the Grinch came around. His heart even grew 3 sizes that day!

And Charlie?

Why he didn’t steal Christmas!

Just because his tree was not very tall.

He did not steal Christmas.

He did not at all!

Thankfully, for Charlie, his friends didn’t give up on him when he was depressed.

And I would never give up on you.

That’s right Charlie, I got your back.

If you or anyone you know is feeling a little a depressed this holiday season watch a good movie or holiday show. Laugh, cry, eat a pint of ice cream if you have to.

But do NOT isolate yourself. And if you suspect someone you know is feeling depressed this holiday season. Don’t be a Grinch about. Don’t be a fair feathered friend.

For more fun ways to make this holiday season a happier time for you and your loved ones, read my recent article I wrote: How to Beat the *Post* Holiday Blues.

Happy Holidays!

Irene Gabelnick

To brighten up your day now, watch A Charlie Brown Christmas through my affiliate link.

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