

Category Archives for "Business"

10 Influential Entrepreneurs to Help You Grow Your Business

A big part of growing your business is learning from top successful entrepreneurs. There are many amazing people to learn from. The best thing I can suggest is to follow people you resonate with. Observe their business models. Watch how they create their business structure, build their brand and their tribe.

I’ve created a list of highly respected, top influential entrepreneurs who’ve helped me get one step closer to growing my business. They can help you create the business of your dreams and a life of freedom. Follow them on social media and reach out to connect. You might be surprised who you might meet. You can connect with top experts in your industry to build relationships with like minded people. Position yourself as an expert and open doors to unlimited opportunities.

Tim Ferriss is an author of best-selling books, including his newest release,“Tribe of Mentors.” The first time I heard Tim was on a live interview with Jack Canfield. He shared how he set goals to write his first best-selling book. And the day his literary agent called him to inform him he had hit the charts. His exact words were bleeped out and his enthusiasm was contagious. I liked him instantly. I finally started reading “The 4-Hour Workweek” after buying it sometime last year. I’m only a few chapters in and I can already feel my dream life beginning to come alive.

Cassey Ho is an award-winning fitness instructor, entrepreneur and personality based in Los Angeles, CA. She is the creator of Blogilates, the #1 female fitness channel on YouTube with over 300 million video views and 3 million subscribers. I started following Cassey a few years ago when I started working her extreme ab series, into my workout routine. I watched her grow her business from a mat and a camera to an amazing studio. Her business model and success has been one of the strongest influences to starting my own business.

Ann Handley is a writer, speaker and marketing expert. I read an article about her a few weeks ago and started following her. I received my first newsletter from Ann a few days ago. It was filled with valuable information, kept me locked in to the end and most importantly made me laugh. Learning the fundamentals of successful marketing is key to creating a successful online business.

Nick Usborne is freelance writer, copywriter, author, and speaker. He is also known as the Coffee Detective and the creator of a course I recently completed. The course called Money-Making Websites through AWAI, teaches you how to create passive income. By using an interest, hobby or passion, building a website and learning how to monetize it.

Ryan Lee is a business coach and founder of Freedym. He helps entrepreneurs create a life of freedom by building an online continuity business. He is a master at connecting people. I recently joined one of his Mastermind groups which has introduced me to many successful online entrepreneurs. The Freedym membership site has everything you need to create, grow and market a thriving online business. 

Chris Winfield is an entrepreneur and success coach in New York City. With the use of simple systems, techniques and the power of true focus, Chris teaches people how to get 40 hours of work done in 16.7 and much more. Are you seeing a pattern here? Get more done in less time. Chris also teaches about gratitude and being thankful for what you have.

Selena Soo is a publicity and marketing strategist who helps entrepreneurs impact millions. She specializes in connecting entrepreneurs with media outlets to become the expert in their field and reach the masses. Selena is someone I resonate with on many levels. Like me, she has to step out of her comfort zone to get in front the camera for photos and videos. Her techniques for getting into mainstream media can help you grow and promote your business.  

Ruth Soukup is a writer, speaker, blogger, entrepreneur and founder of the Living Well Spending Less blog. She creates courses that help entrepreneurs create successful blogs. If you want to create a life of freedom through blogging I highly recommend you check her out.

Suzi Whitford is a writer, blogger and founder of Start a Mom Blog. She is an up and coming star blogger. Her courses and content are filled with great information to create, grow and build a business for mommy bloggers.

Last but not least, is someone I oddly placed after the lovely, sweet Suzi.

Dan Meredith is an author, coach and founder of a massive Facebook group called Coffee with Dan. His book “How to be F*ucking Awesome” is a must read if you want to learn what is important about building a business and how to get sh*t done. There is a waiting list to get into his popular Facebook group. A word of warning, It’s not for those easily offended.

Those are my top 10 picks for influential entrepreneurs to help you grow a thriving business. Learn from the best and live the life you deserve. While having the freedom to do the things you enjoy. Without selling your soul.

How to Discover Your Passion

Being a professional photographer always seemed like an exotic career to me. It seemed like an unattainable dream. Daunting, almost. Not the portrait photographers working at JCPenny, taking pictures of screaming babies. Or even the ones who work every weekend capturing wedding and Barvitzma pictures. Although, I am truly appreciative and fascinated by the way they capture the emotions of every moment throughout each event.

I was never really interested in photographing people. Until I had my own children. After having my first child, I couldn’t stop. I wanted to capture each and every moment. To keep each memory forever.

Just like other amazing moments I’ve experienced throughout my life. Like catching an eagle enjoying a snack, as I hiked a quiet path along a beautiful gorge trail. Or suddenly seeing a baby shark as I snorkeled in Hawaii. I followed it. Just so I could get a picture of the beautiful creature with my disposable waterproof camera. It didn’t occur to me, until after I was safely on the boat, that mommy shark was probably lurking nearby.

I started a blog and began writing articles to draw traffic to my blog. I finally published my first book, which has gotten rave reviews. Even from a bigtime guru, in my niche. With the exception of a few stock pics, I have used my own pictures for my books, my website, recipes and to create social media pins.

After a while, I began to realize that I have many amazing pictures. Some even better than ones I find on stock websites. Yet, I still didn’t value my own work. I was also a little afraid of learning how to use a DSLR camera.

Despite the fact, that I could build a website, self publish a book, learn about internet marketing and start my own my business. I still questioned my capabilities as a photographer. Until one day, I was reading a Facebook post from a professional photographer. Someone commented, that she captured the moment and expressions into her photography. I went into the family room and looked on the mantle above the fireplace, where I have framed pictures of my children. Pictures I took of them.

Their expressions and the feelings of the moment are beautifully captured. I stared in amazement as I realized I have a gift. I too have a talent of capturing the moment.

That was when I decided, it would be a shame not to share my photographs and pursue my love of travel photography. I can continue to capture moments of my life, while turning it into a career. One I am truly passionate about. I still have a lot to learn. Life in itself is a continuous learning experience. Why waste it learning things I don’t really care about?

As I was going through hundreds, if not thousands of old photographs, it solidified my confidence to become a travel writer and photographer. Below is a picture I took with my cell phone, on the way back from a hiking trip.

I remember the moment so vividly. Once again, capturing the moment. I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend at the time. We weren’t speaking, as he sat next to me driving my car. It gave me hope. Almost as if someone was watching out for me. Looking over me and showing me that it is safe to cross the bridge. There is hope at the other end. That I will be okay. Whatever path I choose.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

This morning, after breakfast I ate a bowl of my favorite ice cream.

Death by Chocolate.

Here’s why:

*Because I wanted to
*I’m planning to have a great workout today and need the energy
*I believe in rewarding yourself
*Everything in moderation

And most importantly, because I don’t sweat the small stuff.

Speaking of not sweating the small stuff, it happens to be one of my favorite books. “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… and it’s all small stuff” by Richard Carlson, PH.D.

I’ve only read it twice so far, but I am sure to read this one over and over again. I wholeheartedly give this one a 5 star review.

The thing I love most about this book, is that you don’t have to read it from cover to cover. It compiles 100 short stories, each of which is a stress-reducing strategy, to help you live a calmer, happier life.

Since it is my mission to help you live a healthier and happier life, I had to tell you about it.

You know what else helps you live a happier life? Taking care of yourself. Physically and emotionally.

One of the ways to do that is to love the work you do. Your career shouldn’t dictate where and how you live. Your life and your desires should dictate what you do for work. When you enjoy your work, you wake up happy. You look forward to your job.

Especially if your work involves helping others.

Like Dr. Carlson, you can inspire and help others too. We all have a story to share. You have a superpower. There is something you are really good at. That you can share with others to help them live happier and better lives.

If your secret desire is to write your first book and inspire others, download your free checklist.

10 Easy Ways to Start Writing Your Book Today.

It will help you discover “your superpower.” Your FREE checklist will help you choose your subject, teach you how to research your topic and give you the boost you need to start writing your book today.

Start now by going here:

I want to write a book!


How to Be F*cking Awesome – A 5 Star Review

He’s a little rough…

I want to tell you about a fellow I’ve been following. His name is Dan Meredith. He is a successful businessman, coach, entrepreneur and the author of How to be F*cking Awesome. On Amazon, every review of his book, is a 5 star review. As of today there are 97 of them. 98 including mine.

As you can clearly see, he’s a little rough around the edges.

I’m reading his book for the third time. I love it. It’s down to earth, honest and motivational. Most of all it is entertaining!

Dan has a massive following.

His Facebook group “Coffee with Dan” has thousands of members. I don’t know how many exactly, but there is a waitlist to get in. It took me 3 requests to get into the group before finally being accepted. It makes you want it more.

There are two lessons here that I’m sharing with you.

I’ll spell them out for you. In case they aren’t obvious.

One. Be entertaining. It will help you grow your following and your business. To help you make more money.

Two. Creating scarcity makes people want it! When offering your products or services, create deadlines. Deadlines for discounts. Deadlines for product launches and/or limited quantities.

Then stick to them.

I cannot stand seeing the ads “FOR ONE DAY ONLY!” Which are only followed by the same deal, day after day.


You know there’s a Michael’s coupon available every single day, right?

Anyway, there’s a reason why the retailers use this tactic.

Because it works!

And it works in the online business world too. For your products, services, courses, books and coaching services.

That’s all for today. I need to get back to my book. So I can be F*cking awesome too.

Yet another lesson, read good books.

I lied. I wasn’t done preaching my knowledge to my faithful tribe.

You are already awesome. But there is always room for improvement. You can never stop learning.

If you want your body and health to be a little more awesome too, check out my book, that only has 5 star reviews: “Zipping it Up – How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” You can get in Kindle or paperback right here:

I want to be more awesome!