

Category Archives for "Starting a Blog"

Why the Glass is Always Full

This is re-posted from April 23, 2018.

This morning I was dropping my daughter off at school. It is an absolutely beautiful warm spring day here in my lovely suburban neighborhood just outside of Buffalo.

Two days ago it was snowing and today the weather predicts a high of 70 degrees.

My daughter said, “I don’t know why I am mad, that it’s nice out today. Last week it was snowing. I feel like the weather is messing with my emotions.”


We then talked about how we can control our emotions. That our emotions come from within us.

You know, the glass is half full vs the glass is half empty.

I reminded her of a story I read about a reporter who was interviewing 2 families. Both families had just lost their homes in a fire. One family was devastated and said that “they couldn’t believe they had just lost everything.”

When she interviewed the other family down the street, who had lost all their material possessions to the same fire, the family was immensely grateful. They were thankful that everyone, including the pets, escaped the fiery blaze without harm. Of course they would have preferred to still have a place to live and all…

But it’s all in how we perceive things.

My daughter, who is also my experimental little scientist (you do NOT want to go in my refrigerator or freezer – one never knows what they might find) said, “Well, technically the glass is full. It’s full of something. Even if it’s just air.”

Do you see why I love this child?

Yes. The glass is always full.

But it could be full with better things. For example, I would rather have a full glass of water than a full glass of worms.

Unless your a bird.

I would also prefer to have my bank account full of more of the green stuff.

So my family can take more vacations, have nice things, live wherever we want to live and have less stress.

That’s why I started a blog.

Not just for the freedom to work from home. Or anywhere in the world like the beach or a mountain retreat. To make more money for my family. Learn how you can start a money making website today.

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