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Pay it Forward on Pinterest

Discover how you can pay it forward on Pinterest. To help more entrepreneurs succeed and make the world a better place.

Imagine your website suddenly exploding with traffic! Finally, all your hard work is paying off…

People are signing up for your email list. And you are making the kind of money you always dreamed of making.

Read how we can band together as bloggers. By paying it forward to other business owners on Pinterest. To help our fellow bloggers ~business owners just like you and me~ get the traffic they need to grow their business.

Grow your business by giving back. Read it now... #blog #blogging #business #entrepreneur #traffic #pinterest #socialmedia #marketing #bloggingtips #money #fashion #lifestyle

Does this sound crazy???

Maybe. Maybe not…

I have an idea. A splendidly crazy, magnificent idea.

What if every time we saw a Pin that doesn’t have a rich keyword description (and relevant hashtags) we entered an amazing description?

With keywords and hashtags that can help make all your pins fly?!

Even if we did this only once a day…

Imagine the impact we could have!

If every single business owner (or blogger) on Pinterest, repinned someone else’s pin onto one of their boards. A pin that had no description or hashtags (or one that could be better) just to help another blogger.

By paying it forward on Pinterest.

Think about it.

This idea could go viral. Imagine how many bloggers we could help!

By taking only ONE minute of your time each day. How we could vastly improve the chances of another person’s Pinterest Pin going viral.

We all know that Pinterest is a search engine.

That a great pin description with keywords and hashtags is vital to making a Pinterest Pin go viral. Without them, it’s nearly impossible for your perfect customer to find your pins.

Think of how good it feels to help people.

In fact, I have already been doing this. When I see a pin on Pinterest that doesn’t have hashtags or a description, my first thought is they must be a new blogger.

They simply just don’t know yet how important hashtags and great descriptions are.

Which is one of the reasons I started writing about Pinterest.

Then one day I realized that a lot of my Pinterest pins are also being saved without hashtags! It took a little research and testing. But once I figured out why, I found a solution.

Actually, I thought of two ways that can help more bloggers get more traffic using Pinterest.

You see, I realized that it was because my blog readers were saving my pins directly from my website. Without adding hashtags. Once I realized it, I figured out how your readers can save your Pinterest Pins with your descriptions and hashtags. Without having to add them.

Even when they are being saved directly from your website.

This way, when your website visitors save your pins, they will be saved with your description and hashtags.

Increasing the chances of your Pinterest pins going viral and driving more traffic to your website.

Cool, huh?

In fact, I created a video where you can learn exactly how to do it. It’s a quick video tutorial that I added as a Bonus video to the Viral Pin Strategy. A mini-course I created that teaches you how to make your Pinterest pins go viral.

Over and over again…

The other idea I came up with is to “Pay it Forward” on Pinterest.

Make your pins go viral and drive traffic to your blog or website. Start now... #pinterest #blog #blogging #bloggers #realtors #website #traffic #money #entrepreneur #business #marketing #socialmedia
Pin it now.

By sharing this we can help even more bloggers.

Isn’t that why we started blogging in the first place? To help people?

Trevor, the adorable little boy from the movie Pay it Forward asks, “What are you doing to change the world?”

Every kind gesture makes the world a better place…

I’m paying it forward now by sharing my winning formula to using Pinterest for your business. The exact same steps I used to make my Pinterest pins go viral! Download your FREE guide below. “10 Things that Can Make Your Pinterest Pins Go Viral.”

Enter your best email below to download it now.