

Category Archives for "Beauty"

Create Stunning Blog Posts

How to Hide Pinterest Pins in Your Blog Post

Create stunning blog posts that are clean and easy to read. You’ve spent hours creating the perfect blog, filled with valuable content for your readers. You finally have traffic and your blog is shaping up to be a huge success!

The last thing you want is to risk losing readers. Just because your blog post is crowded with distracting images or pins. 

You don’t have to. You can add Pinterest pins to your blog posts without them displaying within your article.

I was so excited when I discovered this that I had to share it with you.

It is so simple and easy to do. If you are using WordPress and follow these simple instructions this should work for you too.

Enter the Pinterest pin you want to hide, the same way you would any other image. I usually add the image to the bottom of the blog post. This will make it easier for you to find the image code.

Click on the text button on the top right of your blog post.

Find the image code associated with the pin.

Add <div style = “display:none;”> before the image code.

Then add </div> immediately after the image code.

It should look something like the picture below when you are done. I highlighted in yellow where I entered the code.

Click back to the Visual tab to see if the image is there. If you typed it in correctly the image should not appear. 

If it doesn’t work, check the code carefully to make sure you typed it in correctly. Then check it again. When you go to share your blog post on Pinterest the pin should show up. Also, I have tried copying and pasting the code. I have no idea why but it only seems to work for me when I type it in. Sometimes you need to separate the section from the rest of the code. 

You will notice when you go to save this post, there will be more pins to choose from that you can’t see in the post.

Cool right?

*Updated due to WordPress updates. FYI if you have recently updated WordPress, it’s now a little different. There are 3 dots on the top right in the formatting box (you might have to click on the box). Then click on “Edit as HTML.” After adding the code, click back to edit visually. 

Admittedly, a few times this did not work for me. Especially when using landing pages in Thrive Themes.

But more often than not it has worked like a charm!

If for some reason you still cannot get this to work for you, try this instead: Add the Pinterest pin to your blog post. Share it on Pinterest using that pin. Add your incredible pin description. Then go back and delete the image.

The image will be saved to your board. Share the pin to every relevant board. Now you have the pin saved on Pinterest for life.

Or until you decide to delete it.

Don’t forget to Pin and share this article. This way more bloggers can hide their pins too!

Discover how to create stunning Pinterest Pins that go viral here now…

How to Look Younger

Have you ever looked in your medicine cabinet and thought “this is where eye creams come to die?”

I have. And it isn’t pretty.

I’m not sure when my obsession with ant-aging creams began. Even though people are always surprised by how young I look – for my age.

Is that even a compliment?

Over the years I have tried at least a dozen different eye creams. Everything from the most expensive brands to drug store over the counter creams.

Spending hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars hoping the answer lies somewhere within one of the many half empty bottles.

There is no way of knowing how many bottles I have gone through.

Or how much money I have spent. If you’re counting face wash, face moisturizers, face masks, anti-wrinkle pads and crazy roller things. You know that thing you roll on your face. That feels like tiny little pin pricks. It supposedly helps the moisturizer sink deeper into your skin.

It took me a while to realize that the answer does not lie in a jar. Or a bottle. Or a tube.

Don’t get me wrong, there are many great moisturizers and face products you can use. Every person is different and different products work differently for everyone.

I honestly don’t think it makes that much of a difference which brand you use. As long as you moisturize and stay hydrated.

The answers may not come from a jar. Or lie in the most expensive skin creams.

However, there are actionable steps you can take today that can make you look up to 10 years younger.

Since people claim that I do.

Look at least 10 years younger than my age that is. I figured I would share what I’m doing to stay youthful, vibrant, full of energy and young looking.

In the following chapters you will discover how you too, can look up to 10 years younger.

Read the full story here…