

Category Archives for "Author"

For authors, speakers or program leaders Only… [Course Creation Summit]

I’ve just received word that something BIG is about to happen in the world of course creation and you’re now on the inside since I just had a peek “behind the curtain”… 

On May 17-21, my friend Iman Aghay is launching the Course Creation Summit that will help authors, speakers or program leaders get the tools and strategies necessary to build your own course roadmap so that you know exactly what to do when it comes to putting it together, launching and making money.

Here’s your link to register now – while it’s still free! [Register Here For Free]

When you see the topics being covered by these 48+ world-class course creation experts, you’ll understand why the Course Creation Summit is going to be an absolute game-changer for those who attend!

You’ll discover exactly how to overcome your toughest challenges, such as believing that… 

*Your course may not well you’ll end up looking unprofessional
*Your students won’t study your course and want a refund
*You won’t be able to find people to promote your course
*Your students end up having a bad experience and leave negative reviews everywhere.

And get this… after you attend and apply what you learn, you won’t need to worry about feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or inadequate anymore.

Iman has lined up 48+ world-class experts in course creation for a LIVE 5-day online event like no other.

And the best part is……

It’s FREE for you to attend!

Unlike conferences and hotel seminars that you have to invest time and money to travel to, you can attend this cutting-edge online virtual summit from anywhere in the world. Cool huh?

No booking flights, rental cars, and hotel rooms, no dealing with layovers, lost luggage, and no missed work or time away from home.

Instead, from the comfort of your home or office or wherever you choose to listen in, you’re also going to learn exactly how to…

*Create an automated stream of income to pay your monthly bills

*Learn how to really help others by sharing your knowledge and making money at the same time

*Become known and recognized as an authority in your field

*Be part of a community comprised of world-class experts

*Leave a legacy or impact that you can be proud of…

And so much more…

Now, all that’s left to do is to [Claim Your FREE Virtual Ticket Here] before time runs out.

You’ll need to reserve your digital seat to attend so that we can send out a reminder to you about the event each day. That way you won’t miss any of the talks and all the extras that come with them.

The Course Creation Summit is going to be awesome!

Simply [Click Here] to reserve your seat before life gets in the way and you forget… 

Make Today Amazing!

Irene Gabelnick

P.S. I want to help Iman get the word out about the Course Creation Summit and you’re one of the first to know! If you wouldn’t mind sharing the free registration link via email or social media with a few others you think would benefit, they’ll also be able to claim their own free pass…

I’d really appreciate it! (Plus you’ll look like a superhero for being the first to share!)

Here’s the link again that you can share:


Work from anywhere... #workfromhome #workfromanywhere #beach #bloggingtips #coursecreators #Create #Sell #courses #startablog #blogging #business #summit #Free #entrepreneurs #freedom #lifestyle

The Ice Pick Glistened in the Streetlight

You wouldn’t believe some of the stories I have heard since writing my first book!

Complete strangers come out of the woodwork and share incredulous stories that you may or may not believe. After my real life experiences this past year alone, nothing much shocks me anymore.

According to Publishing Perspectives, some 200 million Americans say they want to publish a book. Yet only about 1 percent of those folks ever do. 

One fine entrepreneur once told me (at a business Mastermind I attended in LA last year) “It seems so daunting.”

Writing and publishing a book that is.

Yet so many people have amazing stories to share. Stories that teach, motivate, inspire, entertain and most importantly stories that can be life changing.

Stories that can impact millions. 

I believe my personal real life story of high school drop out to successful business owner is one of them. I am not ready to share my personal tragedies with the world. Not just yet.

I can, however, share a story my brother Pete once told me. 
A story of how he was jumped by six boys (probably an exaggeration knowing my brother Peter) and how the ice pick they held at his throat glistened in the street light.

Terrifying to say the least.

He told his story so well that I envisioned an ice pick 4 feet high with a sharp glass-like tip. Pointy and in the shape of a diamond. In reality, it was probably one of those handheld things that have a pointy metal tip. Used to chip the ice off of frozen cars here in snowy Buffalo, NY where I grew up. 

The story and the way he told it was so terrifying and so incredibly important. 

Because it terrified me. Which in turn kept me from walking alone in the bad parts of town. That story has most likely prevented me from getting robbed or held at gunpoint. Or even worse. 

The thing we as women dread the most. Violence and rape.

Which is why your story is so important. I believe every single person has a story to share. Yet, most folks are afraid to use their voice.

Isn’t it time you use yours? 

What story have you been keeping a secret? What untold story is eating you up inside? 

Start now. Download your FREE guide to write and publish your first book. Click the link here to learn more…