Brighten Your Day Instantly and Feel Happier

Instantly, brighten your day (or someone you love) by doing this one simple thing. If you’re feeling a little discouraged or things aren’t going your way, use this simple strategy to brighten things up.
No matter how big or how small your troubles may seem, you can easily lift your spirits. In a flash! The only caveat is you need a friend or another person for this to work. Which in itself can brighten your day simply by connecting with someone.
This can work with absolutely anyone. Even a perfect stranger.
The really cool thing is, that it will brighten their day too. Sometimes just hearing a kind voice on the other end of the line can instantly make you feel better.
Let’s be honest, people run from negativity. It’s human nature to repel things that can bring you down. But if you’re dealing with a difficult situation it can be hard to always put on a happy face. Which can make people close to you not pick up the phone so much. Or stop making time to see you.
As sad as this may seem, it’s a reality.
It’s not their fault per se. Everyone is going through something. We all deal with difficulties at some time or another and sometimes you can’t expose yourself to people who might bring you down.
It doesn’t make you (or them) a bad person. It’s simply a defense mechanism to feel happy.
The good news is there is an answer! Which is why I am telling you something good. So you can reach out to people for help without bringing yourself down, harping on your problems, or worse, bringing your friends down too.
So if you’re feeling down and out, dealing with stress (or a difficult situation) or simply need a quick pick me up, listen carefully to something that works for me. Every… single… time.
Often when I need to hear a friendly voice I pick up the phone and call a friend. They’ll ask me, “How are you?”
Then I’ll reply, “Fine” or “I’m good. How are you?”
If they know I’m going through a rough time they can smell my BS a mile away. But still, maintain your composure, and simply say something like, “I could be better but I really don’t want to talk about it.” Then say…
“Tell me something good.”
They will usually ponder for a moment trying to think of a funny story to tell you. Instantly relieved they don’t have to hear about your troubles…

Before you know it you’re both laughing over some silly story. Or some achievement, or some cool thing that happened. Then you too start sharing something good that happened. Or begin reminiscing about a similar situation.
You and your friend both instantly feel happier. They are also way more likely to pick up the phone and call you again soon.
Don’t believe me?
Try it. Pick up the phone right now. Call someone you know and simply say, “Tell me something good.”
If you want someone you care about to feel happier, share this with everyone you know. Go ahead. Then reach out to me. On social media or wherever and tell me something good. Hopefully, you’ll tell me how my sharing this with you helped you (or someone you know) feel a little bit happier.
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