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Irene Gabelnick

Mindset Coach

About the Author...

Irene is an International Best-Selling Author, Blogger and Mindset Coach. She is the mother of two beautiful girls, an animal lover and survivor. 

She worked as a volunteer on the American Red Cross, Disaster Action Team (DAT) from

Jan 1995 - Jan 1999. She mentored a pregnant refugee from Burma and has volunteered for many years with ConnectLife (formerly UNYTS). 

You may email her directly at [email protected] to schedule a consultation. She offers a discount on your first call if you use the subject line "Schedule First Mindset Session."

"You are really good at this. You kept asking me questions and narrowing it down. And narrowing it down. To help solve a problem."

Vicki Reiner
Certified Life Coach

"You are amazing! I just landed a new client and I know it was from the emails. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Cherie Marquez
The Dog Mystic

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