Author Archives: Irene Gabelnick
Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.
Author Archives: Irene Gabelnick
Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.
This morning, after breakfast I ate a bowl of my favorite ice cream.
Death by Chocolate.
Here’s why:
*Because I wanted to
*I’m planning to have a great workout today and need the energy
*I believe in rewarding yourself
*Everything in moderation
And most importantly, because I don’t sweat the small stuff.
Speaking of not sweating the small stuff, it happens to be one of my favorite books. “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff… and it’s all small stuff” by Richard Carlson, PH.D.
I’ve only read it twice so far, but I am sure to read this one over and over again. I wholeheartedly give this one a 5 star review.
The thing I love most about this book, is that you don’t have to read it from cover to cover. It compiles 100 short stories, each of which is a stress-reducing strategy, to help you live a calmer, happier life.
Since it is my mission to help you live a healthier and happier life, I had to tell you about it.
You know what else helps you live a happier life? Taking care of yourself. Physically and emotionally.
One of the ways to do that is to love the work you do. Your career shouldn’t dictate where and how you live. Your life and your desires should dictate what you do for work. When you enjoy your work, you wake up happy. You look forward to your job.
Especially if your work involves helping others.
Like Dr. Carlson, you can inspire and help others too. We all have a story to share. You have a superpower. There is something you are really good at. That you can share with others to help them live happier and better lives.
If your secret desire is to write your first book and inspire others, download your free checklist.
10 Easy Ways to Start Writing Your Book Today.
It will help you discover “your superpower.” Your FREE checklist will help you choose your subject, teach you how to research your topic and give you the boost you need to start writing your book today.
Start now by going here:
He’s a little rough…
I want to tell you about a fellow I’ve been following. His name is Dan Meredith. He is a successful businessman, coach, entrepreneur and the author of How to be F*cking Awesome. On Amazon, every review of his book, is a 5 star review. As of today there are 97 of them. 98 including mine.
As you can clearly see, he’s a little rough around the edges.
I’m reading his book for the third time. I love it. It’s down to earth, honest and motivational. Most of all it is entertaining!
Dan has a massive following.
His Facebook group “Coffee with Dan” has thousands of members. I don’t know how many exactly, but there is a waitlist to get in. It took me 3 requests to get into the group before finally being accepted. It makes you want it more.
There are two lessons here that I’m sharing with you.
I’ll spell them out for you. In case they aren’t obvious.
One. Be entertaining. It will help you grow your following and your business. To help you make more money.
Two. Creating scarcity makes people want it! When offering your products or services, create deadlines. Deadlines for discounts. Deadlines for product launches and/or limited quantities.
Then stick to them.
I cannot stand seeing the ads “FOR ONE DAY ONLY!” Which are only followed by the same deal, day after day.
You know there’s a Michael’s coupon available every single day, right?
Anyway, there’s a reason why the retailers use this tactic.
Because it works!
And it works in the online business world too. For your products, services, courses, books and coaching services.
That’s all for today. I need to get back to my book. So I can be F*cking awesome too.
Yet another lesson, read good books.
I lied. I wasn’t done preaching my knowledge to my faithful tribe.
You are already awesome. But there is always room for improvement. You can never stop learning.
If you want your body and health to be a little more awesome too, check out my book, that only has 5 star reviews: “Zipping it Up – How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!” You can get in Kindle or paperback right here:
Today is the first Tuesday in May and beach season is right around the corner!
The first Tuesday of every month I go live on the award winning The Queen Silvy Show. I get to share my expert health & fitness tips with millions of listeners.
That’s what the Power of Writing and publishing your first book can do for you.
To kick off the season, I will share some of the ways I get beach body ready.
For starters, in preparation for the show and the beach, last night I pulled out my favorite string bikini. I hung it up on my bedroom door as motivation. I will see it hanging there every day to remind me to workout and eat healthy. So I can rock that skimpy bikini on the beach.
For breakfast I had my usual coffee with real half & half. Because fat fills you up, helps you absorb your vitamins better and it’s delicious! Every moment of life should be enjoyed. I do however, mix an equal amount of fat free half & half with regular. It’s half & half of half & half. Yep. This is my morning routine. You can’t get carried away with too much fat!
For breakfast I ate half a grapefruit. It was sweet and delicious. No added sugar needed. Ever. Not like the kids do. Yuck. They sprinkle it generously over their grapefruit. But they’re kids.
After a great run, I made myself an over easy egg with cheese. Topped with pepper and a little hot sauce. I like my food spicy! I skipped the toast this morning. When I’m getting beach body ready, I go with as much high protein as possible and as low carb as possible.
One of the most important things to do is drink water. Lots and lots of water.
The worst part about putting on your swimsuit is feeling bloated. Drinking water helps you debloat and feel better. If you don’t like the taste of water, throw some fruit in it. Or a hint of mint. My favorite Detox Water Recipe helps you debloat fast!
To get my favorite Detox Water Recipe go here:
I want to debloat fast!
To learn more ways to get Beach Body Ready check out my book “Zipping it Up – How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress
I was feeling a little silly the other day and decided to call myself the crazy cat lady. Why does “the crazy cat lady” have to have a negative connotation? I think it’s funny.
And entertaining…
One of the things I have been learning about is how to be entertaining to engage your followers. Some of the great copywriting gurus call it infotainment or conversational copywriting.
Choose a topic you enjoy talking about. Or an interest many of your followers may have. Pets, for example. Even if you don’t have a pet, the adorable critters can be hard to resist. Did you know the two most popular Facebook posts, that get the most likes and shares are kittens and bacon?
I don’t care for bacon. Pigs are way too cute. But kittens? Now we’re talking.
Use your imagination and have a little fun with it.
Here’s the post I wrote:
Cool Cat Names – Just for fun!
I drew a caricature of myself and called myself “the Crazy Cat Lady”
I put together a quick list of cool cat names for you to pick from. For entertainment and to help you. If you are looking for a name for a new kitty in your life, feel free to use one of mine. Most of them are or have been names of pets I have had throughout my life. Others, I just thought were cool.
Please use these FREE cat names at will and in honor of my beloved pets. But also use your imagination. Special characters from books or places you’ve been (Haleakala was named after the volcano in Hawaii) will evoke positive memories and connections with your beloved kitty.
Without further ado, here they are…
Not the best picture. I found it in the attic and had to scan it to the computer. My daughter used it for a school project.
Cool Cat Names
Tsavo – pronounced Sah-voe (after the ferocious man eating lions of Tsavo in Africa)
Haleakala – pronounced Holly-a-ka-la (like the volcano)
Dino – like the pet dinosaur from the Flintstones. Everyone in the neighborhood loved Dino!
Pebbles – I had Dino when I found her at Letchworth State Park – stayed with the theme
Keetsa – it means cat in some Slavic language. She was the first cat I can remember.
Poncho – coolest dog name ever but works for a cat
Zoe – pronounced zoe-ee. Second coolest dog name ever and a perfect kitty princess name
Simba – c’mon
Mufasa – c’mon again – the King?
Crimson – it’s just cool
Lucky – who doesn’t want to be? They only get 9 lives
Olivia – it worked for the pig
Babe – speaking of pigs
Mittens – common – but still rocks
Hercules – I’m pretty sure my brother named this cool cat we had
Everest – this has to be a male. I’m picturing a strong, large grey and white cat
Smokey – even better for a grey and white cat. I loved my Mokers…
Pumpkin – orange tabby – duh
Lincoln – we call him Linky or the Linx for short
Suzy – dumbest cat name ever – but man was she cute
Suzy was A little siamese kitten I found in a field. I searched in the pouring rain through tall wet grass, to find this hungry starving kitten. I begged my dad to keep her. He finally said yes. Three days later, someone stole her. Expensive kitties don’t last on the east side. 🙁
True story. I once named a cat after a guy I had a crush on. His nickname was Bee because he was always buzzing. Seriously? This straight laced, straight A student, good girl, cross-country runner had a crush on a stoner? Yep.
My sister named one of our cats after a character from an S.E. Hinton book. Two-Bit. They were brothers. Bee and Two-Bit. My dad called Bee, Beeski. We were practically Polish being Ukrainian and all. I have a picture of the two of them sitting on my dad’s lap. My dad loved his cats. These two boys were big husky east side kitties.
Tsavo, probably the most original cat name I’ve come up with is an interesting story. To me anyway. I used to call this sweet black cat my ferocious lion. He did like to bite.
I adopted him shortly after returning from my first trip to Chicago. While in Chicago, we went to the Field Museum of Science where the ferocious man eating “Lions of Tsavo” were on display.
I first heard of these ferocious beasts after watching the movie “The Ghost and the Darkness” starring Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas. Two hot actors fighting man eating lions. I could watch it over and over again. It’s based on a true story about an English engineer (played by Val Kilmer) who is building a bridge in Africa. Workers from all over came by train to work and support their families.
Each night, after the sun went down and the workers slept after a hard day of labor, two lions snuck into the camp and attacked the workers. The employees were scared for their lives and began to leave.
Not having enough workers, the bridge construction was behind schedule and in jeopardy of losing its funding. And the engineer was about to lose his job. He was a hunter and decided to solve the problem himself. After a few attempts, he realized that the lions were sneaky and smart (as most cats are). He then hired an expert hunter (played by Michael Douglas) to help him kill the ferocious beasts.
I won’t spoil the end since I highly recommend watching this movie. Not just for the hot sweaty hunter scenes. But because of the drive, determination and success achieved by this real life engineer. He was sent to build a bridge. Hunting lions was not in the job description. Yet he did what he had to do by physically fighting man eating lions to accomplish his goal.
There will always be obstacles. In business. In relationships. And in life. You must persevere and conquer the obstacles to succeed.
Why I love McDonald’s…
I can’t remember the last time I ate food from a McDonald’s restaurant. I did however run into one a couple weeks ago, to use the restroom.
Back in my medical sales days, when I was deemed a “road warrior,” it wasn’t always easy finding a clean public restroom.
Most McDonald’s locations are usually pretty “safe” when it comes to cleanliness.
The franchise locations must abide by the corporation’s strict guidelines or risk being shut down.
But that’s not why I love McDonald’s.
I love the *story* behind McDonald’s. A real life American Dream come true.
Ray Kroc, the founder of the billion-dollar industry was 52 when he approached the McDonald’s brothers.
And changed his life.
If you haven’t heard of McDonald’s (that is if you’ve been living under a rock.
Or you are a hideaway hermit that’s been living in the woods since 1950) it is the world’s largest hamburger chain fast food restaurant, serving about 68 million people per day.
Talk about impact!
This real life story has been an inspiration to me for years. Long before the movie “The Founder” came out. I actually haven’t seen it yet. I was thinking about watching it now that it’s on Redbox.
This powerful story, is undoubtedly one of things that motivated me to start my own business (at age 49) and publish my first book.
Because it is never too late to follow your dream.
Or change your life.
Writing and self-publishing my first book has opened doors and possibilities, I never could have imagined.
I now get to go on radio shows, podcasts (as the guest expert) and hear from amazing successful people that I am awesome.
Little ole me?
You know what?
You are awesome too.
If you’ve been thinking about changing your life, I am here to tell you, that it is never too late.
Seriously. If I can do it. You can do it.
Which is why I want you to know about an amazing event.
“Less Talk, More Action”
One of the people I have had the absolute pleasure of meeting is Corine LaFont.
Corine is an award winning author, speaker, consultant and online radio host. She has gathered together an amazing group of authors, writers and self-publishers. All in one place. For one day only. To show you how to self-publish your book and get your voice heard.
Here are just a few things you will learn at the event:
* How to discover your purpose through your story
*Unleashing your voice to millions
*How to promote your self-published book on the cheap
*How to double your income, following and credibility by writing your bestselling book
I have become an affiliate with Corine because this event is something you don’t want to miss. Yes, I will receive a commission when you purchase your ticket through the affiliate link below. Because you can never have too many streams of income. But I would only promote something I think is worth your hard earned dollars.
To learn how to change your life *at any age* and begin living your version of the American Dream, just click the clean link below:
Let’s live the American Dream together!
The other day I spent some time in Niagara Falls. It is a magical, mystical place that draws visitors from all over the world. It has been deemed “the Honeymoon Capital of the World.”
One of the 3 waterfalls is even named Bridal Veil Falls.
The reason should be obvious.
I’ve been there a countless number of times, since it’s so close to where I live. This time I went there on a mission. To take some pictures and write a travel article about the amazing destination.
You can never have enough streams of income.
Among the many attractions in Niagara Falls is the Daredevil Exhibit. Barrels that were used by real life daredevils to go over the waterfalls, are there on display.
Some of the barrels are from successful adventures. Some, not so much. Well, they all made it over the falls…
But not everyone survived.
The “Death Barrel” used by George Stathakis is one of the barrels on display. He actually survived the fall, but the barrel got stuck. By the time rescuers were able to reach him, he had suffocated to death.
On a happier note, his companion on the adventure, a turtle named Sonny Boy, survived.
The first person to survive going over the Falls in a barrel, was a woman.
Not so hard to believe.
On her 63rd birthday, Annie Edson Taylor went over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
And survived.
Crazy right?
And you thought I was adventurous.
I can say for certain that going over Niagara Falls in a barrel, is something I would never do.
Apparently, Annie’s motives were financial. Unfortunately, she never made much money from her adventure, but she did make history!
I can sure think of way better ways to make money.
One of them is to write and sell books.
But you have to sell them to make money. And knowing how to market your book is vital to your success.
Which is why I want to tell you about a spectacular event.
My friend Corine LaFont, a self-publishing expert is hosting an awesome one day online event. She is the owner and Founder of the Self Publishing University.
The conference, “Less Talk, More Action” features 10 international speakers to help you market your book and increase sales.
How much do you love that?!
“Less Talk, More Action.”
Corine is an action taker. She is an award winning author, speaker, consultant and online radio host.
She has gathered together an amazing group of authors, writers and self publishers. All in one place. For one day only. To show you how to self-publish your book and get your voice heard.
To show you how to:
*Unleash your voice to millions to gain credibility
*Promote your self-published book on the cheap, so you can save money
*Double your income by writing your best selling book
Learn more about “Less Talk, More Action.”
The link in this post is an affiliate link. Rest assured, I would only promote something I absolutely believe is worth your time and investment.
Waay back in my twenties, when I was a radio marketing rep for the #1 hit music station, I lived in an apartment in the hip Elmwood Avenue district.
When I rented the apartment, the landlord told me he owned the lot a couple doors down and that I could park there for free. Every time I got a notice on my car, I called him. He told me it was fine. Since I never got towed or fined, I didn’t worry about it much. My neighbors residing in the same building, told me the same thing. That they were also told they could park there but thought he might be lying.
And you wonder why I have trust issues.
Shortly after moving into the apartment, the property where “my” parking lot was, was purchased. The old deserted building residing on the property, was turned into a very cool restaurant, slash bar.
This was a win/win for me.
I became fast friends with the new owners of the restaurant and signed them up as new clients to advertise on my radio station.
Plus, the two cute owners loved me. So they let me continue to park in their parking lot. Even though the bar was always packed with customers who had to park down the street. Thanks to their advertising with me. I’m sure. 😉
The bar then became like my own personal “Cheers.”
I would park my car and walk in to grab a quick nightcap after a long day of work. And everyone knew my name.
It was comforting.
Even back then, though, I would step outside of my comfort zone. I’ve always felt an immense need to help others.
Rather than hanging out at the bar every Thursday night with my friends, instead I put myself on the schedule for the American Red Cross Disaster Action Team.
I did this every other Thursday night for 4 years.
I would go home after work, have dinner, take a bath and maybe make a cup of hot tea. I would either watch the “must see TV” lineup with Friends and Seinfeld or curl up with a good book, waiting for the phone to ring.
Or for my pager to go off. Yes. We had pagers back then.
Then I would await the call that a poor family who had just lost their home and all of their possessions, needed my assistance.The victims I helped, didn’t have money for a hotel room or family to take them in.
If and when the phone did ring, I would drag myself out of bed at 2 am. Or 4 am. Or whenever I got the call. Then I would put on my Red Cross jacket, my boots, my little red hat and my identification. I used to walk through soaking wet, uninhabitable homes to assess the value of the loss and damage. Then I provided shelter, food, clothing and transportation to hotel rooms for the victims.
It was exhausting. Once after completing a call, I went to breakfast with another DAT team member around 7 am. With barely any sleep that night, I had to rush home to shower and get to work on time.
At the same time, it was exhilarating.
Regardless of how tired I was, I was always on an adrenaline high the next day. Helping people just feels good.
That’s small apples compared to how I can help others now. As an author, I can impact way more lives. In way less time.
I also have the knowledge and the ability to help you start writing your first book.
I want everyone to know your name.
Do you have a message to share?
Like me, do you also have the desire to help others and impact millions?
Writing a book is a great way to use your voice and reach a vast number of people who need help with something. Something that YOU can help them with.
How can I be of help to you?
Reply to this email if you need a little guidance getting your message out there.
In the meantime, if it’s a few extra pounds you’re struggling with, check out my book, “Zipping it Up: How to lose five pounds fast and look great in that little black dress.”
You can snuggle up on the couch with a paperback. Or the kindle version, which you can read on your computer, your tablet or even on your phone. You don’t need a fancy Kindle. Just a FREE Kindle app will allow you to read it anywhere.
To get your copy now click the “Zipping it Up” link in the menu bar.
Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of inspirational quotes flying around social media.
Things like:
“The best thing that ever happened to me is losing my job.”
“Sometimes things that seem like the worst thing in the world turn out to be the best thing that could have happened.”
All these rich (or seemingly rich) gurus spouting on about how broke they were and then they started their own business and created a life of wealth. Claiming all you have to do is buy their $2000 product and your life will change too!
When you’re in the midst of a bad situation, there is no sugar coating it. Bad is bad.
However, like all the rich gurus claim, how you deal with a situation is entirely up to you. You can’t control the things that happen to you. But you can control how you react to them.
It’s not always easy. You can make all the excuses in the world.
Creating positive change is always POSSIBLE.
If it’s a little extra weight that your carrying on your mid-section or your backside, there is something you can do about that too.
It doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to starve yourself. But like anything in life, you do have to do the work.
To learn a simple and effective way to lose 5 pounds fast check out my book. “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black” will show you exactly how to do it.
And unlike all the gurus charging thousands for their products, it’s affordable. The Kindle book is only $2.99. Less than a fancy cup of coffee. The paperback is only $9.99 on Amazon. Worth every penny if zipping up that little black dress puts a smile on your face.
If you’re ready to stop making excuses, start today by going here:
Have an amazing day!
Irene Gabelnick
I’m not usually one to talk religion or politics. Especially on social media. It can be considered “taboo.”
Easter is coming and it is the season of lent, so it’s on my mind. So be it. I won’t discuss my views but I have a cute story I want to share.
When I was in my early twenties, I was dating a guy who was religious. He was an Irish catholic which made celebrating St. Patrick’s Day fun.
I’m pretty sure I still have the sweatshirt I bought when we wore matching sweatshirts to the St. Patty’s Day parade one year.
Cute right?
The silly things we do when we’re young and in love.
We also went to church together every Sunday and always gave up something for lent. My favorite thing to give up was fried food. At the time, I was working as a waitress at the Anchor Bar, the home of the original chicken wing. Hot Buffalo style chicken wings were my weakness so this was not an easy task.
At the end of six weeks of giving up all fried food, including chicken wings, potato chips and french fries (my other weakness) I always lost at least 5 pounds. If not 10.
Perfect since summer and bikini season was quickly approaching.
This morning I realized that I’ve been using similar methods to lose weight fast for over 30 years! Even in my teens.
I’m dating myself now. Whatever.
These are the same methods I share with you in my book “Zipping it Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast and look great in that little black dress!”
You will learn:
*Old school weight loss methods that actually work
*An easy to follow guide to healthy eating
*How to squeeze in exercise and burn extra calories
And most importantly!
How to KEEP the weight off.
Or quickly lose it again if those pounds start to creep back up again…
Like they always seem to do.
To get your copy either in Kindle or paperback click the ole link:
Writing my first book changed my life.
I just got a new radio gig.
The amazing Silvy Starks of the award winning radio show “The Queen Silvy Show” has invited me to be a featured guest on her show – EVERY month.
I get to share health and fitness tips with millions of listeners and help change lives. One of my many missions in life is to help people live happier and healthier lives.
But that’s not all. I want to help you avoid having to take medication, for illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and even the big C. Cancer.
Every week I get invited on radio shows and podcasts to share my story and to promote my new book.
It’s a win/win!
I get to help others.
Make money.
And I have FUN doing it!
Are you ready to change your life?
I developed a simple 10 step checklist so you can get started writing your first book today.
You can spread your voice and impact millions.
To download your FREE checklist – “10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today” click on “The Power of Writing” link in the menu bar or enter your email address below on mobile or to the right on full screen.