Irene Gabelnick

Author Archives: Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.

How to Get Your Pins & Blog Posts Saved on Pinterest

Discover a cool little trick that can get your articles more shares on Pinterest. It can even make your pins go viral.

When your website visitors share your pins and articles, you get more exposure on Pinterest. Making your Pins go viral. Keep reading to see how you can use this one thing to drive more traffic to your website.

Please take a second to share this article by pinning it to one of your boards. This way your Pinterest followers can learn this trick too!

How it works…

Pinterest recognizes that your content is helping people. They see who’s pinning your pins and from where. When they see that you are providing good content and getting more saves, they will begin to throw your Pinterest Pins even further.

Reaching more people, making your Pins go viral and driving even more traffic to your website.

What does this all mean for you?

More traffic means more people opting into your email list. More people clicking on your affiliate links and more of the ole’ green stuff in your pockets.

The ultimate goal of a successful blog right?

Helping more people and making money so you can keep doing what you love!

Once I discovered the “Pin It” plugin, my Pinterest Pins began to go viral. Along with doing some other things too, of course!

About a month ago my Pinterest pins started going further and further. Finally! My email list grew and sales went up. I became obsessed with learning everything there is to drive even more traffic to my website.

That’s when I started sharing what I’ve learned about Pinterest.

The “Pin It” plugin is so simple and easy to use. Once installed a Pinterest icon appears on all of your pictures and Pinterest Pins. Making it super easy for your visitors to share your pins. If you hover over any picture in this blog post you will see how the Pinterest icon appears.

Watch this video now to see exactly how you can drive more traffic to your website. If you prefer not to watch the video I show you exactly what to do below.

Go to your dashboard and go to Plugins. Then hit “Add new.” Install and activate the “JQuery Pin It Button for Images” plugin.

Once it is activated you can select the style of button you want and where you want it to appear on your images. You can watch the video above to see exactly how to do it.

Discover more ways to make your Pinterest Pins go viral. Click on this link now to Learn more…

Get your articles and blog posts shared from your website. Read how now... #blog #blogging #bloggers #website #traffic #money #business #lifestyle #workfromanywhere
Sharing is Caring! Pin it now…

Shoot for the Stars

When my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, I created a bucket list.

One of the first things on my list was to climb a mountain. I had already done some pretty adventurous things. I’ve gone skydiving, I’ve whitewater rafted Class 5 rapids, mountain biked through treacherous terrains and even surfed the crazy waves in Hawaii.

At the time, one of the things I had not done yet, is climb a mountain.

Realizing that life is short and there’s no time to waste, I planned it, booked it and trained diligently. In less than a month, I climbed to the top of Mount Washington and crossed it off my list.

Since then, I have hiked the treacherous Knife’s Edge of Mt Katahdin and conquered all 3 peaks of the Franconia Notch Ridge.

Once you start going after something you want, you can never stop. That’s exactly how it is with starting a business.

When I started my own business, I vomited.

I wish this wasn’t a true story. But it is and it took me a long time to figure out why. What I finally realized is that there were many reasons. Not just one. Fear seems like the obvious answer but why was I afraid?

It wasn’t just fear. It was having to overcome mental blocks from years of discouragement.

When I started my blog and began to write my first book, I told my friends and family what I was doing. Despite their comments of “that’s great,” I could see through their almost fake enthusiasm, before they would say, “You’re still doing real estate, right?”

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Yes, I was still a Realtor as much as I no longer wanted to be.

I have been a writer my whole life. When I was younger, I wrote poems and stories and thought about the possibility of being a journalist.

When I was a sophomore in High School, my English teacher took a leave of absence. We had a permanent substitute for the rest of the year and I can remember him perfectly. I can picture Mr. Hunt’s face clear as day. He wore a little cap on his head as he got on the same bus I took to school in the morning.

He was a short, grumpy fellow.

One of our first assignments with the new “teacher” was a book report. I looked down at my graded paper and there was a giant red C at the top of the page.

I was shocked.

I had never gotten less than a B on anything and even that was rare. I had always been an A student and was even the “valedictorian” of my eighth grade class.

Had there been such an honor at 8th grade graduation.

I was nervous as I slowly approached Mr. Hunt to find out what I did wrong. My grade was important to me and I couldn’t have this happen again.

When I asked him why I got a C, he replied “Because it was a bad paper. You are a bad writer.”

At the time, I was going through a hard time with my mom being sick. The circumstances made me very impressionable. It wasn’t until years later that I realized I had allowed this little troll of a man, who didn’t even have a permanent job or a car, affect me in such a way that it altered my life.

Another dream I had was to be a doctor. The thought of saving lives inspired me. When I told people this, they responded, “You should be a nurse.”

Shot down again.

I ended up dropping out of high school and ended up choosing a path in sales and marketing. It wasn’t until much later that I earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business/Management.

Even in my late thirties, I chose a broad, general field. Since I still didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up.

After a year of battling cancer, my sister passed away. It was a horrible year, watching her go through surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation.

Four years after she died, I remembered my bucket list and dug it up. It had been so long, I had to search for it on the hard drive of an old desktop computer.

Once I found it, I happily crossed off a few things but there was one thing on the list that was nagging me. It was to become a published author.

Five years had gone by since I wrote the list. Yet, I hadn’t even begun writing my book.

It was time to take action. I built a website, started a blog and began publishing articles. It felt great to write the word Author next to my name.

But I still needed to write my first book.

I was determined to accomplish this goal in 2017. I spent hours doing research and learning the ins and outs of the publishing process. I decided the only way I was going to achieve my goal, was to self publish my first book.

I can proudly say that on December 31, 2017, I had written, published and sold the first copy of my book.

Writing my first book changed my life in ways I never imagined.

I have since connected with amazing people who have built successful businesses. I get interviewed as the guest expert on radio shows and podcasts. I have even been invited to come back every month as the health & fitness expert on an award-winning radio show.

Now I get to help millions of listeners live happier and healthier lives.

I was 49 when I started my own business and published my first book. I am here to tell you if I can do it, so can you. It doesn’t matter how old you are.

Or what is going on in your life.

You will always have challenges. There will always be unexpected, and sometimes tragic events. And there will always be naysayers and people trying to keep you down.

The only person you need to listen to – is you.

What do you want?

It is never too late to change your life. Don’t let anything stand in your way from achieving your dreams. Shoot for the stars.

Read how you can start your own money making blog. Click the link below.
Learn more…

The Best Way to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Drive traffic to your website and make money with affiliate marketing. Read this article below to see how you can drive traffic to your website.

Plus, the best way to sell affiliate products to make money blogging.

Ecommerce, Selling Online, Online Sales, E-Commerce

One of the ways I have been driving traffic to my website is by answering questions on Quora. Your audience can grow quickly by presenting yourself as an expert in your niche.

It’s amazing the influx of questions I get daily.

One such question was about affiliate marketing and Pinterest. Pinterest is another way I drive consistent traffic to my lifestyle blog. So much that I now offer an inexpensive program to help business owners drive traffic with Pinterest too.

The question was this, “Does Pinterest penalize affiliate marketing pins?”

Here was my response:

Although Pinterest does not penalize affiliate marketing, I have witnessed affiliate products getting shut down.

In a similar fashion as when Facebook changed their algorithms forcing businesses to advertise. I am now seeing something similar with Pinterest.

After writing about this very subject, my Pinterest views went down and my Pins stopped getting promoted as far. Coincidence?

Maybe. maybe not. They also happened to follow me on Twitter that same week. Pinterest that is. Letting me know they’re “watching” me. Whatever.

It certainly hasn’t hurt my business. But all the more reason you should start your own email list.

Having your own email list of subscribers is one of the few things you have control over. To promote affiliate offers as well as your own products and services.

To learn more about how you can build your own email list of loyal subscribers. Your *perfect* customer, eager and ready to buy from you, click on the link below:

A step by step guide to building your own email list.

How to Make Your First Affiliate Sale

Imagine making your first affiliate sale! You have heard all the bloggers talk about how much money you can make with affiliate marketing. Yet, you still haven’t been able to close that first sale.

In this article, you will learn what an affiliate sale is and how you can begin making money with them.

I’m not going to go into the details of my trials and errors. Only my first successes and how you can successfully make your first affiliate sale too.

What is an affiliate sale?

An affiliate sale is when you promote a product or service that you personally did not create. The affiliate company provides you with a link to promote their product.

The link is trackable. Meaning when someone makes a purchase through your link, they know who to pay for it. You then get paid a percentage or flat fee (depending on the terms) for making the sale.

How much you earn from each sale and when you get paid depends on the company’s policies and your agreement with them.

When selecting your first affiliate offers, make sure the products and services align with what your blog is about. If you’re not promoting the right products to the right people, chances are they won’t buy what you are selling.

It’s best to promote products you personally use or at least have tried. This way you can give an honest testimonial. If there is a product you want to promote that seems like a good fit for your customers make sure you at least do your research first.

One bad affiliate promotion can tarnish your reputation and harm future sales. It’s not worth the risk of losing a potential lifetime customer to make a few quick sales.

Building Trust to Make Your First Sale

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that Bluehost was my first affiliate sale. Even with all the other bloggers who are also promoting Bluehost.

It didn’t happen overnight and it wasn’t as easy as simply throwing up a Pinterest pin. Or writing a blog post about it.

No, my friend, it was about building trust. Even with a well established, credible affiliate like Bluehost. Building trust with your buyers is still the most important part of selling online.

Make Sales with Emails

The best and fastest way to build trust with a group of followers is to build your own email list of loyal subscribers. Email them regularly and learn how to do it right.

That is how I made my first eBook sale, my first affiliate sale, and my first online course sale.

As I get ready to launch my upcoming “How to Start an Online Business” program I am building my email list. This way with ALL the competition and many “how to start a blog” courses out there, my followers might choose mine.

When you email your list consistently, they begin to feel like they know you personally. If they already bought some of your products and they know you will deliver what you’ve promised, they will buy from you again and again.

If you haven’t already started building an email list, you can download my free guide. It’s a 24-page newsletter that will show you *exactly* how to get started.

To learn more about building your own list of loyal subscribers who trust you and want to buy from you click on the link below.

Learn more…

Create Stunning Blog Posts

How to Hide Pinterest Pins in Your Blog Post

Create stunning blog posts that are clean and easy to read. You’ve spent hours creating the perfect blog, filled with valuable content for your readers. You finally have traffic and your blog is shaping up to be a huge success!

The last thing you want is to risk losing readers. Just because your blog post is crowded with distracting images or pins. 

You don’t have to. You can add Pinterest pins to your blog posts without them displaying within your article.

I was so excited when I discovered this that I had to share it with you.

It is so simple and easy to do. If you are using WordPress and follow these simple instructions this should work for you too.

Enter the Pinterest pin you want to hide, the same way you would any other image. I usually add the image to the bottom of the blog post. This will make it easier for you to find the image code.

Click on the text button on the top right of your blog post.

Find the image code associated with the pin.

Add <div style = “display:none;”> before the image code.

Then add </div> immediately after the image code.

It should look something like the picture below when you are done. I highlighted in yellow where I entered the code.

Click back to the Visual tab to see if the image is there. If you typed it in correctly the image should not appear. 

If it doesn’t work, check the code carefully to make sure you typed it in correctly. Then check it again. When you go to share your blog post on Pinterest the pin should show up. Also, I have tried copying and pasting the code. I have no idea why but it only seems to work for me when I type it in. Sometimes you need to separate the section from the rest of the code. 

You will notice when you go to save this post, there will be more pins to choose from that you can’t see in the post.

Cool right?

*Updated due to WordPress updates. FYI if you have recently updated WordPress, it’s now a little different. There are 3 dots on the top right in the formatting box (you might have to click on the box). Then click on “Edit as HTML.” After adding the code, click back to edit visually. 

Admittedly, a few times this did not work for me. Especially when using landing pages in Thrive Themes.

But more often than not it has worked like a charm!

If for some reason you still cannot get this to work for you, try this instead: Add the Pinterest pin to your blog post. Share it on Pinterest using that pin. Add your incredible pin description. Then go back and delete the image.

The image will be saved to your board. Share the pin to every relevant board. Now you have the pin saved on Pinterest for life.

Or until you decide to delete it.

Don’t forget to Pin and share this article. This way more bloggers can hide their pins too!

Discover how to create stunning Pinterest Pins that go viral here now…

5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog

This a re-post with changes from a different article. It is the Introduction from the book “5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog.” You can download a free copy below. 

Discover 5 things every Entrepreneur should know about starting a blog or business. Even if you already own your own business or are just starting out. Keep reading to learn 5 things I share from my 25+ years in sales and marketing and owning a business.

Including a *secret* Marketing Tip that can make any product fly off the shelves. This one thing can work for any product in any type of business.

When owning a business you are always keeping up with the latest technology. Constantly looking to keep up a steady stream of incoming business. Which is why I want to talk a little about blogging. Blogging is a business tool that can be used to grow your business, build a relationship with your customers (or clients) and increase sales. It can also be used as a business platform in itself, as an online business. This type of online business is called a Blog or a Money Making Website.

Whether you’ve thought of starting a blog or not, the information in this book can apply to just about any type of business.

If you have thought about starting a blog, either as your business or to enhance it, then here are a couple reasons you should. One, to build trust with you target market by solving a problem. In the form of relevant information. Secondly, to help you create business that will bring you wealth, happiness and freedom.

You can use it to sell products online. In the form of eBooks, courses, services, physical products or affiliate products related to your industry. If you are new to the online world, you might be thinking, why would someone want to buy information online.

When you can find just about any information for free on the internet?

It’s true that there is a lot of free information on the internet. But how much of the stuff you’re finding is accurate information? In fact, the internet is filled with so much information that you often don’t know what to believe. Or who to trust. Making it even more important to find good information. That most people are willing to pay for. Especially if it solves an immediate need.  

Why You Should Start a Blog. 

You are unique. You are the only person who can share your personal experiences. Making you irreplaceable and extremely valuable. A common fear among new bloggers and business owners is what if no one will buy my products. Especially if you are just starting out or if your industry is saturated with competition. Established business owners already throwing around social proof and income statements like confetti.

Here’s the thing. People don’t necessarily buy your products or services.

What people are buying is you.

Because they can relate to you and your past experiences. You have the knowledge and the resources to help them solve a problem. Which brings up a good point. Why you should share personal stories. It creates a level of intimacy. Your readers and followers connect with you. They begin to feel like they know you which builds trust.

If they trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

Which is why blogging is so effective and how you can use it to grow your business. By sharing what you know, along with your unique life experiences. Then using them to help people solve a problem.

The famous motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you can just help other people get what they want.”

Which is why I wrote this book. To help you succeed. 

Helping people makes me happy.

Isn’t that what it’s all about? Being happy?

One of my richest life experiences was when I volunteered for the Disaster Action Team for the American Red Cross. For four years I devoted my free time to aiding families in need of food, shelter and clothing.

There were challenges, like there are with everything in life. 

The many appreciative people who thanked me profusely for my help, made it worth it. Just like it is with owning a business. Despite the challenges your overall experience should be rewarding.

The rewards of having more money, time and flexibility.

When you are spending your time building your own business, it doesn’t feel like work. Especially if you are in the right business. When your business is about something you care about, it becomes fun.

Building a business is not easy. At least not for most of us. 

You need to constantly promote your business, create great content, products and services. Learn how to monetize your blog and most of all you cannot quit.

You Can Succeed.

I will honestly tell you that if you are going to give up when things get tough, you might want to save yourself the trouble.

If you haven’t realized it, I already shared three of the things every business owner should know.

The first One is that owning a business is tougher than you would expect. Even if things are going great with your business now. Anything can happen. Prepare yourself for the unexpected and don’t give up.

You cannot quit if you want to be successful.

Two is that you can everything you want in life, if you help as many people as possible get what they want.

Download the full story below…

“5 Things You Should Know Before Starting a Blog” is a FREE eBook. It shares more than 5 things, every entrepreneur should know before starting a blog. Including: A *Secret* Marketing Tip that helped a brand new product fly off store shelves. The product is still being sold in almost every grocery store in America.

Plus, one thing that can make every entrepreneur more money in any type of business.  Enter your email below to download your eBook now.






Start Living Your Dream Life

Today I am sharing inspiring quotes my daughter and I read from candy wrappers. It reminded me of how important it is to pursue your dreams and live your best life.

Here’s the story…

Do you know those little chocolates with the inspirational quotes on the wrappers?

The decadent ones that melt in your mouth. The dark chocolate and the milk chocolate ones are both so delicious.

Someone actually gets paid to write those quotes. Sitting around writing quotes all day.

Hmmm. Kind of like my job.

Anyway, we were eating them the other day and my daughter read her quote out loud.


I had completely forgotten that the wrappers had quotes on them. I had already thrown my first wrapper in the trash. Bummer.

I ate another chocolate, fighting my desire to dig it out of the garbage can. I had to know what it said. It was my first one. Isn’t the first one the most important? Like a fortune cookie. Almost.

So I went under the kitchen sink and I dug it out of the trash.

My daughter said, “Ewwww. Mom!”

In my defense, it was my trash can. I had just changed the bag. It’s not like there was anything icky on it. And you know what? I don’t regret my decision.

Because they are worth sharing with you.

The “trash can quote” is second on the list since it was the second one I read. I wanted to share them with you in order of how we read them. I won’t tell you how many we ate. Let’s just say there were duplicates. 🙂

Here they are:

*Be with people who make you laugh
*Don’t wait for sleep to start dreaming
*Dare to cross the line
*Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end
*Today is your day

Today is your day.

Your day to:

*Stop procrastinating

*Start living the dream

*Surround yourself with like-minded people – who also make you laugh

And It’s your day to start living the lifestyle you desire. 

If you have the desire to start your own business and live the *real* American dream you can start today. Building your own money making website is a great way to create passive income and have the freedom to work from anywhere.

Starting your own blog is easier than you might think. 

There are many ways to make money doing it. Building your own email list of subscribers is the fastest and easiest way to make money blogging.

Learn more here…

Make Money Writing

Imagine waking up happier than you ever imagined.

Working from anywhere in the world doing something you love. 

As a paid writer. A published author even…

There are many ways you can become a paid writer. Writing books, blogging, travel writing and ghostwriting are just a few.

Writing and publishing your own book is by far the easiest way to begin sharing your ideas, your personal story or promoting your business.


It’s way easier than you think!

If you love writing, what’s stopping you?

I believe every single person has a story to share. It could be a real life personal experience. Something you can share while teaching a valuable lesson.

Helping thousands or millions of people, by sharing your expertise. Or writing for fun and entertainment. One of my books is a suspense mystery thriller. Shhh... I call my secret guilty pleasure.

Start Writing Your Book Today

Start writing your book today. It’s a lot easier than you think. Start now.
Download your FREE checklist “10 Easy Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today.”






When Should You Buy Your Child A Cellphone?

I am re-posting this in honor of the “Not Me” Movement and my guest appearance on “Safety Talk” with Personal Safety Expert Pete Canavan.

One of the decisions we face as parents is when to buy your child a cell phone. Their level of independence can be more important than their age.

I gave my daughter her first phone on her tenth birthday.

She kept asking me when she could have one. Since I wanted it to be a surprise I told her she couldn’t have one until she turned eleven.

She cried when she opened the box. Yes. I lied. But it was so worth it to see her happy face on her birthday.

Moments like these, you’ll always cherish and remember.

A few months later, my daughters and I went out for ice cream after a school concert. We met up with some of their friends and their moms. I was really surprised when one of the moms said to me “I couldn’t believe you got your daughter a phone. I didn’t buy my oldest daughter a phone until she was thirteen.”

Then another mom chimed in,”I know. I couldn’t believe it. Now my daughter keeps asking me for one too.”

Yep. I was “that” mom. I had no idea.

And quite frankly, I didn’t really care. What the other kids had and what other parents thought, wasn’t a factor in my decision.

It was fear.

Hannah was at the age where she wanted freedom. She would ask me if she could go for a ride on her bike. At first, I would only let her go around the block. Then a few blocks. Then the playground.

All I could think about while she was gone was the dreaded white van pulling up to her. Asking for directions or anything that would bring her to the car. Then zapping her with a Taser gun and throwing her into the van.


Maybe. But it’s how I felt. I would have let her take my cell phone but it was my business line. At the time I was a single working mother and couldn’t afford to miss a call.

I didn’t buy her a cell phone to spoil her.

It wasn’t even for her, although she loves it. It was for me. As a concerned parent I can now have peace of mind. Now I can stay connected at all times. She calls me or texts me to let me know where she is and when she will be home.

Now I can breathe a little bit easier.

Here are 5 questions to help you determine if you and your child are ready:

  1. Is your child ever alone without parental guidance?
  2. Does your child walk home from school or anywhere without an adult?
  3. How responsible is your child?
  4. Can you communicate openly with your child about internet safety?
  5. Does the cost of another cell phone fit into your budget?

There is no “right” age or time to buy your child a cell phone. Do what you think is best for you and your family. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing or what the other moms say. It all depends on your child’s level of independence, your comfort level and what you can afford.

Happy phone shopping!


Why the Glass is Always Full

This is re-posted from April 23, 2018.

This morning I was dropping my daughter off at school. It is an absolutely beautiful warm spring day here in my lovely suburban neighborhood just outside of Buffalo.

Two days ago it was snowing and today the weather predicts a high of 70 degrees.

My daughter said, “I don’t know why I am mad, that it’s nice out today. Last week it was snowing. I feel like the weather is messing with my emotions.”


We then talked about how we can control our emotions. That our emotions come from within us.

You know, the glass is half full vs the glass is half empty.

I reminded her of a story I read about a reporter who was interviewing 2 families. Both families had just lost their homes in a fire. One family was devastated and said that “they couldn’t believe they had just lost everything.”

When she interviewed the other family down the street, who had lost all their material possessions to the same fire, the family was immensely grateful. They were thankful that everyone, including the pets, escaped the fiery blaze without harm. Of course they would have preferred to still have a place to live and all…

But it’s all in how we perceive things.

My daughter, who is also my experimental little scientist (you do NOT want to go in my refrigerator or freezer – one never knows what they might find) said, “Well, technically the glass is full. It’s full of something. Even if it’s just air.”

Do you see why I love this child?

Yes. The glass is always full.

But it could be full with better things. For example, I would rather have a full glass of water than a full glass of worms.

Unless your a bird.

I would also prefer to have my bank account full of more of the green stuff.

So my family can take more vacations, have nice things, live wherever we want to live and have less stress.

That’s why I started a blog.

Not just for the freedom to work from home. Or anywhere in the world like the beach or a mountain retreat. To make more money for my family. Learn how you can start a money making website today.

Learn More.

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