
This Too Shall Pass and How We Will Beat Coronavirus

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Nothing could be worse than this…

I can’t imagine any mom out there not being able to relate to the time your kids got lice. Even if you’re not a mom, you must have experienced this or heard stories at least.

I will NEVER forget that time we got lice.

The funny thing is that they love clean hair but seem to hate hair “products” and especially coconut shampoo. We still always keep a spare bottle of coconut shampoo and conditioner on hand at all times.

It’s a household staple. Ever since…

That time we got lice.

Man, I still remember thinking “nothing could be worse than this.” The nights of endless hours picking nits out of my daughters’ hair. The sickly smelling shampoo. The constant vacuuming and putting all their stuffed animals on high in the dryer.

Before packing them away for months in dark plastic trash bags. 

In hopes of killing anything still alive.

Stripping the sheets and endless wash and dryer cycles. But the worst was when we had no more lice shampoo. It was a Sunday night so there was no doctor to call for a new prescription.

We thought we were in the process of recovery. When suddenly…Thousands of nits hatched and were running rampant all over my daughter’s head.

What to do?! What any sane mom would do on a Sunday night when bugs are attacking their precious child.

I Googled it.

Thankfully, I found a blog that shared homeopathic lice remedies.

Mayonnaise was one solution. And thankfully we had a jar in the fridge. 

Now we’re not big on mayonnaise in our house. But for the occasional tuna macaroni salad or my sister’s famous broccoli salad recipe.

And on that night I was so thankful we did.

I washed her hair. Then I slathered her long beautiful golden locks with mayonnaise and covered her head with a plastic cap. The lice literally started running down her forehead.

It was maddening. 

I’m sure I shed many tears during this trying time. But the next morning we washed her hair.

And it worked!!!

The lice were dead. Apparently they hate mayonnaise. But just in case, we went back to the doctor. The nurse said it was the worst case of lice she had ever seen. She said every school in the entire region had it. She even said it was, “Like lice on steroids.” 

Yes, those were her exact words. 

Apparently, they had grown resistant to any common lice shampoo that existed. But the doctors (scientists) went to work and they formulated a new shampoo. And that worked too!

So finally, we and every family killed the lice and we went back to happier days. 

So the good news is that the doctors and scientists (or whoever is working on a cure) will find a solution for the Coronavirus.

This too shall pass my friend.

Just like we killed that child infesting lice, we will beat this.

And so goes the reason for amazing blogs and websites. That gives hope, encouragement, and solutions. To problems we all face. 

That to me is what blogging is about.

Helping people in need. Sharing your expertise and powerful success stories. If one person reads this and “feels better” or if one mom who’s baby gets lice remembers that mayonnaise works (when you don’t know what to do) then all this writing and blogging was worth it.

I’m not sure if this helps you or not. But if you want to share your valuable life lessons with the world. Especially now…

When folks need it most.

And when you might need a little extra cash flow, then maybe it’s time to start that blog.

The good news is that I teach you everything you need to get started. It’s all inside in the Work from Home Biz membership site. And you can test drive it today for only $7.

Here’s what you will learn:
*How to build your own website (or blog) in less time then it takes you to watch your favorite one hour TV show.

*How to build your own email list of loyal subscribers (who want to hear from you).

*The #1 way most successful bloggers (even those million dollar earners who’ve worked years to build their business use) to drive massive traffic to your articles

And a whole bunch more…

Since I will be adding more content every week. To help you build your dream “work from home biz.”

Here’s the link to kill those nasty fears and come up with solutions too:
Work from home Biz.

Or you can download your FREE guide to start your own “Work from Home Biz.” Here’s the link to learn more: I want to make money from home.

Start your own lifestyle or health blog. Watch the video to learn how... #health #beauty #blog #workfromhome #hair #stylist #salon #lifestyle #money #entrepreneur #business
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Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.