
Is Writing a Book on Your Bucket List?

Many years ago, a tragic family loss prompted me to create a bucket list. At the time, one of the things I hadn’t done yet is climb a mountain. Realizing that life is short and there’s no time to waste, I planned it, booked it and trained diligently. In less than a month I climbed to the top of Mount Washington and crossed it off my list.

And before you ask, no, I didn’t drive up the mountain. I actually put my hiking boots on and walked up the mountain. I also climbed back down the next day, after spending the night in an Appalachian Mountain Club Hut.

I trained hard for the 6,288 ft climb. Reaching the top was exhausting yet exhilarating. The last leg of the ascent was filled with giant rocks that I had to scramble up. I can still remember how I felt every time I looked up hoping to be almost to the top. It seemed so far away and was incredibly daunting. But in that final stretch, adrenaline kicked in and I powered through. The winds were whipping against my face as a storm rolled in, making it even more challenging. Perseverance and the need to reach the top kept me going. And finally I conquered my goal.

Another thing on my bucket list was to become a published author. For some reason, this was even more daunting than climbing a mountain. It took me less than a month to climb to the top of that mountain. The book? Almost 5 years. It took me 5 years to finally publish my first book.

For years I’d forgotten that I even wrote the bucket list. Then sometime last summer, something triggered my memory. It was hidden somewhere on my old desktop computer and I had to search to find it. When I did, I happily crossed off quite a few things.

But not the book. I still hadn’t conquered that goal yet.

It was haunting me.

I decided that I had to write and publish my first book in 2017. When I set a realistic goal and make the decision to accomplish something, there is pretty much no stopping me.

And I did it.

I set a deadline and a very definitive and realistic goal.

It took me a little longer than I expected. Something always came up and I made excuse after excuse. But I did it. On December 31, 2017, I self-published my first book and sold my first copy.

I had no intention of waiting until the very last day of the year. The process and the formatting took me longer than I expected. And it was another week before I had it revised, polished and available in paperback. I had to learn how to format it for both the Kindle and paperback versions. Then learn how to number the chapters, upload the book cover, decide whether to go glossy or matte, and what color paper I wanted. Lots of things that would have been easier if I only had someone to guide me. Explaining how to do everything along the way with the pros and cons of my decisions.

Which is why I am here to help you. So you don’t have to do it alone.

Like I did.

Is writing a book on your bucket list?

If you are ready to start writing your first book and cross it off your bucket list, check out my free guide. I put together 10 simple steps to help you start writing your book today.

To download your FREE guide “10 Steps to Start Writing Your Book Today” and begin to conquer your mountain, just enter your email address on the right or down below if on mobile. Or go to the Power of Writing link in the menu bar.

Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.