
What To Do When Life Gives You Lemons

She sang in the dark…

Both of my daughters are in this year’s school play. It’s actually a musical production of “James and the Giant Peach.” There are three performances. The first one was on Wednesday and the final 2 performances are today.

After their first performance on Wednesday, I asked them how it went. All they said was that there were a few glitches, but it went well.

My oldest daughter has a lead role as narrator. She sings a solo and has lines in almost every scene. I drove her to school bright and early this morning, so she could get on her costume, makeup and get ready for the morning performance.

This morning, I asked her again about Wednesday’s performance. She opened up and told me what really happened.

Apparently, there was a lot of drama. One girl missed her cue and ended up in tears. Another kid screwed up his lines. And as my daughter went on stage to sing her solo, the kid who was supposed to shine the spotlight on her – just didn’t.

So she was standing there. In the dark. Singing her solo.

The show must go on!

By the end of the song, someone finally realized what was happening and turned on the spotlight.


We were laughing, talking about it. Hopefully, today will go better.

What do you do, when life gives you lemons?

Become a sourpuss? Or make lemonade and go on with the show?

When life throws a lemon in my path and I begin to get stressed, I exercise. It still amazes me sometimes how much my mood and disposition changes after only 10 minutes of exercise. Obviously, 20 minutes, 30 minutes or ideally an hour of exercise is better for your overall health.

But 10 minutes is all I need to alter my mood.

That’s why I have found ways to squeeze in exercise, even on the busiest days.

If you want to see exactly how I do it, it’s all in my new book “Zipping It Up – How to lose 5 pounds fast – and look great in that little black dress.”

It’s available on Amazon Kindle and in paperback.


Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.