
The Pursuit of Happiness

It’s funny how when you are in the midst of a happy time in your life, your life seems to purr along. Exciting times like planning a wedding, buying your first home, having a baby or starting a new career.

Other times, we deal with losses. Losing loved ones, job loss, financial hardships, or ending relationships are just a few.

When you are in the midst of difficult times, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I recently heard someone say that losing their job was the best thing that ever happened to them. Sometimes it takes what seems like a tragedy to force us into a much needed change. I don’t know all the details of that particular story. Maybe they weren’t performing to the best of their capabilities because they were unhappy in their job. Or they didn’t enjoy the work they were doing. What I do know is that they went on to start their own successful business.

We often get stuck in a comfort zone. Fear of change can keep us in situations that we are not always completely happy with. Jobs, relationships or living somewhere you don’t really want to live. The thought of losing income stability or job security can be paralyzing.

On the other hand, sometimes I can be fearless to a fault.

I started a new career, in a world completely new to me. I jumped in with both feet first not knowing exactly where it would take me. Without any financial or emotional support. It may not have been the smartest decision but I have no regrets. Read on…

Throughout my life, I have jumped out of airplanes, conquered class 5 rapids and hiked treacherous steep terrains.

On one particularly scary mountain, I witnessed a woman frozen with fear. She was so afraid that she couldn’t move. She just sat there, paralyzed in the middle of the steepest part of Mount Katahdin’s famous Knife’s Edge. The guy she was with, left her sitting there. All alone. I watched in disbelief as he shook his head at her and then walked away.

Later that day, I saw them again. They were walking along, several feet away from each other. Clearly there was some tension between them. I only hoped that she had the courage to break things off with this cold hearted man. The man who had left her alone on top of the scariest part of the cliff.

For me, nothing has been scarier than starting my own business. I hear the many, many success stories of people pursuing their dreams and their passions. Creating the lives of their dreams. Waking up happy to go to work. Doing what they love.

How could I NOT take that leap!

One such story, is the story of Ina Garten, famously known as the Barefoot Contessa. She followed her passion and love of food, to create the life of her dreams. She quit her job working as a budget analyst in the White House, to buy a small gourmet food store in the Hamptons. She then began writing cookbooks and landed a show on the Food Network.

She has now sold close to 10 MILLION copies of nine different cookbooks.

Did you do the math???

Talk about a success story!

The coolest thing about writing a book is that it can be about anything you want. Anything you are passionate about. With over 7.5 billion people in this world, chances are there are people who share the same interests that you do. Someone who can relate to you and wants to hear your story. Someone who wants or needs to buy your book.

The good news!

You don’t have to wait for a tragedy to strike! You don’t have to lose your job or have a life altering experience. You can begin following your passion today.

You don’t even have to quit your job or jump in with both feet first.

Like I foolishly did…

In fact, I strongly discourage it. You can begin slowly and just start writing. The famous author Tim Ferris, who I’ve been following for a while, said he wrote his #1 best selling book by committing to writing only two pages a day.

I haven’t finished reading Tim Ferris’s The 4-Hour Workweek yet. Since I’ve been busy writing my own books. I did however, take the time to watch his live interview with Jack Canfield. Yet another famous best selling author. Because learning from the best helps you succeed.

Do you have a story inside you? A story that is burning within your soul…

That must be released. You can succeed too.

For more information on how you can start your own blog or book today, hit the contact link in the menu bar to schedule a FREE consultation.

Work from anywhere in the world…




Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.