
What Keeps You Up At Night?

I woke up this morning to the sad news of the Las Vegas shooting. I’ve only been there once  for a surprise birthday party for one of my best friends.

But it’s kind of special place to me. I’m pretty sure my first daughter was conceived there. TMI?

Tragedies like these often keep me up at night.


I love to travel. But is anywhere safe? London? Spain? Shootings in nightclubs…

Maybe I’ll just stay home.

But even staying home can keep me up at night. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago my daughter had one of the worst coughs I can remember.

One night it was so bad, the whole house couldn’t sleep.

So I did what most moms do. I dragged my tired self out of bed to see how I could help.

She had already taken a 12 hour cough medicine. Really works, huh?

She can’t eat a cough drop. Or she might choke on it.

Her cool mist vaporizer was on full blast. What am I to do?!

So I got her a fresh cup of herbal tea with honey and lemon. Then BINGO.

I remembered our old tried and true trick.  It’s an old wives tale. But after she did this ONE thing, we all went back to sleep and slept peacefully the rest of the night.

Well, until the alarm went off anyway.

To find out watch my video on “How to prevent and stop nighttime coughing.”

It’s to the right of your screen if you’re on a computer. If you’re on your phone simply scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.