
He Was Tied to a Trash Can

This morning I went for a run in the park.

The park has a lovely wooded area, a giant hill where kids go sledding in the wintertime and a big field lined with benches and trash cans. It’s a perfect place to run or walk your dog. Which many folks do.

As I was approaching the wooded area I saw a beautiful golden retriever. He was lying in the shade smiling at me as I approached.

It was strange because he was all alone.

I looked around and there was no one in sight. The first thing I thought was that maybe he had run away. But as I got closer I realized his leash was tied to the trash can.

He looked happy. He certainly wasn’t malnourished, and he even had his toy tennis ball which he promptly showed me hoping to play.

I called out thinking maybe his owner stepped into the woods or something. But why would they leave their dog?

He had tags on. Now it’s really strange. I wasn’t sure what to do. I began to look at my phone thinking I should call someone but the thought of this poor animal being caged up at the animal shelter was too unpleasant.

I was just trying to read his tags when I see a man running towards us.

He looked at me like I was hurting the dog or something.


You leave your dog tied up to a trash can. Then run out of his sight and you’re looking at me like I did something wrong. I explained that I was concerned.

I mean c’mon. You hear stories about missing dogs, kittens found in plastic bags. Stories too gruesome to repeat…

He thanked me as he untied his dog explaining that the dog doesn’t like to run. Then why the f*ck did you bring your dog???

Anyway, I hope the fear of my possibly stealing his dog will make him think twice next time. I could have been long gone with his dog had I wanted to take him.

And he never would have seen his dog again.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with health & wellness. Except to remind you NEVER to leave your dog tied up alone in a park.

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Irene Gabelnick

Irene Gabelnick is an Author, Speaker and Lifestyle blogger.